Build Madness

Chapter 556: Tiancheng Overseas Construction Aid Plan

In the millennium, whether it is applying for cultural heritage, material heritage, or intangible cultural heritage, it is much simpler than another time and space.

The main reason is that people don't understand, and no one has applied for assistance from the parent planet's UNESCO heritage department.

Since then, the latter has nothing to do, as long as they make an application, they will basically come to investigate the authenticity.

The application conditions are not very strict at present.

1. A masterpiece representing the creative wisdom of mankind.

2. In terms of architecture and cultural relics, it shows the important exchange of human values ​​in a certain period.

3. It can provide unique or unique evidence for an existing or extinct cultural tradition.

4. A building or architectural style can show an important period of development in human history.

Fifth, it is a model of inheritance of human beings with land use or ocean development, representing the interaction of one or more cultures.

6. There is a direct or substantive connection with events of special or general significance.

If the six items meet one item, or N items, if there is no dispute, and it is indeed yours, then it can be passed.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian arranged for people to prepare for the World Heritage application as early as after he contracted the Grand Canal sorting project.

Kimchi is indeed one of the cultural heritage.

I think the pickled cabbage that I gnawed on the first night of traveling was crisp and delicious, with endless aftertaste, especially after shredded, mixed with green onions and poured with sesame oil, it was really fragrant!

In northern China, cabbage is the main vegetable in winter.

It’s not a matter of buying one piece, but carrying three or four bags, pushing them up in a row, and putting them in the cellar at home, or in the shade of the yard, so that they can be eaten all winter.

Of course, those with large yards are almost all grown by themselves.

The price of cabbage is really the price of cabbage, and you can buy more than a dozen for fifty cents.

But Nan Bangzi is different. A plate of spicy cabbage made by Xiaopo Hotel costs ten dollars.

Even vendors on the street can sell it for three or four dollars a catty.

Why is it so expensive?

The land is small, and even Incheon Airport has to be built on an island, otherwise why build a bridge across the sea?

In 2001, China was about to join the WTO.

Plant it for a winter, soak it for a spring, and when the project is completed in the summer, a batch of kimchi will be shipped over. This will allow ordinary people who can’t even afford kimchi to taste imported brands, and it will also subsidize the hardworking farmers in China.

If kimchi and instant noodles are added...

Old sauerkraut!

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian contacted General Secretary Yu on the spot...

Such as kites, bamboo weaving, root carving, etc., Tiancheng's "supernatural power" department, that is, the Qingshan Disabled Persons Treatment Center, has ready-made materials, including the Grand Canal, Zheng He's voyages, the "gate" in Zaoshi, and many intangible things. Do everything that should be done vigorously together, which can also promote the development of cities.

"Destroying harm for the country... No, Ge Xiaotian for the country and the people!"

Ge Xiaotian communicated with the other side, arranged manpower, sighed, and looked at the financial statements.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chief Engineer Liang, who was in charge of the construction of the Jishi Canal Bridge, hurried over with the technical team.

Subsequently, the two discussed the allocation of personnel.

The cross-sea project mainly focuses on pouring concrete, and does not require too many grassroots non-technical personnel. What is needed is electric welding, mechanical operation, and marine transportation.

There are 21 work areas, each with 200 posts, totaling 6,200.

Three or four shifts, one post needs three or four people, remove the 2,000 local labor in Nanbangzi, plus command and management, at least 20,000 employees are needed.

Most of them come from Tiancheng Engineering Department and Machinery Department in Xucheng, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces where the project was blocked, and a small number of them come from Yancheng, Weicheng, and Weicheng, and they voluntarily sign up.

Due to the holiday period, after passing the review, it is necessary to find the nearby Tiancheng Technology Night School, through this "system university" which is an Internet cafe during the day and a school at night, so as to learn the knowledge of overseas construction as soon as possible.

As for salary.

As early as when it assisted in the construction of Neo Brass, Tiancheng had regulations on the salaries of expatriate personnel, followed the domestic Tiancheng standards, and provided classified subsidies according to altitude, climate, construction difficulty, and surrounding environment.

At present, Tiancheng's salary standard has basically remained unchanged. It is still a work-point system. Each job is equal to one hour of work, and each worker is eight red notes. Twice the average salary in the location.

If you count the medal bonus, you can get a minimum of 2100 per month.

On this basis, combined with the research report of the cross-sea project, the altitude subsidy is 300/month, the climate subsidy is 150/month, and the construction difficulty subsidy is 600/month. In addition to heating and cooling, festivals, overtime, etc., you can basically get 4600 red notes.

Almost equal to ten times the current Dongshan salary standard.

Very high.

But compared to Huo Dun, who went to North America to engage in fire protection and security, and his salary was repeatedly raised by his pro-boss, Tianwei, who now has a monthly income of 6,000 US dollars, is less than one-tenth.

However, then again, the salary is not important, the important thing is the price.

Just like in another time and space, living in a basement with a salary of 10,000 yuan in the capital may not be as comfortable as living in a big three with a salary of 2,000 yuan in a small county.

Serious calculations, but also involving living standards, education and medical care... It's hard to make it clear.

In short, taking 4600 red notes in Tiancheng is definitely better than taking 6000 Franklin in North America.

And big logistical arrangements.

Originally it was supposed to be located in Yancheng, but these days it was farther from Jishi to Yancheng than from Jishi to the capital. In addition, the waterway was impassable and land transportation was time-consuming, so it was changed to Weicheng on the east side of Yancheng.

There is no second-phase project there, and it is the city closest to the construction area in Incheon on the Jiaodong Peninsula. It can also be supported by taking the coastline through Qinggang.

Therefore, steel transportation routes are divided into:

Jifu Steelmaking/Taishi Steelmaking—Qinggang—Weicheng,

Laishi Smelting - Weicheng - Qinggang - Weicheng,

According to the restructured Huaxia Iron and Steel - take the coastline - Qinggang - Weicheng.

The semi-finished products are processed in Weicheng, and the finished products are shipped to the four-level system building that was built a month ago, the 'floating island' on the sea.

After deep processing on the floating island, various prefabricated parts are poured and transported to the 'engineering island', or through the old model 'floating dock', or the floating island itself, relying on lifting machinery and bridge erecting machines for installation in various areas.

The cement comes from Neobras, Okhotsk, and the defect-free concrete clinker processing plant in Jiamu City built by Comrade Ge Feng.

Twenty heavy icebreakers procured from outside are in charge of the Black Dragon River and the Okhotsk waters, serving the logistics fleet around the clock.

However, the cost of such a plan would increase from 300 million to Franklin before the system calculated it to 400 million.

After communicating with Chief Engineer Liang for a long time, the plan was finalized.

There are currently two floating islands, and you can drive there first.

When the news spread from Nanbangzi, the personnel gathered in Qinggang, accompanied by the machinery and the first batch of materials, and headed to the construction sea area.

So, Mr. Liang went on the road like this.

He wants to design a cable-stayed bridge for the 1.5-kilometer blank area reserved for ships in the middle section of the cross-sea viaduct.

Originally, Ge Xiaotian planned to design a suspension-cable opening-closing steel bridge that could be hoisted according to the system, so that it could adapt to the increasing tonnage, such as 300,000 and 550,000-ton freighters entering the port.

But this is the Nanbangzi project, and the other party requested 100,000 tons, so why bother asking for trouble and raising the cost?

Therefore, after removing the suspension bridge and changing it to a cable-stayed bridge, Franklin's budget, which had risen to 400 million, dropped back to 300 million.

The Golden Bridge is indeed a Golden Bridge, not only making money, but also the cost.

After sending Chief Engineer Liang away, Ge Xiaotian found the materials of the lifting equipment from the SG notebook.

The two 100-ton tower cranes that come with the No. 2, Level 4 town center are nothing compared to the lifting machinery needed for the cross-sea project. The installation of the cross-sea elevated bridge is basically useless except for transporting materials.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the heavy lifting equipment prepared for the Neobras project.

The equipment is divided into various types, including land platform type, marine floating crane type, and heavy ship type.

As early as when the Neobras project was established, Tiancheng Machinery cooperated with Dongshan Machinery, Xucheng Machinery and Liucheng Machinery to develop and manufacture 1,000-ton and 2,000-ton cranes.

Subsequently, Tiancheng imported a semi-submersible double-arm 8,000-ton crane from the Netherlands, and a 15,000-ton crane of the same type from Italy, but was willing to sell.

The price must be very high. Adding up the two sets directly used up the five billion red notes that Gao Song planned to purchase excavators for Tiancheng.

But it will definitely earn back in the future!

And the system has been upgraded to the industrial electrical era, and it has been able to completely crack the two super big guys purchased from overseas.

However, Tiancheng can't offend too many international companies for the time being, and has manufactured an 8,000-ton crane. It will not be sold or leased, and it will only be used to replace the 100-ton crane on the construction island.

In this way, together with a 1,000-ton floating crane ship and a 2,000-ton heavy-duty ship jointly developed, a total of six lifting equipment of each type are enough to handle 21 work areas.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it seriously, and looked at the drilling rig, compressor, piling ship, beam carrier, vibratory hammer, concrete mixing station, mud separator...

'It seems that the Okhotsk Shipyard needs to be rebuilt, and several large-scale wheeled ironclad ships will be used for ferry operations, construction operations, and transformation into engineering ships. '

Contemplating, Ge Xiaotian closed the lid of SG and ended his day's work.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day in 2001.

Comrade Ge Feng and his mother are busy in the Northeast.

Sister Xiu took the five little pink pigs who resigned angrily because of the "big red envelope" to betray Boss Ge, and set up a Huaxia ancient culture market where someone came up with countless good-looking ancient names, but they still haven't decided what to call them.

Ge Wangwang lost the title of Dragon Legend Champion and entered Xuanwu. He was originally well-known in South Vietnam, but now he has become a huge hit. He helped Tiancheng open up the disc, tape, and movie markets and made a lot of money.

In addition, it is said that the insider reports that the heavyweight sister-in-law is pregnant, and I don't know who took the initiative...

The little girl is doing very well in school, I will go to the south next year to have a look...

Therefore, this New Year's Day, Ge Xiaotian is still alone.

Make a phone call to the boss of Wanshi who is behind bars, and then contact Mr. Pang of the paper industry, the boss of Sino-Ocean Heavy Industry, Mr. Jia of the Furniture City, other small partners, and leaders at all levels...

Then, look at the five hostesses from Yancheng Xingyuewan who are studying tea art in the negotiation area.

Unlike the little pink pigs run by the boss of Jishi City, like Qingdao, they are all graduates.

"Go, have a good night tonight!"

"Boss, Yancheng will play against Qinggang tomorrow, and we will go to help the match overnight."


"Sancha Cup, the chairman and general manager will go with us."


Ge Xiaotian threw the SG notebook to Seng San, copied it out of the office, and walked slowly towards Tiancheng Square.

In other words, he hasn't visited his own property well yet...

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