Build Madness

Chapter 550 Industrial Electrical Era (Ocean)

The town center has become extremely huge, which makes Ge Xiaotian very uncomfortable.

Hidden, definitely can't hide.

Fortunately, the old port jointly built by the family and the ocean boss has many heavy machinery and its own large shipyard.

It can make Tiancheng Machinery declare to the outside world that it has cost hundreds of millions to develop the world's first mobile engineering island similar to a floating dock, which can be used for harbor construction, island construction, cross-sea engineering, and submarine engineering...

At that time, please invite the superior construction machinery supervisors to visit and study, maybe you can get a certificate of special machinery.

Moreover, removing the weapon factor, the deep-sea town center does have these functions. It is true and false, but it can be explained clearly.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian arranged personnel to transfer this big guy to the port where the fleet is moored.

Just after discussing the project, the leaders need to go back in advance to clear the space, and thousands of ships have not been transported away.

As it happens, it's also possible to disguise the town center when mixed with the Airmour.

On the way to the old port, Ge Xiaotian opened the system page again.

He has not figured out the purpose of the base itself, and the new buildings and units that have appeared.

In addition, the system is upgraded to the fourth generation, and there is another important change.

Resource statistics method, formal iteration.

The counting units of food, iron ore, and stone have changed to tons. The series of numbers accumulated before are now only 5 million, 3 million, and 8 million respectively.

Wood becomes cubic, rare metals remain the same (gold and others).

Add power statistics, no unit, only percentage. (I originally wanted to express it in kw/h, or kA, but the system power storage can not be used in reality except for building system buildings, and it is easy to distinguish it by percentage.)

The construction list of the deep-sea town center and the mountain-type main base are also completely different.

Over there are full of culverts, tunnels, underground works, while here is all ocean.

for example:

Tidal Power Station: Covering an area of ​​1200x350, it needs 50w tons of stone, 20w tons of iron ore, and 5w cubic meters of wood. The power consumption for construction is 1%. The power output is related to the environment, and the maximum is 2% per day.

A-type sea-going ship: 60m x 15m, mixed structure of iron and wood, requires 2w of iron ore, 5w of wood, 0.01% of electricity for construction, and 6h of cooling.

Floating island: 300x200, need to provide six A-type sea ships, as well as 10w iron ore, 20w wood, 2% electricity for construction, and 100 units of gold.

It can be built on its basis: naval barracks, gunboat arsenal, naval headquarters, marine dormitory building, marine entertainment building..., which lasts for 20 years. After expiration, it will be permanently damaged and can be recycled.

Fortress at sea: Fifty A-type sea ships are required per kilometer, 5w of iron ore, 5w of wood... construction requires 200kw/h of electricity, and another 200 units of gold are required.

It can be built on its basis: bunkers, forts, customs..., lasts for 20 years, after the expiration, it will be permanently damaged and can be recycled.

Type B sea-going ship, 120m x 45m, iron-clad ship, requires 5w of iron ore, 10w of wood, and 200kw/h of electricity for construction...

Type C seagoing ship, 260m x 125m, ironclad...

Large floating dock, 460m x 380m...

Zheng He's Treasure Ship...

The moment Ge Xiaotian noticed these four words, a picture suddenly appeared in his vision, and then sonorous music and a deep bass sounded in his mind.

'A ray of dawn shines through the thick clouds, illuminating the Changle Taiping Port of Rongcheng Mansion six hundred years ago.

Under the blue-gray sky, shadows flickered, revealing a huge monster like a hill.

They are endless, filling the entire harbor and river.

This huge monster is an ocean-going fleet consisting of more than two hundred sea-going ships.

The huge masts on the ship are densely packed like towering trees in the primeval forest; countless sharp mast tops are like spears of millions of troops, pointing directly at the sky.

In this huge fleet, the largest sea ship is forty-four feet long and eighteen feet wide. It is the core of the fleet and is by far the largest wooden sailing ship in the world.

In this fleet, there are a total of about 27,800 elite naval officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

In their cabins, in addition to the supplies necessary for navigation, they are also full of various Central Plains specialties.

Such as silk, porcelain, tea, handicrafts..., and countless gold and silver jewelry.

AD 1405, June.

Emperor Chengzu of Ming Dynasty Yongle three years.

The Zheng He Fleet, the world's largest ocean-going fleet with the best navigating technology and the most advanced shipbuilding technology, sailed from Wuhumen, Rongcheng Prefecture, into the depths of the vast Pacific Ocean facing the rising sun.

The largest and earliest voyage in the ancient history of the world has begun!

For the first time, China, the ancient and huge eastern empire, turned its eyes to the depths of the ocean, to the other side of the ocean, and to the wider new world beyond the Central Plains!

Its total tonnage exceeded the total naval power of the world at that time, and the tonnage of just one ship in the fleet was approximately equal to the total tonnage of a conventional fleet in Europe at that time...'

'Unlock the Wonders of the Age: Zheng He's Treasure Ship. '

'This is a symbol of the strongest fleet in the world in the past, and it is also a sign of an era. '

'It is 148 meters long, 60 meters wide, with eight upper and lower floors, nine masts and twelve sails, equipped with 68 giant guns, and a flat bottom that can travel in eight directions. '

'Crafts: wooden warships, flagships, battleships. '

'Characteristics: Equipped with sixteen smaller frigates. After the fleet is formed, the unique, invisible, and hidden features of the wonders of the era are activated, making Zheng He's treasure ship look more spectacular and larger, and arousing national pride...'

Ge Xiaotian was a little dazed by the huge scene, and even his heart was beating wildly...

After a moment of silence, I immediately remembered something, quickly upgraded the No. 3 town center, selected the plain, and checked the building list.


The screen reappeared, and the deep bass came again.

'Thousands of years in China...'

'Unlock the wonders of the times: the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal! '

Ge Xiaotian looked at the mountainous main base again.

'The myth is true...'

'Unlock the wonders of the era: Dayu's flood control! '

"The cow is going crazy!"

After seeing all the 'expansion packs' that can instantly kill any of his own movies, Ge Xiaotian has the urge to disband Tianyu.

Can the previous shots be called big scenes?

Look at people!

Scared me!

However, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is not to rebuild a Grand Canal, but to sort out in sections, stabilize the river course, and restore the scenery on both sides of the river after integrating the wonders.

Dayu's water control is a landscape that can be climbed and played. It needs a real mountain range as a carrier, and then through system transformation, it restores the scene of digging mountains and digging channels at that time. It stretches for at least dozens of miles...

"This is really a spectacle!"

Ge Xiaotian suddenly became very interested in the two unbuilt urban centers of the desert and the polar region.

Unfortunately, each town center only unlocks one Wonder of the Age...

After understanding the above information, let's look at the details of functional buildings.

In the ocean, floating islands are the foundation of everything.

After building the floating island, you can choose buildings from previous eras.

After completion, the structure inside will also become a product corresponding to the industrial electrical era.

For example, an old-fashioned mill has been turned into a hydraulic flour processing plant, and there is an extra bungalow in the category...

For example, a blacksmith shop, after being divided into a manufacturing plant and a smelter, is further divided into a finishing plant, a semi-finished product processing plant, a raw material processing plant, a multi-functional assembly workshop, a multi-functional sheet metal painting, an ammunition production...

What broke Ge Xiaotian's heart was that when he dragged out of the finishing factory to see the phantom, the assembly line was comparable to a train, and the size was like putting ten fans in a warehouse...

The stables are divided into real animal and plant breeding centers, biological gene research bases (gray, insufficient technology, unable to build), mechanical transmission system and control system research institutes, remote control research centers (gray)...


Well, the blunderbuss team, the artillery team, the ironclad sailors...

It was no longer a single call, but a team of thirty.

Look at the size, look at the price...

Forget it, it's better to continue to be a tough guy.

The weapons and the like are all products of the end of the last century, and they are basically useless except that they need to be sent to Nong Qijiu later.


Not long after, they arrived at the harbor where the fleet was located.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the fourth-level dock that was busy, and calculated carefully in his heart.

It takes two months to build the Zheng He, and half a month to build sixteen escort ships.

"Now on November 20th, after the completion, I am afraid it will not be able to catch up with the Spring Festival this year."

This reminded Ge Xiaotian of the picture he had just seen again.

Can't copy, but we can learn!

"There is plenty of time, the sea festival will be filmed again, we must play a big one!"

Seng San witnessed the whole process and asked curiously, "To Rongcheng Mansion?"

"Why do you want to go there? Isn't the East Lake beautiful? It's just a scene. Hengdian is different to shoot the Forbidden City? Besides, when you go to Rongcheng Mansion, you need to build an ancient seaport. Not to mention spending money, what if you are caught by the leader who just bought an old treasure ship?" Ladies and gentlemen, what will they think of me, Ge Xiaotian, when they see the real Zheng and the treasure ship?"

"It's okay, just get used to it, and the leader with a little white head is a living example."

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, "You know too much!"


"By the way, at the beginning, Old Shen said that he would open a cafeteria in a day. Now that a month has passed, is there a branch in Qinggang?"

"I went to see it a long time ago. It is currently being renovated. His speed is really fast. It is like opening a shop. Except that it takes time to decorate at the beginning, one store a day. After half a month, ten stores are opened a day. At present, there are fifty stores. , shocked everyone's eyes."

"Nonsense, using my people, can't the speed be faster? Everyone is waiting to eat!"


"How many more will he open?"

"Hundreds of chains, to create China's No. 1 restaurant."

"Well, the first restaurant to be eaten and closed..."

If this really happened, I am afraid that no one in China would dare to do self-help except myself...

This monopoly method...

Will not be criticized by the above?

probably not……

While thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian remembered something again.

"Have you found your second brother yet?"

"Ice Bear Haibu found it according to the location you gave, but the strange thing is... my second senior brother refused to board the plane, saying that he wanted to practice penance there."


Ge Xiaotian frowned, looking for the list of personnel, but there was only status, no loyalty mark.

And it seems that the state is very nourishing.

Could it be that this guy doesn't plan to hang out with him anymore and wants to stand on his own?

"Little San, tell me, is it a bit too much for me to punish your second senior brother for digging out bird droppings?"

"No, how is it possible? For us, that is not life at all. Instead, we can experience the happiness brought by labor. If you send me there, I will be very happy."

"then you go."



Bering Strait.

Seng Er and Ah Huang sat cross-legged in the ice and snow, looking at the cracks in the cliff behind them from time to time.

Through the hazy light, one can vaguely see countless and heavily oxidized objects mixed with yellow, white, black and gray.

"Back when I hypnotized Dahan, I wanted to see what you two were doing. When I heard that I found Qiye's treasure, I thought he was talking nonsense. I never expected that you have a good dog nose!"

Ah Huang was very upset, and with a groan, countless wolf heads popped out from behind the cliff...

"Buddha's down... Grass, don't hug my neck... It's fine to be bullied by your master, and now being ridden on the head by you, an evil beast, Buddha is going to get angry..."

Just as Seng Er was about to kick Ah Huang away, he suddenly saw a dozen black bears holding maces surrounding him, "No, what the Buddha means is to light a fire, cook for you, and barbecue! You're so good at it!"

Hmph, Lord Buddha, hold on to you first, wait for your master to come, and make all the barbecues!

No, pull to make a movie!

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