Build Madness

Chapter 555: Cross-Sea Project Bid Negotiation

A powerful clanging sound fell, and needles could be heard throughout the surveillance hall.

KS Group, the director of the cross-sea project, Nan Bangzi and the leaders of Incheon all stared at the screen blankly.

The difference between a cost of 10 billion and a cost of more than one billion is too big, right?

Even Lao Hong and Director Sun were taken aback by this rhetoric.

Ge Xiaotian raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a light blue halo lit up in the hall.

Quotations are made on site and displayed on the screen one by one, which also includes the quantity and type of cement, the quantity and type of steel, the size and index of construction, the energy absorption coefficient of the bridge and the maximum bearing capacity...

It seemed that the speech was fast, but in fact, a whole day had passed.

It was dark outside, and the exploration and mapping personnel returned one after another, presenting samples, reports, photos, drawings...

In addition to the previous explanation, even a layman can now understand some data about the Incheon Bridge.

Professional, really professional!

Breathtakingly professional...

The person in charge was silent for a long time, "Mr. Ge, I don't know how much the quotation can be lowered by handing over the operation right to you?"

"Sorry, Tiancheng is in the exploratory stage of road traffic operation. For the sake of reputation and reputation, we will not consider the transfer of operation rights for the time being."

"Then, what about the EPC single-project construction model?"

"You don't want warranty and maintenance for a project involving tens of billions of dollars?"

"Mr. Ge, to be honest, our budget is only 1.5 billion Franklin, 10.3 billion... I am afraid it will cost our country's annual income. The gas pipeline project will be laid soon, and that is the main one. I am afraid that the finance will not be enough for the cross-sea project Increase the budget."

"Oh? Coincidentally! I am the general contractor of the gas pipeline project!"

Ge Xiaotian took out the letter of intent for the general contracting of gas pipelines signed with ES Group and Siberia Petroleum Group.

Well, a letter of intent, not an agreement.

"According to the current negotiation results between the two parties, the project will be postponed for at least three years. You can completely transfer the first phase of the gas pipeline project budget to the cross-sea project."

The person in charge obviously didn't know that Tiancheng was the general contractor of the gas pipeline. He glanced at the director of ES Group who was often wandering around and helped Tiancheng handle the procedures for the engineering island to enter the inland sea, and suddenly realized, "No wonder!"

"So, your funds are fine." Ge Xiaotian dared to call 103, calling for the attention of the funds for the gas pipeline project.

"However, after the completion of the Incheon Bridge, we need to invest in supporting facilities. I am afraid that we will not be able to raise enough funds to support the gas pipeline project for a while."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "Believe in Tiancheng, we have the strength to build a thousand-kilometer gas pipeline without sufficient funds. Moreover, we have just signed a cooperation agreement with Huaxia Trust and Nanyang Development Bank, and we will follow up with Amur Bank, Bingxiong Far Eastern Bank and Vladivostok Bank signed cooperation plans respectively, and with so many bank loans, the gas pipeline project is not a problem at all.”

Not to mention the person in charge of the cross-sea project, even the director of ES Group showed a surprised expression.

The latter stepped forward and took Ge Xiaotian's hand, "Mr. Ge, you are really a visionary and bold entrepreneur, no wonder you can make a big fortune in Dongshan! Especially, I heard that you invested 8 billion red notes to build an unprofitable building. Water conservancy projects, but our chairman admires."

"Praise, praise, praise!"

Ge Xiaotian's face was full of smiles, but he was humming coldly in his heart.

At that time, if the money is not paid, the contract will be invalid, and where will this gas pipeline be repaired by Tian Cheng... But it's up to you!

Perhaps, after leaving Siberia, first pass through Neobras, then through Bingcheng, Jiamu City...

Huaxia's superiors must be happy. The project was not snatched, but was brought in by a private enterprise. It is simply a blessing from heaven.

As for whether the ice bear is willing...

They are all doing business, changing customers, or a big investor in the Far East, how could they not want to?

Besides, the Siberia Petroleum Company is their own partner. Some time ago, they helped them sell 200 million Franklin's crude oil to Chen Feng, and there will be more cooperation in the future.

And these are pretty much backup plans.

After all, Tiancheng has made a lot of articles on the gas pipeline project, in case the two time and space are different, Maozi and Nanbangzi really want to lay them, and the other party has no money, he must make preparations.

Although the Northeast is vast and sparsely populated, it goes all the way south to Shencheng, Dalian, Shanhaiguan, and connects Tianjin, Hong Kong, and the capital...

Whoever connects pays for it, as long as Tiancheng resists the first phase of investment, negotiates with Ice Bear or Siberia Petroleum Company on the delivery volume, and waits for the project to be handed over to Huaxia, it will definitely pay back.

Moreover, it doesn't matter even if you don't make money, this is discrediting!

At that time, if the time for the new chairman's appointment is stuck, won't there be a meeting ceremony?

The person in charge of the cross-sea project walked aside and made several phone calls in a row. After that, "Mr. Ge, I wonder if the bid can be handed over to us?"

"no problem!"

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, and Director Sun hurriedly brought a brand new SG notebook and an LT-SD memory card with a password.

"This is our Tiancheng network agreement. It has been certified by many countries and regions such as Huaxia, Nanyang, North America, and Europe. It is stamped for anti-counterfeiting, and the printing is invalid. There are instructions on how to sign and stamp on your SG notebook. After using it, The equipment is sent to you."

"Thank you!" The person in charge suddenly smiled.

The SG notebook is a product of Longtian Town. Since its release, the external quotation has been more than 600,000 Franklin.

"Time is precious, and the daily consumption of the engineering island is not low. We hope that a week later, we can stand together and hold a press conference."

"I believe, it will!"


The person in charge of the cross-sea project and the official personnel of Incheon left in a hurry, and they didn't even have time to enjoy the sumptuous dinner.

Ge Xiaotian called together the busy employees today, opened a few boxes of Qinggang Yongchuan Tianya, and ate.

During the dinner.

Lao Hong was indignant, "Boss, why did we help Nan Bangzi train two thousand grassroots personnel?"

"To impress the other party."

"However, handing over the cutting-edge construction technology of the current mother star to them... I am very unhappy."

"Yo? Are you upset with me?"

"I'm not right about people!"

"Technology may seem like two words, but with the advancement of the times, it contains hundreds of millions of types. In a big way, technology is needed to build satellites, technology is needed to build aircraft carriers, technology is needed to build computers and chips, and technology is needed to make computers and chips. Howing, planting, and sprinkling chemical fertilizers are also techniques. Then, unloading bricks, moving bricks, transporting bricks, throwing bricks, stacking bricks, and spraying water to raise bricks on the construction site are also techniques.”

Old Hong was stunned.

"In order to improve efficiency, we created the clamp-type brick-moving method, the rope-type brick-carrying method, the pole-lifting brick method, the flat-plate dragging brick method, and the wheel-type brick pushing method... dare to ask the entire mother planet, is there any construction company that can do this?" To be so comprehensive?"

"You are awesome!"

"So, it's not a big deal to teach them laborers. Of course, most of the cross-sea projects use concrete, so I also invented several unique techniques for handling cement, such as dragging, dragging, hooking, pulling, and holding... "

"Boss, this piece of eggplant is not bad, would you like to try it?"

"Listen to me."

"This pickled pork with pickled vegetables is really authentic. Boss, it's your favorite. Try it!"


Since Nan Bangzi needed to fulfill the previous agreement, the bidding results could only be announced a week later. Ge Xiaotian left Director Sun to be in charge of contacting and inquiring about the news, and then he and Lao Hong took a boat to Yancheng located at the northeast end of the Jiaodong Peninsula.

Yancheng Xingyue Bay is a project solely invested by Tiancheng. It is similar in type to Jishi Xingyue Bay, but it does not have a sports center.

When Lao Hong and Lao Hong arrived at the office, more than 300 employees of Yancheng Tiancheng Group headquarters were performing Yangko at the door...

The expression is rich, the rhythm is cheerful, and it is very devoted.

Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but think of the ice bear version Yangko welcome team arranged by the Governor when he went to Amur last time...

It's over, I guess I won't forget it for a while.

"Hi, boss!" Chairman Yancheng Tiancheng trotted forward, sweating profusely.

Ge Xiaotian had some impressions of him. It seemed that he was an old employee promoted from a certain engineering department. His surname was Chang. "He did a good job."

"Can't it be in place, if you don't work hard, you will go to Neobras to spend the winter..."

Lao Chang complained in his heart, but respectfully said: "It's all about the boss's good guidance!"

"Where, where!"

Ge Xiaotian said, looking around.

Commercial sector, residential sector, entertainment sector...

Lao Chang hurriedly explained: "In the first phase, there are about 3,700 households and more than 300 large and small businesses. At present, there are about 200 enterprises and companies in the office building. The second phase of the project is similar to the first phase. It will open in early April. Completion, adjustments and adjustments, taking advantage of May Day to launch existing home sales...Yancheng Tiancheng Real Estate’s profit point is basically controlled at 60%, but because the headquarters has taken away the money, if you want to build an entertainment area, you need to wait for the second phase of the real estate to go on sale.”

"very nice!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, and took out two magnetic cards from his bag, "Old Chang, you didn't attend the corporate dinner, and tomorrow is New Year's Day, the upper one is the year-end bonus given to you by the company, and the lower one is given to you personally. Encouragement Award."

"Thank you boss, I, Chang Dachun, vowed to throw my head for Tian Cheng..."

"Don't talk so bloody, throw your head? Why am I still engaged in construction?"

"Hey, do you want to express your loyalty?"

"Old Chang, the development of Yancheng is not inferior to Qinggang, and there are many follow-up projects. You need to stay here for a long time, and you are always ready to cross the sea to enter Dalian... So, it is best to buy a house. You can also be a chairman, Xiao Forget about high-rises, sea-view rooms, big villas... I'll give you 50% off!"


Ge Xiaotian patted his shoulder, "Come on!"

The two major systems of Tiancheng Construction and Tiancheng Development do not implement the method of distributing shares to motivate employees, even Brother Hao, is getting bonus shares.

Therefore, the year-end bonus is very rich.

The company starts at 500,000, and Boss Ge personally starts at a million!

As for why no shares are issued...

Boss Ge is a very generous person, taking shares may not necessarily be more than taking red envelopes and project commissions.

In addition, if you have shares, if you put your name on the front, followed by the sky...

The shares are definitely back again.

Lao Chang was thinking wildly and led everyone to the finance department.

Just as he was about to call out the financial statement, a message push from Baixiaotong Information Platform popped up at the bottom of the SG desktop screen.

"Boss, Nanbangzi News said that our engineering island belongs to them."

"Just kidding, in order to avoid misunderstanding, I sprayed yellow primer, red NT, hung a red flag, and played a song."

"But on the news, all the shots are from the side..."


Ge Xiaotian lowered his head and looked at it. He was full of praise for Dahan, "Old Chang, you arrange a group of people to apply for the world heritage with kimchi."


"That's right, we invented it in Huaxia, spicy cabbage, pickled mustard greens, carrots, white radishes, sweet garlic, cucumbers... By the way, let Yutang Sauce Garden take the lead. Isn't this a brand with a three-hundred-year-old brand? After that Export Nanbangzi, let them taste the taste of mother."

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