Build Madness

Chapter 566 After the New Year, let your chairman come to work in our company!

Amur Airport was in a mess, many ground staff, together with green clothes and doctors, rushed towards the business jet with folded wings...

inside the cabin.

Ge Xiaotian half-lyed in the seat, staring at the stewardess for a long time, put on the sports pants that had been washed away by the safety bag expressionlessly, and unfastened the extremely thick seat belt that also had a safety bag.

"Your company is very bold and dares to install this kind of safety bag on the plane. However, I have to say that your company's concept is very advanced. Although the safety bag will become a death shackle in the event of an air disaster at sea, but in such accidents, It saves customers from harm."

"Thank you, Mr. Ge, for your compliment. I will truthfully convey your words to our chairman."

"Oh? It seems that your position is not low."

"In order to provide Mr. Ge with a better flight attendant experience, I specially adjusted the shift and took charge of this flight."

"It's fate to meet you from thousands of miles away!"


'It's our chairman who is worried about your troubles! '

The stewardess complained wildly in her heart, her face was still full of smiles...

Ge Xiaotian got off the plane and suddenly remembered something, "Since I am a high-level aviation service officer, you should know that the road I am walking now is basically repaired by myself. The car I am riding in is basically built by myself. The house I live in is basically built by myself. , basically built by myself. The food and fruits I eat are basically grown by myself. Even the ships at sea are designed by myself. In addition, there are 'mobile phones', satellites, bodyguards, toilet paper...most of them are also With Tiancheng's cooperation, after thinking about it, it seems that I am only short of a self-produced private jet."

"Mr. Ge, you have a fan 26."

"That big experience it once, and you definitely don't want to ride it a second time. Besides, it wasn't made by me."


"Actually, I am also responsible for this accident. Amur Airport is closed. I asked your company to land here. Now that something goes wrong, I will definitely not avoid it. How about this, how much is this 'Broken Wing Angel'? I will buy it." Already!"


The stewardess looked at the captain who was following him.

The latter hurriedly contacted the headquarters, and after a while, replied: "Mr. Ge, the purchase price of this business jet is 160 million red notes..."

"Depreciation, division of responsibilities... Forget it, I see that your female leader is pretty and beautiful. It just so happens that the receptionists at Tiancheng's headquarters office resigned collectively... Well, one is not enough. What is the market value of your company? The stewardess should have Is it a lot?"


"It's such a happy decision. After the new year, including your chairman, come to work in our company."


"You must come, otherwise... huh?"



Mr. Governor went to Xucheng, and he probably won't be able to come back in May of this year, or before the end of the Sancha Cup.

In the absence of the leader, there was an air crash at the airport. The ground crew was extremely panicked. Together with Ice Bear and Green Clothes, they conducted an investigation for half an hour and made a series of detailed reports, proving from all aspects that no one was deliberately murdered...

"Is that the point?"

Hearing this, the person in charge of the airport was sweating profusely, and replied anxiously: "Mr. Ge, we are working hard!"

"The point! Shouldn't the point be to celebrate my survival?"

"Dah, Sartre!" (same as: yes, sir!)

The person in charge of the airport roared, and soon led a large group of blond-haired, blue-eyed, pink-cheeked, ice-bear girls in big red coats...

Bang ding ding ding ding ding...

Beating gongs and drums, the twisted thief is cheerful.


Is there any misunderstanding?

Is it bad to dance the swan dance?

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, and told Seng San to deal with the aviation service company.

The acquisition of the other party was not a whim, but some time ago, he went to Wajima to learn about shopping mall operations. He found that the highest service standard in this era is the stewardess.

Now that I have encountered it, I naturally want to buy it and give it a try.

First replace the five little pink pigs in the headquarters office for internship, and later help train a group of etiquette receptionists, and distribute them to various groups and branches, and the rest will be arranged at shopping mall counters, shopping mall customer service, industrial after-sales, or subway stations ...

Of course, people do flight attendants for high salary, elegance, and good taste. Otherwise, with such a good physical condition, why not do other things?

But in this time and space, who can guarantee that the operation of subways and shopping malls will be the same as in another time and space?

Like the subway.

The fare is one yuan, the electric system is used, and the speed is normal.

There is a ticket price of 100 yuan. It adopts the dual-drive mode of pure ethanol liquid oxygen gas turbine + its own point unit, also known as the subway express line.

Then dispatch through the subway operation system, all ordinary subways make way for the subway express line, the former stops at the platform, and the latter roars past...

Coupled with subway promotion, subway culture, and subway business, it may be able to make a small profit by itself without the need for industries around the subway station to help it share losses.

"Although the idea is good, it needs a detailed plan, otherwise the superior will definitely not allow it..."

While muttering, Ge Xiaotian walked out of the airport hall, climbed into the modified steampunk transport vehicle, and headed for Neobras.


At the end of January, Siberia is at its peak cold season.

Along the way, the wilderness was covered with snow, the sky was full of wind and frost, and the visibility was only 30 to 40 meters.

Passing through low-lying places, the three-meter-high steam car even got into the six-to-seven-meter-deep snow, relying on navigation and positioning to move forward at a turtle speed.

Fortunately, the original intention of designing this car was to cope with the terrain of Siberia. Otherwise, once it breaks down, the wheels and tracks will probably be frozen, and we can only wait for the next year to thaw before using other vehicles for towing.

Twenty years later, such a scene would be rare, but now, it's minus fifty-three degrees!

It can also be seen from this that the speed of global warming in the next two decades will be rapid.

Under the influence of the general environment, many experts on the mother planet once again boasted about the "La Nina" that caused the cooling, and reminded the world to be vigilant about the "El Nino" that is heating up, so as to prevent many island countries, island cities, and offshore cities from being submerged by sea water.

It's just that these voices have been drowned out in the increasingly serious backdoor incident of electronic products of the Science and Technology Alliance.

It is said that the video of the former chairman of North America making a baby with his secretary in the office has been circulated in the public media...

It is said that the manager of a certain country in the European region openly accepts money to buy instant noodles and spicy noodles...

It is said that a certain professional basketball star fell in love with the mother of a teammate who is also a superstar...

It is said that...

In short, there are revelations every day, and every day will cause an uproar.

Until now, it is no longer Longtian's rhythm, but the technology alliance.

They hope to use this kind of messy entertainment news to divert the public's attention from the 'program back door', take the opportunity to speed up the development of new systems, and launch win 2000.

The incident had a huge impact on Longtian.

Since the three overseas high-tech companies have not yet been extradited to China, the production of the SG series is limited, so Dongshan can only be taken into account.

The Science and Technology Alliance saw through Longtian's point, so they imported the newly launched smartphones and castrated personal computers into the southern and northern markets of Huaxia in large quantities...

At the end of the millennium, in this time and space, home computers exceeded 20 million units. As China's leading technology company, Longtian only owned a quarter of them, and many of them were on order, which would take a while to supply.

And China's mobile phone users officially exceeded 100 million. Although the official did not include its number in order to protect the smart card, with the assistance of Tiancheng Industry, there are only 8 million units at present.

Such a situation caused Longtian to be completely at a disadvantage in terms of public opinion.

Probable cause...

In the second half of last year, the Science and Technology Alliance launched a running score system for the SG series.

When it first appeared, the Longtian brand was on the rise, and neither users nor the public paid much attention to it.

But with the passage of time, the popularity of Longtian SG has gradually disappeared. Many people who want to buy computers but cannot buy SG finally choose Internet or AMD, or other...

I definitely don't want someone to say that the new product I bought with my hard-earned money is bad.

Open the running score system to try it out, the new computer is among the best, and then, look for SG...

Fuck, why is it at the end?

That's right, SG, who couldn't use the North American Science and Technology Alliance's running score software, was put on the running score list by the North American Alliance and given a bottom ranking!

Later, it may feel too fake. After all, the SG performance was placed there, so it was slightly moved up.

This has led to users who have never used SG, or customers who have not experienced SG in a physical store, under the influence of such a "convincing" ranking, they are completely disappointed with SG.

SG users saw this, wanted to maintain SG, and listed the comparison between the two sides on the forum, but non-SG users did not agree with what SG users said out of love for their new computers...

Thus, contradictions arise.

Scolding wars, inciting wars, sparring against each other, some are lame and some are black...

The image of Longtian is now almost polarized.

Ge Xiaotian wanted to use his Tianyu navy to suppress the matter, but to build a real national brand, relying on words alone is not enough.

Simply, let netizens comment, do not intervene, do not explain, and do not launch their own scoring software.

Instead, it secretly urged Longtian to speed up the research and development of Soc chips with a large N small layout, and strengthen cooperation with HiSilicon ASIC multi-core chips to improve quality control, performance, and fluency, so as to facilitate human life. Incorporate more functions into the SG series.

Besides, until now, Ge Xiaotian is still not interested in making computers, what he wants is a personal terminal.

In other words, it is a personal wearable device kit that is compatible with computer functions.

The smart card is the foundation.

Therefore, SG can be destroyed to make the technology alliance feel better, but the smart card...even if a few North American rich people die, they must be kept.

But this does not mean that Longtian SG has lost its ability to expand its business.

Brother Hao hit N in Nanhe and pinned Wei Changfeng in Nanyang. Today, Hao Group has established a firm foothold in Zhengfu, Bianliang and other places.

In order to attack Dongshan Jianlian's Sanlian home appliances, Tianhao Group will build technology market buildings in Zhengfu, Bianliang, Luoyang, and Xinyang in the next year. At that time, it will introduce Longtian and Weihua, let them open experience stores, and promote SG series.

And when Longtian and Weihua conquer Nanhe, the next goal is the capital Wangjing.

Shuai Bo has already completed the land formalities, and will only wait for the next year to recruit workers and start new projects. At that time, he will introduce Longtian and Weihua to build a high-tech industrial park.

Tian Cheng went south...

Therefore, the crisis that Longtian is facing now is a small test. If it doesn’t work, we will throw Pharaoh to Africa to move bricks, cancel the SG computer business, let Lei Ge, who was dug from Jinshan, buy Longtian, and release the Tianmi version. Smart Card...

When planning, there must always be a backup plan.


Ge Xiaotian browsed through many work reports on the road, and gave instructions one by one, and the steam car also arrived at Neobras.

Three months later, the Dasheng sculpture has been completed.

The golden rooster is independent and looks far away with one hand. The overall image seems funny, but it is full of bohemian and arrogant momentum.

Of course, the residents of the Ice Bear Far East don't know who the Great Sage is, and they can't think of it. This is the monkey who blew up the sky in the early stage and was extremely aggrieved in the later stage in the Journey to the West novel.

Well, due to cultural impressions, it is difficult for overseas readers to understand the deeper meaning of Journey to the West. Many people see the Three Dozens of Bones, and even just put on the magic spell, and then give up directly. They don't understand the more exciting things behind.

Standing at the feet of the Great Sage, Ge Xiaotian looked up for a long time, and with infinite emotion, stepped into the steampunk world...

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