Build Madness

Chapter 530 The 2000 Project of Neobras is over

In fact, with the masters' attainments in literature, even if they don't copy ancient paintings, their own works have certain value.

But Neoblas belongs to the Nordic style, so we can’t hang Zhong Kui at the entrance, put a picture of “Forbearance” next to the wine cabinet, and paste “Stove Lord” next to the fireplace, right?

And the masters really worked hard to make a living.

While looking for Taoists to delve into the thixotropy, physical properties, and chemical components of ink, while looking for documents related to the characters and painters of the works, sorting out the timeline, scope of activities, and interpersonal relationships, and pieced together a series of convincing Dissertation that stands up to scrutiny.

Then I started to make this batch of oil paintings.

North American entrepreneurs are all experts in the collection field.

Compared with the layman who doesn't know anything, for the masters, the layman is better at fooling around.

In other words, if you confuse the other party with a lot of knowledge, and then understand some of the doubts in the other party's heart, this Tao will be enlightened!

Ge Xiaotian was a layman and did not participate. Seeing that the second monk who had returned from digging out bird droppings entered the state, he had a posture of Buddha seeing that you and I were destined, so he led a few uninterested entrepreneurs to the back garden.

A plastic greenhouse has been set up in the air... no, it is a 'solar iron curtain', which can automatically roll up, automatically melt snow, and water various potted plants in the garden with warm snow water.

The wind is strong today, and the roof is only opened with a gap, and the surrounding lights are turned on, automatically calibrating the position of the flowers, and providing them with a light effect that can better express their own colors.

Looking around, there are dots of stars, like a dream.

Purple roses, red roses, pink roses, tulips, paste patchouli, tiger Piran, Clivia...

In the rear, there are Podocarpus pine, masson pine, money pine, Penglai pine and boxwood as a foil.

The greenery is full of blooming flowers...

"This feeling is really amazing!"

"I seem to have come to heaven!"

Ge Xiaotian smiled without saying a word, and walked towards the revolving restaurant.

Tiancheng reached a cooperation with Hilton, not only to build a hotel building for the other party, but also to introduce French food and beverage from the other party's subsidiary to supplement the number of dishes in Guyue Hotel, Wuming Hotel, and Sports Holiday Hotel.

The chef who entertained everyone today is the steak master Hilton provided for the Neo Grand Hotel.

Stepping into the pocket restaurant of more than ten square meters, the thyme used for frying the steak blows over the face, with a mild smell and a hint of refreshing.

The neatly dressed steak master is roasting tomatoes on a high fire, preparing to arrange the plate, and when he sees everyone, he smiles charmingly.

This situation, reflecting the green grass and green plants behind, makes people forget the ice and snow outside in an instant, as if they have come to a French manor.

However, when the restaurant rotated and followed the track to the other side of the back garden, with the help of lights, everyone seemed to come to Bali again...

The sea breeze is gentle, the waves are blooming, and the beaches and reefs are as beautiful as poetry.



"Could it be... this is the time travel mentioned in the script of Voyage to the West?"

"Gentlemen and ladies, starting from today, anyone who buys a Neobras villa or manor can get a set of 'Solar Iron Curtain' for free, free of repair for one year, joint warranty for two years, and a 20% discount for changing scenes for three years! Don’t miss this chance, never miss it, and there’s even a super prize, Franklin’s 'Pioneer' scooter worth 660,000, waiting for you to draw! The winning rate is as high as 80%! What is a Trailblazer? We just sat My personal version of that neat locomotive, finely crafted and full of power!"




"Are those North American grandmas stupid?"

"Shit, the five villas that were deducted from my goods were actually taken back, saying that it's not the trading day yet!"

"I'm afraid it won't be a while, we are worth 10 million, and we can deduct the goods of five sets of villas instinctively, but in the end we can only get back two sets..."

"It used to be ten sets!"

"By the way, did I buy less?"

The Ice Bear entrepreneurs who were pulled to Tiancheng's Amur office to discuss the details of "deducting the payment for the villa" finally collapsed. As soon as they returned to the Neo Hotel, they saw the North American entrepreneurs holding oil paintings in their arms and holding the key to the minecart , overjoyed to sign a house purchase contract...

And the most positive thing is that those consortiums that have decided to invest in Neobras, and even famous helpers have grabbed a set...

"Five million, no bargaining, no credit, limited quantity, first investment, first served..."

The Siberian oil tycoon couldn't help but interrupted: "Mr. Ge, that North American grandma bought my house!"

"Oh? Is that so? I'm sorry, I just signed a temporary contract this morning, and I may not have had time to notify this side. How much did you pay for it?"

"three million……"

"I'll give you five percent liquidated damages, isn't that sincere enough?"

"It's really sincere!"

After going out for a whole morning, Franklin made a profit of 150,000. The oil tycoon smiled with satisfaction. After thinking about it, he struggled and said, "But, I also want a villa!"

"They're all buying manors, what villas do they need, come, come, look at this set, it only costs five million!"

"How is it different from a villa?"

"There must be. The courtyard is large, well decorated, and unique in style. The main reason is that it is like spring all year round. The experience is perfect. It is much more atmospheric than your previous small courtyard of only 300 square meters!"

"But, I remember it used to be cheaper than a villa!"

"How is it possible? You must have misremembered. Tian Cheng has never quoted a price to others. Maybe you have remembered it as the Amor Villa. How can that land be compared with Neo Brass? Besides, let me tell you quietly, Mr. Governor is also planning to move here. His family has a lot of business. I heard that he has already set off for Huaxia to contact heavy industry companies. In the future, the oil industry... There is an old saying in Huaxia, which is called: the moon is the first to be close to the water. The translation is not very accurate, but you can taste it carefully... ..."

"I see!"

"Come, come, sign and sign! Heavy oil deduction..."


It's night, Neobras office.

Dao San is making a report.

"A total of 85 manor houses were sold, 50 of which were the products of villa rectification. The North American consortium paid for 60 houses, about 300 million Franklin. After removing the cost of smart home decoration, there are almost 260 million remaining The Ice Bear entrepreneur took the building materials or oil needed for the subsequent construction of Neobras, and deducted the purchase price of the house, with a total value of about 125 million. Boss, how do these two parts get into the account?"

"How much capital does the offshore company currently have?"

"Crazy Graphene 2, affected by the theft of the core technology of many technology companies in Wajima, still has not been removed from the shelves. Before the box office is settled, the accounts of the offshore company only include some old legend agency fees, Tianwei commissions, and some graphite exports. Alkenes, totaling less than two hundred million Franklins.”

"The North American funds are transferred offshore, and the Ice Bear's payment is deducted from the house payment. It is carried out according to normal trade. It should pay taxes and donate money. Look at our Mr. Governor. There is only salary in his pocket. How can he get there in the future? We play super clubs in Sukabria and enjoy men's club services."


"This project has come to an end for the time being. You are optimistic about the construction site here. After the new year, prepare the seed machinery needed by the farm in advance."

"I'm not going to sea?"

"Do you really want to be taken to fish for sharks?"


"Xu Ling and Daoer returned to Dongshan, and Lao Hong wanted to go to sea with me. The second monk was busy looking for gold in Okhotsk, and you were left alone in Neobras. You should think more about everything and communicate more. After all, you are overseas. , Take it easy if you make any decisions.”


Ge Xiaotian nodded, then packed his backpack, brought the necessary equipment for playing games, and led Seng San out of Neo Hotel.

According to the supply of Jishi Solar Pool Power Plant and the speed of laying solar panels, it will take at least one month to charge the system to 20%.

He originally planned to wait for the system to be upgraded before going out to sea. If North America is a moth, a bunch of bear dreadnoughts will be stormed in the Pacific Ocean.

It's a pity that the next level is the era of industrial electricity, and the warships produced are probably wheeled ironclad ships at the end of the last century, not as good as wooden warships with propellers.

Although it is really useless to run fast when the targeting system is locked, the wooden battleship itself is light, with sails, propellers, and jet turbines. As long as it does not fall apart, not only can it run fast, but it can also move coquettishly and hide invisibly. ...

If Horton and the others are in a hurry, whoever dares to chase will throw one every half an hour...

Now that the manor in the second ring of Neobras has been sold out, Ge Xiaotian decided to take Holden and the others on the road as soon as possible.

Moreover, this year seems to be colder than last year, and if the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is completely frozen if they do not leave the port, this plan will be ruined.

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