Build Madness

Chapter 500 What? buffet?

This time, the number of self-examinations far exceeded the number of students in the school. The School of Economics not only opened the large dining hall, but also notified the snack street on the south side of the school gate, and the firepower was fully activated.

The brawny men flocked to the cafeteria, and Ge Xiaotian strolled around to go out to see if there was any good land.

But in the millennium, Jifu is only that big, and the prosperous Yanjiao in the future is still a dilapidated small town.

Turning around the intersection on the east side of the school, I happened to meet Brother Hao, Xiao Huang, Hei Hu and others.

Everyone is beaming, it seems that they stayed at the system university all night for further study, making rapid progress.

Ge Xiaotian felt a chill in his heart.

It's over!

This group of people have all passed the exam, doesn't it mean that the young master is a scumbag?


Go through the Yanjiao intersection of Shilu Road.

Three young men dressed as hotel attendants, led by a female supervisor, yelled and shouted advertisements while distributing leaflets frantically.

"Sister Lu, this morning has passed, but there are still few customers in the restaurant. Is it because what we did didn't work?"

"New things have to be slowly accepted by people. Just like SG, it is essentially a little boy. In the past, who would use this thing except children? But after Long Tianyi packaged it and gave it a tall name, it became popular, right? "

"It makes sense!"

"Strange, why are there so many luxury cars outside the School of Economics today?"

"Tianba, Dongba, tua, Hutouben, small sports car... are all super rich!"

"Is there someone in a meeting?"

"Probably... huh? I remember a friend said two days ago that Dongshan Normal University, Dongshan University, Dongshan Business, and Dongshan Sports all have examination rooms for the self-examination today. Dongshan School of Economics will definitely not be able to avoid it."

"Big self-examination?"

The eyes of the woman known as Sister Lu lit up, "Students can't afford our new type of food, but social people who have a source of income, and bosses who like to discover new things..."

"Yes! Let's go and distribute the flyers to them, it will definitely attract a large number of customers!"

"There are too many people talking, and the leaflets are not high-grade. You guys look after the car here, and I will go back as soon as I go!"

"Sister Lu, you will succeed in no time!"

"so easy!"


Snack Street of the School of Economics.

Brother Hao saw someone and hurriedly greeted him: "Boss, how did you do in the exam?"

"Don't look at who I am? I can speak twenty-four languages!"

"Congratulations boss, it seems that the afternoon is also stable!"


Hand in a blank paper!

Ge Xiaotian smiled but didn't smile, and found a cold noodle stall, "Boss, how much is it?"

"Twenty-five cents!"

"I've got it!"

Boss Liangpi: "..."

"Xiaolan, go and buy that biscuit stand too."

The sesame seed stall owner: "..."

The strong man who couldn't find a place in the cafeteria heard the news and called his friends to prepare for his boss's lunch.

Of the 8,000 people who came to take the exam, there were only a thousand or so expatriates, and the rest were all strong men.

Even if you only run two thousand, you can still eat up a street...

'We are vermin, we are vermin...'

Ge Xiaotian muttered to himself, "Xiaohao, take over this street!"


At this time, a capable woman walked over with a smile.

Not everyone knows Ge Baiyi's handsome public face. They must know the name, but it's another thing to meet the real person without personal contact.

"This big boss, there are many people who can eat buffet!"

"What? Self-help?" Ge Xiaotian's eyes widened suddenly, and his mouth was almost stuffed into a goose egg.

Millennials have self-help?


Why didn't the Ministry of Intelligence say it earlier?

The middle-aged woman smiled even more when she saw his emotion, took out her business card, and recommended: "The opening of the new store is a big bargain, and you can enjoy a 35% discount for three consecutive days. You can eat with the employees for only 13 yuan. I'm full!"

"Full! What a place!"

Ge Xiaotian took the business card and found out that it was a Ginza restaurant chain under the Jifu Commercial League.

Lao Shen's property!


It is not easy to raise this group of strong men.

At the first level, there are three catties of steamed buns for a meal.

At the second level, six catties of steamed buns.

Now level three, twelve catties of steamed buns...

If you eat meat, you have to weigh three catties for a meal, which is just right.

Some time ago, Nongyi responded that the strong men were in a low mood and lacked enthusiasm for work, saying that... they haven't eaten for a long time!

Is it my fault?

Seven or eight yuan for a meal, nearly thirty red notes a day.

There are 50,000 strong men in the engineering department, 30,000 peasant women in agriculture and animal husbandry, and another 7,000 Tianwei. Counting foreign employees, 365 days a year, it will eat more than one billion yuan a year!

The family is big and the business is big, is it easy for me?

Changing ways to make money is not just to support the family!

Now there is self-help, and it’s the old Shen’s house again...

Whoever says he can't get enough to eat, the young master will go home and feed him grass!

"Let's go, why don't you eat Liangpi, the boss will take you to a big meal, you will be full!" Ge Xiaotian was so excited that he wanted to cry, he got up and was ready to go on the road.

Brother Hao didn't know what this guy was thinking, so he quickly stopped him, "Boss, look at the address on the business card. The buffet is located in the city center. Let's go once in a while. We have an exam in the afternoon..."

"Oh, that's right!"

Ge Xiaotian thought of another question, is there enough food?

"My manager, we will definitely eat the buffet. Let me book it tonight. Hei Hu, use your tiger excavator rental company's name to go to the store with her to pay the deposit. Remember to issue a voucher!"

The middle-aged woman originally thought it was a scandal, but when she heard this, she smiled happily and quickly agreed, "Don't worry, we are legal!"

"By the way, is the shop big?"

"Five hundred people are no problem, the environment is elegant, the seats are ample, and the service is first-class!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, it seems that it should be a new type of food and drink that Lao Shen learned from somewhere, and he is planning to use it against the commercial street in Tiancheng Dongshan Fifteen City.

Self-help is sure to make money these days.

Not afraid of eating too much, but afraid of no one eating.

Of course, the premise is not to meet us...


No, I can't eat too hard this time, I need to wait for Lao Shen to open the buffet all over Dongshan...


Let him taste the sweetness first and make some money...


Hey hey hey!

"Then I'll make a reservation at night, first book 2,000 people, one round per hour!"

"Boss, you are really kind to your employees!"

"Let's talk about the ugliness first, the amount is not enough, I'm going to play tricks!"

"Don't worry, we will ensure that you and your staff are full and healthy!"

"I love hearing that!"

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "Huzi, go and come back quickly, get the voucher, it needs to be officially stamped!"

"I know the boss!"

While chatting, the owner of the Liangpi stall was worried about leaving a big customer, and his hands were flying, and he had already made more than a dozen copies, each of which was full.

After serving it on the table, Ge Xiaotian stirred it and tasted it, "This tastes good, even better than the ones made by Aunt Zhang in the commercial street."

Brother Hao shook his head, "That's because you've eaten too many times, and you're getting tired. There are sesame sauce, spicy oil, and mixed types of cold noodle, with bean sprouts, cucumber, and peanuts as accessories... In addition, there are different types of vinegar, balsamic vinegar , sweet vinegar, mature vinegar... including noodle skins, rolled noodle skins, noodle skins, rice skins, stuffed skins... Aunt Zhang makes it all by herself, it must be incomplete, the rice skins she chooses alone, the taste is definitely among the best outside."

"Knows a lot." Ge Xiaotian took two bites, picked up the biscuits made by the old-fashioned boiler, "Where did you learn it?"

"The Nanhe Xingyue Bay industry chain needs to attract investment. In order to raise commercial street snacks, I went down to find a master cold noodle maker to help train apprentices. His craftsmanship... Tsk tsk, wait for you to go there, let's try one by one. "

"Which masters did you find?"

Brother Hao's eyes twitched, feeling bad, "It's gone!"

"For an industrial chain, you use Liangpi to support it?"

"How can it be!"

"I won't steal from you, let's talk."



"There are also Baiji buns, fried hemp leaves, peanut cakes, fried eight pieces, stone jelly, three non-stick, fried pancakes, Daokou roast chicken..."

"Everything is for Dongshan to train... a hundred apprentices."


"I will arrange for people to learn, and you should set up a craft school as soon as possible. Of course, in return, I will also help you train snack apprentices in Dongshan, and try to find unemployed people."

"I'm afraid that different regional tastes will affect the market."

"Then talk to Lao Qin about the taste. Qin Hei Ya has entered the capital, and Shuai Bo has opened two processing workshops and twenty branches before he has won the land. The business is even hotter than ours. Sister Xiu's The expansion of the duck pen failed to keep up twice."

"So awesome?"

"What do you think? Tianwei Catering is becoming bigger and stronger, but Lao Qin is leading the way."

"It's still the boss who has a unique vision. He asked Uncle Qin, who is engaged in construction, to be a duck, and he got up in less than a year!"

"Stop talking nonsense, go back to Nanhe and guard against Wei Changfeng."

Ge Xiaotian still didn't say what plan he was going to use to bring down Tianhao. If he wanted to start a business, there would be no barriers, how would he grow into a big crocodile, and besides, even if Tianhao was in a desperate situation, wouldn't there still be Tiancheng.

"I already know that Fatty Wei crossed the north of the Yangtze River and entered the South River. He has already set the trap, so it's not a big problem."

"That's good, eat quickly, there is an exam in the afternoon."

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