Build Madness

Chapter 429 Limin Cola (country code)

After calling Li Long, Ge Xiaotian patted the beach shorts, pulled the flip flops and returned to the dining table again, threw away the card, and sat on the bench in a dawdly manner, "North America called and said they caught the first few The killer who attacked Mr. Du in the sky, the identity of this killer is really not ordinary!"

"Oh?" Mr. Ren knocked down the cigarette, compacted the tobacco leaves inside, and inserted the pipe, "When I was in Xiangjiang, I heard some distinguished guests chatting, and I thought the killer was a fiction."

The food stall master pouted and nodded, "Think about it, it's a bit like an ancient chivalrous man, existence is reasonable..."

The youngest picked up the big sea bowl and drank the iced code in one gulp, "The tanker delivering drinks is here, I'll go pick up a bucket."

"Hey? Master Yao, why do you always hide out every time you mention this matter?" Ge Xiaotian asked casually without thinking.

The youngest paused, "I'm more afraid of death. What if I talk about some killer and they don't like me, what should I do?"

"Hey, why don't you beat Ge Baiyi instead of hitting you, a poor and white old man?" The food stall master laughed and cursed, waving a sharp knife, and sliced ​​off slices of the freshly prepared roast duck, "Break him, let's eat, Xiaotian, don’t use pancake rolls, use the tofu skin I made, apply some dipping sauce, add some cucumbers and green onions..."

Mr. Ren is a bit old, and he is not used to eating too greasy food, so he took a puff on his cigarette and asked curiously, "What is the origin of the killer?"

"It is said that..."

Several people smoked cigarettes, sipped wine, and ate roast duck, chatting together again...

far away.

An agricultural four-wheeler dragging a two-meter pocket water tank came vigorously.

There is no code mark on it, just say: Limin Cola!

It was the end of August and the weather was still hot and dry.

Although the autumn corn in Dongshan needs to wait until mid-September, most of the land in Gejia Village is subcontracted to the fourth uncle to grow cotton.

In the millennium, the use of pesticides is less, except for 'putty bugs' (aphids), others are squeezed by hand.

In addition, pollination, pruning, leaf beating, and cotton picking also require manual labor.

After a busy day, the villagers hired by the fourth uncle saw the tanker coming, and they took out large water glasses that looked like thermos bottles from the electric car.

The driver of the four-wheeled card showed the card reader, "One bucket, queue up to pick it up!"

After yelling, the driver took a villager's 'thermos bottle', first put it into the disinfection cabinet next to it, waited for a second or two, then stuffed it into the special device at the rear of the tanker, and it took another second or two...

The villagers swipe their cards, walk aside with a thermos bottle containing 3600ml of Coke, press the top, take a 'cup' with the lid of the pot, and gulp it down, "Huh... cool!"

Farther away, in Xiaoqingshan's "Travel Civilization" bus station, there are rows of codes of various flavors, almost occupying the entire drink cabinet.

A young foreign tourist checked for a long time, and put in two one-yuan coins out of curiosity...


Pick up the pure fruit-free code from the pick-up box, unscrew the cap, and take a sip...

"Hiss... cool!"

Next to it, on the projection screen comparable to a 70-inch large color TV, all kinds of athletes, all kinds of foreigners, and all kinds of famous movie stars at home and abroad gathered on the beach, all holding up the code...

"Cool summer, let yourself go, cheers!"

Especially Ali, Tyson, Townsend, and Schwarzenegger took a sip, patted their chests, and gave a thumbs up, "I drank it like this, and everyone drank it the same way!"

In addition, after each advertisement, there is a promotional slogan of 'the designated drink for the 2001 Dongshan Games'.

This was a super storm in the beverage industry before Legend of the Dragon attacked the sand.

It seems that overnight, there are only two drinks left in Dongshan, Code and Nongfu... Not to mention Kekou, Baishi, and even Hawa.

Inside the food stall.

After chatting until the evening, the old men had limited energy and went back to rest one after another.

But Ge Xiaotian doesn't lack drinking buddies.

Gao Song, Shuai Bo, Teddy and others arrived on time one after another.

Not long after, Lao Hong, who had been in retreat for a long time, came over beaming with his SGJ laptop, "Boss, it's done!"

"Let me see."

Tiancheng has never stopped researching and developing construction machinery.

One is that the system itself has a technology tree, so there is no need to use it for nothing.

The second is that technology can be exchanged with external companies for funds or cheap machinery.

At present, the system can only mass-produce steam turbine construction machinery, but after a period of trial, Neobras engineering department all feedback: too clumsy, inflexible, long-distance transportation is very economical, but the turnover on the construction site is not only slow, but also affect overall efficiency.

Therefore, for the second batch of steam turbine construction machinery, Ge Xiaotian enlarged all of them to look like a small two-story building, and used them for transportation in Siberian mines.

That is, leveling the mountain that was bought.

But since then, Tiancheng needs to prepare construction machinery.

In August and September, Neobras can use ordinary vehicles, but when the cold snaps in October and November, if they want to continue working, they need special and special vehicles.

For this reason, Lao Hong led two monks, relying on his own unique gas turbine technology, running around, asking relevant professionals for advice, and at the same time poaching the other party for research and development...

"Boss, this is the No. 1 test machine made by imitating the tank gas turbine! Pure ethanol is used as fuel, and liquid oxygen is used as auxiliary fuel..."

"Isn't it too big?" Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but gritted his teeth looking at the cylindrical turbine that was comparable to half a van, "Can't our Tianba be made the size of a bucket?"

"It's for civilian use. It needs 1,000 horsepower to reach the sky, and ours is for engineering, so it needs 3,000 to 4,000 horsepower. Moreover, this is an experimental machine. It will be larger to facilitate research on technology. It will gradually shrink in the future to improve performance. Compare."


"The Ice Bear tank weighs 43 tons in combat state, can run up to 75km/h, and can climb a slope of 60%. The performance of the engine driving it can be imagined. And our test machine..." Lao Hong said, switching video.

The screen shows an oversized four-wheeler.

A full eighteen tires!

If you are decorating...

Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the transport vehicle in the Wandering Earth.

Lao Hong continued to explain: "Our testing machine is installed on this Sixiang, which can easily pull 500 tons of cargo. Moreover, due to the torque and power, it starts quickly, has enough power, and climbs. Use the word 'jump' to describe it."

"Go aside, in case the driver accidentally stepped on the wrong accelerator... Besides, why am I pulling so much?"

"I know the boss, the experiment belongs to the experiment, and the commissioning belongs to the commissioning. These are two concepts, and there are few Laduo pulls, and they can be adjusted later. Moreover, we are pulling mines in Siberia, and Ice Bear is hoping that we can pull more..."

"Are there any other models?"

"there must be."

Lao Hong clicked on another video, revealing an oversized bulldozer, "It pushes a lot, one is worth five, but the fuel cost is two-thirds of five, and only one person is needed to operate it!"

Ge Xiaotian can't see how big it is, so he can only estimate it through parameters...

The vehicle is 5 meters wide, weighs 146 tons, and has 1650 horsepower. The bulldozing blade is 9.6 meters long, 4.5 meters wide, and 5.6 meters high. It can push 50 tons of earthwork and the maximum speed is 37km/h...

"It seems to be similar to the data you sent me before."

"The horsepower is increased by 400, and the speed is increased by 20km/h. This is a technological breakthrough."

"When will it be made?"

"This thing can't be mass-produced, it can only come one by one, the soonest...early September."

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