Build Madness

Chapter 551 Tiancheng Overseas Construction Invests in Water Conservancy Projects

There were only three monks around him, Ge Xiaotian was not willing to arrange for Seng San to go on the road, but contacted Dao San who had returned to Neobras to see what happened to Seng Er.

The next day, November 21st.

Mr. Zhuang, the major shareholder and chairman of Nanyang Development Bank, and Huaxia Trust's special general manager, visited the door together.

The purpose is not to continue to purchase ships, but for the Tiancheng Overseas Construction, Overseas Investment, Overseas Development, Commerce, Culture, Sports, Tourism, Transportation... proposed by Ge Xiaotian, the corporate accounts of twenty-five new companies are scattered, As well as numerous business management, to negotiate.

These include the flow of Tianrong’s funds, Dongshan ICBC Tiancheng’s corporate account capital turnover, business transactions with Tiancheng’s subsidiary companies, head offices, and holding groups in China, overseas construction loans with Tiancheng in the future, salary distribution, exchange rate conversion, and discounts for employees at home and abroad in the future relief and many other issues.

A week later, sign and seal.

So far, Tiancheng, Nanyang Development, and Huaxia Trust have joined forces to reach a cooperation agreement of nearly 100 billion red notes.

Such news... did not spread.

If the western countries know about it, Tiancheng will probably be targeted everywhere, since it is a private company after all.

In the next few days, there were frequent personnel transfers at Tiancheng headquarters. Director Sun of Tiancheng Holding Group was transferred to be the chairman of Tiancheng (Overseas) Group, and Tiancheng Holding Group was taken over by the former president of the University of Finance and Economics...

Many middle and low-level employees of Tiancheng Engineering Department also joined Tiancheng Overseas Construction Engineering one after another, and began to learn international common material labels, common data statistics methods, local customs and laws...

at the same time.

Financial personnel and technical personnel have obtained international certificates;

The planning department allocated currently idle machinery for Tiancheng Overseas Construction;

The research institute develops various software that matches overseas data...

When all parties come to help, a rising tide lifts all boats.

In addition to the "Engineering Island" of the Ministry of Machinery, Tiancheng Harbor Construction Group newly established by the ocean boss, and the 500 million Franklin three-year interest-free loan granted by the Nanyang Development Bank due to the cooperation agreement, after Tiancheng Overseas Construction Engineering formed the group, after A number of international institutions have evaluated that the total assets have officially exceeded 2 billion Franklin, and the qualifications, technology, and scale are comparable to the first-class construction teams in Asia.

As the chairman of the board, Director Sun personally led the team, obliged to kill Xiangnan Bangzi, preparing to seize the cross-sea project...



In the south of the Jiaodong Peninsula in Dongshan, on the east bank of the C-shaped Jiaozhou Bay, at the main entrance of Xingyue Bay in Qinggang.

A Sancha Wuling, swipe the card to enter the above-ground parking lot.

The next moment, Ge Xiaotian got out of the car wearing the sportswear and sneakers tailored for him by the designated apparel provider 'Li Brothers Group' for XBA, Sancha Cup and other sports events.

Compared with another time and space, the location of Qinggang Xingyue Bay is not good. It neither belongs to Laoshan, where the house price will exceed 40,000 per square meter in the future, nor does it belong to Shinan, where the house price is as high as 70,000 to 80,000 square meters. It is located between the North Railway Station and the airport in the north of Shibei, where there is no subsea tunnel and no Jiaozhou Bay cross-sea bridge.

In this era, many people understand that Mr. Du is making things difficult for Tiancheng, so that Sino-Ocean Heavy Industry helped to acquire the land, entrusted Tiancheng to build it, and traded it to Tiancheng after completion, so that the current Qinggang Xingyue Bay came into being.

But for Ge Xiaotian, in another six or seven years, when the subsea tunnel is completed and the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge surpasses the Bangzi Incheon Bridge in Vietnam, the value of Qinggang Xingyue Bay will increase tenfold.

Of course, this is another time and space, and in this time and space, it may be more than twenty times.

Because there will be polar underwater world, water entertainment city, Tiancheng zoo and botanical garden around...

Because of this, as early as the beginning when the leader of Shaobaidou came here, taking advantage of his unfamiliarity with the work, Ge Xiaotian took away the 3,000 acres around Xingyue Bay at a low price in the name of congratulatory gifts. land.

It was a blessing that they didn't start a fight, and now the two of them...

A few days ago, there were outside leaders here, so it was not easy to argue, and now they can't meet if they can't meet, so they all go around.

Dongshan Big Clapper...

It's loud!

Ge Xiaotian sighed and looked around.

Qinggang Xingyue Bay faces south and currently has three gates, the northernmost of which is Tiancheng staff dormitory.

The first phase is 1,500 mu, one-third of which is a commercial area, not a circle, but gathered outside the south gate.

One third is a public parking lot for subsequent entertainment projects.

One-third is the community, all of which are high-rise buildings with underground parking lots and pedestrians on the ground. Parking is not allowed in the entire community.

In the next ten years, Qinggang Xingyue Bay will take the south gate as the center, and build the second phase of Xingyue Bay, the third phase of smart homes, the fourth phase of Qinggang's unique sea view houses, and the fifth phase of supporting facilities. .

In the end, a big road leads to the center of the circle, the car flows into the underground, walks into the mall, and the design plan is to go back to the community through the back door after shopping.

In general, this is a city. After it takes shape, with the support of the Tiancheng Hub plan, 100,000 residents can go to school, work, and play here. There is no need to run dozens of miles to Qinggang City because of these.

The planning is very comprehensive, and Ge Xiaotian doesn't need to make any further adjustments.

The purpose of his coming today is to take a look at the South-to-North Water Diversion project that Mr. Yu handed over to Sino-Ocean Heavy Industry, and then to Tiancheng - the project of diverting the Yellow River to the Qing Dynasty.

Judging from the trend of the project alone, it seems that it will not be of much help to the Tiancheng Waterway System.

However, various local rivers need to be considered, such as the Dagu River that runs through Jiaozhou Bay. It can connect Laiyang, Qixia and Yanshi.

Through a series of rivers, connected in series, they can cross the Jishi Grand Canal, go straight to the waterway of Heshi made by Brother Hao, and also lead to Nanhe Bianliang and Zhengfu...

To complete the project, 200,000 laborers and 5,000 excavators and bulldozers of various types are required.

Calculated only by labor, 20 red notes per person per day, 5 red notes per person per day for food, drink, housing and transportation, the total daily expenditure is 5 million.

The construction period is one year and needs 1.9 billion.

If you add the excavation lease fee, fuel fee, electricity fee, water fee, management fee... almost three billion.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the materials and looked through them carefully. The executives of various enterprises have already negotiated all matters with the leaders of various places, and only he, the big boss, is left to sign.

"Seng San, how much money did you bring back from overseas?"

"Twenty billion Japanese coins are used to build an online shopping and logistics system. Because it needs to be listed to attract money, once the plan is started, in order to go smoothly, it can no longer be transferred. The money for selling non-defective cement will be sent to various suppliers. The money earned by Vladivostok is almost 150 million Franklin, plus the 250 million earned from the sale of Neobras Manor, and the game agency fees collected by offshore companies, it is almost 600 million Franklin. In addition, Crazy Graphite ene 2 was taken off the shelves, the sharing was removed, all kinds of expenses were removed, and 2 billion Franklins were recorded. A total of 2.6 billion Franklins”

"Take out one billion!"

Ge Xiaotian spread out the materials, swish, swish, and signed three large characters stroke by stroke, "This project has been voted for!"

"Too much?"

"Improve the salary, 30 red notes a day, and send a few sets of tooling, purchase corresponding tools, eat better, and we will do it with us, and we can't be too shabby."

" you want some money from COSCO?"

"Comrade Yuanyang is busy preparing for the Tiancheng Harbor Construction Group, so there is still money, so it's settled."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he opened his SG notebook and called up the second part of Tianyu Ancient Wars. Wan Chao came to congratulate him, "Delete the canal scene that was shot before, and shoot it again!"

Seng San was slightly stunned, "So, the work clothes are ancient clothes?"

"Ancient clothes to keep warm!"



Qinggang Xingyuewan office is quite satisfactory.

The supervisor is not there, the general manager is out, and only the accountant is there.

Ge Xiaotian strolled around, there were no five pink piglets, and the atmosphere was a bit serious, "Aren't you depressed at work in this kind of atmosphere?"

"Uh...boss, our finance itself is a serious matter."

"No, it's the entire office!"

Ge Xiaotian turned on the SG TV in the negotiating area, flipped through the external memory card, and called up a few positive energy songs featured by Tianyu, "Let me tell your supervisor, before the morning meeting, come and play one or two songs every day, and be really happy! The house is sold out Why don't you just stand there and pretend to be a sculpture?"

"The boss is right."

"I'm right, but if you don't do it, or deal with official business, then all of you will be dragged to Neobras for the winter!"


Walking out of the financial room, Ge Xiaotian stood in the aisle, looking carefully at the five receptionists.

Three men and two women, in their early twenties, should have just graduated from university.

"Can you play games?"

The foreman was a little nervous, "Back to the chairman... no, it's the boss, we don't play games."

"Don't play? Then I set up a group to make games, isn't it for nothing?"


"Don't think about it, I don't want to make everyone's money!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the chewing gum, chewed it and sat down, motioning for everyone to sit down, "Do you know that our Tiancheng employees play games, which is a very important part of Tiancheng's corporate culture. At the beginning of my business, four decks of poker could be played overnight .”

"Enough time?"

"That's right. Later, our family introduced Xiaobawang, and held competitions such as Contra and Super Mario."

"Isn't it typing?" The foreman was very puzzled.

"Typing? Oh, a typing competition..."

Ge Xiaotian thought of the leader's inspection, and Director Shang secretly notified the changed typing, "I'm tired from working, but I can't just lie down and sleep all the time, so get up and play games, football, basketball... If you're high, you'll be happy." Tianyu and Tiancheng Sports Division."

"heard about it!"

"When there are too many people, we have to deal with food. I am a conscientious boss, and I don't want my employees to have enough to eat. So I introduced all kinds of snacks, including Qin Hei Ya. You may not know that Lao Qin was also engaged in construction before. .”

"I know, I know, the boss is so powerful that he even got Mr. Qin to sell ducks. It's so hot!" one of the female employees said excitedly.

"Yeah, so after eating, we now have Tianwei Catering, code, kvass, all kinds of dairy products..."

Ge Xiaotian was very emotional, "Look, I think about you so much, but you don't play, eat, or drink. Are you sorry for me?"

"Boss, don't worry, we will definitely live up to your high expectations!" The foreman's chest thumped.

"What a great staff!"

Ge Xiaotian praised it, and felt that his own industry was going to expand again.

While thinking, Seng San held a satellite phone in his left hand and a smart card in his right hand, and quickly stepped forward, "Boss, Director Sun has sent news that the Incheon Bridge project is open for bidding."

"It seems that the KS Group is really powerful, and it can resist so many Japanese construction companies and prevent them from reaching cooperation in private."

"What I'm worried about is, can we take Huaxia Construction Engineering?"

"Let's look at the situation there. The gas pipeline is unreliable, and it may not start construction if it is contracted. However, this project is the most profitable Golden Bridge overseas in the past two years. If it is not won, how can we continue to repair the water conservancy and the subway?"

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