Build Madness

Chapter 420: Ge Baiyi

Ge Xiaotian wrangled with the leaders of the ICBC for a long time, and it was finally finalized. They helped Tiancheng 'accidentally' expose the sales. Tianwei drove a dozen transport trucks with 4.5 billion red notes each from the gates of the banks...

As for where?

"I guess it can only be used to pay salaries and pay taxes!" Putting down the card, Ge Xiaotian glanced at the rapidly rolling sales funds again.

21 billion!

Although the amount exceeded expectations, it is not surprising that the overall amount is not surprising considering the door-to-door housing and shop leasing.

And the opening time, only half an hour past.

"How about it?"

Dao Er placed the second-generation SGJ laptop computer prepared for Pharaoh, and pressed down the screen, "The 60,000 sets booked in advance must be paid in full. There are another 20,000 sets paid with ICBC cards, and 10,000 sets paid in cash. Nearly 10,000 sets have been placed and are applying for a loan, with Tianrong guarantee, ICBC’s processing speed can still keep up, and it is estimated that they will be completely sold out before 9 o’clock.”

"Don't estimate, I want to be sure! Within one hour, we sold out 100,000 sets and collected 20 billion yuan. From now on, our Tiancheng will be the number one in Dongshan and China! In the future, no one can surpass it except me!"

Seng Er stroked his forehead lightly, "Boss, the sales of 20 billion are definitely stable. Now it is 20 to 3 billion, and it may reach 25 billion in the end!"

"How many?"

"Two hundred and five!"

"It's an auspicious number." Ge Xiaotian muttered to himself, sat in front of the main machine of the Shiguang Machine, opened the authority, allocated 100 million from the sales funds, and sent red envelopes...

Two hundred and five is impossible two hundred and five...


As Xingyue Bay sold out one after another, the atmosphere of the opening activities did not ease, but became more intense.

Rare elves, top-quality elves, unique beasts, special effects pets, super-large packs of dog food...

No need to grab, no need to squeeze, grab the card, raise your hands, shake it vigorously, and shout "oh la la"...

"Ding, good fortune descended from the sky, congratulations on getting a big pack of 99 dog food..."

"Ding, blessings come from the sky, congratulations on capturing rare elves..."

'Ding, good fortune descended from the sky, congratulations on getting Boss Ge's red envelope, you can randomly get 0~9999...9'

"What the hell?"

"Ge Erdan gave out red envelopes again?"

"He's not nearby. It is said that he has returned to Sancha Township."

"Could it be?"

"100 million red envelopes?"

"But look at the reminder of the red envelope, it's almost the same as the one sent out a few days ago, wait a minute, I'll take it apart and see if it's dog food...Damn it, nine hundred and ninety-nine?"

"Hahaha, I stole a thousand and eight!"

"Bah... Gouto, crap, six thousand six???"

"Two yuan? Fake?!"

"Huh? Why is the ambulance from Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine here?"

"A man stole 990,000 yuan and foamed on the spot..."


As of the 15th, the number of smart card users reached 1.3 million.

Randomly divide up a hundred million, it is one thing to say it, but another thing to do it.

When more red envelopes are opened, when larger amounts are exposed...

The entire Dongshan instant fryer!

"Is this really hairy?"

"Uncle Ge, please do it again, don't stop!"

"My god, 100 million, just throw it away?"

"Ge Baiyi, Niubi!"

"mmp, could this guy really be Ge Baiyi?"

"With 100,000 houses, the average price in Qinggang is 3,000, and the lowest price in Heshi is 1,200. Counting the front houses in the outer circle of the community, there are many office buildings, shopping malls and shops..."

"Rough calculation, at least 20 billion!"



ICBC Headquarters.

Since reaching a cooperation with Tianrong, the bank deposit business has been robbed by a lot of cards, and occasionally I have to work for Tianrong, which seems to be a loss.

But no matter the boss or the vice president pushed up by Tian Cheng, they were all extremely happy.

One is a mortgage, and the other is a commercial loan!

Since Tiancheng needs to use the funds from the one-card card to invest in real estate, the housing loan cannot be done.

In order to be efficient, fast, and convenient, the two leaders of ICBC applied for many times, and finally took the Xingyuewan mortgage business at one go, with low interest rates, low down payment, or even zero down payment!

And commercial loans...

Tiancheng is developing rapidly, and its member companies are following closely behind. If it wants to expand the market, it will definitely need a lot of funds. ICBC is the designated cooperative unit of Chairman Ge!

In addition, the bottom third of the funds of the smart card is reserved. The more people use it, the higher the amount of ICBC will be!

With the supervision of Dongshan General Bank, this money will not be used easily. ICBC is equivalent to taking the money from the one-card card to give Xingyuewan housing buyers housing loans...

There are deposits and loans, and one Tianrong can help them complete several tasks.

In terms of this year's results, Tiancheng can take the first place, and ICBC can also secure the first place!

Therefore, the cooperative relationship between the two parties is very stable, and the higher authorities even stated that they can release any amount within 20 billion to Tiancheng without interest.


The stronger Tiancheng is, the stronger its industries will be.

Tiancheng doesn't need a loan, but its subsidiaries do!

Perhaps, this is the vision!

"How much is Tiancheng's total sales?"

Hearing the question from the general manager, the vice president dialed the number of the opening headquarters and had a few conversations, "The assistant (Seng Er) over there said, 25 billion."

"Two hundred and five? It's a little unlucky. Anyway, we're congratulating, not announcing, and it doesn't mean Tian Cheng. Add one hundred million to them."

"25.1 billion?"

"Yes! If you add too much, Tiancheng will announce the real data in the future. The difference will be too big, which will make us look unprofessional, but announcing 25 billion is like scolding. Adding an extra 100 million, no more, no less..."

"Understood, leader, I'll do it!"

"Well, by the way, the higher-ups plan to transfer you to Nanhe, what do you think?"

"Nanhe? Over there..."

"Tiancheng's number one officer, Ding Hao is over there. And Chief Financial Officer Lan accompanied Sun Ju to Bianliang to take up his post, and he also brought a billion yuan. Tiancheng is firmly seated on the east mountain. , the strength of real estate companies and business alliances is not weak. If you go to Jiangnan, if you plan to continue to cooperate with Tiancheng, it may be difficult to achieve results in a short period of time. It is better to go to Nanhe, which has no obstacles and is also strongly supported by the local area. Besides, Next to Bianliang is Lankao, zz is of great significance, perhaps Ge Xiaotian has already made plans."

"Thank you for your guidance, what about you?"

"I'm getting old, so I'm here. Remember to go home and have a look when you have time."

"Thank you leader!"

"Remember, respect discipline, abide by the law, be fair, and just! Tiancheng is different from other companies, you don't need those complicated things, seize the opportunity, you have a long way to go..."



Not long.

People who gathered in various Xingyue Bays and held up their cards and waved red envelopes received reminders again.

"Damn it, just look at ICBC's smart one-card push, congratulations on the first day of Tiancheng's opening, all sold out in less than an hour, with a total of 25.1 billion!"

"Ge Baiyi, Niubi!"

"Dongshan's first loss instantly becomes Dongshan's richest man?"

"25.1 billion, my God!"

"I bet you can't fit a truckload of this money!"

"You bet with me, I have no money, you go bet with Ge Baiyi!"

"However, then again, he raked in 25.1 billion, but just sent 100 million..."

"There are two hundred and five left..."

"Ge Lao Er is a bit obsessed with this number!"

"Next press conference, satisfy him?"

"It is said that at the beginning of August, the brave man who called Ge Erduanzi at the press conference of the smart card was sent to Africa to sell slippers."

"Just go, I only robbed a dime, so what can I do if I shout?"




No matter Dongshan or Huaxia, nothing but a sensation is a sensation!

This Xingyuewan industrial chain, known as the "real estate of the century", not only created a grand scene of millions of people queuing up, but also created a miracle of selling 100,000 units in an hour, with a total sales volume exceeding 25 billion!

Such news has excited countless developers, made countless companies announce their transformation, and made countless consumers gradually believe in someone's speech declaration of "seeing the brand and the strength of the developer".

Of course, things always have two sides.

The supporting concept of Xingyue Bay has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, making countless main development communities, and properties that do not pay attention to supporting facilities are disliked. Improving supporting facilities requires money, and developers spend money to make more money. Naturally, the money must be recovered from the housing price ...

In the millennium, the trend of the times, coupled with Xingyue Bay fueled the flames, housing prices have jumped.


People were stunned to find that Tian Cheng's house was too cheap, right?

Therefore, in the past two hours, the price of second-hand houses in Xingyue Bay has far exceeded that of new houses, with an increase of nearly one-third.

It's just that the cheating is that if the owner sells a new house, he will be disqualified from the smart card for life, and the buyer will not be able to enjoy the smart card service.

Lack of money? Really want to sell?

Xingyuewan Sales Office Recycled...

Thinking about Ge Baiyi's skills, countless customers who planned to sell their new houses gave up the idea one after another...

"It's just a fake price!"

After Ge Xiaotian heard the price increase, he thought about it again and again, and temporarily denied the plan for the second phase of Xingyue Bay, which is to double the expansion of 21 communities on the basis of Dongshan 15 cities.

Out of habit, the surrounding land has long been taken down.

The family worked hard to build supporting facilities. If someone took the opportunity to build a community nearby, wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others?

Moreover, there is no Sun Bureau in the 15th city of Dongshan, 21 communities have landed, and the price of the surrounding land has almost increased by four or five times.

Dao Er closed the SGJ laptop, "Boss, the market price of building materials has begun to decline, but now there are prices but no market."

"It is estimated that due to the stimulation of the 15th city of Dongshan, cement factories in various places have already been established, but they are only quoted to the outside world and have not yet started production."

"Then we?"

"Take the opportunity to sell the inventory of Nanwa Cement Plant."

"Shen Zhipeng has set up 25 commercial streets, and it is very likely that he will eat them all."

"Listen to him, 25 commercial streets... Hehe, if two buildings make up one street, wouldn't we have hundreds of commercial streets in Tiancheng? It would be better for him to eat it. When the price of building materials drops, we can use the money to buy them." Three times as much building material as these inventories."

"Then I'll arrange it."

After Dao Er left, Seng Er put the laptop in front of Ge Xiaotian, "Boss, 15 escort vehicles set off one after another, arriving at Sancha Township in the afternoon at the earliest, and two days later at the latest, do you need to use a helicopter to pick them up?"

"Well, try to arrive tomorrow."

Tianrong has been established for a relatively short period of time and does not yet have its own treasury.

Ge Xiaotian wanted to make one, and by the way, make an international blockbuster related to it.

However, the entire process of this type of building from application to construction, to acceptance and management is very complicated.

As for making movies, it is difficult to make modern gunfight movies in China.

After thinking for a long time, he threw all the valuables into the center of No. 1 town.

If someone comes to grab it, first pull the city wall around, and then explode a group of archers...

At that time, maybe it will be able to show the hero's ten thousand arrows...

Seng Er contacted the supervisors of the escort vehicles, and then said: "Boss, the boss of Xishan Coal, and several big customers of Beihe want to chat with you."

"What are you talking about?"

"They're going to do development, but they don't have a construction team..."

"Under construction?"

"Yes, they said they were outsourcing the project to us and wanted to inquire about the price."

"let me see."

Ge Xiaotian doesn't outsource Tiancheng's business, it doesn't mean he won't take on other people's projects.

Developers make money, and contractors also make money.

For example, construction of subways, expressways, dams, bridges across rivers...

And the money earned by the contractor is not only labor costs, but also maintenance costs, maintenance costs and so on.

But Tiancheng is the developer.

If he wins the contract, he needs to consider whether the other party will 'mislead' consumers, falsely claiming that the community built by Tiancheng is also Tiancheng's industrial chain, and even give the community names like 'Xingyuewan', 'Xingyuewan', 'Xingyuewan' 'name.

China has a vast land and rich resources, and there are all kinds of surprises, so we have to guard against them.

In addition, developers outsource projects, basically in the form of bidding.

In other words, if you want to contract other people's projects, you need a tender letter.

This is a bit of a drag on my own Bigger!

Ge Xiaotian thought over and over again, and found out the template that he had recently made for the Star River system from his newly replaced SGJ laptop.

Plan A of 200 mu has an initial investment of 40 million yuan. It is similar to Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County. It is divided into four districts. One district will be built first, and the next district will be built after getting the pre-sale...

Plan B of 200 mu, with an initial investment of 100 million yuan, will be similar to Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County after it is formed, and it will be developed together as a whole, selling existing houses...

Plan A of 400 mu, with an initial investment of 80 million yuan, is similar to the canal CBD with plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum...

Plan B of 400 mu, with an initial investment of 200 million yuan, is similar to the canal CBD pen, ink, paper and inkstone...

Plan A of 800 mu, with an initial investment of 200 million yuan, is similar to Xingyue Bay in four Xiangxian counties...

Plan B of 800 mu, with an initial investment of 300 million yuan, is similar to a canal CBD, including plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, pen, ink, paper and inkstone...

8,000 mu of university town, the first phase of 200 million yuan, can accommodate four schools, two canals CBD template...

5,000 acres of new urban area, the first phase of 600 million, two commercial streets, four Xingyue Bay, a canal CBD, an industrial park...

Tiancheng has more and more funds. After completing the construction of the 15th city of Dongshan, the next step is to lay down various counties and districts. At least three to four hundred project managers are needed.

The company is developing rapidly, and the abilities of the newly promoted managers are uneven. In order to avoid misuse, follow the template and play freely according to the local prices, so as to avoid many detours.

However, affected by various factors, such as the price of materials, insufficient logistical strength, and the urgent need for improvement of many projects, this plan will not be implemented until next year.

And now that I plan to undertake the construction, I can completely change the template...

Change plan A to package A, calculate the cost, add more labor costs, water and electricity costs, mechanical wear costs...

For example, the housing price in a certain place is 1,200 red notes/square, the labor contract is 500 red notes/square, and the labor and materials package is 800 red notes/square. Three months to complete, single square plus 200; half a year to complete...

Of course, this is definitely not the case in the actual bidding document, this is just Tiancheng's external quotation...

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