Build Madness

Chapter 461 Lock them up for me!

the capital.

Huaxia Street was closed for construction for a week, which seemed normal for residents within the third ring road.

But this time it's a bit special.

In the evening, the closure was lifted, and people walked onto the street one after another, looking at the flickering flowers and greens on both sides of the road, various colorful projections, and ancient-style lanterns...

"It's the holiday?"

"Yes, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in three days."

"Hey, the prodigal son who crushed the flower bed has done a good job."

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense, he is Ge Baiyi!"

"It's far away in the capital, so what if I talk about it?"

"he came!"


"The green decoration on this street and the luxury cars in the security office are all donated by him!"

"It's just a donation, it's not just running here..."

The chatter didn't take it seriously, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked down at the peony-shaped, constantly rotating projection on the ground, and rubbed his eyes, "Strange, why do I feel there are words in it?"

"Huh? There really are!"

"Constructed by Tiancheng, the quality is reliable?"

"Huh? There are also lanterns!"

"Wangjing Real Estate, quality first?" (Shuai Bo's project)

"Tian Cheng is going to settle in Wangjing?"

"My god..."

"Wait, look over there!"

"Ge Xiaotian and Tiancheng have 50,000 employees, 100,000 employees (temporary workers, such as the old man who rolls peppers), and 200,000 chamber of commerce employees. I wish the people of the whole country a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

"Er Di Niang, this kid actually posted an advertisement on Huaxia Street?"



Huaxia Taiwan.

news stage.

"Conscientiously study the important ideas of ***, implement the scientific outlook on development, and adhere to the four basic principles..."

"Today, after a week of intensive construction, Huaxia Avenue was finally delivered ahead of schedule when the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, showing the most beautiful scenery ever seen for tourists at home and abroad."

"Let us enjoy this rare scene together."

The neon is shining, the lights are gorgeous, the projections of flying dragons and phoenixes, and the colorful flowers...

The people who stop and watch, the slow-moving vehicles, and the Chinese red flag waving in the wind, the only thing missing may be tall buildings and majestic buildings.

Beijing Terrace.

"It is reported that Tiancheng donated the cost of this transformation, with a total investment of 200 million red notes!"

"Today, Shuai Bo, the project director of Tiancheng, held a press conference at the Huaxia International Hotel to publicize the establishment of Tianbo Wangjing Group, and plans to spend 2 billion to build a new business circle in the capital..."


Beijing compound.

The leader of the capital, who had a chance with Ge Xiaotian last time, watched the video sent back from the scene of Huaxia Street in amazement, and took out the office version of the smart card:

"How did you accept it?!"

"Leader, we didn't turn on the lights when we checked and accepted."

"This kid is so brave!"

The leader of the capital laughed angrily, "Drinking with Mr. Yu at noon, and talking about his ability to fool people, I didn't expect to recruit me so soon!"

"I think he has plans long ago. The last time he crushed the flower bed, I felt weird. A big boss can't be so reckless..."

"Okay, how come they have ruined so many projects for us, think of a way as soon as possible, and we can't let him mess around!"

"How about I arrange for the city management to demolish it?"

"Demolition? It cost 200 million yuan, it's so beautiful, and it's all on Huaxia News... Besides, there are three days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, can the repair be in time?"

"I'm also confused..."

"By the way, I remember Tian Cheng sent a supervisor to take charge of the Wangjing project?"

"Yes, his name is Shuai Bo. He is also responsible for the greening and decoration of the flower beds."

"Inform him, and add some civilized and patriotic slogans without affecting the overall effect."



Yu Zong Jingcheng's trip did not go well.

Logically speaking, such a high-ranking person came to apply in person, and the project was led by a private enterprise with sufficient funds. If there were no accidents, it would definitely pass.

But the line is too long, 300 kilometers!

How many subways are there in China in total?

Moreover, there are still several construction difficulties on the road map, such as: the waters of Nansi Lake, the mining subsidence area of ​​Xiaohu Town, the cracks in Daqing Mountain (there is a gully under the flying saucer gymnasium, and Ge Xiaotian arranged for personnel to investigate it at that time.), the silt area of ​​East Lake, Dongyue Xilu Reserve...

In addition, the intersection of the subway and the strategic railway, overlapping with the air-raid shelter of the civil air defense nature, operation and local security are involved, and it must not be easily handed over to private enterprises.

During the meeting, four major leaders, three development and reform committees, one construction committee, one railway committee, and two economic committees, out of a total of eleven leaders, only four agreed, and the rest were all opposed.

Of course, if the chairman nods, things will become easier. Unfortunately, the chairman has gone abroad.

Mr. Yu lit a cigarette with a frown, and stood in front of the window overlooking the beautiful scenery of Huaxia Street in the capital.

Recalling the meeting process carefully, in fact, as long as the three development and reform leaders nod, this matter can also be accomplished. (Development and reform: in charge of development and reform. Many projects of Tiancheng in Ji City are approved by this department. One of the two leaders that Ge Xiaotian met when he went to Sun Bureau's house for the first time was also the leader of development and reform.)

Maybe, we can talk in private tomorrow...

While thinking about it, Mr. Yu suddenly rubbed his eyes, collected himself, and looked at the distant street scene again...I always felt that I was so busy that I could imagine the word "Tiancheng" wherever I went!

"It's weird!"

Can Tiancheng advertise on Huaxia Street?

I'm afraid it wasn't that kid who had to be able to go to heaven!

Mr. Yu turned on the TV and happened to see the night scene of Huaxia Street being broadcast.

Rubbing his eyes again, he calmed down...

There is also the word Tiancheng in the flower?

What a joke!

"No, after working for a while, I need to rest!"

Mr. Yu muttered to himself, picked up the smart card, and found that his hair was graying again.

"Xiao Cai, don't rush, this project belongs to you as well as mine, we can definitely win it!"

"I know the leader, let me tell you a good thing, today we are in, we are Dongshan, and we have newly established a company that ranks among the top ten private enterprises in China!"

"Oh?" Mr. Yu understood what happened in a blink of an eye. Apart from Ge xx's establishment of a municipal rail company, which private enterprise can burst out such a large amount of capital energy in an instant? "That kid is quite quick, why, you plan to unite together and force the palace?"

"How is it possible, I'll tell you the good news!"


Mr. Yu flicked the cigarette ash, looked at the smart card screen that vibrated, and clicked on the message...

Big Secret: Leader, Ge Xiaotian is fighting with Shen Zhipeng again!


"What's the matter, leader?" Shao Baitou on the other end of the phone didn't understand why.

"What's wrong? I'm busy on the front line, and you're fighting behind me?"

"Who?" The young leader was in the banquet hall, so he didn't know what happened outside the Wuming Hotel.

"Xiao Cai, you are not doing a good job at this job. Although Ge Xiaotian is from Jishi, he is also the image of Dongshan Enterprise. He and Shen Zhipeng fight in public every now and then. Do you think this is good?"

"It's definitely not good, the nature is extremely bad!"

"Then why don't you hurry up and lock them up for me!"


"When will I go back and when will I release it!"

"You have to find a reason, don't you?"

"Isn't fighting a reason? Also, remove Shen Zhipeng's national representative!"

"Ge Xiaotian?"

"Does he have general representation?"


"Remove me if you have anything!"

"He has nothing..."

"He's quite a bachelor!" Mr. Yu couldn't help laughing angrily, "I'll lock him up for ten days and half a month!"

"Up to three days. Jinxiuchuan will have a party during the Mid-Autumn Festival. On the 15th, Xinlong Tianwang will release new products. This is a big plan of the nine institutes. Also, on the same day, Jinxiuchuan University City will hold a school opening ceremony, and you will be there then. "

"Hey, I can't fix him anymore! Shut Shen Zhipeng then!"


Putting down the smart card, Mr. Yu was stunned, "Isn't it too refreshing to agree?"


September 12th, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

On the second floor of a community next to the Jifu compound.

Jingle Bell……

Amidst the ringing of the doorbell, a piece of crumpled A4 paper floated down, and several rows of characters on it could be vaguely seen...

Name: Liu Beibei

Results: Signed in for 185 days, fainted 57 times, was rescued 46 times, lost 128 catties, and grew 6 cm tall...

"Mom, open the door, it's really me!"

The closed anti-theft door was opened again, but the safety chain was not put down.

A middle-aged woman wearing an apron carefully looked at the burly boy wearing a military green vest, black trousers, and shiny leather shoes. "The eyebrows and eyes are a bit similar, but my son is not so handsome! Where is your student ID card?"

"The old one-card is handed in, and the new smart one-card needs to be issued after the semester starts."

"Then how do you get in and out of school?"

"Today's Mid-Autumn Festival is a holiday. Fingerprints, pupils, face shapes, handwriting, and voice authentication are required for entry and exit... It's so troublesome, Mom, let me in quickly!" (The technology is not mature, multiple inspections, five to three pass )

"You are not my son!"


Liu Beibei scratched her head, "Mom, my dad hid two hundred red notes under the right hind leg of the TV cabinet!"


The middle-aged woman closed the door, and opened it again after a while, "Liar, there is no one at all, let me go!"

"That's being spent by my dad, take a look..."

"Son! It's our son!"

Before the words were finished, there were waves of climbing stairs downstairs, and a middle-aged man who was out of breath rushed up, without even looking at him, he hugged Liu Beibei fiercely, "My dear son, I want to die!" Dad!"

Middle-aged women: "..."

After the recognition was over, Liu Beibei walked to the sofa neatly while his parents were dumbfounded, sat down squarely, poured a glass of water deftly, and gulped it down.

Gently put down the cup, put your hands on your knees, "I ran all the way, I'm thirsty. Eh? Parents, why are you looking at me?"

Liu's father and Liu's mother looked at each other, "Babe, we're home!"

"Oh, yes!"

"How about you go play a game and let's cook?"

"No, just take a day off to chat with you. Tomorrow we have to go to school, experience life in a university town for two days, and then attend the opening ceremony on the 15th."

"Oh! Then relax!" Father Liu patted Liu Beibei on the shoulder.

"I'm already very relaxed."

"Uh...don't you hunch your back?"

"Did you draw?"


"No, we men have to sit like we sit, and stand like we stand!"

Mother Liu looked at Liu Beibei carefully, feeling distressed, "Son, how much weight have you lost?"

"128 pounds! I was obese, and now I am old and healthy! By the way, parents, this is my military training certificate!" Liu Beibei took out a pair of bronze epaulettes from her arms, "Bronze!"

"What is it?" Father Liu took it, somewhat puzzled.

"That is, I am entering Tiancheng now, and I can obtain a job position and salary. After three months, I will be able to become a full-time employee if I pass the qualification. Of course, I am a student now, and I can continue my studies. Silver, gold, diamond... different grades, The salary and treatment are different, and the house will be divided if you get gold."

"Can we talk more normally?" Liu's father suspected that his son was stupid, "Our family is not short of money and housing."

"What's yours is yours, and what's mine is mine. I bought the ones myself and used them with a sense of accomplishment. Don't worry, parents. I'll be honoring you both soon!"


Father Liu and mother Liu looked at each other again, feeling weird.

"Bebe, what did you learn in school?"

"School has not yet started, everything is to lay the foundation, training in the morning, practical training in the afternoon, and learning morality in the evening."


"Mom and Dad, it's noon, I'm going to cook!"


On this day, countless parents are about to spend an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival in their ignorance...

At the same time, Ge Moumou also came out!

"Three days? Three days is nothing. In my previous life, I spent several years in a more advanced place, and even managed to abscond. No one has hunted me down until now!"

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