Build Madness

Chapter 574 Sancha Cup All-Star Game New Movie Released Zaoshi New City Starts Construction

On the afternoon of New Year's Day.

Canal Development Zone.

Cheers like a tsunami erupted in the Lotus Sports Center of Nuoda.

The female DJ who yelled for a whole season, her voice was no longer hoarse, but became thicker and more powerful.

"Dear audience friends, audience friends in front of SG TV, and netizens in the online graphic live broadcast room, happy new year everyone!"

"This Sancha Cup star game is exclusively sponsored by Xiguang Golden Throat, Golden Throat Lozenges, early use and good morning, Golden Throat Lozenges, the entrance is effective, how effective is it, look, look, me!"

"Let me look back at the talented football players who have been born in the past three months."

"The first player to play is the left forward Song~Li~Min~"

"Da Song played for the Bincheng Xingyuewan team. Under the premise that the coach was frequently hospitalized and his teammates scored two own goals, he led the team to defeat the 'Da Zhanglou Latiao Team' and 'East Lake Aquatic Crab Team'. Unparalleled attacking ability on the left side, scored 10 goals, and was the best left forward in winter in the 2000-2001 season of the Sancha Cup Professional League!"

"Let us give the warmest applause to Da Song, he is like a fire in winter..."

"The next player to play is goalkeeper Tang~Wei~Jie~"

"Datang comes from the XBA professional league. He is currently playing for the Weicheng Xingyuewan team. He is a basketball power forward and a football goalkeeper. No income, and scored two ultra-long goals..."

"He's like a seal on land and sea..."

"Next up is the waist knife Qin~zu~nian~"

"Daqin is from Xiaohu Town 'Wow Thien Toy Factory'..."

"He's like a spinning gyroscope..."

The female DJ introduced the stars created by herself one by one, and the audience cheered one after another, and the square outside the stadium was also very lively.

Audiences who couldn’t buy tickets gathered in twos and threes under the super-large projection equipment, with candied gourds in one hand, sweet sugar cane in the other, hot milk tea in one hand, spicy hairy belly in the other, or the newly launched electric hand warmer, staring at it intently. With the super projection screen, you can cheer for your favorite stars together with the audience.

However, some people like to watch football, and naturally some people can't stand this kind of atmosphere.

Just like Xiao Zhang.

Book movie tickets in advance, grab your new girlfriend, buy a bucket of popcorn, and two cups of milk tea, and you will walk into the increasingly perfect Tianyu Film and Television City according to my instructions.

There are many movies released today, still continuing the old style of Tianyu, there are epic blockbusters, funny and funny, and love and friendship close to real life...

Fully meet the tastes and needs of various audiences.

Go into the ticket hall.

The most popular movie at present is nothing but the IMAX version of Dragon Continent: Tianshan Taixuguan. It is said that the filming of this movie cost a full three billion.

It is still unknown how the box office will be, but many customers are stuck buying tickets two days in advance, and it is still difficult to grab their favorite seats.

Swipe the card to check the ticket and come to the theater.

There were shaking heads inside, and there were no empty seats.

The super-large nano-screen unique to Qianqiantianyu is playing a smart home advertisement...

Not long after, the feature film began, and an ancient dense forest was displayed in front of the audience...

Immediately afterwards, a capable young man in sackcloth and a companion in robes ran out of the grass in a panic...


At this moment, the entire movie theater shook violently, and a berserk monster roared to the sky, as if it was about to jump out of the screen in the next moment...

Xiao Zhang hugged his frightened little girlfriend. Before the latter had time to ask what happened, the monster had already fought with the boy in sackcloth holding a hatchet...

Iron objects hit the demon's claws, and the chirping of gold and spears is clear and real.

The sharp blade rubbed against the steel-like flesh of the monster, and the sparks shone, making your scalp tingle...

Afterwards, the illusory Taoist of Taixu, the wonderland of thousands of mountains shrouded in mist, the majestic and majestic Taixu Ancient Temple, the majestic and majestic Xuanwu Pass...

When the chaos of fierce beasts comes out, when the tide of beasts starts to charge, when thousands of dragon warriors rush to the front line, when the protagonist of the villain turns into a monster, when the revised left finger rings...

The left hand holds the earth, the right hand holds the sky

The palm lines cracked lightning bolts from ten directions

Converting time into years in a hurry

Three thousand lives, as seen

Gun in left hand, sword in right hand

Ten thousand years of snow fell between the eyebrows

A tear, ah~

That's me, ah~


The left hand turns into a feather, and the right hand turns into a scale

Evil shadows and demons are collected in the mind


"My god, the world is frozen between the fingers, it seems real, a gust of cold air blows in, makes me shiver, and accidentally spills milk tea all over my crotch!"


"I didn't dare to breathe heavily for three and a half hours!"

"This scene is so special... there is no way to describe it!"

"It's so real, I actually saw the changes in the lines on the face of the beast!"

"Who played that Shield Lady? It turned out to be my favorite Yujie style, I want to buy a poster to hang in the dormitory!"

"Little Junior Sister is the cutest!"

"As expected of a movie that cost 3 billion!"

"This picture is paired with this song, it sounds so good, I actually cried!"

"I want to watch it again. Those soldiers danced to the sound of chickens and practiced before the pass. It was so shocking!"

"That knife technique is so cool, what's it called?"

"Yanmen Saber Technique!"

"I've never heard of this name..."

"Haven't you ever played a game? The Yanmen Saber Technique is just an introductory martial art for the Tianji Battalion of the Yanmen Guards, and there are also techniques like Tiger Feng He, Raising Wolf Smoke at Night, and Breaking the Moon at Guanshan..."

"What about the marksmanship used by the protagonist?"

"Dragon City Flying General, Xuanwu Bodyguard, Hundred Battles Dragon Soul, Twin Dragons Green, Beichen Flowing Flame Spear..."

"Brother, you know a lot!"

"As a qualified scenery party, you must be familiar with the skill settings of each profession, and be ready to hit pve and kill pvp at all times!"


Are you afraid you are not a game fan?


the other side.

After the premiere, various film critics went online separately.

"Hello everyone, I am Old Z, the number one film critic in China!"

"First of all, I can confirm that this is an unprecedented domestic blockbuster. It allows me to see the gradual rise of China Film Industry, and also allows me to see the hope of surpassing Hollywood!"

"In terms of scenes, the magnificent scene created by Shenlong Continent is unique in the world. In terms of special effects, it is said that the Mocap technology developed by Longtian Technology Group is used for the first time. By capturing the ferocious nature of beasts and injecting 3D models, the monsters look more real. change……"

"The movie is a good movie, but Tianyu's way of doing this is like Mocap technology, which burns millions in a second. I bet it will end sooner or later!"

"Especially Ge Baiyi, he is such a loser!"


Tiancheng office.

After dealing with the start-up arrangements, Ge Xiaotian stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and stretched his waist, looking up into the distance.

As the Hilton Hotel invested by France enters the stage of renovation, the overall planning of the Canal Development Zone is basically finalized. Except for the water entertainment city and zoo and botanical gardens that will be put into operation in batches according to the original plan, there will be no big moves here in the next three years .

However, when the construction of the Lotus Sports Center is fully completed in October, this winter, before the Dongshan Sports Meeting, Tiancheng will hold a self-funded primary and secondary school sports meeting.

Participants include technical secondary schools, high schools, junior high schools, and primary schools around Xingyuewan community.

As for what level it will be, let's see the number of participants when the time comes.

"How about the movie?"

"Word-of-mouth exploded, and even your black fan film critic, Old Z, used different tricks to blow the movie to the sky."

"Is he turning black fans into fans?"

"You think too much, he's not right about people."


"Boss, where are we going to eat tonight?"

"Zaoshi Xingyue Bay, I heard that the master chef at the construction site over there cooks worse dishes than mine?"

"I didn't say that."



the next day.

January 25th in the Gregorian calendar, the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Today is a good day to visit relatives and friends, but the land of Dongshan ushered in a frenzy of seeing off.

Early in the morning, countless buses of Tourist Civilization and Intercity Pioneer, together with hundreds of buses dedicated to Tiancheng, drove to various villages and towns.

Amidst bursts of firecrackers, countless men dressed in neat overalls bid farewell to their wives, children and parents. With reluctance and yearning for a better life in the new year, they walked out of their homes and embarked on a journey to Zaoshi New City.

At the same time, after the three-day vacation, the overseas construction aid personnel also picked up their suitcases, went to the station and went straight to Qinggang, and then boarded a ship and flocked to the cross-sea project operation area...

In addition, the staff on duty during the Spring Festival began to change their guards...

But no matter where you are, whether it is a bus, a bus, a train, a ship, or Tiancheng Square...

Today, you can hear...

'The house is bigger and the phone is smaller, it feels better and better...'

'There are more holidays, higher income, and better work...'

'The products are refined and the price is alive, and the mood is getting better and better...'


And the other side.

Affected by the time difference, Guns N' Roses, which landed in Europe and America last night, also caused strong reactions.

Although Shenlong Continent beats all the heroes in China, it is far inferior to Guns and Roses abroad.

At the end of the first broadcast, all kinds of comments were released.

"This movie has a kind of energy that I like, just like the words of the dwarf king Stove: Hey, boy, I think you are unhappy, it only takes one hammer! In reality, I think you are unhappy, it only takes one shot ..."

"Although this movie is based on fantasy, it is full of medieval colors, steam, gunpowder, new energy, oriental martial arts... It is fascinating."

"It is indeed a work of the North American film industry DreamWorks. It is far more interesting than the Dragon Continent produced by the Chinese..."

(Published by DreamWorks, Neobras Steampunk World is a subsidiary of North American Steampunk.)

But no matter what, the two film and television works drove the game, and the revenue of the game exceeded three times the box office revenue on the first day alone!


Zaoshi Xincheng Xingyuewan Logistics Department.

Before Tiancheng's large army arrived, in the shed built with steel structure.

Two hundred chefs are shaking their spoons, three hundred apprentices are carrying kitchen knives, the surrounding pots and stoves are booming, and the heat is rising from countless steamers.

Ge Xiaotian strolled around and looked at the head chef accompanying the inspection, "I also tasted it last night, it's not as bad as what the company claims, it's even worse than what I made?"

"Boss, this is not derogatory, but commendatory! It's a compliment to us!"


"Some time ago, the prefabricated parts of Dazhanglou were reorganized, and their newly appointed chairman delivered the goods to us. He tasted the scallion pancakes we made and sighed: I have never eaten such delicious pancakes, second only to you. The boss! Later, other manufacturers delivered goods, and they all said the same."

The head chef smiled, "This is an honor!"


Ge Xiaotian opened his mouth, just about to say that he had never made scallion pancakes, when he suddenly remembered that he was making scallion pancakes when the group of people came to visit the old house, and after he failed, he asked the top scallion pancake master in the canteen of Tiancheng headquarters to make it for him I lost three catties...

"Well, work harder and strive to surpass this boss as soon as possible!"

"Thank you boss for your encouragement!"

"In the next six months, the task will be heavy. You will have to carry the entire project, including logistics and transportation, to feed a total of 50,000 people."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"come on!"

Ge Xiaotian walked out of the cafeteria area and came to the logistics management office.

Look through material statistics, count the number of equipment...

Then inspect the dormitory area.

Up to now, Tiancheng has five types of dormitories.

One is a four-person room similar to the Auto Trade City, without a separate bathroom, about 20 square meters, with a balcony.

The second is the temporary housing for the construction site. There is no independent toilet. The steel structure board room is basically two floors, valid for three years, and six people live in each room.

The third is the system house where the headquarters is located. With the system upgrade, the third house has become a tube building with a separate health bureau, two rooms, one living room and one bathroom. In the past, each house had six permanent residents, but now it has four people.

The fourth is on the east side of Xiaoqingshan, a small high-rise community expanded for strong men, all of which are 90 square meters, with two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. They are only allocated to strong men with families.

Fifth, as there are more and more strong men, the fourth type can no longer meet the housing requirements. In addition, the employees of the plastic greenhouse planting base in Xixiang also need dormitories.

Zaoshi New Town is a huge project that will take ten years, or even a long time, to complete.

Therefore, the dormitory here is divided into temporary housing on the construction site and Tiancheng home experiment area.

The former is the dormitory for the construction personnel, and the latter is the certificate for the strong man to settle in Zaoshi.

Counting the peasant women who will be arranged to the Xingyuewan business district in Zaoshi later, and the manpower prepared for marching to the south of the Yangtze River, the first batch of 20,000 people will settle in Zaoshi.

Such a plan will not only solve the problem of a strong man without a home, but also help the leader of Zaoshi Xue to solve the problem of moving to a new city.

After all, there is no development without people, and people in the old city can attract people to settle here.

20,000 strong men and peasant women, tentatively counted as Tiancheng's 'entrustment' to sell Xingyue Bay.

However, there are 30,000 construction workers and 20,000 people who have settled down, adding up to nearly 50,000 people. The houses and temporary dormitories needed are not small projects.

Therefore, last year, tens of thousands of employees at the Xingyuewan construction site in Zaoshi City, except for the basic projects of all buildings, spent the rest of their time building dormitories.

Today, there are a total of 300 temporary prefabricated houses, each with two floors and twelve rooms on each floor. Some of them store tools, and the rest are all occupied by people. They can accommodate about 40,000 employees.

Standing on the hillside and looking from a distance, there is a large area of ​​black clouds, which is even more spectacular than the construction site of Zaoshi Xincheng, and it directly forms a small town.

Among them are cultural and sports entertainment facilities, independent dining area, cleaning and disinfection area, ten clinics, and a large-scale diagnosis and treatment center jointly run by Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Zaoshi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It will also be the largest medical institution in Zaoshi New City in the future.

Others, like ambulance, fire engine, washing area, garbage disposal station...

Everything you need.

If there is any emergency nearby, Tiancheng staff can move the place for the affected people in the first time, and quickly assist the disaster area.

Time and space are different, and many things must be considered comprehensively. This is the responsibility and obligation of a super enterprise.

Well, the second half of the sentence is excerpted from the 'Tiancheng Employee Handbook'.

At present, the temporary housing is fully completed, and employees will be able to move in according to the department when they arrive later.

As for the Tiancheng home experimental area, since there is no need to hurry up, only six buildings have been built now.

It is located on the southeast side of the mountains in the north of Panlong River, about five miles away from Xingyue Bay in Zaoshi City.

This is the deployment according to the future plan.

It is impossible for a new city to have only one Xingyue Bay, such as schools, municipalities, factories, etc., will also be moved here in the future.

The five miles between Xingyue Bay and Tiancheng Home are the school and the municipal resident, and further east, around the east side of the northern mountain range, towards the old city, is the factory area.

As for the south side of the Panlong River, the industries of Jifu Business League, Dongshan Jianlian, Erhai Brothers, and other construction companies...

Boss Ge, be happy, it's the suburbs.

Boss Ge was not happy, so he adjusted the connecting channel of the Twin Bridges, blocked the south bank of the Panlong River, and the Dongshan South Gate Bridge opening in the north-south direction. railway……

Since then, the northern part of the Panlong River has become an area of ​​its own.

In the south, due to blocking the passage of the south gate of Dongshan, the viaduct does not lead to the lower crossing on the south side...

The ghost knows where Lao Shen is.


ten o'clock in the morning.

Tiancheng's employees supporting the construction of Zaoshi New Town arrived at Jishi Canal Development Zone one after another, and then took a boat to Xingyuewan Wharf of Zaoshi New Town.

The management personnel are in place quickly, and the bed numbers are distributed according to the department...

Ge Xiaotian is too lazy to hold a mobilization meeting. What should be said is all voice announcements on the smart card enterprise platform, and there is no need to cheer up.

After finishing the work, take a few more strong men and head to Lao Shen's territory.

In order to attack Tian Cheng, Dongshan Jianlian did not stop working.

More than half a year has passed, and the tall building has reached the sixth floor.

According to the plan of the other party, some of them have twelve floors, and most of them have twenty-four floors.

A new city must always follow the development of the times, and high-rise and super high-rise buildings are the future trend.

Ge Xiaotian took out a pen and paper to calculate carefully according to the material preparation situation of the other party and the progress of the project, and felt that Lao Shen would start selling in July and August.

As for the pre-sales, the new city has not yet been built, and there are no supporting facilities. Even if the house price is cheaper than the old city, few people are willing to live here.

Even if they want to buy it, people in Zaoshi will only consider the ongoing Phase II project of Dongshan Fifteen City: Tengzhou Xingyue Bay.

Thinking of Tengzhou, Ge Xiaotian suddenly wanted to eat vegetable pancakes...

"Ge Dong!"

While distracted, he came to the old Shen's management office unknowingly. The person in charge of the other party must know "Bad Ge" and greeted him vigilantly.

"Where's Mr. Shen?"

"I'm going home for the New Year, I guess I'll be back in the evening."

"Oh? Well, I happen to have something to talk to him, come in and have a meeting?"


"Just sit for a while, I don't look around, I don't rummage, there must be a reception room?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Come on, let's sit down and chat together. Since we just met, I feel that we hit it off... Hey? Don't run away! Why don't we have a cup of tea?"

Didi Didi...

The Smart Card sounded.

Old Shen!

"Ge, you just go away and don't be on my construction site!"

"Why, I came here specially, but to treat you to eat Fujizhou pancakes, are you so impolite?"

"Don't eat!"

"Then I treat your employees to eat?"


In less than an hour, Lao Shen arrived in Zaoshi New City in that Mi-26, which was harder to serve than the uncle...

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