Build Madness

Chapter 462: The Order Page: Completion of Jinxiu River, Shen Zhipeng's Plan

In three days, the news that Tiancheng donated greening to the capital and took the opportunity to advertise was widely circulated in China.

Even the producers of Huaxia TV were belatedly aware of it, and it was only after the broadcast that they found out that a full three-minute advertisement had been placed for someone during the golden time period.

Regardless of whether you are angry or not, the words 'Tiancheng', 'Wangjing' and 'New Model' are well known to all.

After a month, people still remember the opening carnival of Dongshan Fifteen Cities.

If one needs to consider geographical issues when buying Dongshan Xingyue Bay commercial housing, then if it is the capital... Even if Tiancheng builds it in a ravine, it will definitely make money if you buy it!

"Mmp, I'm going to grab it again!"

"Prepare the smart card first!"

"Shh, don't spread the word..."

"Anyway, I have it! Wait, the smart card has updated a web version of 'House Selection'?"

"Let's see, hiss... what a big project!"

"Damn, ten residential buildings, five landmark commercial buildings?"

"How rich!"

"Huh? Now you can order internally through the smart card account?"

"you try!"

"It is reminded that ordering is different from pre-sale, but a convenient service provided by Tiancheng smart card customers. If you order today, you can enjoy a 13% discount until the pre-sale or opening day. If you cancel after ordering, it will affect the smart card. Credit investigation..."

"What is a letter request?"

"The introduction is a little complicated. If the credit score is lower than 60, you will not be able to take Tiancheng's bus, enter Tiancheng's parking lot, stay in Tiancheng's hotel, or use Tiancheng's various services... , 名Said: You have been blocked by Tian Cheng."

"As if something had to use it!"

"But if you don't use the smart card in Dongshan, I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable doubting your life. Moreover, Tiancheng marched into the capital... It's hard to say in the future!"

"..." The companion was silent for a moment, and suggested: "You try?"

"Buy it?"

"You're not going to buy it?"

"Tiancheng will definitely make money by launching a new section, and the chamber of commerce will probably give a notice soon...then I'll choose one to try."

"A house or a shop?"

"House, 160 square meters, the price range given above is '3500-5000', reminding you to buy it if you can afford it, and take a loan if you can't..."

"..." The companion was silent for a moment again, "By the way, this is too expensive, right?"

"It's just this year's, next year's '6000-8000'."

"What about the next year?"

"The reminder said: You won't be able to buy next year's, but you still want to buy the next year's?"


"Forget it, it's only three or four thousand in the urban area of ​​the capital. It's too expensive for him. Let's wait a few years."

"According to my experience, since Tiancheng decided to launch a new brand, it must be the same as Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County. The house price will not double within a year. If you have money, you should buy it first. I will apply for a smart card."


"Anyway, I decided to buy it, and the big deal is a loan."

"Then I order..."


Shen Zhipeng, who stayed in the safety center, was tortured by Ge XX's plateau singing for the past three days and became a little deaf.

Luckily it got out...


"No, why did you let him go and leave me behind?" Shen Zhipeng immediately called the security officer.

"Boss Shen, you still have three days."


"You roll up your sleeves first!"


Shen Zhipeng was fascinated, "He moved first, look at my eyes, it's black!"

"Really? But the surveillance and witnesses said that you rolled up your sleeves and rushed forward. Boss Ge is self-defense..."

"He's defending himself ass!"

"Facts speak louder than words."


Shen Zhipeng sat back on the small bed indignantly, and turned on the smart card.

The page popped up and instantly saw 'Wangjing Order'.

"This grandson has quite a lot of tricks!"

However, scolding is scolding, but Shen Zhipeng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he really wanted to see Tian Cheng head-to-head with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in Xucheng where Tian Cheng pushed the front line to the south, but he knew the truth of 'disaster to the fish pond'.

The business war between the two sides in Xucheng will definitely affect Zaoshi Xincheng. If Tiancheng puts all his efforts into infrastructure construction, his plans with several other developers in Dongshan may come to naught.

Today, Tiancheng went south and west after a series of trials, and finally chose to go north to the capital, and transferred a lot of funds and personnel, plus the burden of the 'subway', it was really a good thing for Dongshan Jianlian.

"Smart but was misunderstood by cleverness, making subways? Isn't this asking for trouble!"

Shen Zhipeng thought about it, and decided to disclose the news about Tiancheng's funds to Wei Changfeng, luring him to attack Tianhao Group, which is relatively weak in Tiancheng in Nanhe. )

As for whether the Magic City Chamber of Commerce will join hands with Jiangnan Industry to enter Dongshan...

His old Shen is not a vegetarian either! (Note 2)

(Note 1: In the millennium, the Nanhe Asia Mall, which is stronger than the Jifu Chamber of Commerce, is about to go bankrupt, the well-known Erqi business district in China enters the Great Depression, and Nanhe's local commercial brands are about to collapse. Since then, Nanhe has never listed a single Commercial enterprises, basically all entrepreneurs can understand the timing of entering Nanhe, which is why Nanhe welcomes Tiancheng.)

(Note 2: The Jifu Chamber of Commerce is not in the same group as the Modu Chamber of Commerce and Jiangnan Industry, and Shen Zhipeng will not join forces with the other party. This involves geographical issues. If the Jifu Chamber of Commerce unites with the Modu Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid that the Jifu Chamber of Commerce will openly support it Tiancheng is used to protect local enterprises and industries, and avoid being reduced to the situation of Nanhe. Shen Zhipeng will definitely not foolishly throw away his protective umbrella and embrace the Magic City Chamber of Commerce from afar.)


The subway project has temporarily come to an end.

The follow-up needs are equal to always bringing back good news, as well as imitating Tiancheng's shield excavator, preparing enough building materials and enough prefabricated tunnel tiles.

Counting the work in operation, there are all kinds of busy work, and it will take more than half a year anyway.

Moreover, it is the first time for a private enterprise to take a subway project. Although there is no relevant regulation, it is still unclear whether it will be approved or not.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian, who was released, handed over this certain aspect of work to Dao Er, and took the deputy chief engineer and technicians of the Wajima Shinkansen who were disobedient and wanted to go home. After visiting the tower crane pendulum, helicopter bungee jumping, speedboat Adventure projects such as circling on the water surface, turning a mixer into a living person, etc., and admiring the big treasure knife presented by the old man of the veteran resettlement office. To Jinxiuchuan.

After nearly two quarters of intensive construction, except for the public sports center to be discussed, all projects including the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir have finally been declared fully completed.

Three colleges covering an area of ​​1,000 mu, a library ranked No. 1 in China, an epic-level organ tower, a supporting business district, a Tiancheng office, an employment center, a large auditorium, and several asphalt lines that can be used for racing Roads, two plastic runways in a figure-8 shape around the mountain, a row of gazebos half a circle around Jinxiu River, fifteen overpasses that replace sidewalks...

Taken together, row dormitory buildings, solemn education area, elegant ancient courtyard, scholarly library, pleasant weeping willows and Xiaoqing River, quiet trails lined with greenery...

Poetic, simple and solemn!

Especially the twenty-four large characters visible from afar...

"The barren land of the past, now the charming city!"

With a sense of pride, Ge Xiaotian walked down the organ tower step by step and stepped into the off-campus comprehensive cafeteria.

There was joy inside, and more than 300 technical secondary school teachers and students from colleges and universities in the capital were making mooncakes.

The Mid-Autumn Festival originated in ancient times, was popularized in the Han Dynasty, was finalized in the early Tang Dynasty, and became popular after the Song Dynasty. Together with the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival, it is called the four traditional festivals in China.

Unfortunately, in the millennium, this day is not a statutory holiday.

However, affected by the blank period of the project, Tiancheng's departments except the logistics hub and express delivery system have a collective holiday for one day, including the technical secondary school that has completed military training.

Whether the students are close to home or far away, whether they run, take a car, or fly, they have all left school.

Leaving the teacher and the college students who were sent back, Ge Xiaotian planned to join the party to discuss the issue of treatment.


Just looking for a seat to sit down, Shuai Bo, who went to the capital to explore the market, called.

"Boss, good news, 1,800 units in ten residential buildings are fully booked..."

"What a big deal, add ten more buildings!"

"Will someone mess with us?"

"Your company hasn't even been established yet, so you're afraid of getting sucked in? This isn't a pre-sale or online lottery, it's just an alternative investigation. Besides, this experimental webpage is the main sales channel for our Tiancheng in the future. Who dares to play tricks on me? We Dare to play tricks on the other party! I wish someone would come up and kill chickens and monkeys, understand? Just like the few people who threw things in the UFO stadium..."

"Then I understand!"

"Work hard, make up your own mind, don't bother me all day, if you are not capable enough, go back and continue to entertain!"

"Beep beep..."

"Hey, it's quite neat to hang!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about the capital project, it was just a "bright chess" to mislead Shen Zhipeng, or the Magic Capital Chamber of Commerce, and Jiangnan Changfeng Industry. The main battlefields of the three parties were Zaoshi New Town and Xucheng Xingyue Bay.

'Tian Cheng is fearless and has never failed! '

Muttering, the smart card rang again.

The personnel of Tiancheng Aerospace Department.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, I captured Shen Zhipeng's communication."

"Oh? It came in handy again, what's the matter?"

"Shen Zhipeng contacted Wei Changfeng, saying that our funds are empty, and it is a good time for them to join forces to enter Nanhe and bring down Tianhao Group."

"This guy wants to cheat Wei Changfeng!"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and denied the idea of ​​telling Brother Hao, "For the time being, it can be regarded as an experience for Ding Hao. If he resists it, he will almost be able to gain a foothold in Nanhe."


Ge Xiaotian's eyes were not on Beihe Capital City, nor on Nanhe Zheng Mansion, these places were handed over to his subordinates, but he was looking at the fat meat.

For example, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangnan, and Guangzhou, and then they will defeat Xiangjiang Li in one go!

At that time, connecting the territory of the subordinates and the territory of the old man will almost run through China...

And at the time of the war, while earning money overseas, while consolidating the industrial chain, and then relying on overseas funds to advance into the Northwest, and then...the whole world speaks Chinese, all human beings live a happy life, and the space age begins, we should also retire up.

Just a daughter after retirement, or a son, or twins?

Miss Xiu should be able to give birth...

Anyway, we have something to worry about, when the big deal is to divide the family property, one person is one planet, no, one person is one starry sky...

Looking up at the full moon outside the window, Ge Xiaotian showed a silly smile...

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