Build Madness

Chapter 552 EPC+Ou0026amp;amp;amp;M General Contractor I am NT Ge Xiaotian

I came back to Incheon after a month, and the airport was still in such a mess.

"This is a matter of efficiency. If you leave it to me, it will be done in three or two days!"

Ge Xiaotian offered a cigarette to the new car of Dongba, the plenipotentiary ambassador of the Korean Peninsula, Mr. Wu.

The latter nodded, shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with efficiency. Daily wages are paid, and the work is done ahead of schedule. The workers are idle. Where will I make money next?"

"It also makes sense, after all, the land is small and there are few jobs..."

As Ge Xiaotian spoke, his voice changed, "When did our leaders arrive?"

"You're relatively slow. People rushed to show up and express their interest in the project. You're good. You were in a hurry before it was made public, but after it was made public, you were not in a hurry."

"It's the first time to take on a big project. You have to be fully prepared. It takes two days to drive such a huge guy over here."

"Engineering Island is really amazing. You don't know. Chairman Nanbangzi received a report from the Ministry of Ocean Affairs and thought that the super aircraft that we secretly researched was launched. He found me to protest overnight, and he almost called North America for support."

"I'm asking for a piece of yarn. Xiaobu will become the chairman of North America. In the next ten years, the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe in the East, and wars will continue in Europe."

"Oh? I heard that all the Taoists under your command are masters of divination. They even crossed the cold front and crossed the Pacific Ocean by virtue of this. Could it be that this is also the result of divination?"

"Believe it or not."

"Then I choose to believe!"

"Haha, with the rise of the motherland, those of us who do business can feel more at ease."

"It's also inevitable that you do business like you. I can't even think about spending 8 billion water conservancy projects in Dongshan."

"I am for myself."

"Heh, after talking about the cross-sea project, how about a drink afterward?"

"Extremely honored!"

After chatting all the way, I came to the big hotel for this public bidding.

There are many rare limited-edition business luxury cars and private helicopters parked at the door, and there are even two tuas.

Looking at the license plate, there is a car for Director Sun and a car for the richest man in Beijing.

Well, the latter's strength in Nanyang is no worse than that of Tiancheng as a whole, at least Ge Xiaotian can't get off the rich list.

What do you mean?

Talk to Hu Run in private, and don't write his name in the future.

It's a pity that Ge Baiyi is really strong. He broke out the assets of the second richest man to repair water conservancy, and he is still the richest man today.

If you don't write it, I'm afraid no one will believe the authenticity of the list.

A little sad.

Ge Xiaotian feels that he is not a person who likes to show off...


Under the guidance of the waiter, Dongba parked in the berth.

Ge Xiaotian didn't get out of the car immediately, but sat in Mr. Wu's car and looked at the competitors again.

Huaxia side: Huaxia Third Construction, Huaxia Sixth Construction, Huaxia Railway Construction, Railway Construction, Transportation Construction, Modu Construction Engineering, Tiancheng Overseas Construction Engineering.

Nanyang side: Pengcheng Construction Engineering (the richest man in the capital), Xiangjiang Changshi (the richest man in Hong Kong), Henderson Construction, Guo's Construction, Malay DP, third brother Larsen...

Wajima Fang: Five top international construction engineering groups headed by the word 'Yamato'...

European side: French Vinci, French Bouygues, German Heavy Industries, German DW, Finnish KONE...

North America: AECOM, Gensler, IBI...

Other parties: slightly.

If you only play real estate, you are not qualified to participate in the bidding meeting, but if you participate in the bidding meeting, you must have the strength to play real estate.

Requirements of the contracting party: The contractor must have an architectural design and research institute, and the assets of each company should not be less than 10 billion Franklin.

This is still the millennium. If you put it in the future, it will be at the level of 100 billion, um, including the turnover is also at the level of 100 billion.

However, several of them focus on architectural design, and it is estimated that they plan to join forces with weaker construction companies to divide up the project after winning the project.

Tiancheng Overseas Construction Assets is only 2 billion Franklin, logically speaking, it is not enough to reach the threshold, but it is only the representative of the main company, as long as the main company is strong enough, the assets of the branch company responsible for the project can meet the requirements of the project. For one thing, no one cares about it at the international bidding meeting.

And how about Tiancheng Assets...

A Neobras is enough proof, if you add the municipal rail transit, Xingyuewan industrial chain...

After careful calculation, among these enterprises, even if they are not at the forefront, they can also squeeze into the middle and upper reaches.

Full of confidence!

Ge Xiaotian put down the materials, "Mr. Wu, please go back, I'll contact you after the party."

"Calm down!"


Today is not a quotation, but an open bidding and issuing tenders.

Follow-up investigations, research and other work will be resolved by yourself, and after half a month or a month, submit a quotation and discuss details...

Overseas contracting cannot be copied domestically, otherwise you will definitely lose money. (As mentioned earlier, see Chapter 542 for details)

The contract types include: EPC, O\u0026M, EPC+O\u0026M.

EPC means that the company is entrusted by the owner to implement the whole process or several stages of contracting for the design, procurement, construction, trial operation, etc. of the engineering construction project according to the contract. Usually, the company is responsible for the quality, safety, cost and progress of the contracted project under the condition of the total price contract.

O\u0026M is like the meaning expressed in the manual given by the purchase of electrical appliances, operation, maintenance, operation, and maintenance.

As for EPC+O\u0026M, it is equal to the general contracting of the former two combined.

For the owners, they obviously prefer general contracting. As long as the quality is good, they can meet their own requirements, and can bind the contractor to serve them according to international laws, which reduces a lot of cumbersomeness.

Therefore, this public bidding, no accident, should be the general contracting of the project.

When I came to the bidding meeting, I could see Li the richest man in the capital from a distance, communicating with several French entrepreneurs.

Instead of waving, Ge Xiaotian found an entrepreneur wearing a top hat nearby, switched to English, and took out his business card: "Hello, I'm Ge Baiyi, do you know each other?"

"Eh..." The other party greeted the translator.

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand,

"Don't understand English?

Franais (French)?

Deutsch (German)?

русскийязык (Russian)?

(Nan Bangzi)?

にほんご (wajima)?

Ngn ng Vit (Vietnamese)?


Danmark (Denmark)? "

The old man in the top hat, and everyone around, were all stunned, "Ja, Danmark!" (Yes, Denmark)

"Hej, mit navn er Ge Xiaotian, Viden og forstelse?"

"Oh, my God, I seem to hear the voice of my small town, like my father's call! Hello, Mr. Ge, I'm Martinez, nice to meet you, I didn't expect you to speak so many languages, this kind of It's really amazing!"

Ge Xiaotian took the business card, read it carefully, and sighed: "SHL is a great architectural design company. I remember the Esbjerg Port Garden, which was completed by your company in cooperation with a designer from France. I have the honor to see the blueprint, which is very beautiful! "

"Yes, the Esbjerg Port Garden is our company's work, but it's not very famous. It's amazing that you are so knowledgeable at such a young age."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, chatted a few more words, shook hands and left, looked at the person next to him, "hello?

(Hello in Thai)?

Γεια (Greek hello)?

Pronto (Italia Hello)?



The latter's eyes were a little straight, "Haloo." (Hello Finland)


Ge Xiaotian took out his business card, "Hi, I'm the boss of NT, Ge Xiaotian, nice to meet you!"

"Thank you! I am..."

blah blah blah blah blah...

"You need cement, remember to find me!"

After finishing speaking, Ge Xiaotian looked at the next person...

Half an hour later, the more than 100 high-end construction company entrepreneurs from more than 30 countries and regions in the hall were all not calm.

Including the leaders of Huaxia Construction Group...

"Small, don't look at me with hellish eyes, it's very impolite. In fact, I originally knew 24 languages, but after half a year of hard work, I can now speak 48 languages! Nice to meet you, I am NT Ge Xiaotian, a cement tycoon, has a complete range of products, buy more and get more free, welcome everyone to come and purchase!"

"Mr. Ge, would you please rest? We are going to announce the bidding."

"Oh? Sorry sorry."

Ge Xiaotian hurriedly stepped off the rostrum...

Afterwards, Nan Bangzi, the person in charge of bidding, appeared in front of everyone holding a laptop.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this Korean..."

"For this project, our appeal is the following:

Improve the transportation and logistics environment in the capital area.

It is best to control the distance between Incheon International Airport, the main gateway, and Songdo New City, which is developing as a business hub in Northeast Asia, within 20 minutes.

Shorten the time from Seoul and the southern part of Gyeonggi-do to Incheon International Airport...

The cross-sea bridge needs to reserve navigation capacity, which can drive 100,000-ton ships in both directions, and can withstand strong winds at a speed of 72 meters per second and earthquakes of magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.

In addition, the Incheon Bridge needs to connect: the second Gyeongin Expressway, the West Coast Expressway, and the third Gyeongin Expressway, which is scheduled to be completed and opened to traffic in 2010, is used to improve the efficiency of the logistics system related to the international airport and will become an important part of Incheon's economy. A driving force for free zone development projects.

And, we want it to become a new tourist attraction. "

The person in charge of the bidding said, showing the sea area that needs to be crossed and the several nodes that must be connected through projections.

Yes, this is one of the overseas tenders.

After satisfying the demand, on the premise of ensuring that the quotation has an advantage compared with competitors, improve the quality, add functions, optimize the plan, and highlight its own characteristics.

It is completely different from domestic infrastructure construction within the rules and regulations.

And the freedom to play overseas also means that there is no protection...

The site of the bidding meeting was silent. Many designers and entrepreneurs received the information, sent it back to the company through the computer, and raised some detailed questions.

Ge Xiaotian closed his eyes and thought.

In fact, all the maps, floor plans, etc. on the projection are entered into the system drawing.

After the upgrade, this function is not only a drawing, but also a 3D sand table, and even Ge Xiaotian can put his own consciousness into the scene to experience virtual works that are both real and fake.

It's amazing.

For example, pull out a sea-crossing viaduct, adjust it according to the data, and observe various parameters. If there is no problem, Ge Xiaotian will appear on the bridge the next moment.

It was breezy and sunny.

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom……

I can't win this project, my master will go home and farm!

No, this is not a question of whether you can win or not, but how much you want to earn.

Look at the system cost budget: 300 million Franklin.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and added a ten in front of the three.


Isn't the money for water conservancy repairs coming back now?

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