Build Madness

Chapter 406 The Idea of ​​the Elf

30 million yuan bought the Lotus sales office with a construction cost of less than 3 million yuan. Lao Jia didn't feel cheated at all, but thought he had made a lot of money.

This steel structure building is the "gate" of eight communities in total, with plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

The lotus logo is in line with the lotus sports center, and there is more room for appreciation in the future.

Moreover, it is adjacent to the Auto Trade City in the east, the canal CBD in the south, and the small commodity market in the north.

Under various backgrounds, there is already a taste of 'center'.

The most important thing is that Boss Ge has designed many unimaginable products for himself, but can sell out of stock. In addition, he also entrusted the boutique housing furniture business, arranged 21 communities and 21 stores in the 15th City of Dongshan, and was responsible for the strategy of the rough housing market.

If Boss Ge hadn't asked the Furniture City to bring the "mahogany furniture" and "health-preserving bamboo art" to Huaxia Taiwan during the Spring Festival this year, Lao Jia even wanted to be a gold VIP to experience the treatment of Tiancheng's vice president.

Look at the Qinggang Auto Trade Ocean boss who got a 'Tianba' for nothing!


Can a furniture city earn so much?

It's true that you can't make much money, but it has a brother called: Home Life Experience Museum!

It is located in Tiancheng Plaza, Canal CBD, and the products are selected there, and the warehouse is responsible for delivery here.

In other words, there is a very powerful branch store, which is continuously sending customers to the furniture city, which is itself very popular.

This is also the plan for 21 stores in Dongshan Fifteen City, not a furniture city, but an experience hall.

It can not only save costs, but also coordinate operations and build its own brand.

Entering the summer, Lao Jia held activities in May, and although he released several new products after that, he did not encounter major holidays.

Since Boss Ge's plan was smashed today, it is natural to take a ride.

Lao Jia took his younger brother who followed him to make a fortune, and ran back to the furniture city in a hurry to greet the salesmen in various regions.

Move out all kinds of new products prepared for the National Day Holiday...

Play various adjustable electronic projection advertising equipment...

Everything is ready, call Boss Ge, "Okay, President!"

"3, 2, 1..."

Almost instantly, all nearby card users were notified.

"The super-grade elf who was living on the street escaped successfully and revealed the news of this time and space to the elf world. The elf king sent a team of scouts to this time and space..."

'Discover the 'rare elf', from you...'

'Discover the 'rare elf', from you...'

'Discover the 'rare elf', from you...'

A series of ten reminders immediately detonated the entire Canal Development Zone.

Only a few minutes passed...

"Haha, it is indeed a rare species. I spent more than three hundred red notes as bait to catch this thing. Here is a red envelope!"

The loudspeaker is turned on: "Rare Alpaca" will send you a meeting gift: 666 red notes! '


The wild laughter aroused jealousy, laughter and cursing, and more people joined the capture army...


'xxx recharges 100 red notes...'

'xxx recharges 200 red notes...'

'xxx recharges 5000 red notes...'

'xxx recharges 50 red notes...'

'xxx stored value 5w...'

'xxx stored value 10w...'

"Oh, I really don't want to make money!"

Looking at the data constantly beating in the background of Shi Guangji, Ge Xiaotian scratched out the short messages of '30 million' and '360,000' displayed on the screen of the handmade card, and sighed. Drag the mouse on the table, and release 50 rare elves for more than a dozen projects that have been put into use at home...

Seeing this scene, Dao Yi, who had returned from Africa for two months, frowned, "Boss, you have invested a lot of rare species so early, and when the game is officially opened, it may affect the data balance."

"This is not a game, the data is just a reference." Ge Xiaotian indifferently clicked on the young dragon who was almost fat as a pig, and rubbed the keys: dance!

The latter stuck out his tongue, twisted his buttocks, patted his belly, lay back, blowing bubbles through his nose, and fell asleep...

"Old Daoist, my goal is to train elves into 'companions'!"

"Human-Computer Interaction?"

"Well, as long as users can't do without it, then we can end the mobile phone!"

"It's a bit difficult!"

"I can't do it now, but I will definitely do it in the future!"

"The future is the future, but you are putting in so many rare elves now..."

"Let me teach you a fun setting, it's called Smash..."


"The quality of the elves is not important. Slowly devouring from the low level, they will eventually reach the top form. Now that the capture is rare, it's just a slightly higher start. What people care about is the image of the elves!"

"Evolve the next level and make it more beautiful?"

"This is another way to play, we have to set 'equipment' for it."


"It can be said that, but if it is a real product, for example, if a customer buys a pot, the elf will have a shield made of a pot; if the customer buys a kitchen knife, the elf will have a kitchen knife weapon, or carry a cutting board, bed board, door board, urine on the head. Cans go to fight.

Or rackets, gloves, pencils, erasers... even carry the house to fight!

The exaggeration points to be described in the picture, such as before the start of the fight, all kinds of funny warm-ups are carried out, the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strength of a strong man will never return. "


"There are materials made of these pixels in the online store, so it's not difficult to load them in?"


"No attributes, just give these 'realistic items' damage between 1-5 points, each elf has the same blood volume, and then add some metaphysics, such as: daily lottery, 'drunk crit', 'luck plus dodge' ', 'Being unlucky and beating yourself', 'Win more and be struck by lightning', 'Lose more and gain power'...the more the better!"


"It's not difficult, is it?"

"It is estimated that the memory needs to be replaced."

"Then change!"

Although the smart card belongs to the ARM single-chip microcomputer, it is very different from the future smart phone as a whole.

Its function is not based on GSM, but is composed of several single-chip microcomputers, which are finally connected to graphene chips for centralized data processing.

For example, to play games, there are components that implement game functions.

For example, a shopping app has components that implement shopping functions.

For example, the food delivery app has a component that implements the ordering function.

For example, MP3 has components for listening to songs.

If you want to achieve more functions, you can only mount more unit processors and connect graphene chips.

In this way, with only a few functions, the smart card has a size of 7 inches and a thickness of 1 cm. It has to abandon functions such as film and television, beautiful pictures, and voice chat.

But it also has an advantage.

There is no need to download games to play. If you want to play new games, you can go to the card issuing center to replace the external memory card, and the game records are stored in the phone's memory.

The same is true for MP3.

As for shopping and takeaway, the store information is pre-stored in the external memory card of the mobile phone, and new products and new stores are downloaded using traffic.

It sounds a little complicated, but in fact, you can see it at a glance by snapping off the back shell of the cartoon.

Inside is not a battery, but a row of miniSD memory cards to mount data...

Card 1 = game, connect game components, 512M

Card 2 = Shopping, ... 512M

Card 3 = Takeaway, ... 512M

Card 4 = MP3, ... 512M

Card 5 = system accessories, such as calendar, diary, calculator... 512M.

The five lines are respectively connected to the powerful graphene chip, and finally fed back to the user.

In this way, 'large capacity', 'saving traffic', 'sharing at any time'...

If major content updates are required, you can go to the card issuing center to replace card 1, card 2, card 3, and card 4.


In the storm of 69, electronic products were almost devastated.

This stems from the superconducting properties of graphene, which can make a micro-memory that is thousands of times larger than the current world storage unit.

This is indeed the case, otherwise Lao Wang would not be able to launch the plan.

With the outbreak of the technological revolution, the prices of electronic products can no longer be described as a cliff, but have plummeted to the bottom.

Almost everyone in the world believes that memory below 1G will be eliminated, and hard disks below 32G are not as expensive as cabbage...

This is a terrible conclusion.

The consequence is that Tianwei, who went to North America to follow Holden to make money, has to go to various technology markets to rummage through garbage dumps every night...

After taking back so many products, Ge Xiaotian directly gave up the more 125M and 256M, and chose the 512M miniSD.

As for the first two... producing handhelds.

If you don't need it, you probably won't have many chances to use it in the future.

The only trouble is that the one-card plan is perfect, but the output cannot keep up.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the background data again, and swipe the button of the manual version of the card, ready to urge Wanshi to speed up the assembly.

Suddenly the bell rang, from Amur, Xu Ling.

"Boss, the satellite project has been confirmed and will be launched tomorrow!"

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