Build Madness

Chapter 570 Water Daily Black Dragon Energy Supply Station Project

The old sow has long been sold, and it is impossible to verify whether it can climb trees, but it has become a rarity for dogs to climb trees.

It coincides with the morning of New Year's Eve, and it's okay for the whole village to post Spring Festival couplets. When they heard the noise, they all ran out.

Hearing the movement, Ge Xiaotian walked out of the alley with a broom for sweeping the walls and removing dust, and for pasting Spring Festival couplets. He looked up and saw Dahan under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village, with a rubber hammer on his shoulder, showing off his dog who came back from Mieru Liu.

The latter was unhurried, like a gecko, grasping the big banyan tree with all four limbs, clinging to the branches with his chest, while moving around, he climbed up the branch in twos and threes, and then stared fiercely at Dahan, his eyes seemed to be Said: If you have the kind, you come up!

It seems to say again: Hu Luoping Pingyang was bullied by dogs, if you have the guts, you go to Neobras...

The villagers who came running were amazed to see this scene.

"This is Ah Huang?"

"Hey, it's getting more and more demonic!"

"Tsk tsk, look at that look, it's really spiritual!"

"Hey? My dog ​​is almost ready for breeding!"

"good idea!"

hula la...

Immediately, six or seven uncles and aunts ran home...

Ah Huang on the tree trembled, jumped onto the roof of the old village head's house nearby, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

Ge Xiaotian laughed happily, and continued posting Spring Festival couplets at home...

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the dog Ah Huang jumped from the neighbor's roof to the small western-style building, opened the window of Ge Wangwang's room very skillfully, leaned over and jumped...

Then came Ge Wangwang's screams...

My eldest brother drank too much last night, and he is still sleeping with his head covered. It is estimated that Ah Huang jumped directly on the bed and hit a certain part...

Ge Xiaotian grinned, and continued to post Spring Festival couplets with Li Xiuxiu who didn't know why.

At this time, Li Suo drove Santana into the alley.

On New Year's Day in 2001, the old-fashioned green safety uniforms were officially retired and replaced with navy blue jackets and light blue shirts.

The corresponding epaulets have also undergone a major revision, with the four-pointed star replaced by flower beans...

Li Xiuxiu said hello to her second uncle and helped carry the gift from the back seat.

Ge Xiaotian touched Li Suo's epaulettes, "Hey, Uncle Li, two bars and three flowers, are you going to carry olive branches in the city?"

"It's early, you have to study."

"Oh? Where do you go for further study?"

"Academy of Social Sciences." (another education system)

Ge Xiaotian gave a thumbs up, "As expected of my second uncle."

It's nothing to visit at noon on New Year's Eve. After all, Comrade Ge Feng and Li Suo have known each other longer than Ge Xiaotian.

As for Lao Li meeting his in-laws today, there is no taboo.

A group of people ate, drank, and waited to send Lao Li's family away. The old village chief came to the door and told them to go to Lao Lin to worship their ancestors.

Bringing firecrackers, Er Tijiao, gold ingots, silver ingots, high-quality wine, and the necessary black donkey hooves, all the young and old in the village rushed to Lao Lin...

Times have changed, and the old ditch-like narrow path has now become a 15-meter-wide asphalt road due to the existence of the Xixiang plastic greenhouse planting base.

The fruit and vegetable farmers who are resting after the festival are busy loading trucks.

Several long-distance truck drivers seem to be calling home with their mobile phones...

Looking at the pass, this trip should be an overnight trip to Qinggang.

"It's not easy!" The second uncle was deeply touched by this.

"For a better life!"

Ge Xiaotian sent a text message to Daosi, and sent a box of codes to each of the overtime workers.

The treatment of Tiancheng employees has always been good, and there are a lot of subsidies during the holidays, and some codes are given to the old drivers to reduce their smoking.

As soon as he put down the smart card, the old village chief waved his hand, "Xiaotian, I heard that we are building a highway here?"

"It's early, don't worry, old man, I will definitely not move the grave. Entrusting this job to Datai Road Bridge is equivalent to entrusting it to Tian Cheng. How can I dig my own ancestral grave?"

"I think you are reluctant to pay the compensation?"

"Look at what you said, it's as if Ge Xiaotian and I got into Qian's eyes."



The fourth uncle who was walking next to him suddenly said, "Xiaotian, I think the highway you built is not easy to repair."

"Why? Qi Great Wall?"

"No. I heard that in order to get more compensation, the villages and towns in the north planted trees and built houses. Some people even added a floor to the original small bungalows regardless of whether it was reasonable or not."

"Such a tiger?"

Originally, Ge Xiaotian wanted to suppress the news of the highway repair, but he couldn't bear it and needed to report it.

Now anyone who has read the news should be able to calculate the approximate route of the high speed.

However, Datai Road Bridge is the contractor and cannot control this matter.

"Let's build it. Maybe the investor finds that the cost is too high and adjusts the route."

"I'm afraid that they will mess around and cause people's lives, and then rely on the Dataai Road Bridge construction team."

"Probably not. The Tiancheng Integrity System is related to the income of migrant workers and the future of the whole family. In addition, people are now accustomed to the benefits brought by the Limin Activity Center. If you want compensation, believe it or not, someone will build three floors, and even turn the yard into a house?"

"Isn't what you said too crazy?"

"Just a metaphor."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, there are even crazier ones, such as fake mouthguards, sudden pregnancy, quick marriage, quick divorce...

At least he met them all in another time and space.

And this time and space, maybe we will encounter it soon.

After all, the Huaxia population is there, Tian Cheng can find wasteland now, but after a few years, even in the south now, there is no wasteland, and it will definitely face demolition.

The fourth uncle didn't understand the meaning of this, so he asked a few more words, no more words.

When we arrived at Lao Lin, the surrounding troops with other surnames had already set off firecrackers and Er Tijiao.

The smoke was billowing, and the scene was solemn and lively.

There are not many generals in worshiping ancestors, line up, offer tributes, kowtow to pray for blessings, burn incense and worship, light fire and whip...

When Ge Xiaotian came home disheartened, his mother was making dumplings with his younger sister.

The SG projection is playing the Tiancheng Spring Festival Gala, while the large home color TV is playing Huaxia One after the sound is muted.

Wait a few hours, maybe the SG digital signal will experience the lowest ratings ever.

I can't help it, I watch Huaxia TV these days, no matter how well the other radio stations are doing, I'm still my younger brother...

2001 has not been year after year. At this moment, it is like broadcasting news on TV, reporting how to celebrate the New Year in various places.

The taste of the year is very strong.

Ge Xiaotian washed his face and put on a set of thermal underwear. He caught a glimpse of Ge Wangwang getting into the bathroom and was about to take a shower. He squinted his eyes and signaled Ah Huang, who was squatting next to the sofa and eating his younger sister's French fries, to go in and accompany him.

Unexpectedly, the dog's face was full of disgust, and he raised his front paw to cover his nose...

The mother and younger sister who made dumplings were immediately amused when they saw this scene.

Comrade Ge Feng swayed and lit a cigarette, and sat aside with his legs crossed, "It's strange to say, but if you count the age carefully, this dog is about six or seven years old, which is equivalent to over half a hundred people. Why do you feel that this guy is still so energetic?"

"It can't be converted like this. It needs science and testing, such as bone age, cell vitality, etc. I listened to the report of the scientific research institute, and it is only thirteen or four."

"Tsk tsk!"

Comrade Ge Feng sighed, and turned his head to look at Ah Huang who was squatting next to the sofa, "The year before last and last year, I thought this dog was too lively and active, and I planned to find a time to castrate it, but unfortunately I never had time..."

Ah Huang who was eating French fries froze, his ears pricked up...

"Drinking with Lao Li at noon, when I mentioned this matter, he said that he would come again after the seventh day of the lunar new year. He raises pigs all the year round, and he is also a good hand with pigs. Naturally, there is no problem in handling dogs..."

Ah Huang suddenly lost his composure. He pushed away the little girl's French fries, and didn't dare to look at the 'Tai Shang Huang'. He stood up and walked towards the door as if nothing had happened.

Ge Feng didn't know about Ah Huang's change. Seeing him run away, he was a little puzzled, "Eh? Is there a rabbit in the yard?"

"No, maybe it wants to go out and relax."

Ge Xiaotian suppressed his smile and took out his smart card, "Father, let's chat about the second project entrusted to your company."

Comrade Ge Feng worked on the first phase of the project for more than half a year, from May Day to the end of January in the Gregorian calendar.

mainly include:

Heilong River and Songhua River Channel,

Liquid oxygen pure ethanol processing plant,

Feige Electric Vehicle Assembly Branch,

Reprocessing of new cement clinker...

Things like community and business are all Papa's own projects.

In 2001, it seemed that Tiancheng had no projects, but in fact, Millennium had accumulated a lot of contracts.

For example, the steel structure workshops of manufacturers such as Sinotruk, Jiefang, and Wuzheng, Xingyue Bay in Zaoshi New City, Jishi Municipal Subway Project, Dongshan Water Conservancy Project...

In addition, it is the energy supply station that is the most important thing in the family.

Tiancheng is constructing in Huaxia, and cannot use the mass-produced steam machinery of the system, nor can it use the remodeled heavy oil gas engine equipment. One is pollution, and the other is that it does not meet the standards.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the impact of fuel supply on Tiancheng is still huge.

Before cooperating with CNOOC, if he wanted to take the initiative, or to help Dongshan Petrochemical's retired boss, Lao Qian, to become the chairman of CNOOC, Tiancheng had to spend the corresponding capital.

Northeast China looks like a heavy industrial zone, but its agriculture is also developed. Although it failed to win the title of the largest agricultural province, it lost the title of the largest grain province.

Most of the talents recruited by Tiancheng Machinery Department come from the agricultural machinery maintenance station. In addition to the production of Sancha and Wuling, Daliu Machinery Factory's original line of business is still the manufacture of agricultural machinery.

Yang Dingfeng's in-law, Lin Yang, has been with Tiancheng for a whole year, and his nephew is in the Auto Trade City, so he is a trustworthy person.

If he opened his tractor sales center all over the villages and towns in the northeast, and set up energy supply stations to sell the diesel provided by CNOOC, it would not only expand the agricultural machinery business in Daliuzhuang, but also increase the sales of Feige electric vehicles, and bring Tiancheng a lot of bargaining chips. .

Whether it makes money or not is not important for the time being. The key point is that in this year, two barrels of oil have not yet entered the northeast towns, where most of them are private gas stations.

Let's talk about it, transform it, change it from a miscellaneous brand to CNOOC, I guess those small bosses will be very happy.

As for the black painting...

My family has never been afraid. It is so close to Neobras, and I have saved air tickets.

Moreover, when I visited Comrade Ge Feng on May Day, the Bingcheng Olive Branch who had dinner with him has now been promoted to Black Dragon Olive Branch.

Another is that the early development of the Northeast countryside can also prevent several large cities from being dragged down by heavy industry.

As for the other two provinces...

It's not the case that the second uncle is always on the go. It's better to go to Liao Province and Kyrgyzstan Province to discuss cooperation with private gas stations in the name of the general manager of Tianji.

At that time, with a secretary, maybe the second aunt will have...


After introducing the transformation of the old gas station in Northeast China, Ge Xiaotian put away the smart card,

"Father, how about asking Tianxie to entrust this project to your company?"

"I'm opening two new construction sites in Jiamu City. I'm afraid there are not enough people."

"It's okay, the deputy manager of your company is tall and has many relatives in the Northeast. If you ask him, it is estimated that many local people will be recruited in a few minutes."

"I do not know how?"

"There's a lot you don't know."


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