Build Madness

Chapter 487 Everything Crashes

September 26th.

Magic City Stock Exchange.

Unlike the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which is in charge of the small and medium-sized enterprise board, this is the stock market for China's large listed companies.

In the millennium, North America is in a dominant position, its own economy radiates to the world, and can influence the financial markets of many countries.

But after the Nasdaq stock market crash in April, the tech stock crash in June, and the graphene concept stock crash in August...

North America is also a bit unbearable...

Therefore, affected by the general environment, there are still unresolved layoffs, corporate reforms, etc., the Shanghai Securities Index plummeted 4% and approached 1810 (not the new composite index), and about 300 stocks fell by the limit.

In other words, the whole line is green...

Everyone's economy is not good, which is normal.

But there will always be a moth in everything.

Such as all financial technology!

eleven days ago.

On September 15th, the company received an order of 5 billion red notes from Longtian Technology, which is used to manufacture smart one-card machines...


At 9:30 a.m. that day, Wanshi Financial Technology’s trading limit went up as soon as it opened.


No chance.

In China, if the daily increase reaches 10%, you have to wait until the second opening day before you have a chance to make another move.

On September 16, the stock still opened with a daily limit, and it lasted for three days... (Operation of the Stock King)

Seeing this, the stockholders hesitated.

Long-term rise will fall, it is time to sell.

Crash... (Purchased by Director Sun)

However, on September 18th, one minute before the market opened in the morning, the company received 20 billion SG OEM for the whole machine from Longtian Technology, which hangs the sky...

hula la...

September 19, 20, 21...

Continue to run amok.

The stockholders wanted to buy it very much, but at some point, a group of countrymen, security guards, strange white-collar workers, many foreigners came to the exchange...

September 22nd.

Wanshi Financial Technology announced the increase of capital and production, and verbally reached an agreement with Longtian Technology Group to establish the "Wanshi Technology Development Group". the intention of major shareholders.

This time it is not as simple as the daily limit...

At the beginning of the year, Wanshi had trouble with the shareholders. It borrowed 500 million yuan from Ge to reorganize the group. Not only did it take back all the shares, but it also went public in Xiangjiang through a backdoor...

Hanging out with Ge Lao Er, thinking that it would be over sooner or later, Boss Wanshi took the opportunity to go to New York, North America...

To make an analogy:

Before everything went on the market, I had 4 radishes in my hand and decided to sell 3 of them.

However, there are requirements for the listing, and 4 radishes will not be shared.

Therefore, all things call for friends and friends, and 6 radishes are raised, so that the total number of radishes in hand reaches 10, which meets the listing requirements.

Afterwards, Wanshi put 3 radishes in a booth at the Shanghai Market, and the remaining 7 were original stocks, which were used to set off the strength of the booth.

After a while, Wanshi grew 10 radishes in his own field. (to make money or to refinance)

In this way, the number of radishes in Wanshi's hand reaches 20.

Is it to increase the sales ratio (issue additional shares) in the Shanghai market, or to open another booth? (both markets)

Coincidentally, the market was sluggish, and Wanshi had conflicts with the shareholders who raised the radishes, so they borrowed a sum of money (500 million) from Ge Laoer to buy the 6 radishes that were originally raised.

From then on, all 20 radishes belonged to Wan Shi himself.

Wanshi sees that the money-paying partners open their own stores and do business, and become stronger and stronger, but they always rely on the market, unwilling to be left behind.

After careful calculation, in addition to the stalls in Shanghai, I decided to set up stalls in Xiangjiang to sell 3 more.

As for why not sell them all, it is stipulated.

You have to leave a foundation to set off the strength of the booth, right?

All business is doing well.

But the partner who borrowed money has almost opened the store as a market.

Wan Shi was very angry and decided to continue to increase the number of stalls.

Coincidentally, the radishes in the field grew again, 50 of them!

After calculating the total number of everything, I decided to go to North America and sell 10 stalls in the New York market...

As a result, the current situation of listing in three places has been formed.

However, the boss who lent him the money suddenly told him: Someone wants to beat you, don't sell it, do it with me!

Everything: You can't beat it?

Ge Laoer: International urban management, I can't beat it, run away!

Wanshi: What about my radish?

Ge Xiaotian: You are almost beaten to death, what more carrots do you need? etc! They need to find a reason to beat you up. They probably want to stir up the price of your radishes, and then say that you are selling expensive. When the price is high, you should quickly throw away all the radishes. Even if you can’t sell all the radishes, you can still pay back. Even big money!

Wanshi: Okay, I'll listen to you, but what should I do?

Ge Xiaotian: Come back and help me farm the land, and I will make money for you! (Newly established Wanshi Technology Development Company, a pure foundry company)

Wanshi: Farming is tiring, but there is also a lot of slack in the fields. I can't afford to be idle. Or should I find time to make some luxury goods?

Ge Xiaotian: Alright, by chance, I also want to set up an antique stationery store for my mother-in-law...

Therefore, in addition to the magic city market controlled by Huaxia (the daily increase of 10% will stop), Xiangjiang Wanshi and New York Wanshi are operating like a rocket under the operation of the international urban management (stock king Laoba, technology alliance) Hurricane, can't stop at all...

Shareholders in the two places are both jealous and terrified...

However, from time to time, Dongshan releases news about Wanshi getting new orders...

For example, Weihua’s SG series OEM, Amur’s third batch of GLONASS satellite aerospace components OEM, IPS hard screens purchased by Pingguo in North America, and electronic product single-chip microcomputer OEMs entrusted by countless small companies in Dongshan...

One order may blow up, but there are so many, and there are people from the technology alliance...


Even if Wanshi issued two additional shares overseas, it failed to prevent the rocket from taking off...


One of China's top ten private enterprises, the world's top 500, Jishi Municipal Rail Transit Construction Group, which seems to have an official background, entrusted Longtian to research and develop, and appointed Wanshi Financial Technology to manufacture the subway operation system and related chips.

The overseas price of the radish in Wanshi's hands has directly increased by two hundred times...

Yes, not 200%, but 200 times, far higher than China's 280% increase. (The previous text is 300% wrong)

And today...

There was half an hour left before the market opened at half past nine.

Tiancheng Real Estate suddenly released a promotional video on all the publicity platforms of the Shenlong series that its boss invited Shen Zhipeng, whose pupils were mosaiced yesterday, to visit the new brand smart home as a guest, and appointed Wanshi Financial to manufacture all the products...

At the same time, Longtian Laowang announced that he has reached a cooperation with Jifu Chamber of Commerce, or will entrust Wanshi Financial Technology to produce the latest generation of smart products...

In a trance, the era of intelligence has come!

China time: 9:30

All stocks in Shanghai, as expected, continued to rise by the limit.

China time: 22:30.

North American stocks in New York, as expected... fell a lot?

Such a shocking change not only frightened the North American stockholders who wanted to snap up, but also shocked the old bus who was still a week away from selling.


"No one bought..."

"Fuck! Xiangjiang! Magic City! It's a tiring loss!"

"It hasn't opened yet... Boss, we are slow to move, maybe, we have no chance."

the next day.

China time: 9:29:45

Because the equipment of Wanshi Financial Technology did not meet the requirements of Longtian chips, it admitted that it had breached the contract, and the news of submitting bankruptcy liquidation to Huaxia was transmitted to the Modu Exchange.


Message confirmed.


All stocks in Shanghai were suspended.

At the same time, Xiangjiang Wanshi stock fell off the cliff and broke the lowest level in the past ten days...


Hong Kong Masters shares were suspended.

On the third day, during the Huaxia National Day holiday, all trading was suspended.

"Is that enough?"


"Then set up Wanshi Technology Development Company as soon as possible, and when Longtian finishes dealing with the breach of contract, all orders will be transferred soon."

"No one will sue us, will they?"

"There's nothing wrong with Shanghai. The people in Xiangjiang are all foreigners. What does New York have to do with you and me?"

"I'm afraid that there are too many people jumping off the building..."

"When you play finance, your hands are full of blood, so let's get down to business.

Ge Xiaotian looked at the soccer field of the Lotus Sports Center, which had been strolling for two or three days, and almost finished the soft decoration, "Look, how beautiful?"

"I suddenly want to work on the construction site!"

Wan Shi threw away the butt of the cigarette, raised her head and looked at the lotus petals covering the sky, "It's so beautiful!"

Tiancheng helped Tiancheng to buy all the stocks in Shanghai, and ordinary retail investors were not involved because they couldn't buy them. And the stocks that Tian Cheng smashed in his hands can be offset by the gains from the New York stock market.

Xiangjiang stock market is international in nature, Tian Cheng can't control it, so he threw it away.

Afterwards, Wanshi will decide whether to go bankrupt or reorganize according to its own liquidation, and the two are different.

Bankruptcy pays first the salary of the company, and then the loan. At this point, there is almost nothing, and there is no compensation for the shareholders.

Restructuring requires repaying all debts, and shareholders can get a little compensation, but considering the old bus that is locked up, it is almost impossible to reorganize everything.

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