Build Madness

Chapter 456 Farmer's Man (Drainpipe Telephone Pole)

The cement produced by small workshops does not mean that it really does not meet the standards, but it does not mean that all of them meet the standards.

Ge Xiaotian instructed the farmer to resell the cement to Shen Zhipeng. First, he could not use cement of different quality, but the owner of the small workshop is also an entrepreneur. If he died at a loss, how could he buy his own house?

Second, there are countless drainage pipes needed to build the wonders of Daqingshan, and countless electric poles needed to expand the Limin Activity Center. By then, Yuanfang Sanjiu's prefabricated parts factory may be overwhelmed.

The third is that it is not easy for anyone to do business. He is sincerely helping the peasants solve their problems.

"You are always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted..."

Sending off the farmer, Ge Xiaotian hummed to the community and returned to the competition scene.

Zone 1 Thunder server LLL... 8 bosses killed the Quartet, and finally handed over Shacheng...

The awards ceremony was hosted by Brother Hao and Gao Song.

Next up is the 'Family Fight' server.

What cousin, what brother-in-law, what seven aunts and eight aunts, the battle is complicated and confusing, let the audience enjoy a wonderful palace fighting drama.

Qi Feifei came to the stage and presented awards with Gao Song...

The fourth game, the flames of the second district, needs to wait until the evening.

After the game, Ge Xiaotian held a meeting again and talked with everyone, but found no new problems, so he threw the game to Tianyu.

Afterwards, they took You Xingxing to discuss the new game.

3D technology is mature, it's time to launch Xuanwu!


After Shen Zhipeng was stimulated by Dongshan Fifteen City, he recently put in all his energy to build Zaoshi New City.

At the same time, he ran around and stabilized the relationship with several other large developers in Dongshan.

Tiancheng is very powerful, according to the speed of Ge's construction, if Xingyuewan, a new city located in Panlong River, is completed first, everyone's life will be difficult.

Working together, with the help of the Shanghai Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Jiangnan Changfeng Industry, collectively move the project to the south, widening the distance from the new city Xingyue Bay, with the support of the Yimeng United Cement Factory, it will definitely make Tiancheng fall into a big fall .


It was only used to adjust the general direction, and the changes were not big, and the leader Xue Da couldn't control it.

At noon, after eating and drinking with several bosses, and despising Ge 250 again, Shen Zhipeng returned to his construction site office to open the Jishi project plan.

Cement prices remain high, and the United Cement Plant only supplies Zaoshi Xincheng at a low price. This project will suffer losses.

Sitting in the office thinking for a long time, Shen Zhipeng raised his head and looked at the chirping sparrows standing on the branches in the distance...

"A happy event?!"

"Boss, the managers of several small and medium-sized concrete component factories in Xiaohu Town are here to visit."

"Oh? Drain pipes? Telephone poles? We don't seem to need them?"

"It's about the cement."


Not long after, a farmer came in.

Instead of reorganizing a cement factory as Ge Xiaotian said, with a simple and honest face, he took out a stack of contracts signed with the cement workshop.

"Boss Shen, Tian Cheng is very powerful. He uses his own drainage pipes and telephone poles. Our factories in Xiaohu Town were the first to be affected, and a large number of finished products were piled up and could not be sold. Now they have lost their minds and signed contracts with emerging cement workshops. Big order, life is hard!"

Shen Zhipeng naturally knew about these things, otherwise he wouldn't have scolded Ge at the banquet, and after drinking some wine, he felt the same way and nodded, "I heard that you didn't join the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"We want to add it, but people hate it. Besides..." the farmer whispered: "You don't know that the person who makes concrete bricks and concrete components in Nanwa is his third uncle?"

"Of course I know that those in business are most afraid of cronyism!"

"So, how can we small and medium-sized manufacturers compare to the third uncle?"

Shen Zhipeng sipped his tea and thought for a while, then opened the purchase contract and took a look, "Hey, these small workshops, combined, produce almost a thousand tons of clinker per day!"

"Yes, Mr. Shen, our business is difficult. If such a large supply is shipped to the factory, I'm afraid we will die."

"You mean, transfer it to me?" Thinking of the Jishi project, Shen Zhipeng smiled.



"What I mean is, can you take a stake and let's jointly establish a cement supply company? Or, incorporate these cement workshops, centralize supply, and unify sales."

"Looking for investment?" Shen Zhipeng shook his head with a smile, "Everyone knows that Tiancheng's super-large cement plant has already landed, and my investment in a new cement plant may be in vain."

"If you wait for him to put it into use and monopolize Dongshan, Mr. Shen, you are in construction, and I am in concrete components. Unless you don't do this business, the cement we need in the future may have to be shipped from Xishan... At that time, the price will not be up to us to decide."

Shen Zhipeng frowned, "You have quite a long-term vision."

"Let's form a cement sales factory to sell and use for ourselves. There is no need to worry about Tiancheng's monopoly. This is the way to survive!"

Shen Zhipeng's eyes flashed brightly, "Sorry, I'm not interested."

"Huh?" The farmer was slightly stunned.

"The quality of the cement produced in the workshop is uneven. I am engaged in a large project, so I dare not use it!"


"Sorry, see off!"

When the farmer left, Shen Zhipeng picked up the smart card and called Dongshan Jianlian's Jishi office, "Find a way to buy those newly emerging cement workshops and set up a centralized sales company. Hurry up!"

the other side.

The farmer got into the car, smiled and lit cigarettes with the deputy steward who was waiting on the car, "Boss Ge is said to be evil-hearted, but he found out that he is too soft-hearted after contacting him. If you use this trick, remind Shen Zhipeng to buy all the workshops. Wouldn't it be worse if he smashed it into his hands?"

"Shen Zhipeng will not necessarily do this. Besides, Dongshan Jianlian also has big projects, and the cement needed by so many shopping malls is not a small amount. Even if we buy all the workshops and we withdraw from the supply chain, Shen Zhipeng can digest it."

"How many real cement workshops are there in Dongshan in a short period of time?"

"you mean?"

"Tiancheng's new cement factory was established, and a large amount of old cement production equipment taken over from He Shun was eliminated. Let's find an open space and ask Tiancheng's rural construction team to build dozens of empty shell cement factories, and transport all the cement in stock to pretend. Both true and false packages were sold to Shen Zhipeng..."

The vice president was dumbfounded, "Director, why do I feel like you've been chatting with Boss Ge for a while, and suddenly you seem to be a different person?"

"Yeah, it's strange to say that after chatting for a while, Mao Sai suddenly understood. Looking back, if we had had this kind of cleverness, maybe we would have become bigger and stronger, rushed out of Dongshan, and went to the whole country..."

The vice president was dumbfounded again, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, the manager, you have really changed. Boss Ge is really a strange person!"

"This is a certificate of approval! In the future, we will definitely not use the old materials to produce drainage pipes and utility poles for Tiancheng."

"I know, I don't want to go to Neobras, let alone sell slippers in Africa..."

"By the way, I will ask professional masters to help adjust the production line later. At worst, I will purchase a batch of new equipment. Take a look at Daliuzhuang. If they can integrate, so can we!"

"But we don't have Big Liu..."

"Who said that? We have Ge Baiyi! Whoever disagrees with the integration, go to Ge Baiyi for a private chat!"

"This trick is brilliant!"

"Am I a little dark-bellied?"

"No, how is it possible!"

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