Build Madness

Chapter 529: Selling the Villa, Master’s New Career Path


Four two-way streets separated by green belts run side by side from south to north and from east to west, running through the whole city and meeting each other on the periphery of the circular island in the center of the city.

Above the circular island, an O-shaped pedestrian bridge spans across, and the whole is like a gas stove bracket wrapped in glass.

And inside the O shape, in the circular island, a strange structure covered with canvas is slowly taking shape.

This is another God of War and the fifth special wonder after the unbuilt God of War Chiyou and God of War Xingtian.

The god of war is dressed in a golden battle armor, lined with a red battle robe, and wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings.

At this moment, the God of War is holding a stick in one hand, standing alone like a golden rooster, with the other hand on his forehead, looking into the distance, it seems that his eyes blink a few times...

Well, great saint!

After all, this is a steampunk world. There are dwarves, orcs, elves, humans, and many saints... very harmonious.

The Great Sage is the town general of Neobras, and the height is naturally the highest, 316 meters.

The base under its feet is 30 meters long and 30 meters wide. It is thick and heavy, and it is made of concrete, stone, and steel bars. It connects the foundation of Neobras and prevents it from being uprooted by the Siberian wind.

To put it another way, the Great Sage is also the ground foundation of the entire city. The bottom of the base goes deep into the ground, and the conical foundations of the buildings that are unevenly distributed but connected to each other are evenly stressed together to prevent the Neobras plate from thawing in summer. The overall shift occurred during the period.

This is the main reason why thousands of strong men and tens of thousands of coolies were used to build only a few dozen villas this summer.

With such a design, the consumption of building materials is comparable to that of Zaoshi New City plus the Canal CBD. In conversion, only the basic items will require an investment of 2 billion red notes.

But this is Ice Bear, the building materials are self-provided, the labor is cheap, and the land is free. Including Tiancheng employees and executives whose salaries are increased by five times due to labor dispatch, accounting for one-third of the total cost, the basic construction cost of the entire city is only three Million Franklin.

And the money came back after selling ten villas, and the rest was earned...

Of course, if you calculate the cost of Qianshan Taixuguan and Tianzhu Xuanwu Pass, you have to sell a few more to pay back the cost.

And the cost of the villa...

They are all system buildings, and the resources consumed come from the waste materials from the construction of Qianshan Taixu Temple and Tianchao Xuanwu Pass...

All in all, after selling twenty villas, Tian Cheng's investment in Neo Brass is sure to make a profit.

The payment owed?

Each family has ten ordinary villas, and they can earn 15 million from each family...


10 million goods, 5 million house purchase funds, system construction does not count employee salaries, not 15 million, what is it?

Such a lucrative business cost more than one billion yuan, which is not bad for a small amount of 'face project'.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian did not hesitate to consume a lot of gold to destroy the No. 2 town center that was already level three, rebuild it in Neobras, and then upgrade it.

Afterwards, a thousand strong men were dispatched from the Neobras farm, construction site, mine, and timber yard to speed up Brother Hou, who had been built for two months, relying on system characteristics.

It doesn't need to be built, just a little prototype will do.

in addition.

A batch of smart home products prepared for the Neo Hotel has arrived at Heihe Port along with the fifth batch of crew props, which can be used to decorate the villa.

And looking through the system product list...

Get a lighting set,

Come to a revolving restaurant,

Come to a set of intelligent fireplace,

get a set...

Four-wheel drive electric car?

Forget it, 10 million cars, how much do I earn by selling villas?

Ge Xiaotian exchanged other products again and again, and at the same time contacted Lao Hong who was hospitalized due to excessive eating and drinking:

"Let your machinery factory prepare ten mine pioneers, not large models, but ones that can be driven by one person and can cruise at idle speed."

"I'm not going to the Arctic to raise fish!"

"I didn't let you go. I was just joking before. Arrange things quickly."

"Sin, what do you think I'm doing by eating that stuff, ouch, my old waist..."


Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian came to the already built villa area.

Counting, in addition to the forty-five ordinary villas used to deduct the purchase price, there are also fifty small manors that are still rushing to work.

Both are located on the south side of East-West Sukabri Street, while the north side is the future residential community.

The villa has two floors, covering an area of ​​300 square meters and a small courtyard of 300 square meters. It doesn't look too big overall, but Neobras is very luxurious.

The manor is on the outskirts, and it also covers an area of ​​600 square meters, but the architectural style tends to be Gothic or Baroque. There are five floors up and down, with a spiral stairwell. The area is only 100 square meters, but the courtyard is as high as 500 square meters. It is very vast, so the construction area is small, but the price is twice that of ordinary villas.

The price of ordinary villas is almost comparable to the average price of Mokos, all of which are ridiculously high.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian agrees with what Mr. Du said when he chatted with him when he was managing foreign real estate: housing prices represent the image of a city.

For example, city A and city B with very similar economic development have each built ten houses, A sells 10,000 houses, and B sells 100,000 houses.

As consumers, even if someone complains about the high housing prices in city B, more people will think about why city B is so expensive and why city A is so cheap. Naturally, they will compare the advantages of B with the disadvantages of A.

This is how the impression of the city was born.

Afterwards, A sells 10 sets for a small profit, pays less taxes, and land is cheap. City A still doesn’t have much money for development, but city B sells 1 set and can earn back all the investment. The remaining 9 sets are sold slowly and paid The tax is high, the land is expensive (enterprise loans to buy), the city has money for development, the infrastructure is perfect, and the house price is rising. And it is confirmed that City B is indeed better than City A, so that it attracts more people and makes more money.

And City A is still moving forward slowly...

Isn't there a gap between the two?

If you apply this concept to Neobras.

It has endless farms, mysterious monasteries, steampunk with violent aesthetics, and strange passes left in ancient times...

Moreover, the North American consortium has come to invest, and the future development is simply unimaginable. With such a low housing price, you still think it is expensive?

Inside the Neo Hotel.

Ge Xiaotian was high-spirited, and told the Ice Bear entrepreneurs a few paragraphs of self-hypnosis after arranging the villa layout.

Then he took out a few rough tenders that had just been signed...

The latter's eyes are staring!

"Boss Ge, thank you for your support to Amur Enterprise. This is indeed the most value-preserving and most value-added project, but we don't have Franklin, or should I trade with rubles at an exchange rate higher than the market?"

"Rubles? Do you believe it yourself? I kindly gave money to everyone, so as to prevent Grandma North America from being a second-hand dealer and earning everyone's money with second-hand villas. You actually want to use rubles?"

"No way, we really don't have red notes and Franklin."

"Hey... Grandma North America is coming. Otherwise, everyone should use the building materials and oil to deduct the price. Everyone uses the cost price. No one earns the other's money, so just be friends!"

“Very good suggestion!”


Not long.

Ice Bear entrepreneurs and staff went to the Amur office to discuss details.

And Ge Xiaotian took the temporary contract and led the North American consortium into the villa area.

The system function was restored, but the upgrade required power, so someone began to develop his talent in English.

"This is a good place. It's like spring all year round. Those uneducated morons are going crazy to waste such a graceful and luxurious manor and villa..."

"Look, these contracts were forced on me by them!"

"Oh, there's no other way. To do business on other people's land, in order to build a good relationship, we can only make money and make money."

"Come, come, experience the smart home built by our company and given away for free..."

Ge Xiaotian walked into one of the many villas from Linjie Avenue, and it was also the only Gothic building that had been cleaned up.

clap clap...

The moment the lights came on, in the hall where the smell of paint hadn't dissipated, retro fireplaces, connotative bookshelves, high-end oil paintings, and Nordic furniture... came into everyone's eyes, and the slightly uncomfortable smell of paint instantly changed to Classical, elegant, rich, etc., the atmosphere is endless.

And the large-speaker phonograph placed on the concrete table, the film was transformed, and the Royal Ballet of North America came out...

Ge Xiaotian paced to the piano, pressed a note, brought everyone who was immersed in it back to reality, and looked at the wall, "This is Mona Sari's sister, no one may believe it, she is the real manuscript of the master, It is also the only authentic one!"


"Don't believe it? We can find a professional organization to conduct an appraisal. Every layer of ink marks is infinitely more delicate than the fakes circulated outside. Of course, it is my collection and I won't sell it! However, who can buy this villa, I can lend him a watch for a while..."

The legal team was full, and the masters who ran to speculate in stocks were targeted by the stock king boss, and the 20 million red notes they used to practice their hands were lost.

In order to keep their jobs and have a serious job, the masters had no choice but to take another road to Kang Tan.

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