Build Madness

Chapter 567 This not mine!

The steampunk world is temporarily in charge of the little star Tong Ying who studied with Xu Ling, stayed here later, and continued to study with Dao San.

It is divided into film and television entertainment, toys peripherals, large playground...

The building where it is located is a single office building remodeled in the image of 'King of the Hill'.

It is eight stories high, with a concrete structure at the bottom and a civil structure at the top.

In other words, first build a four-story realistic concrete pouring building, and then build a three-level system market on it, adjust, adjust, and decorate, and become a dwarf king holding a big axe...

It's cool, violent, and full of cartoon features.

Stepping into the hall, there are cabinets separated by tempered glass on both sides.

On the side facing the street, there are many main characters of the steampunk series, including the beautiful little prince, the sloppy pirate king, the violent muscular man, and the chic big swordsman...

This reminds Ge Xiaotian of King Pesticide...

Going forward, the character models in the cupboard are turned into various figures.

The movements are wonderful but beautiful, and the costumes are different.

For example, a mechanic driving a tank, a goblin pushing a cannon, a dwarf carrying a gun, and an elf holding a crossbow...

Walking out of the exhibition area, the hall of nearly 1,000 square meters is like a children's playground, with various one-to-one or two-to-one film and television props for people to experience...

However, as the Spring Festival approached, there were only on-duty personnel left in many projects in Neobras. The steampunk world was empty except for two security guards at the door.

Little star Tong Ying hurried downstairs after receiving the news.

"Boss, you are back."

"very nice!"

Ge Xiaotian strolled around and nodded, "Operate according to this model, and then launch works and games, grasping the characteristics of steampunk, it will be difficult not to make money."

"Boss, the game company is located in North America. According to normal operation, it needs to pay an IP copyright fee to there."

"This is inevitable, otherwise how can we operate on the win platform. In fact, there is no need to worry. There are many things like the acquisition of the parent company by a subsidiary company. Sooner or later, the North American steampunk publishing company will be swallowed up here and become the headquarters."

Ge Xiaotian walked to the rest area, feeling a bit cold, "Is the heating turned on?"

"There is no one in the early morning. In order to save money, I stipulate heating between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm."

"Am I like someone who has no money?"


"Don't be nervous, you have performed well during this time. After the Spring Festival, you will go to Wangjing to serve as the general manager of Jingcheng Tiancheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Afterwards, you will see the results. If you are excellent, Shuai Bo will enter Beihe, and you will stay in Wangjing as the chairman."

"thank you boss!"

Ge Xiaotian took out a card, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, where is your hometown?"

"Chuan Shu..."

"It's a bit far away. I originally wanted you to go back to Dongshan with me, but now it seems that you have to leave early in order to catch up with the New Year's Eve dinner. Go, let Tianwei take you to Heihe International Airport, transfer to Ice City, and go straight to the city. Feichuanshu..."

The little star Tong Ying's eyes turned red instantly, "Boss, thank you! The past six months have been like a dream for me..."

"The future is all made by yourself. In the western restaurant, if you didn't let go and sing a song to your heart's content, or if you didn't go to the construction site to perform and hone your hearty personality, you wouldn't appear here. Go, don't give it to me. I play sad, this card is not a maintenance fee..."

The little star Tong Ying laughed immediately, with tears in the corners of her eyes, she joked, "Then I'll tell the proprietress, this is the maintenance fee!"

"Heh, I haven't dealt with those five little pink pigs yet, and I don't need you!"

"Farewell, I'm leaving!"

Watch him trot all the way on his little high heels...

Ge Xiaotian patted the armrest of the seat, "It's so nice to be young!"

"Practice, capable?"

"Dao Si, I feel that you mean something. You have to understand that several of your brothers and sisters have died."


"By the way, where is the Guns and Roses crew that filmed steampunk?"

The person in charge who replaced Tong Ying hurried forward, "Back to the boss, director Li Shaohong has returned to China with the crew to prepare for the screening."

"It's going well, isn't it?"

"She's in the military studio, and with that relationship, apart from Shen Zhipeng's Ginza Studios, it's no problem for her to be released nationwide."

"What about overseas?"

"You have earned so much money by relying on the fleet. In order to snatch 'Zheng He's Voyages', overseas theaters will naturally not reject this film. I heard that they even gave a high screening rate."

"That depends on how the female director shoots."

Ge Xiaotian was not in a hurry to find Dao San, Seng Er and his own dog, and signaled the person in charge to vacate the private theater and enjoy the Guns and Roses in advance during lunch time.

This is an abstract film.

The first thing that is vague is the plot, and the second is the race, which mainly describes the incredible features of the steampunk world.

If you had to find a movie to compare...

Lean towards Chaplin comedy.

It's just that steampunk pays more attention to color.

As an existing director of his own, no matter his vision or experience, he could not control this subject at all, so Ge ​​Xiaotian found a non-entertainment director, Li Shaohong, who has an official background.

In other words, this is a funny art film.

The whole movie takes the tavern as the dot, radiating the whole Neobras.

Well, in the movie, the main city of humans is called Neobras.

The dwarf Oli, also known as Huolu, is the dwarf king, played by the classmate who plays Wu Dalang.

The dwarves lived in the hill country for a long time. Suddenly one day, they were invaded by goblins from the evil cave, and the group of lunatics won by numbers...

Dwarf King Stove, heard that the Human Federation relied on the dwarves to develop a 'steam chariot', and came to Neobras for help.

It's a pity that Jarvan II, the king of humans, was seriously injured in the duel with the runaway witch. Jarvan III, who temporarily took over the Human Federation, is the current prince, and he is worried about the invasion of the "Freljord" clan in the north. Promised to rent steam chariot legion.

Dwarf King Stove, in order to save the dwarves, bought a tavern under the pseudonym Oli, in order to contact and win over the top leaders of the Human Federation.

On this day, he met two strong men wearing battle armor, one named Galen and the other named Zhao Xin...

The three of them had a drink, and Zhao Xin, the chief of the human coalition army, promised the dwarf king to support the steam artillery...

This is a powerful, ultra-long-range, self-propelled experimental weapon that has not yet appeared on the battlefield. (Refer to the cannon carts that drive out from the bases on both sides when the game is laning)

The dwarf king Ouli was ecstatic and hurriedly offered benefits, but not long after the three of them left the city with a small army, they encountered southern enemies, the Piltover policewoman Caitlin from Noxus, and the Piltover law enforcement officer. Wei.

So far, the movie has shown the medieval great swordsman in Europe, the ancient Chinese warrior, the exotic dwarf king, Gunpowder Caitlin, the law enforcement officer who changed the magic glove...

In the camera cuts, it also shows Neobras, a giant city that is independent of the world and tends to be magical.

The follow-up plot is definitely a 'battle'.

1v1, 2v2, sword against fist, gun against cannon, destroy a forest...

The painting style pays attention to every subtle movement of the character, including loading the bullet, hitting the ground with the epee, shaking the spear, charging the fist...

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang, plus 3D surround sound, it feels amazing...

It also reflects four different systems, which have their own development paths, which are reasonable...

Afterwards, Prince Jarvan III appeared carrying a spear with a human flag...

After a charge, the Nokasas reconnaissance troops were repelled.

In the end, the dwarf king persuaded the prince by forming an alliance against Nocassus, and the latter decided to send troops to the kingdom of hills.

The human army of steam machinery marched to the southern mountainous area in mighty force...

Among these machines, there is a dwarf gunner equipped with a long horn, a human mechanic wearing goggles, a dwarf researcher with advanced equipment, and a human wizard holding a magic bottle...

However, before leaving, the great swordsman Galen walked up to the city wall and looked at the leader of the hostile reconnaissance force, Catherine, a policewoman from Piltover...

A vigorous love story was staged.

Human beings help the dwarves regain the kingdom of hills, return to the tavern, and discuss marching into Noccasus...

However, this news was stolen by the runaway witch...

Soon, a series of traps designed for the human coalition appeared...

Organ towers, puzzle-solving stone formations, mountains of swords and seas of fire...

"It always feels weird!"

After reading it, Ge Xiaotian was a little dissatisfied.

But the movie is about to be released, and this is a transitional product made by the family in order to make money and lay the Dragon Continent, so there is no need for major revisions.


After lunch, a group of people rushed to Tianshan Taixuguan.

Compared with steampunk, the shooting of Dragon Continent is much more complicated.

After all, this is Tianyu's main game and film and television products in the next ten or even twenty years, and it is also the main basis for Tiancheng to enter overseas and promote industrial development through culture.

As the Spring Festival approached, Old Freak Xu did not return to Xiangjiang. He was sitting in the ice and snow, staring blankly at Xuanwu Pass in the distance.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, your dog scared me..."

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian didn't understand why.

Old Freak Xu didn't say much, and pointed to Xuanwu Pass...

Ge Xiaotian looked up...

On the majestic pass, a painted-faced dog with bird feathers on its head, with its forelimbs resting between the walls, raised its head and looked towards this side.

That look seemed to say again: What are you looking at?

And behind him, six bears standing upright, carrying a triangular battle flag, shaking their chest muscles with a mace...

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

At this time, Dao San hurried over, "Boss, how is the scene?"

"You made it?"

"That's right, Beast Race! Does it look like it? I trained with Seng Er for more than two months before I got this formation."

"A little less."

"Many, almost all outside the pass, we didn't dare to put them in."


"Most of the wolves from Eastern Siberia have come. The like Lao Li's attack on Ping'an County in the script of Bright Sword..."

"Nonsense, I'm not a devil, and I didn't snatch their she-wolves."

" robbed them..."

Dao San hesitated for a long time, then shook his head, "I have already sent people to demolish the abandoned stables due to mining, otherwise, if it continues to develop, I suspect that we will cause big trouble."

"What's the meaning?"

"You should know that many countries are studying genes, and even building gene banks. Then, in another genetic engineering, that is, the genetic forbidden area research project, there is a kind of synthetic gene, also known as DNA synthesis. The source of the gene is wolf , there are dogs, bears, monkeys, and plants. Normally speaking, each species evolves, and it is difficult to produce heterogeneous species, just like the cross-species mule, which has no fertility. If there is no subsequent hybridization, it will eventually die out. But genes can It can be extracted, fused, and transferred... just like genetically modified soybeans. Although it is called soybeans, it is no longer soybeans, but some of its seeds can still be planted. Then, the species that have been cultivated for a long time in stables may no longer be the same species as before , but a brand-new life form... If we litter the stables again, it may cause drastic changes in the biological chain, which will lead to disaster."

"Is that so?"

Ge Xiaotian was thoughtful, "So, this dog...isn't my family?!"

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