Build Madness

Chapter 515 Steampunk

Grand Neo Hotel.

Mr. Governor and many ice bear entrepreneurs left one after another with shock and confusion...

Ge Xiaotian returned to the office, lit a cigarette, and quietly recalled what happened tonight by himself.

There is no rush to sell a villa, the longer the delay, the greater the value-added space.

Now the ten buildings are worth 20 million, and maybe the ten buildings will soon be worth 30 million, 40 million, 50 million...

So fast?

At the end of the millennium and the beginning of 2001, Bingxiong Real Estate began to enter a path of abnormal development.

The main reason should be the collapse of the currency market, which made the ice bears no longer have hope for the ruble.

Therefore, transactions began to use the currencies of other countries and regions, or the gold standard currency.

As a result, funds began to flow out.

For example, Tian Cheng exchanged work points for Amur labor, and took away resources and gold.

For a country, this is undoubtedly tantamount to bloodletting.

Therefore, in order to survive, Ice Bear set his sights on the real estate industry.

Invite powerful developers and builders from overseas to carry out large-scale construction projects, raise housing prices, and allow the masses to invest funds in the housing sector, thereby avoiding capital outflow.

Generally speaking, quite right.

But Ice Bear has forgotten that the developer is an overseas company, not one of his own.

Then in another time and space, four or five years later, developers saw that the bubble was about to burst, and ran away with their money, which led to the collapse of Bingxiong Real Estate overnight.

To make matters worse, Big Bear became poorer and poorer.

As for Tian Cheng, since he intends to stay in Amur for a long time, this matter can only be used as a reference and has no meaning of following suit.

Therefore, before and after the great change, the housing price of Neobras cannot collapse.

Or in other words, to help Amur through the crisis in three to five years, to achieve both fame and fortune.

From then on, Tiancheng firmly sat on the throne of Ice Bear's number one merchant, earning money on the surface, but seeking resources secretly...

"Why am I getting darker and darker?"

Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled, scratched his head, put out the cigarette butt, and opened the specific plan of the plan.

If you want to stabilize the price of Neobras, you must make it worth the money.

Supporting facilities, corresponding projects, foreign population... Just copy the canal CBD, Xu Ling's plan is really good...

And wait until next year, XBA, Sancha Cup, K. O martial arts hegemony, there will be one more overseas home court.

In terms of film and television, corresponding to the ancient city of Qingshan, Tianyu International Branch...

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian's gaze stayed on the four characters of steampunk.

He originally didn't intend to let You Xingxing make steampunk into a game.

At present, Tianyu International has the trilogy of Shenlong: Legend, Cultivation, Push and Build, Dazzling Dance Speed, Escape from the Castle, Gold Miner, Fishing Expert, etc., which are enough for normal operation.

Half a year later, the second generation of SG products will be launched, the product art will be optimized, and some new gameplay will be added, allowing players to enjoy it for a whole year.

Afterwards, the third generation of SG will be launched, and the development of new games on the game platform will be entrusted to angel investment companies. Tianyu will still be responsible for each category of a high-quality product, constantly optimizing, constantly updating, and repeating itself. It can last for a decade or two.

The shooting of steampunk movies is used to open up the fantasy movie market in Europe and America, and promote Tiancheng's main Chinese mythology system.

In other words, steampunk is just a transitional product of cultural invasion.

Neobras is so big, if you don't use it, you will be struck by lightning...

However, the plan is beautiful, and the world is constantly changing.

I dug so many holes before, and the North American side tried to attack for a long time, and finally made a big move.

According to internal information, the North American Science and Technology Alliance gathered at Microsoft to hold a joint meeting in order to defend their respective chip and motherboard markets in China.

Soon, Microsoft not only let go of the win xp activation-free permission, but also consolidated funds to invest in Snowstorm, a company that has secretly developed 3D online games for many years and has not yet released a real work.

As a time traveler, Ge Xiaotian must know the name of this game, World of Warcraft!

This is an epic work, threat index: ★★★★★

As of now, there are only 3 million SG users, and the remaining 2 million have not yet received the ordered products.

Compared with European and American computer users, this number is less than one-twentieth.

Now that the win system is free, another blockbuster that has swept the world in time and space has been released...

I am afraid that the advantages of Longtian Technology will disappear.

After all, the first-generation SG that was handed out was still an electronic component that was stolen from someone else.

To put it bluntly, before the technology industry chain took shape, Longtian was just a paper tiger with graphene as his minion, vulnerable to a single blow.

The foundry is only Wanshi Technology Development Group, whose business has been severely damaged after the reorganization. Software service providers need at least two years of training. If it weren't for the plan to draw SG for free, I am afraid that Longtian products would not be able to enter the campus computer room.

Under such circumstances, let Tianyu and Longtian unite to fight head-on with the Science and Technology Alliance. Not only will they not be able to win, but it may also expose the relationship between Tiancheng and Longtian.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian decided to steal the house.

Let Horton privately acquire a North American game developer on the brink of bankruptcy, complete the capital injection through an offshore company, and then launch a steampunk game on the win platform.

Waiting for Steampunk to have a large number of users, the game company sold the copyright to Tianyu to make a movie, and announced that it would take a stake in Neobras...

At that time, I am afraid that it will be targeted by the Science and Technology Alliance, and Steampunk will be forcibly removed from the Win platform. After that, the company will naturally suffer heavy losses, and finally decide to package and sell the entire company.

When the time comes, Tianyu will make its debut, overcome all the heroes, and bring steampunk back to the SG platform...

As for whether players can be brought over, no one can say for a long time, anyway, it is aimed at World of Warcraft.

As for the name...


As an old player who is more experienced than Ge Wangwang, and has read so many novels, plus the genius You Xingxing, it is not difficult for Ge Xiaotian to make a deluxe version of multi-professional Torchlight based on the Dragon Continent 3D engine.

First of all, its characteristics and characteristics must be clarified.

Such as nostalgic imagination, connecting the past and the future, patchwork aesthetics...

As an excellent contractor in the construction industry, how can he not understand Utopia and Victoria?

Determine the theme, and then create a worldview.

Simply put, steam and punk need to be understood separately.

Steam naturally represents large-scale machinery powered by steam engines, such as: airplanes, airships, automobiles, trains, ships, submarines...

A large number of propellers, gears, pistons, bearings are used, and all tend to be huge.

It has also led to the coexistence of multiple energy sources, including coal, oil, and wind power.

In fact, electricity also belongs to energy in "steam", and there is also overhead energy, such as the magic power belonging to the "punk" sequence.

Punk is a non-mainstream fringe culture, most of which are presented in the style of street language and dialogue. Its significance lies in the independent style of the subject matter, rather than being decadent and anti-human.

Punk has four standing pieces, tuxedo, top hat, walking stick and pocket watch. The suits are images of various athletes in the 1960s and 1970s.

Then there are the abstract elements of magic, science, past and future...

Ge Xiaotian writes and draws, busy until late at night, thinks of the Shenlong series, thinks carefully, and adds a leisure module to the game.

For example, guessing mechanical mazes, card games, my name is Steam MT...

Afterwards, taking advantage of the burst of inspiration, I called the Tianyu staff stationed in Amur to make the characters, and then notified Youminxing to come as soon as possible...

Perhaps, this is a brand new IP!

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