Build Madness

Chapter 565 Mr. Ge, have a nice trip!

"I was beaten?!"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the clouds outside the window of the business jet, and pointed to the infinitely vast forest, sea and snowfield below, "Are you afraid that you want to jump from here?"

Seng San quickly waved his hand, "No, boss, can we be more realistic? Acquiring a Huaxia fuel oil group that has just gone public...isn't it too unreliable?"

"It's not a real acquisition, I just say that, and everyone just listens to it, anyway, I have money, whoever believes it, who doesn't believe it... from the heart!"


"Besides, it's not me, it's CNOOC!"

Ge Xiaotian turned on the SG laptop, "This is a bit of a long story..."

"Once upon a time there was a tycoon who wanted to engage in oil. After going through untold hardships, he brought his eldest son to create a large family business."

"A few years later, the second son was born. The oil boss thought about it and asked the second son to go to the sea to see if there was any oil."

"It will be fifty years since the second child leaves."

"During this period, the third son was born. In order to let the children have something to eat, the oil tycoon adjusted his business, let the eldest son, that is, the oil and gas company, be in charge of exploration and production, and the third son, that is, the petrochemical company, was in charge of processing and sales."

"Life was very ordinary, until the family where the oil tycoon belongs, because of some things, a big fight..."

"Afterwards, the new patriarch announced that everyone should go and see the outside world together, and keep your eyes open..."

"Then, the oil tycoon suddenly discovered that fuel oil, which is almost operating at a loss in the village, is so profitable abroad!"

"However, the big oil boss is old and can't play anymore. In order to let the children keep up with the pace of the world, they finally decided to abandon the single business development model and separate their families. They will start their own businesses in the future."

"The eldest son, that is, the oil and gas company, as the eldest son, represents the face of the oil tycoon, so he will naturally inherit the family business. Reorganize the oil company, get all the refining equipment in the village, and most of the market."

"The third son also got a part of the oil field and set up a petrochemical company, but seeing that the boss took so much property, he felt uncomfortable, so he intercepted the new equipment that had just been purchased in the south of the village, and asked the patriarch for a sum of money to go overseas to purchase Crude oil, when you come back, seize the market in the south of the village..."

"The two families have been fighting like this for more than ten years, until one day, the second child who has been searching for crude oil in the sea for 50 years came back. Not only did he bring back deep-sea oil recovery technology, but he also produced a lot of registration materials for subsea oil fields."

"The whole family is a sensation."

"The head of the patriarch is excited, and rewards the second child with ten times the salary!"

"And the oil tycoon who retired to the position of elder heard the news, and just remembered that he has a second son, but the family property has been divided by the boss, so how can he have anything in his hands?"

"But the second son went out for 50 years to search for CNOOC for the whole family, and now he has worked so hard but has no family property. Can't we just ignore it?"

"As an elder, the oil tycoon talked with the patriarch for a long time. He felt that before the rise of Haibu, it was not easy to carry out the high-investment, high-risk, and high-tech CNOOC business, so he first helped the second child to arrange a batch of equipment and establish a CNOOC company. Transfer the most profitable chemical fertilizer supply in the village, and even arrange a special bank to let him research new energy..."

Hearing this, Seng San was thoughtful, "So, CNOOC is selling fertilizer?"

"Yeah, there are so many oil fields under the sea, we don't have guards, we can't exploit them, and we have tens of thousands of employees to support, so we can't be idle, right?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"We don't have the strength to protect offshore oil fields, but we have new energy! Tianji can cooperate with CNOOC to lay energy supply stations for Tianba Dongba tua, a new generation of Sancha Wuling, logistics hubs, etc., we built, they operate on their own relationships.”

"good idea!"

"Furthermore, although CNOOC is small, it is not without the amount of crude oil extracted. In addition to the refining and chemical equipment they have obtained, even if the annual production is only one million tons, it can still meet Tiancheng's needs."

"I'm afraid they won't agree. After all, they are all leaders. Maybe the leader of CNOOC is the manager of petrochemical or oil."

"So, Dongshan Petrochemical's old money!"

"But he's retired."

"Five billion, will it be possible to buy a chairman?"


"Of course, I'm just doing it for show, and I'm not really paying for it. Although the offshore oil fields are temporarily unavailable for exploitation, but in the inland sea and the southern sea area, those 1,000-meter deep-sea oil fields that cannot be reached by current technology, we Tiancheng can help mine..."

Ge Xiaotian dragged out a piece of material, "Currently, it costs about 10,000 red notes per meter of drilling, and the cost of an offshore steel structure platform is about 200,000 red notes per square meter. Based on this calculation, the investment in building a medium-sized offshore oil field will Between 3 billion and 5 billion red notes, and the total investment of a large oil field will be as high as 16 billion to 24 billion."

"So expensive?"

"That's right, it's that expensive. Otherwise, other countries would have built offshore oil fields long ago. And we, Tiancheng, have the construction technology to help CNOOC build two large oil fields, isn't it 50 billion? "


"Construction is difficult, mainly because of technology and equipment. The oil field is not ours, and the investment in construction is up to 5 billion."

"But what does this have to do with scaring Petrochemical and talking about acquisitions?"

"Are you stupid? Petrochemical crude oil needs to be purchased from abroad. If CNOOC rises, is the leader still willing to watch so much money flow overseas? Why not switch to raw materials for processing and re-export to obtain more overseas funds? This This is the main reason why we give so much support to new energy projects. Of course, these are all "gossips" that you need to pass on to the outside world. In fact, CNOOC cannot extract much crude oil, and the laying of new energy is not so fast. We just let Chen Donghai understands that he is the chairman of the board now, and if Petrochemical is acquired or suffers heavy losses, someone will probably have to talk about his daily pocket money of tens of thousands... Now that he is the chairman, if there is no If he lost the fuel company, he might not survive."

"You have made such a big circle, and this is your purpose?" Seng San was a little unbelievable.

"Huh? My plan kills three birds with one stone, laying energy supply stations, stabilizing Tiancheng's fuel supply, and scaring Chen Donghai to be more honest, isn't it perfect?"

"I thought you were going to play a big game with the oil tycoon, it made my blood boil..."

Ge Xiaotian's face darkened, "It's not like you don't know how much money I have, can you make trouble?"

"Actually, I'm good at this!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Now I'm going to jump off here, and at night I will take the other person's head, and then escape to the Bering Strait, eat fast and chant Buddha in the deep mountains and old forests, and spend my life..."

"piss off!"

"Really, boss, I feel that doing this is safer than being a secretary by your side!"


Ge Xiaotian pointed to the cabin door expressionlessly, "Then you can jump."

"Where's the parachute?"



"Dao Si, Seng Si, send him down!"

"Boss, I am loyal. I dare to do this to show my loyalty!"


'Dear distinguished guests, please note that this flight is about to reach its destination. Due to the ice at Amur Airport, a forced landing may make you uncomfortable, but don't panic...'

Before the voice broadcast in the cabin ended, Seng San broke free from the arms of the two juniors and let out a long breath, "I scared the Buddha to death."


At this moment, the not-so-big business jet suddenly made a loud noise, and the left wing suddenly shook downwards, and the moment it touched the ground, it folded up at 90 degrees...

Ka la la...

The left wing flew away!

Almost at the same time, the business jet made a Thomas maneuver...

What the hell, without Maozi's skills, but learning Russian landing, this is courting death!

Ge Xiaotian's mind was buzzing, he didn't hear what Qing Sengsan was saying, he hugged the safety bag specially designed for business jets, feeling...

I'm going to plant this time!

However, before the thought was settled, the cabin shook, and all the noise disappeared, leaving only the sirens of many instruments.

next moment.

The head airbag was removed, and the flight attendant whom I met on a business jet for the first time gave a pale professional smile, "Mr. Ge, have a nice trip!"


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