Build Madness

Chapter 568: Old Chen Lobbying Old Shen Old Wei

"So, this dog...isn't my family?!"

"It must belong to your family!"

"Didn't you say the species has changed?"

"Become just the body, the heart and soul are still yours."


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette, "I always feel that your words mean something..."

"Isn't it right? I have described it very vividly."


Ge Xiaotian tasted it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, "To be specific, what has changed in Ah Huang?"

"Specifically... I can't say, it's related to genetic composition, and we don't have the corresponding data and technology, so we need slice research."

"Forget it, it's too cruel. If the uncle knows about it, I will definitely be beaten. However, evolution... it must have some new features, right?"

"My brain is working fine."

"He's always had a good brain."

"Besides, the chromosomal variation causes it to have many feline characteristics, such as enhanced vision, hearing and touch in hair, and easier learning to climb trees... As for whether it is beneficial or not, it is currently unknown."

"Cat family? Climbing trees? Can cats and dogs be born?"

"Can you have some common sense, cats and canines can be combined?"

"Why are you in a hurry with me? I graduated from junior high school, can I understand genes?"


Dao San took a deep breath, "In addition, our Animal and Plant Research Center has developed a 'seedless watermelon' based on this point, with red flesh, yellow flesh, large and small, very complete. And cultivated polyploid Wheat and polyploid strawberries have a large yield and are large in size. As long as they are bred in a timely manner, the industrial income of Nanwa Huanggang can be increased by at least three times, or even five times this year!"


"Let's think so, but there are some differences. Our mastermind's technology level is not enough to crack it."

"This spicy chicken system, I fly with it every time, and I haven't seen any black technology for me."



Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of something, "The seedless watermelon was bred according to Ah Huang's mutation... so?"

"Yeah, although it has that function, it is sterilized, similar to a mule. Maybe we can only wait for the cloning technology to help it continue its offspring."

"It's a pity, I still think his son can carry my son to school."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, glanced at the city wall, "What happened to those black bears?"

"I don't know either. It should be a cub snatched back by wolves, about two years old."

"So tall at the age of two?"

"Yeah, it can grow up to 1.78 meters by itself. After being cultivated in a stable, it is estimated to be 1.9 meters, or even two meters..."


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a long time, "Again, this dog is indeed quite a monster, and even catches black bears as bodyguards."

"It's up to you, you have to bring a few Heavenly Guards with you when you go out, otherwise there will be no meeting..."

"What do you mean?"

"Your dog doesn't follow you, does it follow me?"

"It sounds like it makes sense..."

After winning two rounds in a row, Dao San accepted it when he saw a good deal, "Boss, I guess your Ah Huang came back because it felt like the Spring Festival was coming, otherwise, neither Seng Er nor I would be able to catch him."

"It can still smell the New Year's flavor of my hometown?"

"Sixth sense, mysterious and mysterious..."


Ge Xiaotian simply ignored the magic stick and climbed up to Xuanwu Pass.

However, before he had time to greet Ah Huang, who ran forward to meet him, he glanced outside the pass out of the corner of his eye, and was startled by thousands of wild wolves of various colors.

"Damn, so much?"

"Or what should I say, the whole East Siberia is in chaos..."


Ge Xiaotian grabbed Ah Huang's neck, "What the hell is your motherfucker?"

"Woooo..." The latter raised his hind legs aggrieved, revealing...


"Boss, it means that these wolves want to borrow seeds..."

Hearing Dao San's explanation, Ah Huang nodded crazily, and immediately vented his breath, his dog's face pulled, and he looked hollowed out...




Shen Family Courtyard.

In the past six months, Shen Zhipeng has been extremely happy.

Without Ge Laoer's troubles, the properties under the banner have changed from the decadent past, and all of them have risen in a straight line.

Relying on the one-way pass similar to the one-card, Ginza Mall has expanded, expanded, and expanded again. Now it has surpassed the fifteenth floor of Dongshan, and its business has expanded to Nanhe.

And the catering buffet...

"It's really profitable!"

Shen Zhipeng sighed, put on formal clothes, and walked out of the courtyard.

At the gate, two four-wheel escorts and a Hutou Ben slowly stopped...

"Chen Dong!"

"Boss Shen!" Chen Donghai got out of the car with Li Wei.

"Nice to meet you!"

"It's approaching the Spring Festival. I take the liberty to visit. I hope you will forgive me."

"Where is it, Director Chen's visit has made my broken courtyard flourish."

"Boss Shen's words made me ashamed. To have such a large ancient courtyard in the central area of ​​Jifu. On the left is the Jifu compound, to the north is the No. 1 spring in the world, and there is Daming Lake around. The commercial area in the city... just the land Is it more than two hundred million?"


Shen Zhipeng smiled lightly, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart, it seemed that the old house should be sold, "Chen Director, please!"

Stepping into the living room, Zhong Xiaoxiao glanced at Li Wei, but didn't say hello to Chen Donghai, but made tea skillfully...

"Chen Dong should know that the industries under the Jifu Chamber of Commerce cooperate closely with oil. If you talk about fuel supply, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"Boss Shen, Huaxia Petrochemical has not yet decided to open up the northern market, don't worry, we won't talk about work today..."

Speaking of this, Chen Donghai changed his voice, "I wonder what Boss Shen thinks of Ge Xiaotian?"


"I heard that Boss Shen was let in twice by him?"


What kind of pot do you not open and which pot you lift!

Shen Zhipeng's face darkened, "Chen Dong, it's Chinese New Year, can we talk about something happy?"

"I'm here just to have fun!"

Chen Donghai took out a stack of blueprints, "Zaoshi New City is a good project, if it is done well, it will not be a problem to earn five billion red notes at once."

"Oh? Class C planning map? Director Chen is so powerful that he was able to obtain the new city plan that was not announced to the public."

"Boss Shen, why don't we cooperate once?"

"I'm sorry Director Chen, as I said before, the Jifu Business Alliance is inseparable from Dongshan Petroleum. If you plan to open up a market for Huaxia Petrochemical in Zaoshi New City, I'm afraid I can't help you."


Director Chen looked at Li Wei, "Let me introduce, this is Ms. Li, the chairman of the Overseas Investment Group from the capital, worth 20 billion, in Nanyun... with this care, maybe this will be this next year!"

Shen Zhipeng saw the other party shake his index finger, which then turned into a thumb, and immediately squinted his eyes, "Mr. Li, it's a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Shen has eyes but doesn't know Taishan. I hope you forgive me for being cold before."

"Where is it, Boss Shen is the leader of Dongshan's business community, so the little girl dare not speak out rashly."

"Hey, what's wrong with the head, no matter Dongshan or Huaxia, Ge Laoer is the recognized richest man."

"Second Ge? It seems Boss Shen has a lot of resentment towards him?"

"It's not resentment, it's friendship."

While the two were being courteous, Chen Donghai spread out the plan that he had just taken out, and took out another document, "Boss Shen, it's actually very simple to want to vent my anger."


"I wonder if you know about Tiancheng's project in Xucheng?"

"I don't have the ambition of Ge Laoer. It's not easy to keep Dongshan, so I don't have the heart to pay attention to the outside world."

"Tiancheng's projects in Xucheng have been suspended repeatedly, and even the eight small high-rise buildings that have been pre-sold in District A have to pay liquidated damages for overdue delivery."

"So miserable?" Shen Zhipeng smiled subconsciously.

"What's the reason... The Magic Metropolis Chamber of Commerce relied on its connections. Before Tian Cheng took the land, it pulled a high-voltage power line across the community. Tian Cheng has nothing to do with Xu Cheng. If he can't move the high-voltage power line, he won't be able to start work..."

"It's a good method."

"Actually, Boss Shen can also use this method to deal with Tiancheng's Xingyue Bay in Zaoshi."

"How to say?"

"From Jifu or Taishi, withdraw a high-voltage power line directly to Ginza, Zaoshi's new city. Tiancheng is in the north, and the line just runs through Xingyue Bay..."

"Sorry, I don't have that much energy."

"It doesn't matter, isn't there me? As long as Boss Shen agrees to pull high-voltage wires in Ginza, Zaoshi, I will handle the rest."

"I'm afraid Director Chen is not just helping me by doing this?"

"Ming people don't speak in secret, and each takes what he needs. If Tian Cheng is taken away, Mr. Li's overseas investment group will take over Tian Cheng's land. At that time, we will be neighbors."

"It seems that this plan is very good..."

"Boss Shen agreed?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested."


"If you fight with Tian Cheng openly, I won't hesitate at all, but if you use tricks..."

Shen Zhipeng looked complicated, shook his head and sighed, "You don't understand."

Chen Donghai glanced at the thoughtful Li Wei, and always felt that something was weird, but when he thought of the incident of being thrown on a deserted island, and the small report of Dongshan Petrochemical's old money, he couldn't suppress his anger, "It seems that, Is Boss Shen planning to go to the opposite side of Huaxia Petrochemical?"

"So what?"

Shen Zhipeng's eyes were burning, and he thought to himself: A person who is about to be sent to climb Mount Everest will be offended if offended.

Besides, in terms of fuel, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce and Huaxia Petroleum are two generations of friendship. If Huaxia Petrochemical dares to mess with him, Huaxia Petroleum will definitely protect him.

"Xiaoxiao, see off the guests!"


Chen Donghai never expected that Shen Zhipeng would be so decisive, his expression froze, "Old Shen, I'm afraid about your father..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yu helped me deal with my father's matter. Now I'm clean and I don't want to go into troubled water again."

"Worthy of being the leader of Dongshan's business community, your eyes are really far away!"

Chen Donghai stopped talking, motioned Li Wei to get up, and left directly...

Looking at his back, Shen Zhipeng picked up the tea made by Zhong Xiaoxiao, and said meaningfully: "Thanks to what Ge Laoer said on Mi Er Liu, make more contributions, or I will be pulled into the whirlpool again today."

Zhong Xiaoxiao was a little worried, "I'm afraid they won't let go."

"Have you read the news?"


"Nanyun Index Finger? Economists always use his son as a real-life case of wire-running cars in their lectures. Do you think that is the backer?"


"Have you ever played Horde and Alliance? This is called giving away heads!"


"However, the bosses from the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce are also ruthless enough to pull high-voltage wires on Ge Laoer's construction site, delaying the construction period...haha!"

Shen Zhipeng smiled for a long time, "By the way, this yard can no longer be lived in, it is sold, and used to build roads..."


Two four-wheeled vehicles escorted Hutouben away from the Shenjia Hutong...

"Chen Dong, I feel that things are not as simple as we imagined."

"No matter how complicated things are, there is only one reason, the relationship is not strong enough!"

Chen Donghai leaned back and put his arms around Li Wei, "Shen Zhipeng doesn't want to play, but Wei Changfeng is definitely willing. His father has retired for so many years, and the situation of Changfeng Industry in Jiangnan seems to be struggling in the cracks, otherwise the fat man wouldn't fart." Dianpidian ran to Dongshan, looking for the new leader to join him, but unfortunately, He Shun was chosen by mistake, and he got into a fight with Ge Xiaotian, the young man he wanted to join, so that he missed the great Buddha of the president... ! And now, if we take the initiative to give him thighs, will Wei Changfeng refuse?"


"Sorry, I, Fatty Wei, am an aboveboard person!"


The southernmost city of Nanhe, Nanyang.

Jiangnan Changfeng Industrial Headquarters in Nanyang.

Wei Changfeng, who had lost nearly 50 catties but was still as fat as a Maitreya Buddha, looked righteously at Chen Donghai and Li Wei who had come from afar.

The latter looked stunned, a little unbelievable.

"Mr. Wei, you should understand that Jiangnan Changfeng Industrial is in an embarrassing situation in Jiangnan. If you don't look for it..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Wei Changfeng rubbed his face, "Really, I am very upright!"


"Even if I lose to a pauper, I won't do anything unconscionable, trust me!"

'I'd rather believe that your daughter is a lady than that you, a smiling tiger, are a good person! '

Chen Donghai really wanted to complain, but... this is about a matter, "Mr. Wei, I can help you return to Jiangnan. You know, Huaxia Petrochemical is deeply rooted in the south. With just a few words, Jiangnan Changfeng Industry can..."

"I'm a businessman. I just want to do business in a down-to-earth manner. I'm not interested in any of your plans..."

Wei Changfeng is afraid!

What he was afraid of was not Ge Heizi, but that one day, like He Shun, he would be shot three times...

(He Shun was executed by shooting last year. The case was serious, and it is still carried out publicly in this era.)

Thinking back to He Laogui's miserable appearance and howling...

Why did I lose fifty catties in half a year?

Nightmares every night!


Returning without success again, Chen Donghai's face was very ugly.

"The above said that Tian Cheng has no backing or background at all. Why are Shen Zhipeng and Wei Changfeng unwilling to make a move when we take the initiative to contact them?"

"Maybe, Tian Cheng is really not simple."

Li Wei really wanted to tell about Mr. Du's incident, but Mr. Du had already sternly warned him not to spread it...


A leader of Qinggang University was scared away with biubiubiu, how can he come out to mess around in the future?

Moreover, that incident revealed strangeness everywhere.

It was said that the killer was caught, but the gossip revealed that the real killer lived in a tavern in Qingshan Development Zone, and went to the shooting range to practice his gun skills every day...

"Why do you look so bad?"

"Maybe I have a cold."

"Back to the hotel!"

Chen Donghai let out a long breath, "Since you are unwilling to make a move, then you can go!"



Tianchao Xuanwu Pass.

The dog Ah Huang waved his paws goodbye to many wild wolves who came to 'beg for a child'.

The five black bears left on the pass were handed over to the second monk to raise them. If they were not obedient, they would use the stables if necessary.

In this way, maybe next year we will be able to film a Shenlong Continent extravaganza "Bears will never be slaves", or a sci-fi style "Bear Ball Rise", or a martial arts style "Tai Chi Bear"...

However, when leaving Neobras for Heihe International Airport, Ge Xiaotian always felt that Dao San, Seng Er, and Ah Huang were making eye contact, as if something was hiding from him...

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