Build Madness

Chapter 498 Boss Ge's self-study exam

Self-examination, whether it is a junior college or an undergraduate degree, there are always several compulsory subjects, such as Ma Sideng's theory, Chinese history, and English.

The two majors that Nong Yi helped apply for are very close, resulting in a superimposition of nearly 70% of specialist subjects and undergraduate subjects.

This also made Ge Xiaotian understand why the other party asked him to take the junior college and undergraduate exams together.

For example, after completing the junior college Chinese history exam in the morning, you will take the undergraduate Chinese history exam in the afternoon.

The history is the same, one exam, one less review.


Glancing at the English language that was like a mysterious symbol, Ge Xiaotian only felt his forehead buzzing, and suddenly recalled the time when he was at the blue and white gate...

'I can speak twenty-four languages! '

Will be a yarn!

"Boss, it's time to go to the examination room."

"Brother Hao, Xiao Huang, are they all here?"

"It's here, and none of the 6,000 people who signed up are absent."

"Let's go!"


Yanjiao, Jifu Jingshi Road, new campus of Dongshan University of Economics.

One after another, buses painted with the word Tiancheng gathered here from all directions, attracting the attention of countless pedestrians and students.

Fortunately, this self-study exam is scheduled for the holidays, and there are not many students in school.

Not long after, countless burly men in camouflage came down in a file, in groups of ten and in a row of five, and gathered at the gate of the school.


A moment later, a tua said to be worth 300 million yuan slowly parked.

A handsome young man with a schoolbag in his hand got out of the car...

"Hi boss!"

The voice is thick and loud, and the sound shakes the sky!

Ge Xiaotian's face darkened, "What are you doing? What motherfucker failed the exam, so I won't have anything to eat tonight!"


The brawny men scattered in groups and went straight to their respective examination rooms.

Only then did the security react, and picked up the walkie-talkie to contact the school affairs office, "Leader, Boss Ge is here."

"Sorry, I'm here for the exam today, so I won't talk about anything else."

Ge Xiaotian had received an invitation to be an honorary professor a long time ago, but he knew his own abilities, so he didn't have any pen and ink in his stomach.

He came to the examination room with his schoolbag.

Lecture hall, about fifty people, one corner per person.

The strange thing is that others want to put books and bags on the podium, but no one stops him.

Sit on the seat and look around, there is a girl in front, and one of your own in the back.

"How are you learning English?" Ge Xiaotian turned his head and looked behind him.

The latter took out a coin, "Boss, remember to give the answer."


Ge Xiaotian looked up to the sky and sighed, "Forget it, you'd better sleep!"

At this moment, the girl in front whispered: "I, Ge, Mr. Ge, I will!"

"No, I can speak twenty-four languages!"

"I, I know."

The exam begins.

One by one test papers are handed out...

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the paper, and he knew individual letters, but he couldn't connect them together.

Turn on the system with a little fantasy, the battery is 0.96%.

There is no hope.

He yawned and was about to take a nap when he poked his waist suddenly from behind.

"Boss, don't sleep, my subject is counting on you."

"What the hell am I..."

Didi Didi...

The smart card suddenly rang.

Not to mention the invigilator, even the examinees all looked in unison.

Ge Xiaotian was embarrassed and hung up directly.

I never thought that the bell would ring again...

Do something!

The whole company knows that he has an exam today, but at this time...

"Teacher, answer the phone for me!"

"Mr. Ge, you can pick it up yourself."

"It's okay, follow the rules of the examination room, and scold him for me by the way!"


The invigilator was helpless, picked up the smart card and walked out of the examination room...

The next moment, rushing in hurriedly...

"Mr. Ge, I didn't scold you!"


"Yes... you can pick it up, I believe the higher-ups will definitely let you pick it up."


Mr. Yu?

It shouldn't be.

President Yu called yesterday...

Could it be?

Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the phrase 'success or failure depends on one move', and it was a certain super leader who was unannounced from above.


"Mr. Ge, Mr. Hu wants to see you."


Ge Xiaotian glanced at the unintelligible test paper, his eyes lit up, "Okay! I'll be right there!"



Several blond-haired and blue-eyed employees sneaked into a high-tech building neatly.

Crack the defense system from the inside and copy data quickly.

A group of people evacuated indifferently and orderly...

Just hid in an unoccupied underground parking lot, intending to look at the content of the information, several cross darts flashed over...

Puff puff……

The next moment, several men in black night clothes appeared, quickly cleaned up the garbage, and took away small electronic storage devices...

Not long after, several security vehicles rushed in...

Refer to the theft video given by someone, and compare it with the dozens of blond-haired and blue-eyed dead.

"Find the suspect!"

"Plum Blossom Dart again?"

The head of the security office contacted the local black list helplessly, "Can you please stop? Especially the ninjas!"

"Where do we have ninjas?"

"The whole world knows that you have it, but you deny it and make so many things happen?"

"My lord, if you say that, it is tantamount to framing us, and if you want to impose a crime, why is there no excuse?"

"Is there any need to frame it? In broad daylight, more than a dozen ninjas are coming and going in and out of your residence..."

"We don't want to do this either, the key is that we can't beat it! Why don't you help us guard the door?"


The security director directly dropped the phone, "You're so arrogant, you actually asked us to guard the gate for the black list?"

"Sir, why don't we encircle a small camp? Capture a few ninjas and confront them?"


Two hours later.


Personnel from the security office rushed into a small local black list station.


Darts are blooming like pear blossoms in a rainstorm...

The director of the security office glanced at the dart with the word Ninja on his arm, "You still said it wasn't you, give me heavy firepower!"

On the other side, several 'ninjas' threw the leader who had just made a phone call and had already changed into night clothes to the scene, and disappeared by the window in an instant.



Today, firepower conflicts broke out in several cities on Wajima. It is reported that the cause is one-third of the graphene technology disclosed in Crazy Graphene 2.

Three North American employment organizations have been safely evacuated...

Wajima Security Center and the mysterious ninja group reached a verbal agreement to cooperate with each other to contain illegal personnel who stole Wajima technology...

In addition, Wajima officials solemnly remind tourists from all over the world not to approach any scientific research institutions unless necessary in the near future.

On the way to Jinxiuchuan, Ge Xiaotian checked the news feed and picked up Zheng He's plan to sail to the West.

With ninjas helping Wajima intercept North American personnel, Wajima will definitely be able to obtain graphene technology.

Therefore, he prepared a ton of unconverted graphene for Wajima as an item for the first trade between the two parties.

Of course, if Wajima needs more, two tons or three tons are fine, and they can be exchanged for gold.

"Boss, we're here!"

Tua stopped at the entrance of Jinxiuchuan.

Students are in class, the outside of the school is clean, and it is easy to find leaders who look at 24 characters.

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his hands, and quickly greeted...


Visit the campus, visit the cafeteria, and appreciate the reservoir.

Afterwards, put on your hard hat and head to the subway entrance to check out the construction process...

However, before reaching the destination, a group of white coats came into view...

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