Build Madness

Chapter 399 Storm follow-up

X-shaped ICBC Building, the meeting room inside the Unnamed Hotel.

"What a beautiful battle!"

After sending the young white-headed leader to the hospital, Ge Xiaotian lay on his back in the seat with a sense of comfort, looked down at the eyes of his subordinates who were adoring him madly, and Qi Feifei who was staring at him in a daze, couldn't help but raise his legs.

Lao Wang himself is Wang Zha.

Use it up, and there will be no more.

This is the result of his discussions with the Nine Institutes, and it is also an opportunity for the two parties to cooperate and make a fortune.

69 Tian Cheng didn't receive too much attention during the storm, thanks to the cover from above, such as giving Long Tian a set of qualifications and erasing the old Wang's previous traces in Tian Cheng.

Because of this, he definitely didn't earn as much as the one above, after all, he is a professional... Or in other words, Tian Cheng only earns a fraction.

But these are enough.

There is still a long way to go, and there are plenty of opportunities to continue to cooperate...

As for how much you earn.

Acquired two upstream semiconductor companies through offshore companies, bought shares in three dying technology companies, and stored countless memory sticks, ssds, LCD screens, and various electronic components... After paying off the above loans, there are still 8 billion Franklin left.

The overall value should be 100 billion Franklin...

It seems a little small, but it coincides with the Internet crisis, and it is already very exciting to follow behind and still gain such rewards.

Moreover, the above is for stock trading.

Longtian Technology Co., Ltd. was disintegrated, and the family property was divided according to the ratio of 433. Tiancheng could get 2 billion Franklin and all the technologies provided to Longtian by the nine institutes.

A big step away from Ge trillion.

Of course, in order to avoid the large amount of capital flow attracting the attention of the Science and Technology Alliance, the tens of billions of Franklin cannot be exchanged to Huaxia for the time being, and can only stay in Cayman Offshore Company and Xiangjiang Offshore Company. Well, it is not Lao Hong’s Viking Offshore Company , two bright and one dark.

In the future, this fund can be used for other project purchases, and then given back to Tiancheng's companies.

But this is not a problem. If you don’t have money, you can borrow some from the higher-ups, and then ask the offshore company to pay it back. The higher-ups will be happier.

And another big takeaway from the graphene project...

Overturning half of the Silicon Valley, killing several high-tech companies in Europe, bringing technology closer to home and abroad for ten years, leaving a gap of six or seven years between the two sides.

With the support of five semiconductor companies, and the trump card Shi Guangji, I believe it will soon be equal to or even surpassed.

However, since the 69 storm was an unexpected event, many stock market tycoons ended it early before they had time to participate. It is estimated that all of them will be staring at it, especially Wall Street, which has suffered more losses. If you want to play next need to change industries.

"Perhaps, this is what it feels like for a financial boss to manipulate the world!"

Didi Didi...


"Boss, the nine institutes are visiting."

"Hurry up and be affectionate!"


I haven't seen him for two months, and the Jiusu... looks older and older.


"Don't, don't, nephew, just nephew." Ge Xiaotian quickly corrected.

As soon as Shaobaidou entered the hospital, he talked with the old man in the same generation when he turned around, and he was probably going to be beaten.

"Haha...everything is different!" The Nine Institute found a seat and sat down, the waiter served tea, and the rest of the executives exited excitedly.

I can faintly hear Brother Hao preaching that he wants to enter Nanhe...

"Leader, how come you have time to come here today?"

"500 million component orders!"

"The main material is graphene or silicon?"

"The latter, let's keep the former. The set of purification equipment you gave... only 500 grams per day."

"No way, those hackers are really crazy, especially the spies who stormed into the Longtian Building later, the laboratory was blown up, it's a pity that Tianwei's equipment is limited, only two or three were caught..."

"Hey, if we knew that you can produce graphene, we wouldn't launch this plan and develop slowly."

"Mass production is a recent breakthrough in research. At the beginning, it would be impossible to do it at all... This is a blessing in misfortune, at least we won!"

"Haha... yes!"

The Jiu Institute smiled heartily and put down two portfolios, "One with super construction qualification and one with order information."


"I heard that you plan to extradite those overseas companies to China?"

"Yeah, there is a technology alliance outside, just in case you send it to me one night... it's better to bring it back."

Jiusuo was silent, picked up the teacup, pondered for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it's not easy to handle. I will negotiate with the superiors, and we can only send a large scooter over there..."

"Ha, no need, it's too ostentatious and too eye-catching. If it's an escort, doesn't that mean there are good things on the transport ship?"

"Then you can't use an ordinary ship to transport those precious equipment back? You met halfway..."

"No, I have a fleet in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk..."


Jiusuo had just sipped his tea, when he heard the words, he immediately sprayed, his face full of disbelief, "What?"

"Oh, a fleet."

Ge Xiaotian casually turned on his personal computer, and found out the fleet of ships that Seng Yi spent more than three months raising, "Here, I'm going to take a picture of Zheng He's voyage to the West."

Seeing the huge sails densely covered in the video, and the fleet beyond sight, Jiusuo was even more surprised than when he heard the fleet just now, "So many?"

"Near the Arctic Circle, there is the world's second largest gathering of people of the yellow race. They have superb ancient shipbuilding craftsmanship... Oh, no, it's just some old craftsmen, coupled with Tiancheng's steel structure technology, under the accumulation of massive timber. , It took more than half a year to build so many."


Jiusuo took a deep breath, "Too prodigal!"

"It's all wood, and it's made into an ancient ship and shipped back. It doesn't need to be shipped by sea, and a movie can be made."


"My plan is to go to Europe, South America, and North America in the name of filming a movie, and use the opportunity of shore promotion to bring technology companies over..."

Jiusuo was dumbfounded, and murmured: "You are such a genius!"

"Thanks for the compliment!"

"This ship crosses the ocean and won't fall apart?"

"It's solid. We have already produced graphene. It is not a problem to improve riveting according to steel structure technology."

"Okay, I still have something to do over there, let's get back in touch later."

"You go slowly..."

"Be more honest recently, don't jump around."

"I went home to farm. I forgot to harvest the wheat in June. My father called me and scolded me for half an hour..."


"Fortunately, it has grown again. Most of it was gnawed off by cattle and sheep. It is right to pick the seedlings. Now that they are all fringed, they will be roasted and sold later. It should be enough to pay the public grain."


After sending away the Nine Institutes, Ge Xiaotian closed the door of the conference room, sat in the armchair and thought carefully, feeling that there should be no loopholes in the graphene plan.

The exposure of the system used in Zhalaowang's laboratory can not only erase the unnecessary mass-produced graphene equipment, but also cover up the exchange.

As for commercial spies, except for the three real spies handed over, the rest are all newly recruited Dao Twelve, Thirteen and others. The ninjas they play, no matter their moves or language behaviors, are more real than real...

It is said that Wajima is also a little confused, they have not participated in this matter at all...

However, North America obviously does not believe it. After all, no one has obtained the mass production equipment and the purification method for mass production of graphene...

As for doubting China...

Graphene is related to technological change. With Microsoft and Intel, the back door is fully open. During the hacker war, the computer management authority of Longtian Technology was seized in an instant. According to the clues left by some data, the facts are enough to prove that Huaxia did not get it.

If you look around the technology circle, you will only be left with Wajima who enters the interior to steal information, but pretends to be a ignorant circle on the surface.

After all, the Science and Technology Alliance only sent three commercial spies, who are the rest?


Recalling the innocent, unclear, and ignorant expression of the head of Wajima in the newspaper news, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Heh, so happy?" Shaobaidou, who was sent to the hospital, came back.

"Leader, let's talk about the renovation of the township benefiting activity center?"

"Huh? Isn't it about renovating township houses?"


Ge Xiaotian rolled his eyes, "It's as if I became the richest man by doing this."

"Just like you are not!"

"No, look at the new list."

Ge Xiaotian took out a newspaper and spread it in front of the two of them.

After Pharaoh disappeared, the ranking of the list was similar to that of another time and space, except that the top ten were all financial, especially the first place, whose personal assets had increased tenfold.

As for him?

Tianrong is on the verge of bankruptcy, leaving only a few thousand cardholders. (Internal employees have been changed to smart cards)

Ge Baiyi was cold.

Some people say that he still has one or two billion yuan, and some people say that he still has more than one billion yuan. After investigating and collecting evidence, the experts came up with an exact figure: 1.7 billion in debt.

This made countless people who supported Old King Longtian sigh. If Ge Baiyi was still rich, he might be able to lend a helping hand...

Some people even took the initiative to deposit money at the door and wanted him to come forward.

It's a pity that during the hacker war, Tianrong's old server crashed, and it is no longer accepting any business.


Investing in comprehension games, building game scenes everywhere, and IMAX theaters, suffered a huge loss, and got into a stalemate with Ge Baiyi...

in addition.

Recently, Dongshan Jianlian has risen.

Mr. Shen's name has a faint tendency to surpass Ge Baiyi's.

Driving a super business jet, turning east and west, causing countless girls to scream.

And its ranking in the rich list has already squeezed into the top fifteen.

In addition, there is a wonderful thing.

Chen Feng is on the list!

And still in the top thirty.

The industry logo is not real estate, but agricultural and sideline products!

This old guy has been running around for two months, selling strawberries to Xiangjiang, summer oranges to Wadao, vegetables to Taiwan, dairy products and soy products to Taimei, South Vietnam, and South Asia. I am also preparing daily chemical products without trademarks and packaging, and ordered a batch of blank packaging boxes from Lao Pang, ready to be shipped to Sange...

Tiancheng Construction in Taishi City is finished, and the project of this guy is only half done.

And Zhang Fugui, the undercover leader, also ran to sell fruit, with an annual salary of one million...

"Sigh, after two months of retreat, the world has become so strange."

Shaobaitou: "..."

"Leader, in fact, it is not impossible to transform townships. At present, there are two options. One is that I pay for it and everyone enjoys it. The other is that everyone pays for it and become poor directly."

"Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish. I was just joking with you. How can you not understand this truth? Do a good job in benefiting the people's activity center, increase jobs, promote trade circulation, attract urban people to go to the countryside for entertainment during holidays, and improve the regional economy. Prosperity, develop local specialties, increase per capita income..."

"Well, the whole process is a bit cumbersome, it takes time, five years of development, five years of transformation, five years..."

Speaking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the God of War statue that was handed over to the planning department two months ago, "However, it can also speed up."


Ge Xiaotian tore off the map of Jishi, and drew a circle in the Daqingshan area, "The south side of Daqingshan is Sancha Township, the east side is Wen County, the west side is Yun County and Yanggu, and the north side is Liang County. Turn Daqingshan into 'a center', and build the entrances to Daqingshan for these areas, and the outer ring will be connected..."

"You talk to Mr. Yu, I can't make the decision."


Ge Xiaotian looked at the map, which already involved Heshi and Liaoshi, "Then let's chat... It seems that there is nothing to talk about, and we voted for everything that should be voted for."

"Why don't you help develop Confucian Mansion?"

"Look at this..."

Ge Xiaotian brought up the pictures restored by the Archaeological Institute based on Chi You's sculpture, "I'm going to build him, and the two are a bit conflicting."


‘Ding, congratulations, you have activated the unknown wonder. '

Another one so soon?

Ge Xiaotian scratched his head consciously, and opened the system page.

The golden light was shining, a headless warrior with breasts as eyes and navel as mouth appeared in front of his eyes...

? ? ?

who is collecting...

Oh, by the way, the last time Chi You came out, I arranged for a master to find the corresponding information, so as to avoid the taboo of building sculptures.


This face, I am terrified to see, it will not scare the children to cry, right?

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