Build Madness

Chapter 430: Arranging Lao Hong's progress in Jinxiuchuan

After listening to Lao Hong's explanation, Ge Xiaotian calculated the time with his fingers, and there was still a week before Legend of the Dragon attacked the sand, "That is to say, build one in seven days?"

"Yes!" Lao Hong nodded, seeing the disgust of the boss on his face, he quickly called up the structural diagram from his notebook, "This thing is not a car, like a hydraulic device, it can only be assembled and debugged manually, and some precision large parts, Custom yields are also required.”

"I understand, what about the excavator?"

"Ultra-large excavators require advanced mechanical arm transmission technology. Our situation in this regard is similar to that of high-tech. Due to overseas blockade, we can neither collect data nor find relevant talents. Currently, we cannot build it."

"Take your time, do what you want, dig what you don't have, if you really can't fix it, let the researchers think more and go their own way."


Ge Xiaotian closed his laptop, put a cigarette in his mouth, took out four decks of cards from the side, and sighed while shuffling: "Old Hong, the boss is rich now, and he has more money. He treated your mechanical department badly before. Now I want to hear What do you mean, should we expand production, or invest in new factories?"

Lao Hong turned his eyes and said righteously: "Boss, there is no need. With our own resources, we can currently produce 300 tons of dump trucks, 50 tons of super bulldozers, and 100 tons of road rollers. It takes three weeks for one piece. The same one is enough for existing projects. Besides, they are special construction machinery, and they need to be applied for every dispatch. For example, they need to be dismantled to the Zaoshi Xincheng construction site Toll booths, three construction bridges are temporarily built, and when they arrive in Wei County, roads will be repaired for it..."

"If this is made, it will be another uncle similar to Mierliu!"

Ge Xiaotian was a little disappointed, not because he felt sorry for the cost of using special machinery, but because Lao Hong had stopped doing things recently...

Taking a bite of the crispy roast duck bone, concealing his inner thoughts, chewing and thinking for a long time, Ge Xiaotian threw the card to Gao Song, "Transport the parts to Amur, and assemble them there for use."

Lao Hong secretly heaved a sigh of relief, this kid is actually a moth, he eats a pit and gains a wisdom, he doesn't want to go to the bird to shit again, "Then our domestic construction site?"

"Use conventional machinery to drive the development of several domestic heavy industry companies. Of course, whoever plays with us, we will lead."


"Well, since you're going to Amur to assemble, then you lead the team over there and keep an eye on it. No matter how serious you are, you're not one of your own after all."


"I can trust you!" Ge Xiaotian patted Lao Hong on the shoulder.

The latter looked extremely complicated, "I..."

"come on!"

Seeing that the two of them finished chatting, Shuai Bo, who had finished filming the plot of the game from Neo Brass, and then ran back to shoot the crazy graphene, took a big sip of the code, and while counting the cards, he said puzzledly: "Boss, a dime The price is 3600 milliliters, which is about seven catties, isn’t it too cheap for us to sell?”

Ge Xiaotian took out a bottle of code from the drink cabinet next to him, "If you change it to Keke, it's two yuan a bottle!"


"20 cents for the bottle, 30 cents for the advertisement, and 40 cents for the drink."

"So low?"

"That water is similar to the bags of soda you used to drink, and it's a delicious cost. But for us, the bottle is produced by our own holding factory, and the cost is not more than ten cents. Advertising... didn't cost money."


"In addition, if it is changed to Coke, the celebrity endorsement fee will be shared 30 cents, the transportation fee will be shared 20 cents, the manual handling fee will be 10 cents, the second-level underwriter will get 20 cents, and the store or counter will get 20 cents... Calculate carefully, they sell Two yuan, about fifty or sixty cents per bottle, and we... understand?"

"Selling the same two yuan, but earning one yuan and eighty-six cents?"

"Almost. The most important thing is that the codes in the tanker are not shared equally. One can of two tons costs less than two hundred yuan. If it is sold out, we can earn fifty yuan as a salary to the driver. ten."


"Also, it's not for making money now, but to drive away the market share of other brands of beverages in Dongshan. It's cheap now, and when other beverages go bankrupt or withdraw from the market, we can raise the price a little..."


"Of course, in order to avoid being defined as a monopoly, we must not only keep the farmers, but also support..."


"If you talk too much and you don't understand, you should practice moving bricks more."

Shuai Bo: "..."

Ge Xiaotian threw out the code marketing plan and stopped paying attention to this aspect.

Beverages do make money, but compared with infrastructure... After going overseas, with the market value of Millennium Coke, I'm afraid they won't be able to do a few projects.

"To put it bluntly, this is the level!"

Shuai Bo was thoughtful, "Boss, don't worry, I will try my best to improve my 'sense of hierarchy' and strive to become a qualified Tiancheng project manager."

"I'm not talking about you, I'm saying..."

"Boss, you don't need to comfort me, I understand!"


What do you know?

Ge Xiaotian was full of question marks, and just about to ask, Shuai Bo went straight to the construction site of the public toilet repair in the tourism development zone...

My employees are good at everything, positive, down-to-earth, and capable, but there is a problem, talking to my boss is always inexplicably 'energetic'!

I don't understand!

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "How about Jinxiuchuan?"

The second monk reported: "The military training of the technical secondary school is coming to an end, and the military training of Dongshan Jianda University and Dongshan Academy of Art has just begun. Since we are not in the same system as us, I was taken into a special training venue by your veteran resettlement office for a period of one month. But , the freshmen saw that it wasn't our Tiancheng's military training, and they scolded you for being stingy a lot..."

"I'm stingy? In order to let them experience the real military life, I donated a full two million!"

"They think that you are not willing to let the freshmen of the school take tanks, and you are not willing to give out ancient costumes..."


Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "Coincidentally, the technical secondary training is about to end, and the construction site is short of people... Then let them drive tanks, use their own coaches, and then wear ancient costumes."

"Our previous donation to Dongshan Military Department?"

"Donation, since it's a donation, why mention it? By the way, what's the progress of Jinxiuchuan's project?"

"It will take two months for the reservoir. The infrastructure construction of the two campuses is fully completed. Teaching equipment is being installed and the layout of the dormitory is being adjusted..."

"When is the opening ceremony scheduled?"

"In mid-September, I will adapt to university life for half a month. I will have a holiday on October 1, and I will come back to formally attend classes."

"Try to supervise and supervise the construction department of Splendid City as much as possible, and use more snacks for construction. Although the university is not ours, future development will affect the price of commercial housing in the university city in the future."


"When will Crazy Graphene be released?"

Gao Song quickly replied, "Eleven."

"After filming, prepare for Zheng He's voyage as soon as possible."

"The filming of the opening and closing credits is all over, just waiting for you to play the role of Zheng He."

"I don't have time recently... I will attack the sand on September 1st, the opening ceremony in mid-September, prepare for the second Sancha Cup football match at the end of September, and the whole company will have a holiday to play football in October..."

"Are you planning to schedule Zheng He's voyages on New Year's Day?"

"What other movies were there during this period?"

"People on Journey, Crazy Stone, and a TV series: Soldiers Assault."

"Then it will be released on New Year's Day. Zheng He's voyage to the West is not easy to shoot. He will go to Western Europe to transport the acquired high-tech electronics company. It will take half a month to go to North America to pick up the two companies that he controls. , I guess it will be New Year's Day."

"By the way, boss, the 21 Xingyuewan community, we haven't shown the landmark yet."

"Don't worry, I sent out 200 million before, and there is another one-card activity to pave the way. It's too late. When the popularity subsides, I will hold a landmark celebration for 21 communities."

Ge Xiaotian called out the system, a little worried.

After building 21 wonders in one go, the upgrade task must have been completed.


The system page is flashing red, and there is a prompt in the middle that cannot be removed: low battery!

The old man said, you need to pull a high-voltage wire...

This is the main reason why he has been eating and drinking in the past few days, and he didn't even send his little sister to college.


To touch, or not to touch?

(Happy New Year to all book friends, there will be a chapter later.)

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