Build Madness

Chapter 512 Extra Meal Tonight Qianshan Taixuguan

The Thousand Mountains Taixu Temple is located at the northwest end of Neobras, and the mountain range is called Stanov.

The name may seem unfamiliar, but if it is expressed in Chinese, I believe many people have heard of it, outside Xing'an Mountains.

This aspect of knowledge is almost a compulsory question in the subjects of Chinese history, such as Mohe, Khitan, Jurchen, Wanyan Aguda, Nerchinsk Treaty, Aigun Treaty...

Because the Outer Xing'an Mountains wraps most of the Amur in an arc shape and blocks most of the cold current from Siberia, the animal resources that migrate here for the winter are extremely rich.

According to Dao II's investigation during this period:

There are about 80 species of mammals, including wild wolf, elk, lynx, brown bear, snow deer, hare, fox, weasel, ferret, duiker, snow sheep, red deer, wild boar, lynx, musk deer, chipmunk wait.

And there are more than 3,000 species of birds, including grouse, jay, mottled bird, white partridge, lizard, pheasant, quail, gull, blue magpie, sand duck, mandarin duck, white-tailed sea eagle, grouse, hazel pheasant, Grouse, blackbird, etc.

As for fish and sea beasts...

From Heilong River to Okhotsk, there are almost countless species. After all, human beings don't know much about the ocean.

Tian Cheng established the animal enclosure as early as when he settled in Amur, and arranged for a peasant woman and strong man to take care of it.

So far, under the premise of protecting wild animals and keeping rare species extinct, Neobras Zoo has sent more than 30 species of mammals and more than 200 species of ornamental birds to the Nanwa Animal and Plant Breeding Base.

I believe that in a few months, the Canal CBD Zoo and Botanical Garden, which has been built long ago but has not been put into use, will become a blockbuster.

At that time, the Sancha Cup football match will be over, and the commercial sector will be sluggish, just to attract consumers.

According to Ge Xiaotian's operation plan for the Canal Cultural Tourism City, after the boom in the zoo dissipates and the water entertainment city opens, the sightseeing bridge, the canal dragon boat race, the Dongshan Elementary School Autumn Games, and the third Sancha Cup...

2001 passed, the second XBA, and the 2002 Dongshan Games...

One set after another, there is no stopping!


Not long after, everyone took a helicopter borrowed from the Ice Bear Army and arrived at the temporary landing pad at the southern foot of the Waixing'an Mountains.

The mountain looks colorful from a distance, and the peak is majestic when viewed close up.

After getting off the plane, Ge Xiaotian felt a sudden and inexplicable sense of oppression.

"In front of nature, human beings are indeed so small that they can be ignored."

Dao Er followed closely behind, and nodded heavily upon hearing the words, "Boss, you need to climb up, conquer it, and step on it!"

"I'm free!"

Ge Xiaotian waved to the staff of Ice Bear, who saluted, took off slowly from the yin-yang fish-shaped platform, and left quickly.

This is not a real apron, but Qianshan Taixu Guanshan Gate Square.

With a radius of one kilometer, it is built with block stones, with yin on the left and yang on the right, setting off the huge archway facing south in front of it.

The archway is about 80 meters high and 220 meters wide. The inscription "Taixu Temple of Thousand Mountains" has five large dark blue characters inlaid with gold. The overall material should be marble...

Well, it is an ordinary spectacle belonging to the Chinese civilization. It uses system resources and is called: Beitianmen.

Whether it's true or not, Ge Xiaotian doesn't know, anyway, it's quite popular.

From Shanmen Square to Beitianmen, a road of Kantan stone steps unfolds in front of you.

The average height of the stone steps is 33 centimeters, and the overall width is about 33 meters. A 33-meter-long rest platform is set every 333 steps. After nine platforms, climb up to Qianshan Taixu View the square in front of the temple.

Congenital Fuxi gossip as the basis, a huge copper furnace as the center, and Huaxia Shenshou Town around, the whole is comparable to four football fields.


The bigger it is, the more Ge Xiaotian likes it.

This is simply flattening half of a thousand-meter-high mountain!

No wonder the system resource is almost 999...

"Additional meals, those who build the Qianshan Taixu Temple tonight must have extra meals, ten chicken legs per person!"

"thank you boss!"

The two thousand strong men lined up neatly in the square, waiting for the boss to inspect the project, were extremely happy and shouted in unison.

It seems that extra meals are happier than salary...

'That's right, money is useless in this damn place. '

Ge Xiaotian smiled and rode on the electric scooter he had prepared long ago, and started his inspection from the main hall.

The Qianshan Taixu Temple was not built based on the Chinese mythology system, but was restored from the fairy gate plan that Dao Er got out of nowhere.

It is divided into thirty-three halls on the main peak, two sixty-six halls on the auxiliary peak, and an outer gate is set at the foot of the mountain for tourists to live in.

If it is put into operation, the mountain gate will only be open between 5:00 am and 10:00 pm in the future, and those who do not leave will be at their own risk.

Normally speaking, Taoist temples have no origins, or there are no ancestors or ancestors. They do not conform to the mythological system and hardly attract tourists.

But this is Qianshan Taixuanguan.

The first hidden sect to appear in the Dragon Continent!

From the fifteenth generation of true disciples, the current master Qingtian Daoist, and the elders Dao Er and Dao San... to the sixteenth generation (the second batch of Taoist priests), the seventeenth generation (Tianwei pretending to be), the eighteenth generation (strong man) Pretend), it's all here!

Whether it is true or not, Mr. Governor probably has some doubts.

After all, no one can build such a huge building complex in a short period of time.

As for all the scientific research personnel coming here, how to conduct scientific research in the future...

In fact, this is the scientific research institute needed by the second batch of monks, and what should second-class Daoyi do.

Are the heads and elders so easy to see?

Moreover, if the monks want to cultivate, they can completely let the second batch of monks use the name of cultivation to cover up various scientific research projects that are underway.

Usually receiving tourists and so on is in charge of Tianwei and strong men pretending to be monks.

After careful calculation, the whole project needs to invest more than 1,000 people. When the time comes, everyone will perform their duties, and they will be able to make money, spend resources, and quietly develop technology...

"After the snow falls, we can start filming!"

Ge Xiaotian only strolled around the main peak, returned to the front hall, picked up the feed, and teased dozens of domesticated white cranes and golden pheasants.

The former will be a crane from now on, and the latter will be a phoenix!

"Boss, because the background of the world we created in the game is too grand, the writing team has not yet decided where to start writing."

"Huh? This is about to start filming, and you actually told me that the script hasn't been finalized yet?"

"No, the overall plot is fine. The key is the beginning. Hundreds of screenwriters each have their own ideas. Even after discussing, they still haven't made up their minds in the end."

"This is easy!"

In another time and space, Ge Xiaotian wrote novels for several years and read countless classic cultivation novels. Although he couldn't remember the overall plot, he left many golden chapters in his mind.

What Zhu, what indistinct, what rebellion, what cover, what mortal...

Integrate and integrate, avoid routines and dog blood, play CG animation at the beginning, and then introduce hard-working teenagers, and send a "cheat finger" that is not too strong but can evolve...


Ge Xiaotian rubbed the gossip shift key, and in less than an hour, based on the Shenlong Continent system he created, he pulled out a beginning that would not be out of date even if it was placed in another time and space twenty years later.

"Let the screenwriters take good reference and continue to optimize. I hope that this will follow after it is released in the West."


"Let's go, go and see the Tianzhu Xuanwu Army, try to go back early, and hold a banquet with Mr. Governor and the others in the evening..."

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