Build Madness

Chapter 455 Ah Huang's Disappearance: Cement Factory Business

The northern foothills of the Amur.

The snow melts, everything recovers, and it's the season of animal mating...

A group of Siberian plain wolves who had migrated thousands of miles from the Arctic Ocean region were squatting together in bewilderment, staring at them sitting cross-legged, like a lone wolf of the same kind.

It's weird!

It can walk upright, can slap its chest with its front legs, and can speak the language spoken by two-legged monsters who dig mines in the mountains far away.

It's rich.

In the package behind me, there are all kinds of meat, a fire-breathing stick, and a round pancake that smells delicious and looks crispy, with green vegetables...

It's majestic.

It must have been practiced, the hind legs are solid, the front legs are flexible, and the position is extremely coquettish. Just now, he slammed a wild boar and won!


Ah Huang had ten thousand words of mmp in his heart, and finally turned into an imitated howl of a wolf...

Ge xx, your uncle, where the hell is this?

Are there wolves in Daqingshan? !

No, this is not Daqingshan!


The wolf king walked out of the pack of wolves, looked at a certain dog with admiration, let out a low growl, and launched an attack...

The latter shuddered, did I imitate it wrong?

Fortunately, I have gained weight and fat, and I have practiced mining!

Ah Huang kicked his hind legs fiercely, ignoring the wolf teeth biting at the lightweight super-strong steel collar on his neck, pounced low, twisted his waist, and clawed his dog's claws towards the crotch of the wolf...

After a while.

The limping wolf king crawled under a certain dog...

Wolves howling, Siberia has changed!

It was a long time again.

A dozen wild wolves pulled a sled made of branches, and under the protection of dozens of wolves of the same kind, they headed northeast with a dog on their back...

Ah Huang: "Where are we going?"


Ah Huang: "I really don't understand!"




"Ah Huang was dragged away by wolves?" Ge Xiaotian reconfirmed with his smart card.

Lao Hong was very worried, "Boss, the traces look similar, but a lot of ingredients have been lost in the canteen."

"Any recent photos of it?"


"Send it!"

While operating, Lao Hong replied: "Since Ah Huang came to Siberia, this guy didn't know whether it was mining training, or because of the influence of the region, he lost his hair twice in a row. The head of the Ice Bear Research Institute in charge of animal and plant research Said, it belongs to the phenomenon of atavism caused by genetic mutation... I don't understand."


Ge Xiaotian turned on his laptop, received photos and one or two surveillance videos, and saw that he looked exactly like Ah Huang’s father who often rode to school when he was a child, that is, a cross between Soviet red and black back...

Some memories come to mind.

After crossing, the dog Ahuang lived in the stable for a long time, and there was no change at the beginning. Later, he mixed with Dahan, ate so fat, and was sent to Neobras to mine, 20 work points a day, otherwise no food...

Is it possible to stimulate the potential?

"It's in Amur, does it often sleep in the stables?"

The environment in Amur is harsh, and machinery alone cannot meet the engineering needs. In Ice Bear, Tian Cheng had plenty of ways to get gold, so he stormed hundreds of war horses.

"Uh... Boss, how do you know? It's not that I abused your dog, but that it walks inside by itself every day..."

Ge Xiaotian suddenly understood something. When Ah Huang was in his hometown, he often went into Daqingshan to chase rabbits and beat teeth for sacrifices. Now he is running to Siberia...

"I guess this guy ran away! Find it for me. If you want to see a dog in life, you want to see a corpse in death. If it doesn't work, use satellites."

"The resolution of the satellite camera is too low, with 10m x 10m pixels, and you can't see a dog. Besides, it's the thawing period, and the swamp is densely covered. If you look for it manually, something will happen..."

"Then use Ice Bear's helicopter formation, and I'll pay for it!"

"Good boss!"

"After finding it, let the directors of the research institute slice it up for me to study!"

"Um... true or false?"

"Angry words! Can't you understand?"


Putting down the smart card, Ge Xiaotian made a trip to Amur, but the dog Ahuang is not a product of the system, even if he goes there, it will not help.

"This little bastard is capable!"

"Boss, are you okay?"

"It's okay, let's go and watch the game in the afternoon."

UFO Stadium.

After an adjustment at noon, the style of the audience changed again.

The standby animation on the single-chip microcomputer and the big screen turned into a promotional video of Corolla Liquor, the code drink on the table turned into Nongfu Spring, and the surrounding banners turned into Tiange electric car...

Spectators and players have already entered, and the host is summing up.

Ge Xiaotian sat in his seat, and Dao Er led a plainly dressed farmer to the side.

"Boss Ge, it's a pleasure to meet you!"


With so many sponsors and sponsors, it is impossible for Ge Xiaotian to know all of them.

The peasant man seemed to know this too, and took out a business card printed on transparent plastic, "The manager of the prefabricated parts factory in Xiaxiaohu Town."

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian leisurely thought of the dozens of companies that produced utility poles and drainage pipes that he saw on the way every time he ran to Xiang County, "Macun?"

"Yes! Although we belong to Xiaohu Town, the factory is in Ma Village." The middle-aged man rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "Boss Ge, I have a heartless invitation for you this time."

"Please say!"

In the past, Ge Xiaotian didn't understand why Dongshan was always called a big industrial province even though it was a big agricultural province.

It wasn't until later that he visited many places that he realized the countless small and medium-sized factories hidden in various villages and towns.

For example, the wood processing factories, paint factories, and tool factories under the industrial chain of Laojia Furniture City.

The furniture city can grow bigger and stronger, even with the support of Tiancheng New Materials, without a strong logistics support, it probably won't be able to get up.

It is these many small factories hidden in villages and towns that can support a large enterprise in a short period of time.

This is the basis of industry!

"Boss Ge, in terms of the industry, we don't have a competitive relationship..."

"Understood." Ge Xiaotian got up, took a look at the lively scene of attacking the sand, and the LLLs rushing left and right among the thousands of troops... 8 President, before the legend became free, it was simply impossible for one person to take the sand, "Let's go!" , chat in the meeting room."

After a while.

The farmer took out a piece of material, "Boss Ge, Tiancheng community's cables and optical fibers are all underground, requiring a lot of concrete drainage pipes, and the Limin Activity Center also needs a lot of electric poles. I wonder if this business can be entrusted to us?"

"Didn't talk to Ge Damao's general manager of logistics?"

"Let's talk, his quotation is too low, and now the price of cement remains high..."

"We have a cement plant that will be put into use soon. If you can use our cement and provide us with finished products, Mr. Ge's quotation will definitely be fine."

The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed.

Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes, "What? Do you have your own cement channel?"

"It's not a channel, it's just a few newly opened cement workshops, and contracts have been signed."

"If this is the case, the quality is difficult to guarantee. I'm afraid we will not be able to purchase drain pipes and utility poles from your factory."

"When we signed the contract with them, we didn't even know that you also have a cement factory, otherwise we would definitely learn from Boss Wanshi and become your partner, but now... Boss Ge, I know you are flexible and can definitely come up with two The whole way..."

"Hey, are you asking me to solve your problems?"

The farmer smiled honestly, "There's nothing we can do. The Tiancheng family has a big business. If we don't take your business, we're afraid we'll all be down."

"Speaking of which, as a fellow townsman, it seems unreasonable for me not to help..."

Ge Xiaotian took out a pen, took out a white paper to write and draw, "How about this, you will accept all the cement provided by the small workshop, but it cannot be used to make cement pipes and utility poles that Tiancheng needs, but to set up a cement The sales company..."

"Sell it by hand?" The farmer frowned, "You have a large cement factory, and if you add another aspect in the future, we will definitely not have an advantage, and I'm afraid we will lose it..."

"No, we have a competitor."

"Shangpin Construction Works?"

"Chen Feng went to sell fruit. I don't know if the project will be delivered in that year. It's Shen Zhipeng!"

"Dongshan Jianlian?"

"Yes, they won't buy my cement, and the price of the small workshop is definitely lower than that of the Huaxia United Cement Factory. As long as you have a large quantity, Lao Shen will definitely eat it all. If you sell it, you may still make money." Ge Xiaotian said Finished, half a smile is not a smile.

The farmer's eyes turned, "I understand! Boss Ge, don't worry, Tian Cheng will not be involved in this matter."

"Well, although you haven't caught up with Dongshan Fifteen Cities, I have more than a thousand benefiting activity centers in the countryside. In addition, Zaoshi New Town and the super large projects that are being planned, your small factories divide the work, don't worry. Make trouble, the future scale...follow me!"

"Thank you, Boss Ge!" The middle-aged man took out a card.

"Forget it, build a school, or use it to build roads, I'm not short of money!"


"Remember, what happened to Old Shen?"


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