Build Madness

Chapter 524 Holden's Pomp

Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

A luxurious Royal Caribbean is sailing fast to the northern waters.

Inside the ship, at the 360-degree viewing area on the sixteenth floor - Champs-Elysees Taichung, Holden is holding a goblet, tasting the red wine elegantly.

To be honest, he didn't love Ge Xiaotian.

One is in China, and the other is in North America. The cooperation is based on making money, and there is no coercion or non-existence.

Although Huo Dun used Tianwei for fire protection, Tiancheng's only bargaining chip to restrain the former was salary.

Like what protection becomes assassination, he believes that as long as it is not a lunatic, no one would dare to do that.

Therefore, after thinking this through, Horton was very worried about the fact that he showed his timidity when they met last time.

He is also a rich man.

In North America, it's considered a top celebrity.

How can it be that Mi Er Liu, who is useless among the three, can be frightened?

So, for the sake of ostentation, Holden rented a Royal Caribbean's Emperor of the Seas from Alaska!

With its huge size, the aircraft carrier is like a younger brother in front of it, not to mention all kinds of obsessive services.

Holden felt that meeting the other party this time, he was full of momentum, and he would definitely be able to resist Tianwei's third price increase!


Shipyard office area.

Ge Xiaotian has already negotiated an order for the simulator with the old man with white beard.

There are 70 types, 100,000 sets of each type, and the unit price is 10 red notes, totaling 70 million.

Converted into Franklin, less than nine million.

Ice Bear is really poor, and he finally gave his third brother an air carrier for free, earning more than a billion dollars, but someone took it because of graphene.

But the ice bear is so ruthless, he used the excuse of repairing the boiler, and searched more than a billion from the third brother's pocket...

If you have money, you will be willful.

The white-bearded old man didn't even bother to exchange resources for simulators, he paid on-site, and agreed to complete the education system update of the five Ice Bear Far East consortiums within two months.

Ge Xiaotian readily agreed, but he didn't dare to remind SG on the spot.

Maozi has a bad temper, and if the old man pours a few bottles of vodka and drives the heavily armed helicopter outside, it will be a lot of fun.

Both of them are talkative, and the unreliable old Hong is the translator. They chatted for a long time, and before they knew it, it was evening.

"Boss, Holden and the others are about to arrive in Hong Kong."

"Your Excellency, please wait a moment, another group of my distinguished guests have come from a long way from North America, and I need to meet them."

"North America?"

Mao Xiong disintegrated, and Ice Bear's attitude towards North America changed, but each time he showed his favor, he got more serious economic sanctions.

Especially last year when North Korea bombed the South Alliance embassy, ​​the relationship between the two sides has dropped to a freezing point.

Moreover, after the collapse of the Ice Bear's real estate market, the boss of the Ice Bear found out that North America had stolen his money and shorted his rubles, and he might have a fight...

As an executive who transitioned from the hairy bear era to the ice bear era, the white-bearded old man obviously didn't like Horton and the others.

No need for vodka, just eyes on the heavily armed helicopters on the tarmac.



Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian felt happy, "Come on, hurry up, the general is going to show us his superb flying skills, the ground staff is moving, check and repair supplies, especially the ammunition!"


The white-bearded old man was not stupid. Seeing that he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, he stood up staggeringly, rubbing his eyes pretendingly, "Sorry, I drank too much, there are regulations in the army."

"what a shame!"


The old man with the white beard rolled his eyes, "What are they here for?"

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and changed the name of the consortium that invested in the project to the Western Seas: "Investigate Neobras! They are the investors I have tried to lure in. They are all from the upper class in North America, and some are also celebrities in the world."

"Then you still let me fly the plane? Loaded with ammunition?"

"Are you kidding me!"


the other side.

When the Emperor arrived at the port, the Tiancheng staff who had been waiting for a long time boarded the ship first.

Inspection, disinfection, and seizure of prohibited items...

As a formal port, Tiancheng must strictly follow the agreement signed with Ice Bear, and go through the entire process.

And, what if there is a virus?

Faced with all this, Holden was a little uncomfortable, but he quickly returned to normal. He led more than 20 big entrepreneurs, more than 50 family agents, and a hundred of them rushed to join in the fun on the surface. The financier, who has a sense of profit, is on the bridge.

It's just strange that since entering the port, Holden has felt a chill in the back of his head, especially his back, and he has a creepy illusion...



Take straight?

Standing tall and looking far, stepping on the bridge connecting the land, seeing the welcoming team, a group of people instantly petrified.

In particular, the endless sails and warships in the harbor...

Isn't it filming?

A few ships can make up a fleet, so many...

Do you want to conquer the world?


What's wrong with wood, under foam bombs, there is no difference between wood and iron.


Holden suddenly thought of another point. Most radars use the Doppler principle, and the reflected waves of wood are much weaker than metal. As long as there is a little camouflage, the radar will not be able to detect the existence of wooden warships...


At this moment, Lao Huo, who had vowed to make a face-to-face meeting, changed his face as if he had discovered a great secret.

Am I knowing too much?

Will this guy sink me into Bermuda?

Also, why are there three heavily armed helicopters on the tarmac?


Holden suddenly raised his head, and happened to see the five fighter jets returning from transporting lobsters...


"Welcome to the seaport of the Okhotsk Shipyard. Although the smell is a bit strange, but after the cooperation is finished, if there are no problems, I believe we can leave here soon and start sailing around the world!"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at Horton, who had a strange face and eyes, and said hello to the rich men who invested in Graphene 2 one by one, and introduced the old man with white beard.

The North American entrepreneur, or the agent of the consortium, is obviously more familiar with this Ice Bear executive than him, and the most important thing is...

In the hearts of everyone in North America, this time is investing in a project to sail to the West, but Ice Bear has sent a big shot, this face... is in place!

And in the heart of the old man with white beard, if someone came to invest in Amur, he couldn't be left out, right?

For a time, the three parties got along very harmoniously, and they took the initiative to say hello to each other, and they talked very happily, enjoying themselves...

Come to the shipyard.

Ge Xiaotian invited the white-bearded old man, "Your Excellency, we need to carefully discuss the Neobras investment plan. This is related to the future risks of our entire industrial chain. Please don't mind and take a break in the banquet hall first."

"It's okay, my mouth is very strict."

"Billions of Franklin are involved, can you guarantee that you won't say anything?"


After seeing off the old man with white beard, Ge Xiaotian returned to the conference room.

"As you can see, in order to shoot the Western Ocean, I first invested one billion Franklin to build these wooden warships, plus the aircraft I bought before, it will definitely create an unprecedented super shocking scene."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the projection equipment, "In addition, we spent a lot of money to completely restore the ancient costumes, props, books 600 years ago...there will be no problems with the details."

"Then let's look at the market again. As of today, Graphene Storm 2, under the promotion of Tiancheng Channel, Cinema Channel, and Tianyu International Game Channel, has won 3 billion Franklin."

"The company that invested in the film before will get twenty times the income..."

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