Build Madness

Chapter 531: Zheng He’s Voyages to the Western Ocean—Sea Festival

October 18th.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Two days after leaving, the coastline has frozen over.

The cold wind in the air is still there, and the frost on the ground is gradually covering the soles of the feet...

ten o'clock in the morning.

Accompanied by the bell from the lighthouse, hundreds of huge sailboats, carrying all kinds of goods, left the inner harbor one after another and entered the wider open sea...

Inside the shipyard.

Ge Xiaotian led the extremely curious North American consortium in ancient costumes to carry out the sea sacrifice ceremony.

This is an unusual folk culture.

The object of sacrifice is not the Dragon King, nor the ship god Panyu, or Meng Gong of Water Transport, but Mazu, also known as Tianfei, Tianhou, Holy Mother, and Empress, a sea god with 300 million beliefs on the mother planet.

It is also the patron saint of Zheng He's voyages to the West.

This sacrifice is a combination of activities and shooting.

Participants included not only Tiancheng and Tianyu employees, but also the North American Consortium, Ice Bear Haibu, the director of Vladivostok who came to join in the fun, the governor of the northern free port of Magadan, and the leaders of Heihe Port...

The news that Tiancheng has attracted billions of investment from North America has spread throughout the Far East, and the news that Neobras has been sold out in one day has also made it onto the news in surrounding regions and countries.

Unbelievable and exhilarating at the same time.

Neobras has a lot of waste to do, and the investment before and after adds up to nearly 10 billion Franklin. If there is no business opportunity, who will believe it?

Besides, this year's "Tiannong Foreign Trade"'s potatoes, soybeans, and wheat have now been made into codes, various soybean products, and various improved versions of Chinese delicacies, which are exported to Europe. This is obvious to all.

Even if you go to Siberia to farm, you can still earn money!

Therefore, under the influence of many factors, the sacrificial scene is particularly strong.

In addition to the participants, there were more than a hundred news media on the scene.

The Ice Bear was declining day by day, so he took the opportunity to show off his chicken, and brought in a dozen of the only remaining large warships, two medium-sized aircraft carriers, and dozens of heavily armed helicopters, in a beautiful name: to escort the sea festival.

According to Dao San's speculation, eleven o'clock is a good time for auspicious days.

Not long.

The event begins.

Two thousand sailors, five thousand heavenly guards, and three thousand strong men formed eight formations in the vast ice and snow field.

After the overseas personnel retreated, Ge Xiaotian boarded the Mazu altar set up in the Chinese army, and the crew started filming.

Clean face, clean hands, clean towel, light candle and burn incense.

Then, collectively salute, present three animals, and offer melons and fruits.

after that...

Ge Xiaotian swept the 10,000-character sacrificial speech compiled by Seng San according to the script into the market drawing, held his head high, and read the sacrificial text aloud to the system page under the eyes of everyone:

The crew paused filming.

Gengchen cold winter, October 18th, Beihai Inner Port, the hometown of China, Ge Xiaotian, chairman of Tiancheng, respectfully led the employees in the port and overseas believers, with sincere respect and nostalgia, prepared flowers and music, tea and alcohol, in Hubei Hotzke beach, pay homage to my Aunt Ge, the heavenly Mazu, and say:

The crew filmed again.

Zhisong is cold in the year, and the festival is held in October.

Reminisce about grandparents, follow heaven and establish poles.

Ze Shi is all over the world, and Luogang is the foundation.

Since childhood, he has supernatural powers and is knowledgeable and reasonable.

Great filial piety and sincerity, saving relatives and drowning.

To harmonize the three worlds, to be lenient and trustworthy.

The day is gone, and the memory is endless.

Great love knows no bounds, a holy miracle for thousands of years.

Tianhou Yide, Wanshi Huili.

Zu beans are always fresh, and the fragrance of the petals is infinite...


Today is a prosperous age, the glory is thousands of miles away, the fortune of the country is flourishing, and the people's livelihood is prosperous.

Mazu's new city, the rise of Beihai, the blueprint of the temple, majestic and majestic.

God bless the homeland, Shantinggangli, the country of parents, Vientiane is prosperous.

The renaissance of China, the benefits of people and geography, tell the ancestors, and pray for cleanliness.

Fu Wei, Shang Xiang!

The thick and clear voice reverberated over Okhotsk, and the howling sea wind stopped abruptly... (Dao San counted on this point)

woo woo woo...

Thousands of sailboats sailing out of the inner harbor all blew their horns in unison.

next moment.

All guns are fired!


The gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the water column was monstrous...

Such a scene made the overseas entrepreneurs and news media reporters who were already shocked couldn't help but growl their mouths.



"They're crazy!"

"No, I'm going crazy!"

"Too, too...exciting!"


The second round starts again...

"No wonder Maozi wants to bring the warship here. It turned out that after receiving the application, he was worried that he would take down Okhotsk..."

Not to mention outsiders, Ge Xiaotian was also shocked by the firing of thousands of guns.

The black bullets poured down like a sky net, and the calm sea surface was like boiling water, suddenly rising into the sky amidst the turbulence...


The third round...

Zheng He's voyages certainly didn't have this scene, but another movie that was filmed by the way: Naval Battle.

An unknown ancient naval battle that took place in unknown times, in unknown seas, and with unknown forces, is also the third ancient war film.

After returning from the Western Ocean, these sea-going ships need to be overhauled and maintained, but considering the cost and cycle, it is not as cost-effective as recycling and rebuilding.

So, before recycling, blow up...

But this time, it was the start of a 'naval battle'.

Besides, the fleet cannot carry weapons when it enters the waters of other countries. Instead of keeping the ammunition given by the system, it is better to shoot one shot at a time, and then use the gun barrel as a display.


It will take at least three months to complete the voyage, and there will be plenty of time for follow-up filming. Therefore, Mr. Zheng's work is officially over today.

The foreigners ran to watch the shelling of the sea, and Ge Xiaotian bowed respectfully to the golden body of Mazu and bid farewell.

Afterwards, from the crew to get the pictures just shot, and the edited short video, insert the LT-SD card into the smart card.

Open Tiancheng Forum, read personal stills, upload...

"Is this officer handsome?"

After adding the follow function, Ge Baiyi already has 500 million fans...

God knows why so many.

The moment the post is posted.

"Damn it, boa robe?"

"Holy shit, so handsome!"

"The boss is mighty!"

"The boss is lucky!"

"Greetings to the boss!"

"Oh, posted on the wrong forum..."

Ge Xiaotian switched to the 'Baixiaotong Forum' founded by Tianyu.

This is currently the largest home planet, with the most registered users, the most complete types of information, tens of thousands of companies, and a browser-like comprehensive information exchange platform.

From the very beginning, Smart Card has no browser, only various platforms.

For example, a platform that integrates game downloads and exchanges, similar to tap...

For example, a platform that integrates product sales and communication, similar to...

For example, a platform integrating electronic product sales and communication, similar to...

This is a function that has been integrated from the manufacture of the chip according to the characteristics of the single-chip microcomputer.

And all the communication areas are connected to the information platform. If customers do not download or buy enough, they do not need to open the target board, but can directly enter the target communication area from the information platform.

If you want to inquire, you can click the search bar in the upper right corner and enter the corresponding keywords, and the page will list all the information including keywords under the Longtian Technology platform.

In this way, anti-virus software, various browsers, and even various websites may not appear in the future.

This has the disadvantage of not being able to access 'special' websites, but it has more advantages, such as:

In the future, when customers download Tianyu player, they need to buy song A. Afterwards, they feel that Tianyu player is not easy to use. After uninstalling it, they download other entertainment company players. However, customers need to re-purchase song A, or they need to go through two procedures. member.

The same is true for movies. A movie is often released on the T video player. After watching it today, B movie will be released on the K video player tomorrow. There are a lot of advertisements, and it is exclusive to VIPs. This requires downloading a few more videos. Player, apply for a few more members.

But this phenomenon does not happen on the Longtian platform. After customers purchase songs from various entertainment company sections, the resources are entered into the Longtian database, and in the future they can use the smart card player to listen to or watch at will...

The player is not working?

Then change to a smart card. If the 688 is not working well, use the 3688, or if it doesn’t work, the 8888... There is always a suitable one.

Software service is the foundation of electronic products.

If the North American Science and Technology Alliance does not integrate software services, it will never poach Longtian customers.

At present, the Baixiaotong platform is compatible with the win system, and Microsoft knows about it, and even lists it as a virus.

However, any user who installs free win xp will automatically install it when booting up...


Well, there is already a lawsuit.

Old King Longtian, a technological hooligan recognized by his mother planet, he doesn't want to do this either. After all, this is SG's special software, and it must be supported by SG or smart card hardware. Who knows how it can operate on Win, and it is very stable...

In particular, after purchasing music, the money will be automatically credited to Longtian's account...

God, this hacker is awesome!

However, the lawsuit was held in North America. Lao Wang was afraid that North America would give him a scud in mid-air, so he said he would not go there, and suggested that Microsoft set the lawsuit in Jishi, Huaxia...

Based on the above, plus the game's offline messenger function and online translation function, the Baixiaotong platform is well known both at home and abroad.

Now has more than 30 million online users.

As for registered users...

This data is a bit fake. After all, Tianyu has a navy, so it cannot be used as a reference.

Because of this, Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to upload photos and asked himself if he was handsome.

Most Chinese netizens don't know him, let alone overseas netizens, in case a sand sculpture comments...

Do you want to touch the network cable?

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian directly uploaded a short video of thousands of guns fired.

"Young master is going on an expedition to North America, you are a brother, come and help me!"

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