Build Madness

Chapter 523: A Big Deal Has Arrived!

In fact, Ge Xiaotian can continue to storm the ship, load more cargo, and start an alternative voyage.

However, most favored treatment countries and the WTO have restricted China's imports and exports.

For example, Huaxia's rice price has an international advantage. Wajima wants to import a large amount of rice, but cannot import it because Huaxia is not a member of the WTO.

Another example is that Chinese goods have a price advantage in the European region, but since they are not WTO members, the European region can follow the advice of domestic companies to raise tariffs to limit the impact of Chinese goods on the local market.

Of course, in the next year or two, the whole world will be crazy about Made in China...

After inspecting the warehouse, Ge Xiaotian arranged for transport personnel to start loading the ship, and then went to the plastic greenhouse to see the fruits and vegetables cultivated for Ice Bear Far East.

"I hope to build a logistics hub here, which will be responsible for contacting various cities in the Far East of Ice Bear."

"Boss, although the idea is good, we can still make a lot of money, but this place is different from the country. Ice Bear can't let us monopolize the operation."

"So, you should find an agent as soon as possible, such as those Maozi youths who eat instant noodles and dig mines, there will always be a few descendants of down-and-out farmers, maybe one day they will dig out the treasures left by their ancestors, and they will prosper overnight! "



At this time, the satellite phone carried by Dao San rang and chatted a few words, "Boss, a military executive from Ice Bear refused to help us train students."

"The benefits are not delivered, or are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

"He asked for a price increase, 500,000 Franklin per person, and...a three-bedroom apartment."

"You can give me the house, but ask me for money... that's too much!"

"What do you mean?"

"Where does this person live now?" Ge Xiaotian flicked the sleeves of his long robe, and found that he was wearing an ancient costume, and subconsciously began to pull the ancient script.

This is cultural conservation!

"He is at the Komsomolsk Space Center in Amur and is also the director of this training."

"Oh? It's not a small background, what's your name?"

"According to the signature of the document, it should be Grigory Petrovich Skrikov..."

"Why is it so familiar?"

" need to ask Xu Ling. I was not in charge of this before, and the handover did not involve this aspect."


Speaking of Xu Ling, Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of the old man with white beard who was posing as an ice bear and said he was going to take Xu Ling to hunt in the mountains, "I know who it is!"

The last time he came, he felt that the old man was unusual.

Go back and let someone check...

He joined the army in the past three years, fought countless tough battles, served as the director of Frunze, served as the general of the air force, and served as the marshal of the ice bear. Now he is the chief inspector of the ice bear and the chief of the Far East Sea Department.

In other words, he is the leader of the Ice Bear Boss's patrolling mountains, and his status and prestige far exceed that of the second leader...

It is so awesome that there are only a handful of people in the world, but they have created "beautiful encounters" with themselves over and over again.

Ge Xiaotian felt that he didn't have such a big face.

Think about the strangeness of the female guide coming back from the toilet, and the black technology shown to him, as well as the ternary computer that the old man gave in the name of a gift, the second batch of transport planes, and the meat that was thrown to Neobras, Baozi Dagou has a ground-effect aircraft that never returns...

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal.

If there is no conspiracy, who will believe it?

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian wrote down the other party's name in his notebook and drew a big red circle.

Now open it and see...

It is exactly the same as the signature in Dao San's mouth!

"The Amur Komsomolsk City is right next to it. I'll meet him later and see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd."

"Horton and the others arrived in the evening!"

"Don't worry, go back quickly, talk if you can, but if you can't, let's find a deserted island and watch the fireworks! There is a fee and tickets are sold!"


Dao San stepped aside to contact Amur Komsomolsk Airport, and Mr. Governor...

Not long.

"Boss, the general heard that you were in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and said he would come over."

"Are you going to see what we have done?"

"It is estimated that in the past six months, only one senior executive of Ice Bear Haibu came to investigate, and he was persuaded by the second monk to enter Buddhism."


Ge Xiaotian was a little speechless, and looked up at the sky, "Mr. Niosdas has meritorious service, and digging out bird droppings is very hard work, I will arrange for him... Forget it, our strong man can't drive the machinery, so we transfer people from the machinery department, unless the constant temperature work clothes can Really mass-produce, otherwise we can’t do this job.”

"Then I will urge the foundry companies that I support."

"Don't worry, the guano will be transported here first, or Neobras, experiment and identify the ingredients, so as not to waste your time."



The old man with the white beard came quickly.

Perhaps because of the official visit, the posture is full.

Ten fighter jets whizzed past Okhotsk...

Not long after, three fully armed latest helicopters flew slowly in the shape of a character...

Hover, move the apron, Russian landing...

"It's such a terrible flying experience. Children nowadays really don't know how to be blessed. Such a good guy, but his play is as bad as shit!"

Although the two parties met several times and had a good chat, Ge Xiaotian specially hired Lao Hong, who was carrying diamonds on his shoulders, as an interpreter in order to pay attention to him, "That's because you have good skills. The wind is howling here, and the terrain is not stable. It's nice to have a safe landing."

Lao Hong didn't see the seriousness of the big man at all, and happily translated: "That's because you have diarrhea!"

"Oh, buddy, is this the famous Chinese medicine theory in Huaxia, just read and ask?"

Lao Hong: "Boss, he said that for dinner, he wants to eat Korean ginseng, Buddha jumps over the wall, and Australian lobster..."

Ge Xiaotian: "???"

Why is this old guy frequency hopping?

Immediately replied: "Unexpectedly, you are also a gourmet!"

Lao Hong translated loudly: "Yes, great Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture!"

"Acupuncture? The kind you did for me last time? It's really amazing. Let's enjoy it together after the chat."

"no problem!"

Lao Hong nodded in agreement, and translated to Ge Xiaotian, "Boss, he still wants to eat pancakes and fruits. The taste of his hometown is not the taste of China."


Chatting and heading to the conference room.

Along the way, the donkey's head was wrong and the ponytail was wrong. The two chatted happily, but the translator... was even happier, drooling.

Ge Xiaotian always felt that something was weird, but there were indeed Australian lobsters, which were stored in the Neo Hotel to entertain important people.

Well, the old man with the white beard is qualified.


Flying over, flying over, the speed of the helicopter is slow, probably not in time for dinner.

Lao Hong seemed to have thought of this too, turned his eyes, and translated: "My boss said that he wants to eat big lobster tonight, and Neo Brass has it, but the journey is too far, and you need to use your war bean machine to transport some come over."

The white-bearded old man hesitated for a while, then reluctantly nodded and said, "Amur has an airport, which is used by both military and civilians. Please contact me first, no problem."

Hoo hoo...

The real guy who just roared past from the sky turned around and roared away again...

Got it!

Lao Hong was extremely excited and couldn't help but pat his thigh. Seeing Ge Xiaotian's suspicious gaze, he coughed and seriously played the role of translator.

And after negotiating a few words about the price increase of the trainees' training fees, Ge Xiaotian understood that the other party's purpose was not to ask for money or a house, but...


It is the main learning tool developed by Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

Simulated launch is just a dedicated category, it also includes simulated planting, simulated farming, simulated maintenance, simulated driving, simulated surgery...

The purpose is not training, but to use games to arouse students' interest, and rely on the knowledge absorption bonus of system universities to further improve learning efficiency.

The effect is obvious, far more than twice the result with half the effort.

Especially the science simulator that integrates physical variables, mathematical functions, and chemical reactions. Through high-quality video explanations in colleges and universities, students can learn it in class, and they will actively review and further discuss and explore after class...

If this set of simulators can pass the certification of the Education Bureau, then SG will no longer have any rivals in the education system.

Students are using it, can parents not use it?

This old man with a white beard has really vicious eyes!

After the explanation and demonstration, Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned, "Okay, tell me, we can provide as many sets of simulators as you want!"

Based on the software developed by SG, it is not compatible with any external formats, as many sets of simulators are sold, it is possible to sell as many SGs...

If the shipment volume is large, the SG series can almost conquer the Ice Bear computer market in one fell swoop.

Great deal!

"So refreshing?" The old man with the white beard was very surprised. He didn't expect the matter to be settled so easily.

"You are the real chief executive of Ice Bear Far East. My property is here. I hope you can take care of me in the future."

"This makes me a little embarrassed..."

The white-bearded old man glanced at Lao Hong who was avoiding far away, feeling baffled, "Then I want 10,000 sets for the first batch, um, each category!"

"Different categories have different prices. They are all genuine, uncrackable, and safe. There are 10,000 sets of each type, and a total of almost 700,000 sets. You are a valuable customer, and I will give you a 10% discount."


"Each set only costs ten red notes, which is 30% lower than the cost. I lose money and make friends, isn't that interesting?"

The old man with the white beard gave a thumbs up.

"However, our price is limited to this one transaction, and the follow-up cost price is a set of forty red notes, otherwise I will lose money!"

"Then how much do I need this time?"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian's face changed'.

"One hundred thousand sets, one hundred thousand sets for each category!"


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