Build Madness

Chapter 513 Heavenly Moat Black Tortoise

The base of the Tianzhu Xuanwu Army is not too far from Qianshan Taixu Temple.

First, the center of the No. 2 town has been moved to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The strong men cannot continue to build quarries and timber factories in Amur. For the convenience of transportation, the two Gou resource projects are put together.

The second is that the reason for doing these things is to put it bluntly for tourism and to expand the industrial chain. In the wilderness and ridges, the warm season is short and the weather is freezing. Tourists are unwilling to trek too far.

Therefore, the two adjacent mountain peaks located on the east side of the square in front of the mountain gate suffered disaster.

The connecting part of the two is like being cut off in half with a knife, and then a magnificent gate tower is built, which is called: Xuanwu Pass!

The city wall is about 180 meters high and is constructed of one-meter ashlar stones. The upper part belongs to the Qin and Han style and adopts a multi-layered eaves structure.

There are school grounds, military camps, and various defense facilities in the pass.

Outside the pass, there are rough refusal horses, broken flags and broken guns, artificial blood stains, and "post-war corpses" that have not yet been cleaned up.

In the Shenlong Continent, the Xuanwu Temple is the only passage to the Marfa Continent, through the world system, the ancient coppers who block the demon world.

It was also the towering stone door opened by Mafafa, who was shot to death by Sombra when the expansion was released.

In fact, the Xuanwu Army is not the regular army of the Dragon Dynasty.

In the background of the game, the god Mafa opened the ancient bronze gate, the Dragon Dynasty also fell into a frenzy of monsters, and various places fell one after another.

As guarding the wasteland at the northern end of Shenlong, the most elite Yanmen iron-blooded army in the entire dynasty had a disagreement at this time.

The leader of the Sword and Shield Department and the Long Sword Department strictly abides by the orders of the dynasty, guards the Yanmen Pass, and prevents the Central Plains from being ruined.

The leaders of the two-spear department and the long-spear department decided to go deep into the wilderness and, as a death-defying army, establish the first line of defense to avoid the swarms of demons escaping from the ancient bronze gate and directly destroy Yanmen.

Since then, the Yanmen Iron Blood Army has been divided into two parts, one is the Yanmen Tianji Battalion, and the other is the Tiancha Xuanwu Army.

This plot can be regarded as the protagonist of the movie, who encountered one of the main stories when he went down the mountain to practice in Qianshan Taixu Temple.

Comprehension system, where there are stories, there will naturally be fights.

For example, when the Xuanwu Army left Yanmen Pass, the leader of the gun department and the leader of the sword and shield department were duel.

In order for new and old players to experience the new expansion pack or watch movies, the leader of the gun department is a tragic figure, and he defeated the leader of foreign sword and shield with great obsession.

Well, Li Long Li Hu will be putting on a bromance.

The leader of the gun department won, but there was no order from the dynasty, and it was a rebel army to escape from the barracks. A hundred thousand good men went on an expedition to the wasteland...

After that, the protagonist of the movie came to Xuanwu Pass, which is like a ray of sky.

Not only was he shocked by the extremely magnificent pass and the extremely arduous military career, but he was also shocked by the frenzy of monsters and beasts all over the mountains and plains outside the pass.

Amidst the emotion and blood and tears, the protagonist of Baiyunguan's plot, who is also the main character of the whole game and movie, both good and evil, began to grow rapidly...

This is the first episode of the movie, which lasts three and a half hours.

Ge Xiaotian stood at the top of Xuanwu Pass, read the script, and made drastic revisions, adding a few iron ladies, an aura girl monk, a mature and stable female priest, and the corresponding interactions, love and sorrow...

"Well, optimization and optimization, that's about it."

Dao Er put away the materials, "Boss, we didn't consider the theme of the Dragon Continent film and television before, so when we domesticated wild animals, we all chose to watch them. Even tigers and giant wolves, there were only three or two. We wanted to shoot a frenzy of monsters attacking the pass. To have that sense of reality, and the wildness that monsters should have, it is difficult to reflect it simply by relying on CG animation, actor costumes, and motion capture."

"Do you still want me to send people to catch the beast tide? Are you crazy?"

Ge Xiaotian was also very melancholy, "Besides, even if they are captured, those wild boars can't understand human language!"

"So, this movie needs to be postponed, transfer the No. 2 mastermind here, build a few more animal pens, and prevent large-scale arrests..."

"Come on, here in Maozi, it is not allowed to spray pesticides on the land, not to mention this kind of damage to the ecological balance, which is related to the change of the entire regional environment."

"Then we..."

What else did Dao Er want? Lao Hong, who ran to Amur in the morning, led the second batch of monks who arrived in Neobras, and came over in a mighty way.

"Boss, I'm back!"

"Well, go, get on the road now, and get my dog ​​back!"

"Siberia is so big, where can I find it?"

Old Hong originally thought it was a joke yesterday, but he was shocked on the spot when he heard the words, "You won't tell the truth, will you?"

"Nonsense, drive that semi-finished mechanical leg..."


Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered a dream.

It was more than half a year ago. Mr. Governor visited Jishi. In order to escape, he ran to the old village head's house and drank for a day and a night, and finally became drunk and passed out.

And in the dream, Lao Hong was indeed in autumn and winter, driving a semi-finished mecha with only moving legs, and went deep into Siberia.

Then there was a problem with the drive system and he accidentally fell off a cliff.

When the remote control system emergency rescue team arrived, Lao Hong had been eaten by wild beasts, leaving only one toe...

Later, when he was buried, he specially chose a golden nanmu coffin...

This scene corresponds to a dream...

Ge Xiaotian suddenly shuddered and his scalp tingled, "Go back and check that machine, I think there is something wrong with the power system."

"Huh? It shouldn't be. I drove it to the mine yesterday to push carts."

"Be careful and make no big mistakes!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he remembered the later dream.

After the rescue team found Lao Hong, they found a golden egg in the valley under the cliff.

Therefore, there is a scene where he and Dahan, wearing exoskeleton protective suits, driving a steam car that looks like a Wandering Earth Transporter, touch eggs in the snowy mountains.

After that, Mao Zi was not happy anymore. It happened that the town center was upgraded and the era of red police came...

'It shouldn't be, I am so afraid of death, how could I fight Maozi! '

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and felt that he couldn't take the dream as a reality.

But the town center is indeed going to be upgraded, and Lao Hong is indeed going to be driven into the mountains by himself...


Lao Hong definitely didn't want to go into the mountains, the cold snap was about to hit, and he would probably be blocked by wind and snow if he ran in. The conditions were so bad, how could he feel comfortable staying in Neobras.

Strange, why do I say that Neobras is comfortable, isn't it good to go back to Dongshan?

"Boss, winter is coming soon, and the beast hordes are migrating to Amur. If Ah Huang is still alive, he will definitely come back."

"It's a dog!"


"Pull a sled, drill a snow hole, and endure the cold!"


"We'll talk about this tomorrow, and go back to entertain Mr. Governor and the others first."

Ge Xiaotian still couldn't forget the illusory golden egg, turned around and walked down the Xuanwu Temple, and motioned for Dao Er, who was discussing the plot of Shenlong cultivation with the second group of people,

"Come on, do the math for me!"

Dao Er looked puzzled, but still took out the tortoise shell and made a divination, "Boss, your lucky star is shining... eh? Wealth is prosperous... No, it's a windfall, no... Damn it, boss, you start from now on." , for three days, you can pick up money while walking!"

"true and false……"

Before Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he suddenly felt that he stepped on something, raised his foot, and looked down, "What a big piece of dog's head gold!"

Witnessing this scene, Lao Hong was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it, "Master Daoist, do the math for me!"

Dao Er tidied up the tortoiseshell, murmured something, and finally his face froze, "Brother, from today onwards, for three days, you have to stand firm when you go to the toilet, drink water slowly, and you'd better keep looking at your feet when you walk. Don't provoke the boss, you two are not at the same level now..."

"What do you mean? Ouch, I bit my tongue!"

"Hey, divination and divination, if you don't make a divination, it doesn't count as a divination, if you do a divination, it will become a divination, brother Hong, hold on!"


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