Build Madness

Chapter 517 The Dragon Continent Starts Filming

It is easy to catch wolves in Siberia. Not long after Dao San went out, he brought back a big bad wolf that bared its teeth and kept howling.

It is more than one meter tall, about sixty centimeters tall, with thick hind legs and sharp minions...

"It's fierce enough!"

When Ge Xiaotian saw a real wolf for the first time, he felt a little excited. He took out a chicken leg from the dinner prepared by the crew and threw it on the ground, motioning for Dao San to let go of the rope.

The wild wolf lost its restraint, got up slowly, looked around at the strong man three times, then silently lowered his head and picked up the chicken leg. Under the eyes of everyone, he crawled one meter away from Ge Xiaotian, and gently placed the chicken leg under his feet... …


Before everyone could react, the wild wolf stood up, swinging its front legs, as if begging for mercy...


? ? ?

The audience was stunned.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at Dao San, "Such a big project, how dare you go to the peripheral crew to catch a pet dog to fool me?!"

"How is it possible! I dragged this out of the wolf's den, and there are two wolf cubs in it, so fierce!"

"I believe in your evil!"

Ge Xiaotian waved his hands around, "Lock this guy up and don't give him food for three days!"

Two heavy cavalry dragged Dao San, who continued to explain while struggling, "Boss, it's really a wolf, look at its ears!"

"Look what, have you ever seen a wolf barking like a dog?"

"Ghost knows how it can bark like a dog, I'm really wronged this time!"

"Damn it, look at what you've done recently. When you go out to sea, feed the shark properly!"

"Dao Zun, Xiaodao, I'm going crazy..."

After dealing with Dao San, Ge Xiaotian's stomach hurts, "Forget it, let's take a while to catch the wolf, and shoot other things first."

Li Long, dressed in red tasseled armor, carefully looked at his pet 'dog'. The latter was panting heavily with his tongue out, as if he hadn't seen his owner for a long time and was waiting to stroke the hair on his head...

"It's really a dog!"

"Nonsense, if it were a wolf, it would have bitten me long ago!"

"Then what about it?"

"Throw it aside first, and notify the peripheral crew to get the dog as soon as possible. Also, warn all Tianyu employees that they are not allowed to bring pets when they go out for filming in the future!"

"Good boss."

Although there are no wild beasts to capture the action and create chaos, but before the cold snap comes, the scenes related to spring, summer and autumn must be filmed in advance.

Twenty unmanned aerial vehicles were launched into the sky to take on-the-spot views of Qianshan Baiyun Temple from all directions, high or low.

In the Yinyang Square in front of the gate, more than 50 SGs edited and produced film and television materials based on the images sent back.

On the other side, the plot unfolds...

Judging from the plots involved in the current game, the Shenlong Continent is magnificent, and the Mafa Continent in the comparable area of ​​the map is just the tip of the iceberg.

I want to fully show it to the audience in the form of a movie, not just staged Pangu opening the sky, the first robbery of the dragon and the phoenix, the battle of liches, the battle of gods and demons, etc. at the beginning.

Doing this, not to mention overseas gamers, I am afraid that Chinese people will be stunned.

Therefore, the movie version of Shenlong Continent starts from the two teenagers.

A resolute personality, daring to take responsibility, but very sullen inside, has many self-narrations, likes to be handsome, and is very lucky.

The other has a calm personality and more worries, but he is thoughtful, well-organized, likes to hide himself, and is good at scheming.

The former is both good and evil. In the future, he will be the leader of the villain camp in Shenlong Continent, and will be in charge of the northern cultivation world.

The latter is gentle and elegant. In the future, he will be the leader of the decent faction in the Shenlong Continent, and will be in charge of the southern cultivation world.

The first movie echoes the end of the whole series.

The two teenagers came from the same mountain village, and they have a very good relationship, and they often go out hunting together.

The villain protagonist has shown his talent in martial arts since he was a child, while the decent protagonist is diligent in literature and art and very smart.

The magic god of the Mafa Continent opened the ancient bronze door, and the Shenlong Continent was rampant with demons. When the two teenagers went out to hunt, they encountered monsters fleeing to the mountain village.

The villain protagonist relies on force to fight bloody monsters, while the decent protagonist cares about the former's safety, his blood surges, he picks up a bow and arrow and comes...

The former shot an arrow in the knee...

Well, they are all very old-fashioned stalks, but in the millennium, this is a novel theme.

After being shot by an arrow, the protagonist of the villain was unable to beat the monster, and he and the protagonist played a brotherly relationship. In order to avoid the disaster of his relatives in the mountain village, he resolutely jumped off the cliff with the monster in his arms...

The upright protagonist was hit hard and was on the verge of collapse. He informed the villagers and persuaded the patriarch to migrate to the south with his mouth. In the second movie, he joined Bashu Yijiange. The upright gentleman who vowed not to give up in eliminating demons and demons has attracted countless handsome young women from the southern cultivation world to support him.

And the villain protagonist who jumped off the cliff is the main character of the first film.

When he was about to fall to the ground, the aura of luck came into play, and he happened to meet the head of Taixuguan who had enlightened by the waterfall.

As soon as Dao opened his eyes, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the demon turned into powder...

The protagonist of the villain begins a crazy inner monologue...

Afterwards, Daoyi, the head of Taixuguan, counted his fingers, and immediately knew the ins and outs of the young man, admired the other party's character very much, and after knowing that the villagers moved...

The fairy caresses my top, and my hair is immortal!

The villain boy came to Taixuguan, started various funny daily routines, and gradually understood some things in the entire Shenlong Continent that ordinary people cannot touch.

As a result, the audience can feel some world background.

Ten years later, one flickering day, outside the great formation of the mountain gate, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and a huge phantom struggled to emerge in the northern sky.

The head of Taixuguan led twelve true disciples to exorcise the demons. The villain boy sneaked down the mountain and strayed into the Yanmen iron-blooded army garrison.

Knowing that the disciple of the Immortal, the leader of the Tianji Battalion of the Jagged Army, played by the heavy cavalry, took him to wander around Yanmen Pass.

It was evening, and the demons struck.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from the Tianji Battalion lined up to fight against the ugly monsters all over the mountains and plains with the skills in the game.

For example, the sword and shield department, the shield armor company battalion, tens of thousands of soldiers brushing up vertical shields, and tens of thousands of phantoms pieced together to form a giant shield with a tiger's head that blocks the sky and blocks the sun.

For example, the long sword system, the violent tiger Feng He, tens of thousands of soldiers swung their swords in unison, and tens of thousands of swords were pieced together into a giant blade with a tiger's head that stretched across the sky.

For example, output-type archers, thousands of arrows, meteor fire rain...

For example, healing and assisting witches, the Eight Gates of Healing Injuries, and the rejuvenation of the magic hands...

The huge battle shocked the villain boy, and secretly decided to go back to the mountain to practice diligently.

However, after the monsters receded, the leader of the Tianji Battalion told the young man that this was nothing more than a trivial matter for the Tianzhu Xuanwu Army guarding the real Dragon Continent in the north.

The villain boy was thinking of going and taking a look, and said goodbye in the open, but in secret, he went with him later, that is, the son of the leader of the Tianji camp, and escorted the Tianji camp to save food and money, and set aside for the Xuanwu army. Go to the North.

The flames of the Shenlong Dynasty were all over the place, and the northern warlord was an idiot. He had already designated the Xuanwu Army as a rebel army and made it known to the world.

The two complained about this all the way, and also forged a little friendship.

Arriving at Tianzhu Xuanwu Pass, eight out of ten of the 100,000 expeditionary troops in the past have gone, and the rest are all disabled.

It was night, the commander of the Xuanwu army, leading the army and the more violent monsters, had a decisive battle outside the pass...

The corpses of the enemy and us are all over the mountains, and the broken flags and broken guns are covered with thick blood...

Returning to Taixu Temple, the villain boy began to doubt the idea of ​​the master's sect to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, and lay on the bed complaining about the master's inaction.

Coincidentally, Dao Yi, who led twelve true disciples and slayed Chaos, the four great beasts in the demon world, came back seriously injured, and five of the twelve true disciples also died. Out of emptiness.

The villain boy knew he had made a mistake, and knelt in front of the mountain gate to confess his crime, but Daoyi forgot about it because he revived five true disciples because of retreat.

The master helped the villain boy to ask for forgiveness, but there was no response for a long time. Spring went to winter, the villain boy knelt down and practiced, and it was another half a year. Friends from the Tianji camp came to visit. After chatting, the villain boy resolutely decided to do something meaningful. meaningful things.

For example, join the increasingly rare Tianzhu Xuanwu Army.

After the Xuanwu army commander fought with the accomplished villain boy, out of respect for Taoist Taixu and the importance he attached to the boy, he took out the red basalt armor and red basalt gun of his former comrades, vowed to eliminate demons, and solemnly conferred the title .

Afterwards, the young villain held a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, and while reviewing his Taixu Guan skills, he quickly absorbed the essence of the Xuanwu Army's marksmanship.

Taixu skills are mainly attacking and killing, can summon the descendants of divine beasts, and can also self-heal and buff themselves.

Xuanwu skills are mainly defensive, so use long spears to increase lethality, and can resist and fight.

Relying on his double cultivation, the villain boy is like a novice among the monsters, entering the golden leveling point and growing rapidly.

During this period, I lost countless partners and met more new ones, including the cruel shield lady who came to support me from the Tianji camp, and the red tasseled female general...

Three years later, Daoist Taixu revived five true disciples. When inspecting the disciples' homework, he found that the imperially appointed eighteenth generation chief disciple was missing.

Xuanwu Pass.

Chaos, the four fierce beasts that were killed ten years ago, was revived by virtue of the long-term blood and resentment of the two passes.

The leader of the Xuanwu Army died in battle. Seeing that the Tianzhu Xuanwu Pass was about to collapse, the villain held a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right.

At the same time, the background music recorded by the crew sounded... (refer to the left finger moon)

'The left hand holds the earth, the right hand holds the sky

The palm lines cracked lightning bolts from ten directions

Converting time into years in a hurry

Three thousand lives, as seen

With a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right...'


The wind is cold and the snowflakes are like knives.

Daoist Taixu floated in mid-air leading seven true disciples.

"The power of the primordial spirit of our practice is the root of all things, and it is desirable to kill, so he can have your cultivation level. But it is too much, the soul is weak, and it is difficult to control. The secret technique of our sect is what the ancestors considered. This is to prevent the head of the sect from being captured by the opponent when he duels with powerful monsters, so pass down this method."

"This technique is called Heart Demon True Art, and non-principals cannot practice it. Once it is used, it will arouse the heart demons and devour them. It is like the fusion of yin and yang, burning the soul, and fighting endlessly against the enemy..."

"In addition, if you still can't defeat the hostility, you can summon the descendant of the divine beast after death, and use the evil thoughts and resentments accumulated over a long period of time as a guide to shape the evil shadow clone of yourself, and fuse again to increase your own strength by three times."

"Once the two secret techniques are used, the former can be saved, but the latter returns to Qi..."

The seven true disciples were moved, "Master, please save my nephew."

"Old man, I watch the sky at night,..."


After shooting for five days in a row, Ge Xiaotian was almost immersed in the plot of Shenlong. Hearing this sentence, he always felt something wrong, "Change the line!"

"Boss, this is how Bigger is!"

"All the words on the street are bad, you move into this movie for me?"

"Then I... smiled proudly and said: Yes?!"

"It has to be more difficult!"

"Boss, it's okay to increase the difficulty. The key is... there is a problem with our plot. The secret technique is so powerful. Once it is used in the game, the character in the Taixuan game will definitely die. In our movie, he can't survive just because he is the protagonist. Right? Whether I can save it or not, the reason is a bit far-fetched."

"The new sect Xuanwu Army, add a resurrection skill, Xuanwu Xuanwu, although the Xuangui can there be no such spells?"

"You are trying to affect the balance!"

"It seems that you haven't realized what it means to be a generation of fathers. Also, whether you are strong or not is a matter of one version, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime."


"That's it. The new school has the ability to revive itself. The CD in the game is one hour, and the movie is ten years. The skill description... the soul of the Xuanwu Army is immortal!"

"that's it?"

"Well, it's as simple as that. I'm the boss, so you have to follow my plan."


The plot continues...

The villain protagonist who has grown into a good man, fought fiercely with the murderer Chaos, and when he was about to die, before Taoist Taixu could help him, the blood energy accumulated over the years at Xuanwu Pass and Yanmen Pass suddenly turned into phantoms of soldiers.

"For the Dragon Dynasty!"

"Guard the people of Shenlong!"

"Would you say no clothes? In the same robe as my son. The king Yu Xingshi, repairing my spear. I have the same hatred with my son! How can I say... walk with me!"

The leader of the Tianji Battalion who rushed to kill at Yanmen Pass burst into tears in shock, "It's the soul of our army!"

Countless phantoms have merged into the body of the villain who is about to disappear one after another...

Afterwards, Chaos, who had just been revived but became more and more courageous, was nailed to a mountain 10,000 meters away.

The villain protagonist, who has grown in size by more than ten times and is about to burst like a blown balloon, still hasn't stopped talking madly in his heart at this moment, or making complaints...

Looking at the world with nostalgia...

Just at this moment, Taoist Taixu touched my head again...


"You did very well!"

"No, Master, I actually killed Chaos!"

"It's just resurrected, it's not the main body, and the strength is not enough in case..."

"What about the body?"

"Inside the ancient copper gate."

"Then you killed it?"

"A trace of primordial soul."


The loud sound was earth-shattering, and a black shadow flashed out from the ancient bronze door.

It was the monster that slapped the Fashen to death in the game.

Daoist Taixu hurriedly protected the villain protagonist behind him, manifested his body, and used the orthodox Taixu Taoism to fight against the black shadow, knocking him back again and again.


"Disciples, keep an eye on Shenlong..."

Before the words were finished, Taoist Taixu and the black shadow disappeared at the ancient bronze gate together...

The first part, the end.

Daoyi was still unsatisfied, "Boss, what level does the Taixu Taoist we set belong to in the Shenlong series?"

"There are no gods in this world. The reason why the system of gods is given is to reflect that monks can have a reference after they have cultivated to the highest level. Daoist Taixu belongs to the practitioner of energy. The root of all things is the supreme way. The tenth In the sixth generation, except for the first fifteen generations, and the top ten generations of other sects, he is the strongest in the rest, the top 100 characters of the Shenlong system. But if he uses secret techniques, he just happens to be ranked fifteenth."

"The old way is not convinced!"

"You're fighting with a false character."

The first film only filmed the main plot, followed by various sidelines and daily jokes, and then extended the one-hour length of the five-day filming to three and a half hours.

In addition, the battle of thousands of troops and the scenery of snow and frost all over the sky also need to be carefully selected. Generally speaking, it will take half a year to complete the filming.

As for the monitoring, Ge Xiaotian feels pretty good. Looking at the countdown of the system, it will be a year in one day.

"By the way, boss, Horton and the others arrived in Vladivostok and will head to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk at noon."

"Oh? Arrange a plane, I'll meet you!"

Horton's role is not only to invest in voyages, but also to urge Ice Bear entrepreneurs to buy villas as soon as possible.

Look, the Yankees are coming to rob the house, but you are still hesitating, are you stupid? !

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