Build Madness

Chapter 421 Professor Ge

Tiancheng Construction Company itself started as a contracting company. Some time ago, a clock-like plan called "Township Aid Construction Project" was exposed. The reputation of the construction company in Dongshan far exceeds that of real estate.

Now that Xingyue Bay is completed and delivered, it proves once again that Tiancheng Construction has the strength, speed, and quality. In addition to the design and research institutes of Architecture, Road and Bridge, which are not short of money, it is basically not a problem to contract Huaxia's official projects with its own relationship in the future.

This is also the main reason why Ge Xiaotian has never advertised the construction company, but only increased its own assets.

However, going to Xishan and Beihe to undertake the construction is a bit beyond their own development plan.

The project managers, foremen, and team leaders trained in the past six months have been able to handle Dongshan Fifteen City. It is not easy, and then reorganize and expand the expatriate department...

"It's a bit difficult!"

After Ge Xiaotian revised the external quotation, he pushed the SGJ laptop computer that surpassed the performance of the future computer, but could not reach mass production, rubbing his accumulated long hair, "How many employees are there at present?"

Dao Er quickly tapped on the keyboard, and Hui reported: "Only the construction company has 80 branches and about 40,000 people."

"What about regular employees?"

"About 15,000 people, most of them are allocated to management positions, and some are used as basic positions to 'lead the old with the new' masters."

"How many masters are there?"

"About 2,000 people are basically high-quality technical backbones drawn from various vocational secondary schools or engineering teams."

"This is the core of our Tiancheng."

"Yes boss."

"How much do you spend each month?"

"Almost all of them are silver-level, 50,000 per year is not a problem."

"How much is a project manager per year?"

"Twenty thousand in the first year."

"What about the second year?"

"Looking at the progress of the project and the number of tasks completed, it can basically reach 30,000."

"It is estimated that these masters do not want to be project managers, but plan to continue their research."


"Ask for your willingness. An expatriate project manager will one day grow into a regional project supervisor, or even a regional manager."

Dao Er refrained from prompting: "Boss, technology and management are different..."

"I know, but Tiancheng's structure is simple, and the project manager is a technician... It's better for one person to get one and a half times the salary than two people to get a salary each."

Dao 2: "..."

The second monk next to him: "..."

Why is Tiancheng's profit so high?

It's not that the labor costs are not counted, Ge Xiaotian has never been short of the salary that should be paid, but because of the organizational framework.

Just like Xu Ling, except for the system-related business that Dao Erseng Er is in charge of, the rest of the work still makes her feel a lot of pressure. She always wants to ask the big boss to help recruit a group of secretaries...

Under the premise of not affecting the operation of the company, Ge Xiaotian will definitely not agree. Even if he wins people's hearts with the gift of commercial housing, he will not increase the number of administrative staff.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing this, but the main framework of Tiancheng is composed of system personnel, even if the administration is too busy, the construction site will not be messed up, and the disadvantages will be covered up, and a set of "progress bar" management plan will be implemented, Xu Ling will be much more relaxed, and things will be perfect solve.

On the construction site, many personnel have two roles. For example, the blueprinter has to use the time to learn the excavator, the surveyor has to use the time to learn the gray line, and the wall builder has to use the time to learn various pulling lines, vertical lines, and balance. level……

If you learn more, you can get half of your salary, and you can be promoted in the future. Why not do it?

Including the technological innovation brought by new materials, the labor cost saved by machinery, the best construction plan given by the system, and the self-produced and self-sold building materials... the savings in many aspects brought Tiancheng double profits.

If building a community in the past, counting wages, the cost could be reduced to one-third, but now it can be reduced to one-fifth.

As a time traveler, Ge Xiaotian has never forgotten: science and technology are primary productive forces!

Fuel is so cheap, purchasing more machinery can not only increase the company's assets, but also reduce labor costs. This is simply the best of both worlds.

"It's settled like that. Some of the old masters will be transferred to reorganize the expatriate department. Each department... the old rules, five hundred people."

"What if no one goes?"

"Tell them, I, Ge Xiaotian, said it myself. Contract labor and materials. As long as the project meets the standard, a regional project supervisor with a guaranteed salary of 100,000 yuan is indispensable!" project, the regional manager is in charge of a provincial or a large regional project.)

Dao Er nodded, "It is estimated that the masters will rush to go..."

"Is my words so useful?"

"Administration sings bad faces, you sing bad faces, and all employees of the company will definitely listen to you."

"They are all good employees!" Ge Xiaotian was extremely satisfied with playing the company like this, "Let the planning department talk to the Xishan Coal boss about the contracting business first, and try to contract labor and materials."


The second monk took off the headset, "By the way, boss, Dongshan University of Finance and Economics sent you an invitation."

"Huh? What are you doing? Tell me about this operation?"

"No, they invited you to be a visiting professor at the school."

"I have a junior high school degree."

"Official invitation."


Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, and a sense of pride suddenly surged in his heart, "So, I'm a professor?"

Dao Er and Seng Er, "Yes, Professor Ge!"

"This feeling..." Ge Xiaotian got up and walked around, stepped into his exclusive room, quickly changed into a suit custom-made by the Li Brothers Garment Factory, put on a tie, polished his shoes, and came to the office again, "I am in this posture How about it?"

Seng Er curled his lips, "Boss, you are a visiting professor, and you need to substitute for an hour a week. What can you teach with the pen and ink in your belly?"

"What? Look down on me? I can attract countless employees to Tianrong!"

Taoist two, monk two: "..."

"However, one class a week is a bit harsh. How can I have so much time to go to school every week?"

"Boss, according to the contract, the teaching time can be compressed to the end of the month, or the end of the term. You are in charge of elective courses, and there is no need for exams and credits. "

"Seng Er, why do I feel that you are targeting my boss recently?"

"Where is it?"

"The total sales are 25 billion. You told the leaders of ICBC, right?"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"It's true... so, my boss is telling the truth, I think you don't like it, go to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to raise fur seals, and call Master Monk back to take over your work temporarily."

"Boss, I am loyal..."

"I know, summer is here, it's a good place over there, go, cool off!"


"Drag away, drag away!"

Several Heavenly Guards rushed forward, and the crying monk Er went away...

Dao Er shivered, "Boss, Mr. Du of Qinggang, and Mr. Li Wei and Mr. Li of Qinggang Overseas Investment Group, will visit you at noon tomorrow."

Hearing the words, Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath and rubbed his hair again, "I knew it, I shouldn't run around like crazy, it will definitely cause big trouble once I go out!"

Li Wei, this is a woman who is infinitely more powerful than Sister Zhongqin in the name of the people.

The concubine of the CEO of Huaxia Petrochemical, the concubine of Mr. Du, is said to have something to do with Chuanshu No. 2...

Falling under his pomegranate skirt, he is not weaker than a person with less gray hair, and he can't count his hands.

"Go, get a haircut, Ma De, a bald head is not afraid of wearing shoes, the young master is a hob meat, a ruthless person, if you want money, hell...they may not be able to take it away!"

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