Build Madness

discuss the plot

Recently, the plot is indeed a bit floating, but the main line of this book is architecture, and the main line develops the plot to create a magnificent scene. And the sideline is to promote the plot, a tool for scraping money, in order to create something cool.

It's been like this from the beginning, such as travel, football games, auto trade, etc., sideline jobs follow the footsteps of pigs and throw away one after another. Throw them away when you are finished, maybe one day you will come back and pick them up again...

The plot of graphene has almost paved the way for a hundred chapters, which involve the "above" things. Since the chapters are often blocked recently, I have made a lot of deletions and edits. Maybe I can't see it. Consider reducing the plot, returning to the main line, and starting the construction of the spectacle.

Will SG and Lao Wang appear again in the future... move bricks, everything is possible.

Some people say that time is too short, too much money is made, and the plot is cumbersome. Now I can’t recall what happened before. In fact, I can recall the plot according to the 'map', which is divided into Sancha Township, Xiangxian County, Canal Development Zone, Jinxiuchuan, and Niobu. Russ, a little bit about the plot of the surrounding area. For the time being, Zaoshi New City has not been involved on a large scale.

This wave of protagonists has indeed made a lot of money, and some people may say that they have collapsed.

But we need to consider the issue of infrastructure funding, such as how much is a 100-mile expressway, how much is a 100-mile railway, and how much is an outer ring expressway. It is impossible for the protagonists to undertake all national projects. Obras, a railway, a highway, even if you fool me, it will cost tens of billions every minute. This is what makes this book different from other books, just like Director Sun said: money is just a number.

Moreover, if in the mid-term, they go abroad to aid construction, or go abroad to develop infrastructure to make money, there will be hundreds of billions, or even trillions, and it may be difficult to turn around.

Recently, there is a book that needs to be grouped. Since the author number cannot be commented in the book review area, I will announce it again:


Book group: 96169, 3456

It should be easy to remember.

However, there are few people in the group, and there are fewer people discussing the plot, so I hope you don't feel disgusted.

in addition.

6000+ every day recently, I forgot to write about adding updates.

Thanks to 'No Nickname' for two million rewards,

Thanks for the "Happy Totoro" rewards,

Thanks for the 'Alpha Razor' Reward,

Thanks to Zhao Zhengguo, the ignorant chef, the judge of hell, light energy kung fu, my son said he is more handsome than me, Cong Cong's father 168, forgetting leaves in one eye, a piece of red, shefenghj, and meow Xiaofeng.

Thanks to Samsara, 2017***14711, 1990s, Xiaox Niu, 2019**1637, No Milk for Ten Days of Blood Drops, Dream Time, Xiao*chen, Pipe Brother Li.

Thanks to the king hidden in the cabinet, the tree leaning on the setting sun, sending the fish to the sea, Wei Ge loves to read books, fantasy demon Yite, Kakarot 25, Qi Guo-Salary Jiang, 2017**9835, Youlan fireworks,

Thanks to QQ reading book friends who sell clothes for the little boy and rainstorm.

Thanks to Loli Meng Yuhu, 2019**1421, Influencer, Li Shizhen, Books for Companion in Hardship, Wang Haiyang-Funan, Did you have a meal, and where is baby daddy?

Thanks to the book friends who were on the list in October and November, and the book friends who gave rewards. I changed my mobile phone and the records were not synchronized. I am very sorry.

In addition, the book seems to owe more 33-1, it should be right.
























No one should have seen it, thank you for your support!

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