Build Madness

Chapter 572: News from Xu Cheng during the Spring Festival

Ge's old house.

Eating, drinking and drinking on New Year's Eve, welcome the New Year with laughter and laughter.

At 11:30 in the evening, the Olympic bid album provided by Tianyu was presented to everyone as the background of the poetry recitation.

"The vicissitudes of life, the ups and downs, the great motherland has gone through hardships and ups and downs..."

"We shoulder the historical mission of crossing the century, and we are unwilling to lag behind our predecessors..."

"We must inherit and carry forward the fearless spirit of the pioneers who are not afraid of difficulties and advance openly..."

"Emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, and look forward in unity!"

"Facing modernization, facing the world, facing the future..."

In the sonorous and powerful recitations of the four hosts, accompanied by bursts of children singing...

'The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind, and the song of victory is so loud..."

The background changes slowly:

The heavy-duty truck fleet that can't be seen at the end, the huge and massive heavy machinery group, the vast and shocking construction site, the magnificent and picturesque inland river transportation...

With the launch of the Shenzhou-2 carrier rocket, hundreds of scientific researchers turned on the SG single-chip microcomputer, rubbed the keyboard, and called out a series of high-tech data...

Immediately, the screen changed, showing many new electronic products, new types of fruits and vegetables, and a bumper harvest of grain...

Football field, basketball field, arena... All kinds of professional athletes are fighting hard.

In the company, in the workshop, in the farmland... Hundreds of millions of people are working hard.

Teaching buildings, libraries, computer rooms... all the students are studying hard...


The New Year's bell rings, the fireworks shine, and the colorful light illuminates most of Sancha Township...

The millennium is gone...

Mom and dad go to bed, have a little sleep, and get up early to pay New Year's greetings.

Ge Xiaotian went back to the room and flipped through the Baixiaotong platform.

When people enter the era of information explosion, they are exposed to more and more new things, and their respective pursuits become unpredictable, which leads to differences in opinions on certain things.

Like the New Year's Eve party.

In previous years, there was a gathering of stars, but this year it was completely dispersed.

Lao Niu went to Meng County as a deputy leader, Aunt Zhao was recuperating in Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chen and Zhu could not come back, even Lao Feng, who "wanted to kill you", and Uncle Pan, who cooperated with Wu Dalang in Dwarf King, did not participate this year .

The number of famous comedians has decreased, the sketches are only responsible for selling abductees, there are more songs, Brother Haonan, and the others have left little impression...

Therefore, the comments in the forum are mixed.


The problem of "crooked buildings" on the Internet is very serious in this time and space. While talking about the gala, more and more netizens began to scold Ge Baiyi...

"Anyway, last year Tiancheng held more than a dozen gala performances, but this year they all died down and there was no news."

"Tian Cheng is on a long vacation, so he probably wasn't prepared."

"Fart, there's an XBA All-Star Game in the afternoon of the first day of junior high school!"

"Either Ge Baiyi has changed!"

"Didn't you watch the SG Digital Signal Gala?"

"I can't receive one from Huaxia, so what are you doing?"

"I thought so too, but I opened SG and took a look. Guess who I saw?"

"Don't guess! Go directly to the picture!"

"JPG, Chen Beisi with a funny face, and Zhu wearing Tang Monk's headgear."


"What sketch is this?"

"Take the bus, the story is about a series of funny things caused by a migrant worker returning to Dongshan due to too many changes..."

"I saw it, you don't know, I laughed so hard that all the dumplings I ate last night spewed out!"


"Especially that part of 'beep', swiping the card, people really swiped the card, and Lao Chen swiped it by mouth, that wretched look reminds me of eating noodles."


"Haha, later when he saw someone swiping with the smart card in his trouser pocket, he also swiped his butt..."


"An artist is an artist, and he can always catch a laugh in the details of life..."

"Yes, the SG picture quality is high-definition, and the tangled expression on his face can make people laugh."

"Have you all seen it?"

"Sure! However, non-Dongshan residents are not recommended to watch it, because there are many things in it, related to Tiancheng's industrial chain, and those who don't have Tiancheng's industry, probably won't get to that point."

"What do you mean? We're behind?"

"I did not say!"

"Stop chatting, I'll watch the SG replay."

"I'm leaving too!"

"Slip away, watch it again!"

"Sorry, the screening has just ended, and the rebroadcast on SG digital signal will cost five yuan each time!"

"Beep the dog's Ge Baiyi!"

"Is this guy looking for money?"

"five yuan?"


Ge Erdan: "Made, you didn't watch it when I was free, but now that it's charged, you rush to watch it again, blame me?"

"Grass, is this guy spying on the screen?"

"Where is your son, let's go!"


At four o'clock in the morning, Comrade Ge Feng got up early.

After my mother burned incense and cooked dumplings, Ge Wangwang squinted and lit firecrackers...

In the southwestern part of Dongshan and Shandong, there is a custom in the morning of the first day of junior high school to kowtow to the elders.

Ge Xiaotian didn't know what the specific meaning was, he only knew about his own lineage, and it seemed that there had been this 'rule' since a long time ago, saying that it was thanks to the elders for their kindness in nurturing.

In the future, everyone will raise their own children. There is no such thing as that.

But in this year, like a hero who eats shit, he is indeed raised by the whole village. For example, if anyone cooks something delicious, they will send him a copy.

Even when my mother came back from the Northeast, she still wanted to buy him a big bag of pistachios and pine nuts.

And in Ge Xiaotian's memory, he also enjoyed this kind of treatment when he was a child.

The family is poor, aunts, sisters-in-law, and many grandmothers, either give some boiled 'nest beef', or steamed hornets, noodles, and sweet potato leaves...

Maybe it's because of the same family, or maybe it's because everyone is poor. In short, every era has its own characteristics, and it should be kowtowed or kowtowed.

It's just that, after eating two boiled eggs and not eating dumplings, Brother Hao rushed into the old house.

He didn't enter the house either, and stood outside and shouted:

"Uncle, aunt, I, Lao Ding, have come to pay New Year's greetings to you two!"


That's really knocking!

Even Ah Huang, who was squatting at the door and taking a nap, was shocked, thinking that Butcher Li had come to castrate the dog...

"Are you stupid?"

Ge Xiaotian pulled it in, and his mother took a cigarette that had been prepared a long time ago.

Brother Hao quickly refused, and happily scratched his bald head, "Hurry up, hurry up, I will go back to my hometown later."

"Is the second child born?" My mother remembered this fat black man who lived in Xiaoqingshan Bieyuan.

"It's born, it's a kid again!"

"Good thing, Jiawang, another one!"


After chatting for a while, Da Mao and Er Mao also came to pay New Year's greetings, followed by Brother Lei, and several third and fourth uncles.

Ge Xiaotian remembered the New Year's greetings to his second uncle last night, so he hurriedly called Chongqi to be his guard.

It's a pity that the second uncle is a bit weird today, he is pulling his shoulders, as if he has been hollowed out, drowsy, and he doesn't bother to talk to his second nephew...

Not long after, the line handed down from my grandfather, all the men arrived, the women went to the Grandma Temple (Wangmu Temple), and the former went to the old village chief's house.

Walking into the yard, the ground has been covered with straw mats, and a red carpet has been added on top.

This is a scene that has never happened in previous years, after all, the old man is rich.

The courtyard was full of young and old men from the side branches of the clan, waiting for the main branch to lead them to worship their ancestors.

Unlike Zu Lin, this time he bowed to the tablet and a huge canvas engraved with the tablet.

Afterwards, they went door to door, visiting each other to pay New Year's greetings...

For example, go to the Second Grandpa first, and then go to see the nagging Seventh Aunt...

Qigu is not really crazy, Daoyi diagnosed her specially before, saying that it is the power of faith, very strong!

Think about it, too. Compared with the older generation, modern people do have less positive beliefs, so that it is difficult to create miracles in certain things.

What miracle?

Isn't it a miracle to use an abacus to roll artificial satellites and "peaceful world"?

After strolling around the east of the village, we will take a stroll around the middle of the village, and then come to Qiye's house at the west end of the village.

The crooked house has been demolished a long time ago, and now it has been replaced with a small western-style building with a patio that is almost the same as the third master.

It's just that the seventh master picks up junk, the third master works in machinery, and the latter can repair the steel garage, and the seventh master can't mess with this iron guy.

It is said that this year, the repair of the garage alone cost more than a hundred thousand...

After the New Year's greetings, Master Qi called Ge Xiaotian to stop.

"Second brother, I'm going on a long trip this year, and I don't think I'll be able to come back for a long time. You need to arrange someone for the antique shop."

"It's okay, you can go to work at ease."

"The shooting range is also the same. The second and youngest, the three of us will go together."

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"You don't even know."


Although Ge Xiaotian was curious, he knew that even though Da Liu Zhuang took out several hundred million yuan in loans and loans, to this group of veterans with secrets, it was probably just money on the bright side.

At least, the intelligence department has not yet found their remaining brother who is wandering overseas.

Well, the youngest is one of them.

The legendary killer!

However, the other party was not targeting him, and Ge Xiaotian didn't bother to care.

Walking out of Qiye's house, a group of people came to the house of the healthy, well-fed dart grandmother.

This is Tianwei's patriarch, and he should pay New Year's greetings.

In addition, this is also the youngest teacher's wife, it seems that she has some other skills, such as the legendary bone shrinking skill, tortoise breathing technique, flying over the wall...

The tortoise breath technique and the flying eaves and walls, the monks will be able to, cooperate with the exercises, and practice for a long time, even ordinary people can learn superficially, and if they are very talented in this area, non-system personnel can also learn the truth.

But the bone shrinking exercise, according to Taoism, is not just as simple as shortening the distance of bones.

It's 'collapse'.

Tighten the joints, and then rely on the ligaments, the big tendons collapse, even if there is no movement, it can injure the enemy by an inch.

Especially with coins and steel balls, with just a few snaps of your fingers, the enemy will either die or be injured...

Therefore, it is not a skill to save life, but a skill to kill the enemy.

The principle is a bit like the combination of jujitsu, yoga, and inch strength, but it needs to be practiced from an early age.

Tianwei's bones have grown solid, and he can't learn it at all. Ge Xiaotian didn't plan to let others learn it, but wanted to see if the old lady had other unique skills.

Some things, if you don't learn them, maybe they will be lost from now on, and then people in the future will say they don't exist...

At least, Ge Xiaotian has seen an old master who came to discuss Buddhist principles with Seng Er because of K.O martial arts hegemony.

The opponent's knees are not bent, and he can jump up the 80-centimeter step with only the soles of his feet...

Well, go to wish the master a new year.

Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian was no longer of his own clan, so he simply left the main force, and went to Xiaoqingshan with Dao Si and Seng Si.

This afternoon, here will usher in a new round of free frenzy.

The folks and elders in the ten miles and eight villages finish New Year's greetings in the morning, sleep in the cage in the morning, and have a team member meal at noon. It is estimated that they will all come to play in the afternoon.

Free eating, drinking and having fun is an event organized by Tianle Tourism, corresponding to the comprehension mainland game, the name is: Celebrate the New Year together.

At that time, in the real scene projection game, it will be turned into a CG animation, and new fashions will be on the shelves...

Master Zhen lives on a certain mountain on the west side.

At the beginning, it was said that a representative traditional mythology template would be built for each hilltop, but now the Fairyland Garden has been completed, and it is only waiting for the big project "Huaxia Traditional Culture Center" to go online.

needs time.

The master is indeed a true master, who practices Zen and realizes the Tao. I heard that he does not believe in gods and Buddhas, but only recognizes all living beings.

It's a pity that the other party has not joined the official certification system, so he can be regarded as a wild monk.

Of course, the master among Tiancheng monks is also a wild monk.

After all, who has ever seen a master who litigates every day?

Ge Xiaotian sat quietly with Master Zhen for a while, drank a cup of Kuding tea, saw that the old god was there, and fell asleep, so he chose to leave.

Walking down the mountain and coming to the tavern, Mr. Ren Zhongqiang was also drinking tea, accompanied by Dao Yi from the Aerospace Center, and the two were chatting about health-preserving ingredients.

"Where's the youngest?"

"Just left."

"So fast?"

"It was packed yesterday, but unfortunately the number of buses has been reduced by two-thirds during the Spring Festival, so we can only wait until ten o'clock this morning, and it's almost noon now."

"All right."

Ge Xiaotian strolled around and was about to go home for dinner when he suddenly received a call from Xu Cheng's office.

The supervisor over there was released as early as the second day after Mr. Governor arrived at Xingyue Bay in Xucheng.

The only resistance encountered by the project at present is a high-voltage power line that was installed before the land acquisition.

The other party is playing tricks, and it is very easy to move away. If it is windy and rainy, who can guarantee that the lightning will not strike the electric tower?

Ge Xiaotian really planned to do this before, but when he met Chen Donghai, he suddenly thought, Huaxia Petrochemical is in the south, will the two parties be related?

At least, Chen Donghai found Shen Zhipeng and Wei Changfeng, but he didn't go to Shanghai to discuss cooperation.

If it is as imagined, the resistance that Cheng encounters when going south that day will double.

Thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian pressed the answer button.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, Mr. Governor went to Jishi."

"Ok, I know."

"My supervisor went in again and was arrested this morning."


Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "This is for me!"

"In addition, there is a Jingcheng Overseas Investment Group who contacted our supervisor and said that they want to buy Xingyue Bay in Xucheng."

"Is she unable to think about it, and she is eyeing my property, or is there someone behind her?"

"Uh... Boss, you mean?" The other end of the phone obviously didn't understand what Ge Xiaotian was talking about.

"No, I won't sell! For the pre-sold commercial houses, the compensation should continue to be compensated. Anyway, I can afford it. In addition, I will inform these owners that if they want a refund, Xingyue Bay in Xucheng will handle it as soon as possible after the opening of the seventh day. If you want to buy other Tiancheng Group will also give corresponding discounts for the same type of commercial houses in prefectures and cities. If you insist on buying, Tiancheng will try its best to fight with the locals, and I hope the owner can understand Tiancheng's difficulties and say, these are my Ge Baiyi's words."


Putting down the smart card, Ge Xiaotian counted the days, Tiancheng Group had a big holiday, and was supposed to start work in the middle of the twelfth lunar month, but due to the deployment of many equipment for overseas projects, the start date was delayed again.

But after preparing for so long, Da Mao should have completed the new equipment.

Zaoshi Xincheng is very close to Xucheng, so by chance it can be a big event.

However, before starting construction, you need to take a look at the No. 1 town center, which is the mountain base.

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