Build Madness

Chapter 501 Copy to Our Commercial Street


Dongshan Jianlian Building conference room.

The lawyers and accountants entrusted by Chen Feng left one after another.

Shen Zhipeng put down the negotiated acquisition plan, feeling as if he drank a bottle of ice-cold code in nine dog days, feeling extraordinarily comfortable.

"Sixteen thousand! There are too many people, and the machinery is broken, but as a result, the Zaoshi New City project will speed up, the Jishi Garden area will speed up, and the commercial street that will fight Dongshan 15th City will also speed up. It will be completed collectively in the middle of next year. You can get rid of Tian Cheng at the right time and win staged victory!"

"Boss, look at the entry timetable, more than half of them are new employees that Chen Feng is currently recruiting."

"What about the new employees? They can move bricks to build walls, carry ashes and tiles, we all want it!"

Of course, Shen Zhipeng knew that it was impossible for Chen Feng to transfer all the old employees of Shangpin Construction to him. First, the old master was a treasure, and second,...

That guy works as a second-hand businessman across different industries. When starting a company, everything is difficult. Without the unyielding cohesion of the old employees, it is almost impossible to make the new company bigger and stronger.

And at this critical juncture, someone wanted to buy Shangpin Construction Engineering. If Chen Feng kicked the old employees away, how chilling would it be?

"He is also a character. He left the construction industry and changed his position. Once the grievances and grievances in the past were dissipated, he was a friend rather than an enemy. In the future, he can cooperate and cooperate. I heard that he raised a lot of crayfish?"

"Yes, but his fruits and vegetables are purchased from Tiancheng Holdings Group, and the relationship between the two parties in very strange."

"Doing business, you have to learn to turn a blind eye to some things, just like those parents and merchants who run Jinxiuchuan. If we are serious, won't our own shopping malls and commercial streets have to close a large number of them in the future?"

"Boss, you see clearly!"

"Today is different from the past. Profit is the kingly way. Just like some time ago, the dirty matter between Longtian Laowang and Ge Laoer was heated up. They broke up, but they each have needs in business, so they don't cooperate? Like this , you contact Chen Feng to buy a batch of crayfish and distribute them to Ginza Catering. If the sales volume is good, order a large amount. If you lend a helping hand when he is in distress, maybe you can help me invest in some projects in the future."

"Good boss!"

The secretary turned to leave, and the assistant knocked on the door and walked in.

"Boss, at noon, the Ginza Golden Hans BBQ Barbecue got a big order for 2,000 people at noon."

"Good job, good start!"

"However, according to our intelligence department's investigation, the contracted company is a tiger excavator rental company. Their boss is called Heihu. He used to know Feng Chen very well, and later he joined Ge Xiaotian to be responsible for the excavation of canals, rivers, and foundation projects in various places."


Shen Zhipeng realized in an instant, "So these two thousand people are the vanguard of Ge Lao Er's faction to eat me poorly?"

"I suspect so."

"Haha, let's do the math. Twenty red bills per person. According to the appetite of a normal person, the cost is at most two yuan. Even if he serves five people, I still earn five yuan after deducting expenses such as operations, personnel salaries, and manager commissions. 35% off , Thirteen yuan, minus fifteen... well, they can't eat for five people, so we don't lose money. Besides, let's use Ge Laoer to help us drive popularity."

"Then... I approved the purchase submitted by the buffet?"

"Approved, two thousand people, what a big deal! In addition, arrange a large restaurant and hold a welcome party to welcome Shangpin construction workers to join Dongshan Jianlian, and work together to crush Ge Laoer to death!"

"Good boss!"


Dongshan School of Economics.

The undergraduate English exam has already started for half an hour.

some office.

"Mr. Ge, it's not easy to meet you!"

"Actually, I can speak twenty-four languages!"

"I know, I know! Exams are just to verify what you have learned. If you have real skills, you must not be buried because of delaying the exam. Educational reform is in full swing. Naturally, we must deeply understand Shangyi!"

The middle-aged and elderly man who took the initiative to run to the examination room and invited someone to drink tea took out five sets of red, green and blue books of different sizes, "Although the self-enrollment diploma cannot keep up with the full-time system, the postgraduate entrance examination process is exactly the same. degree, I hope that Mr. Ge will not refuse and can be appointed as an honorary professor of our school!"


"Don't worry, there are no requirements for schoolwork. It's okay to come once a year, once every two years, or even once every three years. As long as the freshmen of our school meet you before graduation and listen to your experience..." The middle-aged and elderly man talked to the four weeks The accompanying professor looked at each other, "You understand!"


What do I know?

Ge Xiaotian picked up the teacup to cover up his confusion, and saw an old professor smiling, and his heart moved.



Tiancheng is not what it used to be today. If there is a survey on the willingness to graduate, 80 to 90% of graduates from colleges and universities plan to apply for Tiancheng's industries as soon as possible.

One is the high salary, the other is the large platform, the third is the rapid development, and the fourth is the bright future!

If you are temporarily appointed as an honorary professor, when you are admitted in the future, if you encounter new employees with similar conditions, why should you favor the institution where you are employed?

It is estimated that other universities also have this plan...

Ge Xiaotian put down his teacup and put on a smile, "Leader, I won't refuse this matter!"


"However, I think this old professor has a good relationship. He is very similar to a certain uncle of mine. I don't know what major you teach?"

The old man who smiled before smiled even more, "Financial analysis, macroeconomics, investment banking theory and practice, statistics..."

"Great talent! Tiancheng lacks you..."

The middle-aged man who invited someone froze, "Mr. Ge, why don't you go back to take the exam?"

"Don't worry, I already have a diploma, what else do I need to take the exam... Grandpa, Tiancheng Holdings Group is short of a general to sit in charge. You should know that the stock king's old bus encountered Waterloo some time ago, and I don't know how to do it... I did it." !"


"Huh? This uncle is also very kind, I don't know..."

"Where's the security? Please go back to the examination room, Mr. Ge!"

"Leader, Tiancheng Holdings Group lacks a commander!"


"Look, you are the general manager of the holding group, this is the director of Tianrong, this is the director of angel investment, this is the director of stock market investment, and there are also the director of overall fund coordination and the director of taxation supervision... Oh, the number of people is just right !"

The whole office was instantly quiet, and a needle could be heard...

You know, the one who ran away two months ago has now been transferred from Tianrong to Tiancheng Department as the financial director...


Two hours later.

Brother Hao and others walked out of the examination room, saw someone sitting by the river fishing, and trotted over, "As expected of the boss, you finished such a difficult question ahead of time!"

"That's right, I can speak twenty-four languages! Let's go for a walk and eat at the buffet. We will arrange Jinxiuchuan dormitory for you in the evening. I will continue to take the next subject tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"thank you boss!"

Ge Xiaotian greeted Dao San, and whispered in his ear, "Go on, let's eat at most 50% full today, and wait for Lao Shen's buffet to spread all over Dongshan, then let's open it up and eat!"

"Good boss."

Not long after, the mighty convoy drove to the city center.

Ginza Kim Hans.

The general manager's office on the third floor.

Seeing the cars parked downstairs, Shen Zhipeng pouted, "I guessed it was him!"

"Boss, what about us?"

"Serve better, don't let him pick out the fault, with so many people, I can't beat it!"



The first batch of 500 strong men entered the venue one after another, and the rest of the employees took the opportunity to go shopping.

Ge Xiaotian led Brother Hao and others into the hall.

The overall style is not bad, more European and American high-end.

In the dining area, there are pastries, fruits, seafood, barbecue, drinks... there are many kinds.

Precious food is placed in a remote corner, cheap food is placed in a conspicuous place, fruits are served to avoid appetizers, and the aroma of fried pastries is wafting...

There are also many waiters carrying large skewers of barbecued meat, according to grilled sausages, grilled chicken gizzards and duck gizzards, grilled chicken wings and drumsticks, roasted pork, mutton and beef... first cheap and then expensive, try to drink more drinks when the food is salty and dry in the early stage, and the subsequent food will easily swell when it meets water. order, ready to be delivered to the guests for selection.

The whole set of models can almost catch up with more than ten years later, it seems that Lao Shen has indeed put in a lot of hard work.

If he hadn't made trouble, he would definitely make a lot of money and quickly become popular in China.

"Seng San, study hard and copy it to our commercial street. Remember, your own people are not allowed to go in and eat!"


"As for the name...Neobras BBQ is self-service, and there is also a self-service barbecue, which is the kind that is grilled by oneself, and the format is similar."

While chatting, the waiter came forward with a large skewer of grilled chicken legs, "Sir, do you need it?"

"Come anytime."

Ge Xiaotian didn't smash the scene today, but dug a hole and waited for the old Shen to jump. However, seeing the young man cutting meat...

The old problem happened again.

"Hey, buddy, the technique is quite skillful!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"How long have you practiced?"

"Mr. Shen sent us to train in Taiwan Province for three months."


Ge Xiaotian immediately knew the business model that Lao Shen learned from Taiwan Province, "How much is the monthly salary?"

Before the young man could answer, Shen Zhipeng came up angrily, "Ge, I knew you didn't have good intentions in coming here!"

"Don't roll up your sleeves. I have a lot of people today. Before they are full, they are a little irritable. I can't stop them alone!"


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