Build Madness

Chapter 454 How Many Companies Do I Have?

meeting room.

Hearing what Director Sun said, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I really can't remember how many companies I have.

Let's take a look at the construction...

Fifteen cities in Dongshan, fifteen branches.

Zaoshi, Jinxiuchuan, and Taishi each have a group.

Brother Hao's Tianhao and Tianlan.

Xiaolan and Sun Ju go to Bianliang, Nanhe, and set up another independent holding group.

There is an independent subsidiary in Xucheng, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The Beijing Wangjing project was established, and the group is being established...

Cooperating with the ocean giants, the two parties will form a comprehensive holding group in Qinggang...

Take a look at the industry...

Sancha Wuling Holdings Daliuzhuang,

Tianba Dongba tua self-contained group,

Flying pigeon electric vehicle self-contained group,

special vehicle manufacturers,

High-speed diesel engine, low-speed diesel engine cooperated with Weichai...

Self-developed gasoline engine (imitation of Mitsubishi), pure ethanol liquid oxygen gas turbine, steam turbine (system product, but can be used on ships)...

Holding bearings, V-belts, car keels, car shells, trip computers...

Holding toy factories, flour mills, instant noodle factories, slaughterhouses, meat processing factories...

Holding stone carving factories, cement factories, brick and tile factories, prefabricated parts factories...

Take a look at the beverage industry...

code series, milk series, fruit milk series, cola series in tanks...

Take a look at the service industry...

Tianrong, Tianle, Tianwei, Tiantian Express, Tiancheng Sports Operation...

Take a look at the agricultural trade industry...

Nanwa Animal and Plant Cultivation Base, Xixiang Plastic Greenhouse, Pangxiu Farm Industrial Chain...

Take a look at the transportation industry...

Tourism, inland river fleet, offshore fleet (Heilong River), building materials transportation team, agricultural trade transportation team...

Take a look at the electronics industry...

There are six integrated circuits, eleven electronic components, and three manufacturing equipment...

In addition, angel investors have invested in hundreds of companies and overseas holding industries...

One hundred and eighty is not much, three to five hundred is less...

What the hell is the sky?

Why does the sky become and no one dares to move?

It's not someone hacking, but a complete industrial chain.

If Tiancheng is ruined, even if someone dares to take it over, considering the inextricable relationship between the various companies before, if they want to operate normally, the person who takes over will not only have to take everything for good and bad, but also have a team composed of business wizards that surpass all the world...

Moreover, President Yu dared to let Tian Cheng destroy it?

The loan is small, the consequences of paralyzing a large area...

This is the result of Tiancheng's transformation from an indebted enterprise to a comprehensive enterprise in the past half a year.

Of course, there are big and small companies, and not every one can spend 100 million yuan.

But it's really not a problem to form a group and work hard to build a project worth 180 billion yuan.

"You can't do it like this. As I said before, investing money in the right place is called investment. The subway project doesn't make money in the early stage, plus certain regulations in China... We have to pull all the places together, even if something goes wrong..."

Ge Xiaotian knocked on the table and didn't finish his sentence, "Besides, Daqingshan Shenlong series theme park is related to the development of three prefectures and cities. It is estimated that the leaders also want to invest. Otherwise, where would the vision, courage, awards and achievements come from?"

A group of subordinates suddenly realized again and nodded.

It's another level of power that goes beyond throwing money at it.

"Let's do this, one family will pay 20 million yuan, so don't mix with small companies. When you make money, those who have invested will share the profits according to the shares. Those who have not invested, you should find a way to help brother companies."


Daqingshan Shenlong series theme park, or Huaxia Gufeng Tourism Center project, that's it.

However, it will take at least half a year to prepare for the implementation.

Ge Xiaotian looks at the monthly schedule for the past six months...

The sand attack is over, and the technical secondary school starts.

In the second session of the Sancha Cup on October 1, we will go abroad to film Zheng He's voyages in the middle of the year, and extradite the company acquired in the graphene storm back to China by the way.

After the work is over, it is estimated that it will be New Year's Day, and the project that has already started is completed. The dormitory that can accommodate 50,000 employees in Zaoshi has also been built. I will start working hard on the new city project, and directly crush Dongshan Jianlian...

After the end, work on the steel structure warehouses of Sinotruk, Wuzheng, Paper Industry and other factories, and then work on the subway...

"People think about how to invest in various places, but I want to grab one place and fuck..."

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the Wangjing project in the capital, and looked around the entire conference room, "Shuai Bo has performed very well recently. He has made a lot of hits, and the next few movies will be released. The best actor in Cannes, Gejiacun, might be able to win the Tiansi card." The International Actor Award..., I plan to hand over the Beijing project to him, what do you think?"

'Dare we have an opinion? '

"Thank you, Boss!" Shuai Bo, who was dark, thin, and a bit vicissitudes, was instantly excited, "Boss, don't worry, whoever dares to give me a moth for this project, I'll kill him!"

"The capital city is no better than Dongshan, and the relationship is intricate and complicated. I chose you not to let you be reckless, but to value your experience and communication skills..." Ge Xiaotian said, looking at Tong Ying, a little star with longing eyes, "What, Do you want to go too?"


"I can't move bricks, I can't shovel ashes, I have no strength to restrain a chicken, so let's sing!"

"Boss, I've worked hard on etiquette, finance, and personnel affairs, all of which are worth silver!"

"Oh? I am motivated!"

When I first met Tong Ying, what Ge Xiaotian admired was her courage to fight for it. Now that she can make up for the gaps in the performance, it also represents her own potential and ability.

"Okay, contact Jia Ling... No, it's Xu Ling. I went to Amur to study with her for two months, and then went to a technical secondary school for three months. When I come back, Shuai Bo has already negotiated the land with the capital. You will be in charge of sales. .”

"thank you boss!"

The capital city is different from Dongshan. Everything has to follow the process, forming a company, applying for qualifications, applying for land acquisition, reporting to superiors, approval, submitting planning, re-approval, submitting construction drawings, continuing approval, submitting sewage drainage and power supply, asking for instructions to start construction, Report workers, report transportation, report purchase...

Even if there is a relationship, it is estimated that it will take less than half a year.

However, it's a lot of exercise!

When the project is over, Shuai Bo can almost be a regional manager, or the chairman of the holding group.

"Xiao Bo, you will be a boss from now on!" Ge Xiaotian flipped through the file bag, "My tua, let's go, an energy supply station will be built there soon, and there is no shortage of fuel."

"thank you boss!"

Brother Hao and the others were very envious, "Boss, I will give my tiger head to the head office. Will you reward me with a Dongba?"

"Looking at this year's performance, according to the amount of funds you transfer to the headquarters for free at the end of the year, what kind of luxury car will be issued!"

Ge Xiaotian pinched off the cigarette butt, "Tianyu is about to purchase 5 billion construction machinery for the headquarters, and help me pay 3.96 billion sand attack bonus... It's awesome, my MI26 will be given away to Gao Song!"

"thank you boss!"

"Of course, follow-up maintenance and repairs will be paid for by yourself."

Shuai Bo, who had just been promoted, quietly took out his smart card, and when he saw the five-figure deposit, his face darkened immediately, "Boss, can you do it?"

"Xiao Bo, no matter what you say, you are already a Tiancheng boss, you can't lose your face!"

"But... maintain millions at a time..."

"It's okay, I owe you first, and you are allowed to take a loan from Tianrong!"


"Okay, today's meeting is over. Let's go and watch the game in the afternoon."

Ge Xiaotian got up and was about to leave, but the smart card rang.

Looking at the number, it turned out to be Old Hong from Neobras.

It's okay, the old guy usually doesn't call him.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, your dog is missing!"

"Huh? Escaped? Impossible, where can it go where the bird doesn't shit?"

"No, looking at the traces, it should have been dragged away by wolves!"


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