Build Madness

Chapter 488 Green Eyes and Funny Face

Ji Mansion, Shen Family Courtyard.

"Eyes are green!"

Sitting in front of the professional version of SG presented by Lao Wang, Shen Zhipeng stared at himself in the smart home promotional video, with green mosaic pupils in his pupils, and all the comments below, such as 'fuck', '666'...

Originally reached a cooperation with Long Tian, ​​and his mood of forgetting his worries suddenly became very bad.

Pick up the smart card, dial someone's number...

"Fuck, your uncle's surname is Ge!"


"How dare you remove the green dot, as if I were envious of your smart home!"

"Okay, then I will remove it, as you said, it does not infringe the right of portrait."

"Get out~~ You've got rid of my whole body!"

"Sorry, the commercials are about I cover your face?"

"We're not done with this!"

"Hey, bring your troops and make an appointment?"

beep beep...

In the Lotus Gymnasium, Ge Xiaotian listened to the busy tone, gritted his teeth, and dialed Tianyu Gaosong, "Boss Shen said, cover your face."

"Uh...boss, what do you use to cover it? Green mosaic?"

"Can you use your brain? It must be a funny face, just to promote this set of paid emoticons."


After watching him make the phone call, Boss Wanshi, who was sitting under the stands, sighed, "Come on, be gentle!"

"Don't worry, I'm very gentle." Ge Xiaotian blew his fist...



"It is estimated that you will go in for a few months."

"Remember to fish me out."

"Don't worry, I have prepared a team of 500 lawyers for you in advance!"



That night.

Jishi compound.

The less gray-headed leader's hair is even grayer.

In September, Ji City was originally very calm.

Roads have been built one after another in villages and towns all over the country, and the small and medium-sized enterprises supported have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and all of them are thriving.

Various counties have been vigorously developed, and the environment has taken on a new look, while the economic strength has also been steadily improved.

In terms of Jishi...

Although Shen Zhipeng's acquisition of a small cement workshop was a little unexpected, the infrastructure projects in the Jishi Garden area were basically fine.

As for the Canal Development Zone, which is currently the focus of development...

The young leader looked at the plan posted on the wall.

Canal CBD has taken shape.

On the north side is a newly built national road at the beginning of the year, and on the east side is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Taking the canal bridge at the intersection of the two as the coordinates, it gradually spreads to the southwest...

Canal Park, Canal Moon Bay.

Canal Garden Stone Sculpture Group, Lotus Sports Center.

Draw an arc around the above sequence, from the national road to the canal: parking lot, auto trade city, pen, ink, paper and inkstone (smart home), Tiancheng Plaza, water entertainment city.

Draw another arc to include the above projects, and the periphery is: small commodity market ABCD area, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, Canal Financial Street, Dongshan Science and Technology Park, Animal and Botanical Garden (to be completed), and Water Entertainment City (to be completed).

Continue drawing arcs:

Small commodity market EFGH area, enterprise logistics track to be repaired, private private airport, Tiancheng Automobile Industrial Park, Tiancheng Machinery Manufacturing Factory, wasteland, wasteland, Sun Pool No. 1 (following talk), Grand Canal Wharf.

The last arc...

Xiangxian Xingyue Bay, eight parallel areas of small commodity market, underground parking lot, national fitness square, Xiangxian hub plan, Xiangxian railway station, Xiangxian private middle school, stone carving industrial park, entering Jishi industrial zone, villages, fields ... all the way to the canal.

What a thriving situation?

However, Ge Laoer is not a worry-free guy!

Running around the capital to crush flower beds, blatantly engaging in publicity...

Half a month ago, he had a fight with Shen Zhipeng, and then held a school opening ceremony, which was like a military parade, overshadowing the opening of the Sydney Olympics, and used Tianyu to expose the big news about bribery there...

That's all.

Ge Lao Er and Lao Wang had a quarrel, and he knew some inside information to hook up with Shen Zhipeng.

But what about everything fintech?

A large-scale listed company with one of the largest Dongshan Mountains, if it says it goes bankrupt and liquidates, it goes bankrupt and liquidates...

What's even more exasperating is that the two of the snakes and rats had a fight in the Lotus Gymnasium!

Said that everything went bankrupt and asked Ge Xiaotian for a theory...

What is the theory?

You two think I don't know about your crap!

It's nothing more than summing up how to act, ready to make another fortune...

"It's a beautiful situation, it's just such a mess!"

The young leader opened the drawer and took out the consultation letter sent by the superior.

After the reply is finished, I will chat with the leader who was sent later. I guess I will go to Qinggang...

But here...

With such a group of young people who love to mess around, who can take over?

The leader of Shaobaitou thought about it carefully, picked up a pen to write, and politely declined, "Submit this to Mr. Yu."

"Good leader." The secretary took it and went out to work.

"Wait, how is Bureau Sun doing in Nanhe?"

"Bianliang is developing rapidly. On the north bank of the mother river, a realistic version of Qingming Shanghe Picture was built, and two Song Dynasty costume dramas were filmed. Relying on China's only three free trade zones, it vigorously developed tourism, catering, and manufacturing... Short-term economy The growth once surpassed Zheng's, after all Mr. Lan brought one billion, and Tianhao's main force will move in later."

"Old Sun is fighting the fire after all, so he probably has to come back..."

The leader of Shaobaitou thought again, "Forget it, put the inquiry letter here, and I will try to figure it out."

"Leader, if you recommend Director Sun, it might be inappropriate, right?"

"That's better than coming to someone who doesn't understand anything. Sigh, you should go and organize your things first. You have to work hard when you go to Wei County. Although there is Tiancheng business there, the situation is not optimistic, especially the water in Nansi Lake is rising. Shuiluo, the farmland connected to Jiangsu and Zhejiang must be handled carefully, and there must be no further lawsuits about human life."

"Well, I understand leadership."


Seeing what the secretary wanted to say, Shaobai waved his hand and opened the office version of SG...

Just picked up the teacup, and was about to take a look at the status of the local companies whose relationship has become confusing. I leisurely saw the smart home promotional video that was pushed once in the morning.

"One-click intelligence, intelligent life!"

A sci-fi opening flashes past...

The familiar Ge Laoer...


Shaobaitou spurted out the tea in his mouth, laughed loudly and coughed violently...

The secretary rushed in quickly, "Boss, you're fine...uh~~hahaha!"

on screen.

With a funny face on his face, Ge Xiaotian led Shen Zhipeng, whose pupils were made of green dotted mosaics, to the 260 model room...

That quivering round face, the way he sat slumped on the sofa, matched with the shocked expression on Shen Zhipeng's face...


"By the way, this expression really matches Mr. Ge's!"

"That kid is planning to lose his face in order to promote his new product?"

"Haha..." The secretary glanced at the screen and couldn't help laughing again.


Popular all over the Internet!

The rogue-style forced push allows more than 3 million SG users to watch the re-processed promotional video as soon as they turn on the phone, play games, listen to matter what they do.

The two-dollar emoji package, the smart card + SG platform sold two million copies in an instant...

Forums, chat rooms, entertainment areas, I don't know when the word "ghost animal" appeared...

And when Ge Xiaotian, who had a "break-up" with the boss of everything, returned to the Wuming Hotel with great pride, turned on his laptop, and was about to learn more about what else the Lotus Gymnasium needs...


Quickly take out the smart card.

"Gao Song, what a mistake!"

"What? Boss, I'm busy promoting the second Crazy Graphene, let's talk later."

"No, who did you entrust with editing the video?"

"Oh, I happened to receive a call from game genius You Minxing, and I asked him to pass it to the film and television department. You Minxing said that he can handle this job by himself, what's wrong?"

"You handed this thing over to that ghost? What the open SG and have a look!"

"Uh... damn it! Haha..."

"You're done!"

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