Build Madness

Chapter 573 Headquarters Station Ah Huang Surrenders Tian Cheng Starts Construction

Tiancheng Headquarters has not carried out drastic construction. Half a year later, except for a large solar photovoltaic panel, it is basically the same as before.

Three or four underground entrances disguised as villas, six or seven sets of sewage facilities, two roads leading to the outside world, and no other eye-catching buildings.

The aerospace center located underground was operating normally during the Spring Festival, and scientific research and network personnel collectively challenged the hackers of the Science and Technology Alliance to invade the SG matrix.

SG is not afraid of computer viruses, but can rely on computer viruses for self-improvement.

But there is a premise that it needs to have a large enough storage space.

It works differently than binary, for example:

Command A is harmless and can be used after passing the test.

Command B is harmful, and shields the protection system.

The C command, that is, the Trojan horse thrown by the hacker, cannot be identified, dumped to the memory, and then reverse cracked in the idle time, and traced the source of the file.

Downloading files occupies the network signal channel, and storing files requires more hardware support.

Therefore, the Aerospace Research Center is working overtime to develop functions such as intelligent filtering of duplicate files, intelligent cleaning of useless files, and intelligent shielding of malicious network resources.

This has nothing to do with the SG products in the hands of customers. Unless the SG matrix is ​​compromised, the Shenlong account server with data cannot be compromised.

As for the Shenlong account...

Specifically, it is a bit similar to iCloud in another time and space. If the device is lost and the Shenlong account is operated through other devices, the lost device will be permanently bricked, and the user can also retrieve the cloud data through the Shenlong account, which is great for business people. It is far more important than equipment.

The next step for Longtian Technology Group is to reduce the cost of equipment, standardize services, make a lot of money with cloud applications stored in the SG parent, and completely bind every user.

(Similar to Google targeting Weihua, Weihua was forced to study HMS and Hongmeng system)

Therefore, around the turn of the millennium, there is only one way to defeat the technology alliance.

Of course, you must have your own equipment, your own software service provider, and your own operating ecosystem.

That's why, even though Ge Xiaotian racked his brains and exhausted all kinds of methods, Longtian has not made any money so far, and even put in cheap electronic components worth hundreds of billions.

This is the main reason why the superior subsidizes Longtian with billions of funds.

After all, apart from Huaxia officials, no one would start a company that loses money. (Commentary, not derogatory, in order to keep technology and manufacturing, some industries must be developed even if they lose money, otherwise they will be suppressed by others.)

Moreover, in the next few years, Longtian Technology may lose more.

But once it succeeds, with real estate and a smart life, it will be possible to become the richest man in the mother planet...

In order to be the richest man, Ge Xiaotian didn't bother the aerospace researcher, but came to the valley where the center of No. 1 town was hidden.

Different from the No. 2 deep-sea base, No. 1 has become short and exquisite after being upgraded. It is only six meters long, two meters wide, and 1.5 meters high. Its body size is not even comparable to tua.

The front and rear wheels have two crawlers, the middle is suspended in the air, and the top is a gas turbine, which needs to be exchanged for aviation kerosene to supplement fuel.

According to the parameters given by the system, this thing has no special functions and is only suitable for mountain running.

Most of its self-contained buildings are steel structures in mountainous areas, and the list of machinery is basically smelting, processing, and production equipment, which are very old.

This made Ge Xiaotian a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, it's actually not bad to drag it out and sell it for money.

Just like Jifu Steel Plant, many furnaces have been used for more than 50 years, which is far inferior to the old equipment in the system.

"What the hell am I, a real estate developer, want to learn from Chen Feng and become a second-hand dealer?"

Ge Xiaotian denied this idea, got on the main base that looked like a classic car, cut into the system perspective, and walked around the valley.

this feeling...

Compared with the super tractor obtained by the card bug, it is really spicy.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with mediocrity, the main base is mainly hidden.

After making arrangements for Town Center No. 1, Ge Xiaotian went home for dinner.


Walking into the old house, Comrade Ge Feng was training his son.

Listening to the conversation between the two fathers, it was still Ge Wangwang who was passively trying to get her pregnant.

On New Year's Eve, Dad and Lao Li met their in-laws, but now they seem to want to meet another family...

"Dad, don't scold me, Mom, I have something delicious at noon hour. Our company will start work soon, and I guess we won't see each other for a long time."

Comrade Ge Feng tapped the silent Ge Wangwang, "Pack up your things, my second son is going away, so let's go to Qinggang today!"

"Father, today is the first day of the new year, do you really want to meet your in-laws?"

"Tomorrow, I will go back to my mother's house on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and stay there for one night, just in time to propose a marriage!"


The old mother who was standing on the sidelines was immediately amused, "Your father wants to hug his grandson early!"


Ge Xiaotian was also happy, "Okay, I'll call Yuanyang and arrange accommodation for you at night. Where's my little sister?"

"Definitely go, we can know what other people think when we talk with each other in private."

"Mom, I think you are also in a hurry to hug your grandson?"

"If you work harder, am I in a hurry? I've been busy with the company all day, I heard you haven't seen Xiuxiu for half a year?"

"No way, we text and chat every day. Before looking for you and Dad in the first half of the year, we both lived in the capital for more than two months as a young couple."

"Tsk tsk..."

My mother shook her head, "Take less supplements, let nature take its course, you are still young, don't worry."

"What supplement?"

"Here, you are the endorser of all the brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying pills that your father sold to your brother."


Ge Xiaotian was startled, "Why isn't the door closed yet?"

"Why is it closed? I've seen special counters in Northeast pharmacies, and the promotional slogan... After eating Ge Aoao, my wife agrees!"


What the hell am I!

Ge Xiaotian turned around, the little follower was not Dao Er, "Dao Si, where is your second senior brother?"

"Boss, Dao Er took the initiative to go to Africa."


Mom patted Ge Xiaotian on the back, "I've become a big boss now, don't be like a hooligan, send him to Niao Bu Shit and sell slippers in Africa."

"No way! By the way, mom, come here, I really got you a piece of natural dog's head gold. Tomorrow, when you go to meet your in-laws, hang it on your waist and wear it with a big gold necklace, a big gold bracelet, and a big gold headgear. There is also a pure gold dragon-head crutch, and a golden shoe decoration, tsk tsk, this is the momentum!"

"Get lost!" Ge Feng raised his foot and kicked over, "Are you going to dress your mother up as a statuette?"

"It's so ugly, this is old lady Duobao!"

"Am I that old?" Mom suddenly became unhappy.

"You're not old, I'll ask you to make a few sets of pure gold masks for your beauty!"

Comrade Ge Feng immediately pulled out his belt, "You son of a bitch, do you know that I have been having nightmares for the past six months? Every time I dream of the Pharaoh of Egypt!"


Ge Xiaotian was slightly stunned, saw the belt, and ran away, "Well, I won't eat, I have something to do at the company, Dad, don't give it away!"

"I'll see you off, uncle, get out of here!"

"Go back and get beaten, doesn't that mean I'm stupid?"


Running out of the alley, Comrade Ge Feng did not catch up.

On the avenue, Dahan was chasing his dog with a rubber hammer in his hand.

Ah Huang saw his master and ran to flatter him.

See what that means: As long as you save me, I will give you good things!


"Second brother, it drilled into my bed and grabbed my quilt!"


Ge Xiaotian rubbed the dog's head, "It is indeed necessary to hit it, but, Dahan, wait a minute, I will talk to it."


One person and one dog, back to the alley again.

"Tell me, what's good!"

Ah Huang waved his dog's paw, hugged the air, and took a mouthful...

"What do you mean? Want to eat bones?"

Ah Huang looked left and right, but couldn't find anything to describe, so he bit Ge Xiaotian's trouser leg and pulled it in the direction of Sishu Hutong.


However, when passing by the fourth uncle's house, Ah Huang did not go in, but came to the small courtyard where Qi Feifei used to live.

Since the body was dug up here, and it is a dead end, there are few people around.

The paint on the gate was peeled off, the top of the wall was damaged, and a large part of the roof of the tile-roofed house collapsed.

Ge Xiaotian panicked a little cautiously.

But Ah Huang got into the hole in the wall that was almost blocked by snow.

Dao Si walked to the gate, carefully looked at the old-fashioned iron rod-shaped lock, stretched out his hand to lift and push, and directly removed the gate...

Sure enough, it worked wonders.

Ge Xiaotian was a little speechless.

The old-fashioned wooden door is locked, and it is difficult to remove it, because the bottom and top are stuck by stone blocks, but if you are clever, let the bottom door pillar leave the stone groove, that is, lift it up, and then push the lower part, so that the door is inward. Tilting, but both doors can be removed.

The old-fashioned gates in the countryside are all made of solid wood, and most people don't have such great strength, but Dao Si's sudden burst of strength is fiercer than heavy riding, so it is not difficult to do so.

Ge Xiaotian shrugged and walked into the yard.

Ah Huang was squatting at the door of the kitchen where the corpse was buried.

The body was taken away by Li, but Qi Feifei didn't come back, so there was no one to deal with the big pit.


There are a lot of black plastic bags that hold fish in it.

Dao Si stepped forward and opened them one by one, revealing piles of yellow and white things.

"Boss, there are all big and small yellow croakers, as well as gold and silver jewelry."


"Look at the degree of oxidation, the preservation is very good, look at the quantity..."

"Don't look at it, I guess there must be a cow trough, or an old-fashioned cow trough!"

Ge Xiaotian thought of the second master Liu Hui, and the treasure that the seventh master had been looking for.

"Ah Huang, that's fine, I'll keep it private!"

Ah Huang put his head in his hands and fell on the ground begging for forgiveness...

"Okay, for the sake of your honesty, I will spare you this time!"

"Woooo..." Ah Huang raised his paw and pointed in the direction of the main road of the village.

"Oh, Dahan, okay, I'll let him stop chasing you."

Ah Huang shook his head, walked to the side of the snow, and rolled over.

"A snowball fight with you?"

Ah Huang shook his head again, huddled in the snow nest and narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Dao Si thought for a while, "Neobras?"


Ah Huang regained his energy immediately, jumping up and down.

"Send you to Neobras?"

"Woof!" Ah Huang nodded frantically.

"Okay, there will be a batch of seeds that need to be shipped in a few days, you go with them."

Ge Xiaotian suspected that the dog was frightened by what his father said about being castrated, and it happened that the whole family went to Qinggang, Dionio Bras, so that people could avoid people discovering its weirdness.


Ah Huang nodded his head, pulled Ge Xiaotian's trouser legs and walked out.


When he came to the side of the road, Ah Huang pointed to Dahan who stayed where he was to accompany the shit-eating hero to light the cannon.

"Let him go with you?"

Ah Huang nodded frantically again.

"Then I have to talk to the old village chief and his parents..."

With the existence of a systematic university, although Dahan's nervous system is still impaired, his spirit is tending to a normal state.

Can't compare IQ, only that he can remember many things and think normally.

Just like recording game dubbing, Dahan is really hardworking.

And after a while, the second part of Steampunk will start filming soon, and Dahan will be transferred to the steampunk world as a voice actor, or play a role, and he can save more money for his wife.

Ge Xiaotian found the old village head, talked about his thoughts, and then brought his parents.

Dahan's changes in the past two years are obvious to all, and in Tiancheng, although he is very reluctant, everyone hopes that their children will be better...

So, under Ge Xiaotian's persuasion, Dahan and the sneering Ah Huang became good friends again.

"Go out, you two have to take care of each other."

"Ah Huang, don't worry, I will protect you!"


Ah Huang grinned from the corner of his mouth to his back molars.

I'm afraid you don't know whose territory Eastern Siberia is!


At noon, Ge Xiaotian had a meal in the tavern, while drinking tea, Xiaoqingshan began to teach people.

First came in groups of three or four, and then the tractors and the three tramps rang together, bringing in car after car of folks...

"Hey, the changes here are too big!"

"That's right. When I came here last year, it was just a small town. I didn't looks like the palace on TV now!"

"You don't need to buy a ticket today, do you?"

"No, it's free."

"Huh? Why are there so many people in the card issuing center over there?"

"There is a new device that can't make calls, but is exactly the same as the smart card. It is called the Tiancheng version of the smart card."

"You can't make a phone call, why buy it?"

"As long as you are in a place with Tiancheng, you can use it to contact people who have a smart card. The main reason is that it is cheap. The original price is 260, but now it is only 130, 50% off, and it is a Spring Festival event."

"buy one?"

"I bought it the day before yesterday."

"I'm afraid I can't use it at home."

"Your home is so close to the Limin Activity Center. You need to connect a network cable, buy a router, and even install an SG TV."

"How much will it cost?"

"Five hundred, one set is settled, and you can also draw a lottery. You can choose one of the three from rice cooker, hot water kettle, and sweeping robot." (Sweeping robots cannot be used in rural areas)

"I originally wanted to spend one or two hundred, but now it costs five hundred..."

"Look at your distress, did you earn 10,000 yuan last year?"

"I saved more than 9,000 points through exhaustion, but it's not as good as Tian Cheng."

"Then I suggest that you buy another SG computer, and quickly let your child take time to study. This May, he will take the entrance exam for Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, learn the skills, and follow Tiancheng in the future, so he won't be so tired."


"Believe it or not, I heard that there are a large number of bosses who have to take the Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, and there are many foreigners."


"Ge Baiyi opened an engineering class, charging more than three million yuan! Tsk tsk, I really don't know what he's talking about, it's so valuable! Those bosses are applying for the adult class of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School in order to learn, but they don't want to pay so much... It is said , and many leaders."



Inside the tavern.

"Fame on one side and money on the other, it's hard to choose!" Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed.

Ren Zhongqiang has opened a shop in Xiaoqingshan for a year, and he has long been familiar with someone's routine, "Are you going to be a scholar?"

"Hey? The old man is still educated, scholar! Yes, scholar!"

"Then disciples spread all over the world?"

"Forget it, I don't have such big ambitions..."


"Oh, this style, you have learned it badly."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, got up and went to the Canal Development Zone.

In the afternoon of the first day of the new year, the XBA All-Star Game.

A ticket is hard to find!

Therefore, hardcover houses and smart homes that have made up their minds to sell slowly are becoming popular again.

In just one afternoon, twenty units were sold, and it also set a record for the most expensive single square meter of commercial housing in China.

Breaking ten thousand!

This has nothing to do with housing prices. What they sell is smart homes and supporting services.

Ordinary people definitely can't afford to live in it, and they won't buy it, but some rich people like this tune.

Moreover, not all the people who bought it were wealthy people, there were more than a dozen celebrities in total.

As for what these people are paying attention to, it has nothing to do with him, Boss Ge.

People do other people's business, and he does his own business, as long as he doesn't break the law, he can do whatever he likes.

Ge Xiaotian visited the Lotus Sports Center and came to Tiancheng's office.

"What about the five pigs?"

The customer service supervisor on duty replied: "I'm sleeping in the dormitory."

"Heh, you've resigned, and you're still hanging on to me?"

"Boss, it's fine if you don't persuade me. After all, it's too hurtful to guard so many people and get such a big red envelope."

"It's all my own people, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"A few of them often ask me if the big boss has mentioned them and why he hasn't called them back."

"Haha, these little girls are taking pictures!"

Ge Xiaotian went to the negotiating area and sat down, looked up and saw the stewardess director of the aviation leasing group, "Is it really here?"

The latter was very resentful, "Don't you dare to come?"

"Well, help me train five first. If you pass the training, you can sign an entry contract and receive favorable treatment. As for your chairman... by the way, what about the others?"

"I heard that your plane crashed, so I ran away that night."



Not long after, the five little pink pigs rushed into the office happily, and when they saw their big boss, they immediately put on a stern face.

'A bunch of brats! '

Ge Xiaotian laughed and cursed in his heart, and also put on a straight face, "Come on, let me see the etiquette you guys learned in the western restaurant."


Seeing that the big boss had a bad face, the five little guys put on their coats obediently, made tea and coffee skillfully, picked up the tray, turned around gracefully, and gently presented drinks...

Ge Xiaotian looked at the flight attendant supervisor, "How is it?"

"It's not the same system as ours, but it looks very good. The teachers who trained them before must have been foreigners."

"If you let them operate Chinese ancient cultural products, based on what you have learned, do you feel that they need to be improved?" Ge Xiaotian will definitely not let the little girls learn the etiquette of the Qing, Ming, or even other dynasties, but follow the times and learn Even creation, more in line with the etiquette of own product operation, or in other words, the revival of ancient culture.

" will definitely be changed, but it will take time."

"I will leave this matter to you. Make a feasible plan and hand it over to the proprietress. If you are qualified, you will join Tiancheng Group as the etiquette supervisor, responsible for the etiquette training of all subsidiaries, branches, and holding groups."

"thank you boss!"

Ge Xiaotian turned his head to look at the five little girls, "Since you have all resigned, you will never turn back, so let's start a business together with the proprietress."

The five little girls curled their lips when they heard the words, and cried on the spot, and one of them actually hiccupped...

While crying, while... hiccup!


Ge Xiaotian knocked on the table, "You are still young, but you can't stand here forever, right? Go over there and learn some new knowledge, and become a supervisor when you grow up!"

"We don't want to leave Tian Cheng..."

"It's also Tiancheng over there, the same as Tianle, Tianheng, and Tianzhu, holding the group."

"You said it earlier, it's so fierce!"


After arranging the basic departments of the Gufeng Cultural Center, Ge Xiaotian looked at the personnel who went to Zaoshi Xincheng this time.

Engineering Department: 60 departments, about 35,000 people, each department is responsible for a building, and the corresponding short-distance transportation of materials.

Machinery Department: 15 departments, about 8,000 people, each department is responsible for four buildings, and the long-distance transportation of corresponding materials.

Ministry of Water and Electricity: Six departments, about 3,000 people, each department is responsible for ten buildings, including tee links, water and electricity maintenance...

Finance Department: Four departments, about 200 people. The first three departments are responsible for the first, second and third phases, the fourth and fifth phases, and the seventh and eighth phases, accounting for materials, labor, and various expenses. The last department is responsible for sales.

Logistics department: Sancha Township logistics, Xiangxian logistics, Jishi logistics, Wenxian logistics, Weixian logistics...

In short, all the companies around will support Zaoshi New City, giving priority to materials, machinery, and personnel...

The supervisors are from Dongshan Supervisory Institute, Nanhe Supervisory Institute and Jingcheng Supervisory Institute.


For drawing reports, applications for various materials, etc., half a year has passed, and they must have been completed long ago.

Ge Xiaotian signed the documents one by one, and signaled four:

"Issuing a notice, from today, under the premise of ensuring the quality of buildings below 32 floors, using non-defective cement, quick-drying cement, other special cement, as well as prefabricated panels and prefabricated walls, which department will take the lead in creating a 'fast-drying cement'? Construction technology', no matter how effective it is, as long as it is useful for engineering, the basic salary of this department will be raised by at least ten points, and there is no upper limit!"

"In addition, the new year's departmental ranking competition will start. Like last year, special bonuses will be given out according to the ranking at the end of the year. The first place... 5 million this year, the second place 4.5 million, and so on. The tenth place will end. It will be distributed equally to individuals, and the department will be eliminated at the end, and the bricks will be moved collectively.”

Dao Si was not proficient in business, so he asked, "How long will it take?"

"Look at the points, one brick for one point, when will it be enough for a million, and when will you return to the engineering department."

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