Build Madness

Chapter 499 Scientific construction, technology is the most important

A construction site separated by an iron fence.

buzz buzz...

The outrageously huge double-arm crane hoisted out a rear eight-wheeled car filled with muck from a deep pit with a diameter of 20 meters.


The leaders looking here, before they understood what the white coat meant, were shocked by this scene.

"Can it still be built like this?"

Ge Xiaotian's face was solemn, neither arrogant nor impetuous, "Efficiency, if you use a small gantry crane, you need to transport the muck up bucket by bucket, and then dump it into the rear eight-wheeled carriage. And if you extend the conveyor belt upwards, the power increases, which is extremely It may damage the conventional motor. It is better to use a 100-ton gantry crane, put the car down, fill it up and lift it up..."

In the neutral position of the explanation, an unloaded rear eight-wheel drive into the heavy steel plate fixed by the gantry crane with a thick steel cable.

The crane is running, dragging the steel plate, and transporting the rear eight wheels on it into the deep pit...

Immediately afterwards, a fully loaded eight-wheeler was hoisted to the ground...

One up and one down, extremely fast.

Everyone: "..."

Mr. Yu, who accompanied the leader, was startled, and quietly approached, "Where did you dig it?"

"Northern foot of Dongyue, we need to change the drill bit."

"Hurry up and stop, the project hasn't been approved yet!"

"I know, just dig and play, experiment and experiment. Besides, the output of prefabricated tiles can't keep up, and only half a month's stockpile is so little, which is far from enough for the tunnel support project. Isn't there an inspection by the leader, and I took the opportunity to demonstrate... "

"What are those white coats for?"

"Construction worker, you will understand later!"

President Yu: "..."

Nong Yi, who was in charge of the Jinxiuchuan project, took the staff for a trot all the way, and after saluting, removed the iron fence separating the construction site, and then arranged for Tianwei to strengthen the guard.

The leaders all put on rubber boots, and walked through the red and yellow mud to the command site covered in white coats.

"Good leadership!"

Everyone wears anti-glare glasses, and everyone has a laptop. They are in high spirits, imposing, and full of buzz.

Take a closer look.

On the display screen, there are countless data graphs composed of lines that are incomprehensible but extremely visually impactful.

These include hydrological characteristics, soil structure, surface vegetation, subway routes, tunneling speed of shield machines, surrounding soil extrusion values, underground temperature, soil and air humidity, oxygen content in underground spaces, personnel body temperature, and personnel within a radius of one hundred miles. Health monitoring...

Everyone: "..."

At this time, the accompanying plainclothes guards took out a small biubiu and pointed to the sky...

"Don't panic, that's our all-terrain mapping drone."

Ten four-rotor spacecraft with a length of 1.5 meters and a width of 1.5 meters slowly landed and parked side by side 20 meters away, like troops being paraded...

Suddenly, the plainclothes looked at the ground again.

"Don't panic, that's our remote-controlled ground fissure exploration vehicle."

A body full of dirt, a head that resembles a boring machine, tires and mechanical arms all over the top, bottom, left, and right sides, a one-meter-thick, two-meter-long strange vehicle broke through the ground...

Its tail is still breathing fire...

"The digging ability is limited, so we can only follow the cracks in the ground, but it is waterproof, fireproof, and explosion-proof. It can ignore the environment on the surface. As long as it does not leave the main control and auxiliary space computers for five kilometers, and the underground does not leave three hundred meters, you can return safely. , At present, this is the only one in the world. The value... Because the main components are made of ultra-high-strength alloys, the tires are made of bionic spider silk fibers with Ice Bear's top-secret technology, the middle part is made of North American secret technology maraging steel, and the front part is made of mixed graphene. Corrosion-resistant hardened steel... the total value far exceeds the entire canal CBD plus the Jinxiuchuan industry, and it is the treasure of the Tiancheng Group!"

Everyone: "..."

The corner of Mr. Yu's mouth twitched, and he kept winking, to see what that meant...

"Don't blow it up!"

Ge Xiaotian turned a blind eye and walked to a Shi Guangji notebook:

"Our Tiancheng Construction has always paid attention to scientific construction and technology. In order to achieve a higher level of infrastructure and challenge a more difficult construction environment, we spared no expense in investing in GLONASS in exchange for the authorization of the positioning system we need, and invested heavily in research and development of GIS. That’s Geographic Information Systems…”

As he said, Ge Xiaotian picked up the gossip shift key, and his fingers flew like a blindfolded Rubik's Cube master. He quickly called out the soil structure layer under everyone's feet, "This is the geology and landform below."

Leaders: "..."

"in addition……"

Ge Xiaotian adjusted the screen again to show the whole picture of Jinxiuchuan, listing multiple concept maps such as built, planned, unbuilt, unplanned, and enjoyed in the future.

Then, buildings, factories, and schools of different styles were dragged out from the side and placed among them.

Click on one of them.

Shows subsurface structure, foundation depth, construction requirements, material costs, construction period...

This time, not only the leaders who came from afar, but even Mr. Yu who had been prepared for a long time was stunned.


"It's more than that!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he called up the background parameters, "The cost of materials can change with local prices, and can also be converted into related currencies. Even in foreign countries, it can be used normally with the help of surveying and mapping equipment."


Ge Xiaotian called out a car, clicked lightly, and countless parameters popped up instantly...


After that, call out a cow, vaccine, development, growth cycle, amount of feed required, emergency response...


Then, call out a corn plant, fertilize, plant, germinate, grow, water, remove insects, deal with sudden disasters...


"It is the foundation of agriculture, industry, aquaculture, aquaculture, automation, and intelligence. Of course, due to the limitation of network speed, it is far from reaching the kind of unmanned factory or remote control farm that Tiancheng wants. But we believe that science and technology are the primary productive forces. As long as you dare to think, do, and work hard, one day the labor force will be liberated, and people will have more time to learn technology and lead a higher, stronger, and better life. level!"


If you don't know the Xingyuewan industrial chain in advance, no one will believe these words, but it is precisely because of understanding that they will resonate.

After the applause fell, an old man asked curiously, "What is the value of this system?"

"It's not inferior to that special roadheader, it's Tiancheng's second treasure, of course, it can be given away for free, but the maintenance cost..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at the sky, "How much does it cost to launch a satellite, and how much does it cost to maintain for a year. In addition, the computer that runs the database can only use the matrix of the Shiguang machine. Mr. Long Tianwang made a quotation before, and a set of 5 billion Franklin, of course, if you want it, you can sell it for three billion Franklin."


"This is a good thing. It surpasses the calculation speed of the existing supercomputer by a hundred times. The Jiu Institute has been coveting it for a long time, and I haven't lent it to him!" Seeing the silence of the crowd, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help emphasizing the borrowed words, and his heart tightened immediately. The secret channel is broken, and there are big people in front of him, and the bad habit of selling things has committed again.

Quickly changed the subject and took the lead towards Jinxiuchuan Reservoir.

"Leader, in fact, the role of the reservoir is quite large. It took only half a year to build it. The main problem is drainage. It goes north to connect to the mother river, goes south to connect to the Zhaowang River, a branch of the East Lake, and cleans the river to lay the route system."

"In the near future, the melons and fruits produced by Dongshan Aquatic will follow the well-connected rivers to the north and south of the river. The low transportation cost will not only stabilize prices in various places, but also rely on water-cooled storage to ensure freshness."

"In addition, irrigation along the way..."

"We decided to open up a watermelon industry zone along the mother river of the Qi River..."

"We are going to build Dongyue Tourism and Culture Area..."

"We plan to build a wonder in the upper reaches of the reservoir... When it comes to wonders, we have to talk about its function..."

Mr. Yu looked around, wishing he could find a mallet and swing it down to make this guy shut up...


After the explanation, Ge Xiaotian did not accompany the big leaders to continue the inspection, and he was not needed, but returned to the examination room for the next subjects.

"Huh? Finished the English test?"

"Yeah, two and a half hours, you've been away for nearly three hours, it's already noon."

"It's a pity!" Ge Xiaotian sighed sadly, but he was extremely proud in his heart.

Haha, I am not a scumbag! Hand in a blank paper? The future chairman summoned, how could he not go?

"By the way, what are you going to test in the afternoon?"

"Undergraduate English."


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