Build Madness

Chapter 516

Taking advantage of the burst of inspiration, Ge Xiaotian was busy all night.

In another time and space, Torchlight is a Diablo-like "swipe" game, with many advantages and countless disadvantages, but in the stand-alone version of the dungeon series, it is a classic.

If it is made into a steampunk brand product, it is bound to enrich the plot, increase network interaction, and slow down the overall rhythm.

With Tianyu International's current resources, 3D engine, UI design, graphics artist, character modeling, data planning, etc. are almost ready-made, and it is very easy to create a torchlight.

Moreover, the transformation based on the Shenlong Continent is similar to various BT versions of legends in the future, and the workload is not too large.

For example, the Taoist cultivator of the flying sword can be changed to a musketeer. The long-range flying sword attack is turned into a bird gun, and the ultra-long-range flying sword bombardment is turned into a shoulder-mounted rocket...

For example, the follow-up new profession summoning system Daoxiu can be changed to a mechanic. Calling all kinds of pets has become a hand-to-hand operation of various grenades, robots, remote-controlled aircraft, etc., and the ultimate summoning of beasts has become a call for friends and a mechanical fortress...

Melee occupations such as Tianji and Xuanwu can also be extended to paladins, rangers or bounty hunters, etc.

Others, the master becomes a nun, the assistant becomes a wizard, the thief killer assassin becomes a street gangster or a black boxer...

Career setting is no problem, in fact, the map is also very simple.

As long as there are more interactive elements in the early stage, allowing players to explore many novelty hunting methods, such as fighting dances, playing cards, solving puzzles, fishing, refining medicine, etc., the map does not need to be too large.

Move the Neobras GIS model directly into the game engine, add several nearby forests, mountains, and rivers, and the human main city is done like this.

Overall, what is missing are special effects maps, story elements, and corresponding dubbing.

And what Ge Xiaotian did that night was to use somewhat unfamiliar sketches to depict several sets of characters.

Well, sketches, not sketches.

As a successful contractor, in addition to Ps, CAD and other software, architectural sketches and architectural line drawing renderings are also the first necessary magic skills.


When will it be?

At the beginning of time travel, some of them were not used to the backward pirated design program of Internet cafes, hand-painted design drawings, and went to fool the fourth uncle...


It's already bright, look at the time, it's eleven o'clock in the morning.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly discovered that after working hard all night, not only was he not sleepy, but he was so excited that he couldn't stop at all.

One by one line draft anime characters are quickly formed...

On the large desk and the vast office area, almost a full floor is covered.

Captain North America, Thor, King of the Hill, Pirate Luffy, Hatsune Miku...

Just like writing a novel, as long as you have something in your mind, you will never lack content.

Ge Xiaotian even wrote a corresponding story for each character, which is used as a side task.

"I'm such a genius!"

The staff of Neobras, who spent the whole night in fear and thought that their boss had gone crazy, breathed a sigh of relief seeing him stretching and standing up.

"Boss, the third batch of personnel has arrived in Amur."

"Oh? Have you brought everything?"

"As early as a week ago, the shooting equipment was consigned from Dongshan to Heihe by train, and it is now stored in the Amur office."

"Let's bring it all over, find a good time in the afternoon, and start shooting!"


After the staff left, Ge Xiaotian finished his porridge and was about to squint his eyes for a nap when he caught a glimpse of the line draft that Dao San had sorted out, and found that his hands were about to move again...

"My inspiration can't be blocked!"

Daosan also stayed up all night. Hearing the words, he couldn't help but comfort him, "Boss, you'd better sleep for a while. The inspiration erupts and consumes energy. It's the same as that. If you keep spraying, you will die!"

"Yeah, I suddenly remembered that there are sharks in the Pacific Ocean, and polar bears in the Arctic Ocean. I'm afraid you have to be divided into two halves to make fish bait and bear bait..."


Oh, these troublesome old bull noses!

Ge Xiaotian curled his lips, went to the bathroom to wash his face, carefully looked at his eyeballs, and found that there was no bloodshot...

Strange, don't... I don't need to sleep?

Thinking about it carefully, it may be related to the fact that after time travel, I only slept for four or five hours a day and often stayed up late.

"It's nice to be young!"

Sighing, the third group of Tianyu personnel arrived at the Neobras office.

It's not the game department headed by You Minxing who contacted last night. They will arrive tomorrow morning, and today are the "Dragon Continent", "Guns and Roses", and "Zheng He's Voyages to the West", which have been in preparation for a long time. crew.

Some took planes, some took trains, and there were six or seven hundred people.

"Hi boss!"

"It's all good, you've worked hard all the way!"

Saying hello to each other, Ge Xiaotian paid special attention to a dozen or so Wu Dalang who sold sesame seed cakes in the ancient city of Qingshan.

If you wear a messy beard, add a horn helmet, wear leather pants with cross straps, and carry two large axes of Li Kui...

Feel like king of the hill instantly!

"Where's Xiao Pan?"

"The mother-in-law is kneading steamed buns at home." The latter replied in a naive manner, suppressing his voice, very naturally.

"Haha! Let's go, let's go in and talk!"

Ge Xiaotian patted each other on the shoulder, and walked into the big hotel next door together.

The two parties are fairly familiar with each other. At the beginning, Tiancheng's headquarters was located in Xiaoqingshan, and this man in his thirties sent cooking cakes to the company every day.

He has a cheerful personality and is familiar with acrobatic performances. He is currently in charge of the cooking cake and snack department and serves as the director of acrobatic performances.

For Guns N' Roses, he'll play the Dwarven Musketeer.

When the game is confirmed, maybe it will become the character template of King of the Hill...

Pick up the wind and wash the dust at noon.

Ge Xiaotian formally met several directors of Tianyu Film and Television Company for the first time.

The leader, that is, the director of the Shenlong mainland crew, is not Mou, Kai, and Gang, but Xu Laoguai, who Gao Song invited heavily from the crew of "Shushan Legend" in Donghu Film and Television City.

Well, I can't dig it out, they are wireless.

This is one of the few film directors in China who almost shoots ancient fantasy themes.

Can act, can direct, very comprehensive.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian still has another candidate in mind, that is, Director Li who filmed Chinese Paladin and Xuanyuan Sword.

But the other party belongs to a TV series, and it's not appropriate for my family to make a movie-level series.

If you want to say what is the difference between a TV series and a movie-level series...

The former has a coherent plot, with dozens of episodes all centered around a main storyline.

On the other hand, movie-level serials have to show an epic-level plot through a single movie, and then jump to another big plot in the second part. In the final few blockbusters.

In other words, this is a series.

As a director, if you want to control Shenlong Continent, you must not only be familiar with the game, the background of Shenlong, and the characteristics of each film, but also know the story of the entire series, or the ins and outs.

If it were any other big director, he definitely wouldn't take this job.

But Old Freak Xu is really weird. After being attracted by the theme, he retreated for more than half a year, studying the side and main quests in the game, while experiencing the Dragon Continent game. Now he is almost obsessed...

Such as standing posture.

Head held high, left hand behind his back, right hand raised in front of his chest, white hair and beard, coupled with this aura, he looks more like the head of Tai Xu Guan than Dao Yi.

"Mr. Ge, please don't worry, if this movie is not popular, I will give you fifty years of free work!"

"Oh? Is that so? Then my movie will be lost, and the box office will be lost."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking very seriously, he took out a pen from his chest, and wrote the words "into the limbo" in the signature column of the script, "As long as you!"


Old Freak Xu was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Ge, you are so humorous, I don't even know how to answer."

"I am serious!"


"For me, a film can only make a few dollars, but a lifelong director can help me create wealth continuously!"

"Just kidding, just kidding, Shenlong Continent must be popular!"

"Haha, it's not popular, give me a part-time job for free!"

"You don't really put it in limbo, do you?"

"It depends on your mood. If you take a good shot, everyone will share it with you. If you don't take a good shot, you should burn your salary for the next 50 years to the Wai Xing'an Mountain God for peace."


Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and clinked glasses with the director of Guns and Roses.

This is an old lady in the military department with a screenwriting attribute, named Li Shaohong, a classmate of Director Kai.

At present, in the military studio, it is also impossible to dig.

When the other party was filming Tangerine Red, Gao Song, who cast a wide net, returned the crew, including the investor, the old director's disciples Zhou Xun, Yang Mi, and the handsome Huang Da who participated in the film.

I have to say that this trick is very unique, or in other words, the power of being rich and self-willed is very strong.

'It's not a loss to send you to Africa! The boss didn't even dare to play like this, but the more you play, the more slippery you become...'

Ge Xiaotian secretly sighed, and exchanged guns and roses with Director Li.

The project has just been confirmed, and it is the first time for the other party to come into contact with European and American themes, which is very difficult.

However, there are so many famous actors from North America, plus the experience of directing Graphene 2, as long as you understand the concept of steampunk, shoot more times, and have a wealth of experience, there is basically no major problem.

After that, Ge Xiaotian looked at the third person, who was the director of the crew of Zheng He's voyages to the West, Mr. Cao.

Well, that's the name, very domineering.

He has just graduated from junior high school and is the monitor of the directing department of level 00 of Tiancheng Vocational Technical Secondary School. He is only seventeen years old.

"Little Cao, you need to ask your elders for advice when you come here. When necessary...have you ever heard of hitting a snake with a stick?"

The latter lowered his head and whispered: "Boss, I have already worshiped Director Xu as my teacher. Besides, Director Li's youngest daughter is very beautiful..."


Ge Xiaotian held the cup in his hand and froze in mid-air.

What the hell did I say that the snake is on the stick, so that you can take advantage of the communication to hollow out the disciples of the two super directors, but you are apprenticed to the teacher, and at the same time you are greedy for his daughter...

"You can do it yourself, if you can't do it well, feed the sharks with the Taoist priest!"


The voice was a bit loud, not to mention Mr. Cao was stunned, even the two old directors who were sitting next to him and eavesdropping were so frightened that the chopsticks holding the food trembled...


It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

After eating and drinking enough, the opening ceremony will be held in three places in turn.

First up is Neobras, the Guns N' Roses crew.

Due to the plan to release the game on the win platform, the ceremony was carried out in secret.

According to the plan given by Ge Xiaotian, it was the first time to adapt, the second time to explore, and the third time to officially shoot.

The filming process of the film is a bit similar to Avatar, most of which use motion capture systems, and then substitute various character models to create a fantasy-style steampunk.

For example, actor A is running in reality, the camera captures the movement, and a werewolf is running in the computer. According to the interaction, what actor A does and what the werewolf does, including changes in eyes and facial expressions.

This is far more perfect than makeup.

If you shoot a blockbuster movie in the future, if 10,000 strong men smile in different ways, hundreds of millions of corresponding characters will be created...

Technology is terrifying.

This is also the main reason why Dao Er asked him to look for wild beasts. People, even lunatics, cannot show the ferocity of wild beasts.

However, the reason why this method is partially adopted is because the king of the hill, no, it is Wu Dalang and others, as well as Tianwei who plays the role of the paladin, all played in their true colors.

Acting skills are relatively high, but in order to save hundreds of thousands of dollars per second, if you work harder, you can earn more wages...

The second opening ceremony was held at the Shanmen Square of Qianshan Taixu Temple.

The lineup is very strong.

Three hundred monks, two thousand heavenly guards, five thousand strong men, and twenty thousand coolies.

In addition, there are 20 drones seconded from Jinxiuchuan placed all around, and cranes of various sizes are also installed in the mountains according to the reserved bases.

I don't know whether it was the loudness that attracted Radio Amur, or Mr. Governor's special order, Maozi reporter was very excited, and announced the ceremony with countless words of praise that Ge Xiaotian couldn't understand.

To be honest, it is difficult for Europe and the United States to understand the Chinese mythology system.

For example, their very intuitive Goddess of War and the God of the Sun, if they translate Chinese mythology...

What? Is this monkey God of War?

But why is this three-eyed God of War?

Isn't the Three Eyes Gendaya Civilization, why did you go to China to become the God of War?

Damn, why are there so many great emperors?

What is a quadrupole? What is yin and yang? What is gossip? What is Tianzun? God where are we? !

Therefore, in order to avoid complexity, Shenlong Continent adopts gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder as the main righteous gods, with a heavenly emperor and queen, and rulers of various species under it.

For example, the god of the bird tribe, the god of the beast tribe, and the god of the water tribe, all of them are striving to compete for the position of the god of war of the twelve zodiac signs.

Others include flower gods, phantom gods, etc., which are not very important.

As long as you understand these, the corresponding monster level is also easy to understand.

To put it simply, before turning into a human form, the bigger the body, the stronger the strength.

For example, in the first scene of starting today, chaos came to the world!

Xu Ling's poodle, under someone's teasing, bared its teeth ferociously.

In the back of the computer, a strange demon dog that covers the entire Siberia with no five organs in its belly crawls out of the sealed place viciously.

The metal wire tied to the poodle danced up and down, and the ferocious chains tied to the chaotic demon shook the magma...

"Boss, this dog is not fierce!"

"Hit it!"

"Secretary Xu is pregnant, if we let her know that we abused the poodle she fostered here..."

"Find a wolf!"

Ge Xiaotian suddenly missed Ah Huang very much. If that guy was there, he might be able to turn Erha into a Tibetan mastiff...

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