Build Madness

Chapter 405: The Clue of the Elf

Xiao Guo is self-employed.

From six to nine every day, he sells dry goods in District A of Xingyue Bay in Xiang County.

The location is not as good as the commercial street in District D, but because it is close to Crescent Square, the business is not too much compared to the prosperous area of ​​Jishi.

After careful calculation, the profit of 30,000 yuan for half a year, and another five or six years of work, will pay back the capital of this front office.

However, Xiao Guo has a hidden identity: Tianyu Saijun.

You only need to sign a confidentiality agreement, and then order a 50% discounted Great Wall computer from Tiancheng, and you will be able to get a free card online store space.

After that, according to the special software in the computer, more than a thousand accounts including forums, chat rooms, and online store reviews were received.

Complete the designated tasks every day, such as replying posts, speaking, and writing positive reviews, and you can get 20 red notes.

Sitting in the store all day long, no matter what, no matter what, I can get 600 yuan a month.

Moreover, with the help of software, it can be completed in two to three hours.

In the rest of the time, I watch movies and play games, and I have a good time in this little life.

Thank you Tiancheng!

This morning, as usual, Xiao Guo turned on the computer and prepared to log in to the special software for the navy to check today's mission time slot.

That's right, there are missions to do in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening and early in the morning...

Very humane!

However, after turning on the machine, the information of the one-card online shop popped up first.

This thing seems to have been quiet for a long time.

It seems that four or five months ago, an Internet cafe ordered ten catties of melon seeds and delivered them in person. Since then, the number of visits of customers in their online shop has remained in single digits.

Xiao Guo clicked on the notification out of curiosity.

'Fucheng xx customer, ordered 50kg of pistachios, paid for, please get out of the warehouse as soon as possible...'

? ? ?

Xiao Guo was startled, "Why do I have to close the shop all morning and take the bus to Fucheng for this one hundred catties?"

Before he could reject the order, another notification popped up.

'Please select the corresponding logistics:

Daily logistics: billed by weight, minimum 2 red notes per order, 1000 red notes per month, a little slower, 2 days in the city, 7 days in the province. (the road is not easy to walk)

Daily Express: Charged by weight, minimum 5 red notes per order, 5000 red notes per month... Fast speed, 1 day in the city, 3 days in the province.

Tiantian Speed: Billed by weight, minimum 100 red notes per order, no monthly subscription... The speed is fast, within 1 hour in the city, and within 24 hours in the province. '

? ? ?

Xiao Guo hesitated and chose Tiantian Express.

He had seen those couriers, wearing yellow overalls and owning small electric tricycles. He had ordered a barbecue in Sancha Township through the computer before, and the speed was pretty good, and the delivery was still hot.

The order is confirmed, the fee is incurred, the customer's account is remitted to Tianrong, and it will be transferred to the store's card account after the receipt...

Just after finishing the operation, a boy in yellow ran in from the door...

"Boss, where are the goods?"

"Huh? So fast?" Xiao Guo was slightly stunned, and hurried into the warehouse, "Wait, I'll weigh you."

"Then you prepare first, I'll go to the side to get a few bags of tea..."

Before the words were finished, the boy in yellow had disappeared, and Xiao Guo hurriedly picked pistachios.

The chamber of commerce requires that products purchased online must comply with the highest standards, otherwise disputes will arise, not only will the online store be closed, but the store will also be punished. In addition, the membership benefits of the chamber of commerce will be cancelled, such as purchase prices, event promotion...

He didn't want to go against the surname Ge, and he didn't want to go to Neobras to open a dry goods store...

Everything was ready, the boy in yellow ran in again, took down an electronic device from his arm, wrapped around a 50-jin snakeskin bag, lifted it up vigorously, then did the same, and grabbed another bag...

"A total of 50KG, shipping 15."

"Wait, I'll take cash..."

"Huh? You don't have a card?"

"I want to open a shop, how can I get it?"

"There is a special version for the chamber of commerce. Check out Tianrong's official website. Order one as soon as possible, and it will be convenient to pay later. This time, it will be billed."

After the boy in yellow finished speaking, he took turns carrying two bags of pistachios into the small yellow car parked at the door, stepped into the cab, and went straight to the bus bound for Fucheng at the other end of the square, and talked with the driver.

The "Intercity Pioneer", which has been updated to the second generation, has opened the third independent compartment at the rear...


Not long after, black smoke was sprayed from the front of Jiefang's car, and the extended trackless train was dragged and set off...

'Welcome to take the No. 6 Intercity Pioneer'. This train starts from Tiancheng Square (Crescent Square) in Xiangxian County and passes through Canal Development Zone, Jicheng Center, Jishi High-tech, Yancheng Xingyue Bay, and Jishi University , and finally arrived at Xingyue Bay in Fucheng. The total journey is 70 kilometers. There is no stop at non-stops. It is estimated to arrive at the destination in one hour and thirty-five minutes...'

After watching this scene, Xiao Guo couldn't help scratching his head, and turned to look at the card issuing center next to the Crescent Landmark Children's Entertainment City.

It is not a huge crowd in front of the gate, but the queues almost form MMM type.

And the customers who got the new machine ran around the square, still yelling why they couldn't find the elves.

In the distance, the heavy transport plane, which is said to not be sold for much money, is starting the propeller.

Through the glass window that seems to have been remodeled, you can vaguely see a few strong men wearing little red hats, holding coloring pages and reading something...

Xiao Guo couldn't help lighting a cigarette and puffing.

In the haze, look at this city again...

"The world has changed again!"

"I didn't know that my cousin was released from prison for three years..."


Canal CBD, Tiancheng Square.

"Strange, why can't I catch the elf?"

"I didn't catch it either!"

"Is there any nearby?"

"It shouldn't be. Ge Baiyi said that in Tiancheng's industrial chain, there are shopping malls, communities, parks, gymnasiums, factories, tourism development zones, and even green hills."

On the other side, Lotus Furniture City.

"Damn it, I've been walking around all day, why haven't I met an elf?"

"Forget it, if you have time to play that game, why don't you try to sell more furniture!"

"But Ge Baiyi caught it!"

"Apart from him, has anyone else caught it?"

"Yes, there was a store owner who just entered the new store and caught a black pig with the word "Fu" on its belly..."

"true and false?"

"Really, according to the information given on the official website, among nearly a million elves, that pig is a rare quality."

While the two were chatting, a customer next to him who was holding a business card and had just bought a wardrobe suddenly paused, looked around suspiciously, and stopped the person who was about to load the car.

"do not move!"

"What's wrong?"

Customers click on the business version of the card, as if holding a compass in their hands to catch ghosts, and approach the closet.

'You found the elf 'Wangcai', you captured it...'

‘Congratulations, you have obtained a gray ordinary quality ‘Wangcai’! '

‘Wangcai will send you a meeting gift: 21 red notes! '

"Hahaha, I caught it!"

The two furniture store bosses who were chatting next to each other suddenly remembered something, looked at each other, and walked quietly to the no-man's area.

"Have you noticed that all customers who buy products from the chamber of commerce and pay with one card can get 'elf'!"

"Even if others are around, they can't take it away!"

"It turns out that the focus is here, using games to stimulate consumption!"

"Wait, with our president's temper, I'm afraid there will be more than one way to play..."

Before they finished speaking, a reminder came from their mobile phones at the same time...

'I found the 'super elf living on the street', 1320 meters away from you, buy the corresponding quality rope, or bait, can increase the probability of catching, attention: the super elf has a bad temper, weird, please consider carefully! '

The two looked at each other again, showing a clear expression, and walked out of the Lotus Furniture City side by side according to the prompt.

Turning left and right, I was surprised to find that the target location was crowded with people.

And ahead, there is a store that just opened today.

''The super elf living on the street' is moving, located 23 meters ahead...'

The crowd followed the prompts and slowly approached the store...

The two people who ran over suddenly realized, and exclaimed in unison, "What a ghost!"

"Wait, am I going to have an event too?"

"Call and ask?"

One of them took out his mobile phone and found Boss Ge's number.


Daqingshan company resident.

Shiguang machine main engine room.

Ge Xiaotian stared at the backstage of the one card that kept 'jumping money', while picking up the phone that kept ringing.

Look at the number, lease the lotus sales office as the owner of the furniture city.

"Yo? Lao Jia? It's been a long time since we got together."

"The president is getting rich!"

"Haha, send the same post! Coincidentally, I also want to call you today."

"Don't worry, President, I bought it from the sales office!"

"It seems that you haven't made less money recently?"

"Without the school business and 15th city business that you gave me, the president, my brand would not be able to start. I guess I can't even open it now..."

"Okay, Silver VIP will waive your rent for the first half of the year, including the land, you will give me 30 million."

"no problem!"

"Bring your brother to Xiaoqingshan Guyue shop to have a meal at night?"

"I'm a little busy, it's the president, I plan to use the 'elf' to hold an event!"

"Hey, you are indeed the director of our chamber of commerce, can you see this?"

"Haha, it's not as good as growing your mind!"

"Yeah!" Ge Xiaotian raised his legs very much, "But Lao Jia, the elf activities are not very big now. If we want to attract high-quality customers on a large scale, we need to wait for the satellite to be launched to enable the positioning function. Currently, we only use base station equipment to send It’s a little troublesome to say, but to put it another way, at present, the elf’s notification covers at most the development area of ​​the canal, and even Xiang County is not affected.”

"That's okay too!"

"Do you know the price?"


"Every time you release an ordinary elf, you need to pay a service fee of 10,000, and every time you release a rare elf, you need to pay a service fee of 100,000. , Divine Beast... Of course, for the sake of effect, the quantity can be selected more, and there are also bait packages, rope packages, food packages..."


"You are a member, discount according to level, silver VIP, 40% discount..."

Lao Jia: Why do you think I made money?

"In addition, due to the limited scope, I will give you another 40% discount, and a discount on the upper discount."

"Bought it! Here are 10 rare elves!"

"No problem, release immediately!"

"By the way, President, if we do this, I am afraid that the card users will soon find out the clues. If you just rely on buying things to get elves, will it cause resentment?"

"You think too much. When the satellite is launched, wild elves will be randomly refreshed from time to time every day. It's just that there is no positioning function and it cannot be released on a large scale. For the time being, notifications will be sent based on consumption records. Of course, for the sales plan of Dongshan Fifteen Cities, you guys Smart people better keep it secret."

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