Build Madness

Chapter 571 Second Uncle, Hey Niu! (seeking a monthly ticket)

These days, private gas stations in villages and towns are very messy. Not to mention the steel structure sites, some don’t even have refueling equipment, just lift the oil can, or roll the oil drum, and pour it directly.

Phenomena such as unlicensed operation, resale of waste engine oil processing, and injection of refined oil into water through physical synthesis, these phenomena abound.

How to transform, how to absorb self-employed, need a detailed plan.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian chatted with Comrade Ge Feng all afternoon before they settled the matter.

Tianxie invested 200 million yuan and entrusted Comrade Ge Feng to form a new construction company, and then rebuilt or built 2,000 energy supply stations for Tianxie in Heilong Province.

In addition, Tianheng Automobile Trading invested 6 billion yuan and entrusted Comrade Ge Feng to form a new energy company, and then won the land of these 2,000 energy supply stations, and registered various operating procedures for them.

An average of three million per seat.

In 2001, 3 million can almost build a super-large gas station, but the new energy supply station not only needs oil tanks, but also liquid oxygen and pure ethanol storage devices, as well as batteries and power generation devices...

Comrade Ge Feng needs to purchase money from Tianxie, Longtian, Weihua, and BYAD, so more than half of the 6.2 billion will be returned.

In addition, these 2000 energy supply stations are not owned by Tiancheng, Tianxie, or Comrade Ge Feng.

Instead, it was sold to CNOOC, and it was regarded as the performance of the old money and the new appointment.

As for how much to sell...

Can the average person afford so many energy supply stations?

Therefore, it should be expensive.

"By the way, dad, where is my second uncle celebrating the new year?"

"I was dragged away by Li Suo in the afternoon."

"Li Suo? Does he not work overtime?"

"Drink at noon, rest in the afternoon, and return to the county early tomorrow morning."

"Tsk tsk, these two old bachelors spend the Spring Festival together..."

"if not?"

"Actually, my company also has a group of bachelors..."

The strong man sees engineering, while the violent peasant woman sees business. The former needs time to complete the project, while the latter needs time to perfect. When the two factors are added together, about 30,000 of the 80,000 farmers now have no wives.

Let's gather the bachelors around Sancha Township, let's make the two second uncles happy...

Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes, and called the person in charge of the Tiancheng headquarters...


Sancha Township.

in a courtyard.

"Life is proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves……"

"Don't make the golden cup empty to the moon..."

Uncle Li and Uncle Ge, with cigarettes in their mouths, guarded a table of sumptuous dishes and exchanged cups.

At this time, a cool breeze suddenly blows in outside the house...

The two shivered, looked at each other, and turned their heads to look out...

house door.

A strange man with bird feathers on his head and painted face, like an African chief, is holding the sky with his hands empty, his buttocks are twisting left and right, and his feet are stepping on the ground quickly, "Woo la la, hey hey!"

Uncle Li: "..."

Uncle Ge: "..."

Immediately, the two of them exploded, "Damn!"

However, before the two got up, two weird men in the same costume and in the same posture jumped out from behind the weird man again.

"Woo la la, hey yo yo..."


The next moment, six popped out!


Then, twelve...


And then, the yard is full of...

The second uncle couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and looked carefully again, only to find that the courtyard wall was full of woo la la...

"Hey yo hey yo..."


"Goddamn Ge Xiaotian, believe it or not, I'll beat you out of shit!"

"Second Uncle, good boy, you have to recognize the situation."


"Second Uncle, after the next year, I have a job..."

"you say……"

"Well, this... this... and this..."

"You let them go, I'll take over the job!"

"Don't worry, I will spend this year with you, and you will go on the road together."


"Think about it, if the small owners of private gas stations play tricks on us, or the local hooligans stop us from opening energy supply stations, if you use this trick at that time, or put on a zombie outfit, who can resist?"

"A bastard like you came out of Lao Ge's house, it's really..."

"Green smoke is rising from the ancestral grave!"

"Where's your face?"

"The old village head said it!"


"Second uncle, hey Mr. Niu!"

"Hey, sir!"

"Dad, your second brother scolded you!"

"Beep beep..."

After hanging up the phone over there, Ge Feng raised his foot and kicked the chair under Ge Xiaotian's buttocks, "You're really spoiled!"

Ge Wangwang curled his lips, thinking of being imprisoned by someone for a whole summer, he felt the same way, "Father, you just found out now?"

Ge Sanni was cooking with her mother in the kitchen, so she couldn't express her opinion for the time being...

"Hey, you don't understand. According to my second uncle's temper, if I don't do this, he can help me go to the Northeast to open up the market? Besides, my second uncle has a lot of comrades in arms there! Such a resource, it is a waste to not use it."

Comrade Ge Feng and Ge Wangwang couldn't help moving their chairs away from the table where the three of them had tea...



Dongshan Spring Festival is popular to eat dumplings.

Especially in this year, wrap a few rice dumplings on New Year's Eve, and you can eat until the third or even fifth day of the junior high school!

(柸子: After the top section of the sorghum is removed, a tray made of poles is also called a scorpion in dialect. It looks like a steamer, but it is rarely used to distill things. It is mainly used to place dumplings, steamed buns, and cakes that have not been cooked. , Osmunda, etc.)

The meal on New Year's Eve in Dongshan is generally not as rich as the meal at noon tomorrow.

According to ordinary families, peel the head of garlic, pour some vinegar and sesame oil, and two or three bowls of dumplings per person, this is a very rich New Year's Eve dinner.

Of course, if the family has money, it is not exempt.

Deep-fried peppers, fried sesame seeds with salt, mashed garlic mixed with vinegar, stewed a big rooster, boiled a pot of dumplings, put the first three in the middle, and the last two in a big bowl for each person...

Simple, unpretentious, and down-to-earth, the main reason is... my mother doesn't know how to cook.

This one doesn't know how to cook, not referring to daily meals, but that he doesn't know how to tinker with so many tricks.

Ge Xiaotian wanted to show off, but there was a warning sign posted on the door of the kitchen: No second child allowed!

"Let's eat, let's eat, I announce that today's stewed chicken is delicious!" The little girl yelled and handed out the chopsticks.

"Looks like you did it!"

Ge Xiaotian walked out of the living room, ran to the grocery room in the corner of the yard, and took out a box of five-star Maotai that had been left here for a long time, and took a look at the Tianwei guarding the old house.

Looking at the food, in addition to dumplings, there are pork knuckles, pig trotters, pig ears, wild goose legs, spicy beef, Maji roast chicken...

There are more than a dozen kinds of large and small portions, which are richer than their own.

Ge Xiaotian ignored the four foodies and returned to the living room with the wine in his arms.

"Where's your bodyguard?" Mom took off her apron and looked out the door.

"Did you smell the roast chicken?"

Ge Wangwang sniffed, "I've smelled it since evening!"

"But our family cooks stewed chicken!" Ge Sanni looked around.

"Then do you smell the spicy beef?"

"A little too!" Comrade Ge Feng nodded.

"They've eaten it."


Ge Xiaotian filled the wine glasses for everyone, "Leave them alone, come, come, say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, let's have a toast first!"

At the same time, the extended news broadcast is over, and the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin.

Before the opening, Lao Jia's mahogany furniture opened a 30-second advertisement, which first caught the eye.

After that, Longtian Smart Life, Tianheng Sancha Wuling, Feige Energy-saving Electric Vehicle...

Last year, Tianfu Fenhuang Coke spent nearly 200 million yuan in advertising expenses, but the brand did not make much profit. This year's advertising space is much cheaper.

In addition, Tiancheng used the XBA, Sancha Cup, K.O Martial Arts Competition and other competition broadcasting rights in exchange for prime time, as well as the Lotus Sports Center, UFO Stadium, and public service advertisements for the Olympic bid, and Tiancheng used his own property to provide for his superiors. Propaganda film about China's prosperity and national rejuvenation...

This Spring Festival, Huaxia TV is destined to become the big stage of Tiancheng series.

As long as it's an ad, it's definitely mine!

how much did you spend?

After filming so many public service advertisements and rebroadcasting so many sports events, the higher-ups have spoken, so how dare you talk about money?

Of course, some money still needs to be paid, and 1 billion won the seven-day holiday.

After dinner, it's exactly eight o'clock.

The 2001 Spring Festival Gala officially started...

'Let's meet at this happy place...'

"Let me just say, the stage is too small, the style of painting is too old, and it doesn't match the national rejuvenation publicity film shot by Tiancheng's industrial chain. This is called the difference of the times." Ge Xiaotian looked at the singer with Haonan's hair style, while sucking Watermelons from Qihe plastic greenhouses, while complaining.

"I heard that you are going to set up a branch venue for Xiaoqingshan, why is there no movement?"

"I was rejected, saying that there is no precedent. However, it should be fine next year. Then, heh... I want a stud!" Ge Xiaotian glanced at the number of wonders in the system, no more, no less, and added five big chimneys .

God of War Chiyou, God of War Xingtian, Kuafu Chasing the Sun, Houyi Shooting the Sun, Shennong Baicao, Fuxi Gossip, Nuwa Created Man.

Adding the No. 1 town center, the era-level spectacle "Dayu Water Control", and the company's increasingly mature projection technology, this is simply a visual feast with its own special effects.

Of course, this year's gala is also good.

The four major artistic categories of singing and dancing, sketches, cross talk, and opera took turns, and the atmosphere was warm and the scene was booming.

Especially selling abduct...

Uncle Shan changed his lines: Ge Baiyi said, take two steps, if you are not sick, take two steps!

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