Build Madness

Chapter 575 Meet Lao Shen

Ge Lao Er, who is celebrating the Chinese New Year, runs to his own construction site. This is simply a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken...

Upon receiving the news, Shen Zhipeng was so anxious that he took Mi 26 and landed directly on the Zaoshi Xincheng construction site. Before he could put on his rubber boots, he went straight to the project management office.

As soon as I rushed into the hall, the aroma of vegetable pancakes came to my nostrils.

Really good at eating!

Shen Zhipeng went under the door and window of the reception room to have a look, and he could vaguely see an old man guarding the stove and making noodle cakes, while an unscrupulous old man was sitting aside, holding a vegetable pancake sandwiched between bamboo boards , while blowing hot air, while chewing vigorously.


Shen Zhipeng raised his foot and kicked open the door, "Ge Laoer, this is too much, this is my company!"

"Hey, old Shen, come here, try the freshly baked pure vegetable pancakes, I specially asked people to come to Tengzhou to invite the master chef."

"I'm not hungry, you have something to say, don't make so many detours."

"There must be something, let's talk after I finish eating. Since you are not hungry, just watch."


The guy in front of him has nothing to do but goes to the Three Treasures Hall. It happened that he saw Chen Donghai two days ago, maybe it has something to do with it...

Shen Zhipeng was silent for a while, calmed down, picked up two bamboo boards, picked up a vegetable pancake, and sat aside as if nothing had happened, smelled it, took a bite, the taste was crisp, and the aftertaste was endless...

Seeing the other party's appearance, Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, didn't say any more, and concentrated on dealing with the vegetable pancake in his hand.

He has never underestimated Shen Zhipeng.

The match between Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and Jifu Chamber of Commerce for more than half a year is still 50-50.

This is due to the fact that the Jifu Business Alliance is deeply rooted in Dongshan and has occupied the city's resources, while Tiancheng's development purpose has always been the township.

Even if Tian Cheng created fifteen cities in Dongshan, Lao Shen saw the tricks and built twenty-six shopping malls in Dongshan.

If we only count commercial retail sales, in the past year, Tiancheng seems to be very good. Shopping malls, attracting high-quality customers from metropolitan cities, and then taking the opportunity to launch All-in-one, raised the turnover to the level of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

In the field of infrastructure construction, Dongshan Jianlian is not bad, relying on the Ginza Mall to build a commercial community, and its real estate turnover is almost equal to that of Tiancheng.

Of course, Dongshan Jianlian's profit is not as good as Tiancheng's, only half of its own.

But this can also show that Lao Shen made a lot of money.

For example, cheating Shen Wen with Mi Erliu and luxury tua, and selling the underground Ginza to Lao Shen, these are just small fights between the two of them.

In 2001, China's economy took off, and under the influence of the general trend, the assets of various companies, including the rich list, all increased by more than ten times.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Intelligence and internal sources, the market value of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce exceeded 15 billion, and the total assets of Dongshan Jianlian exceeded 3 billion.

Old Shen was able to keep up with the times when he played against Tian Cheng, which is enough to show how flexible this girl's mind is.

Now the strength of the two sides in Dongshan is almost the same. If there is a commercial battle, it may affect more than half of the Central Plains.

And not only Wei Changfeng and the Mordu Chamber of Commerce are eyeing the Dongshan market, but also the newly emerging retail companies in Xishan, Beihe, Jiangbei and other places.

Prices in Dongshan have plummeted, and businesses in neighboring provinces will definitely hoard goods.

Prices in Dongshan skyrocketed, and merchants in neighboring provinces would sell them aggressively.

Regardless of who wins or loses between the two, when the dust settles, the situation may not be as good as it is now.


His purpose of looking for Old Shen this time was to settle it all at once.

After eating the vegetable pancakes, Ge Xiaotian took a sip of the Kudingcha he had brought from Master Zhen, and looked at Shen Zhipeng.

"My Jinxiuchuan racing project, is it your fault?"

"What do you say?"

"The report is justified. I admit it this time. We know that people don't say dark words, and I won't pick on you. Let's leave this matter alone. Let's talk about something else..."


"Jifu Chamber of Commerce plus Dongshan Jianlian, package and sell it to me, 20 billion, how about it?"


Shen Zhipeng was a little confused, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I have money!"


"What can be solved with money, why waste time, effort and brains? It will save my energy to deal with the Magic City Chamber of Commerce!"

"The idea is very good, but it's a pity... 20 billion? Go ahead and make your spring and autumn dream come true. Why don't you say that you will sell Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce to me for 20 billion?"

"I'll sell it, do you have money?"


"Old Shen, I know that in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, I caught you again and made up the fund gap early. But you have to know that Tiancheng encircled the city from the countryside. Now that the layout has been completed, if you implement the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the countryside, you The supply of raw materials will soon be cut off. At that time, various manufacturers will not be able to continue production, and your shopping mall will have no goods to sell. In one quarter, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce will be able to compensate last year's profits, and then buy them again. Maybe it’s not even worth two billion.”

"Aren't you afraid that I will join forces with Wei Changfeng and rely on the sources of goods from Guangzhou, Jiangnan, and Jiangbei?"

"I'm talking about acquisitions with you today, then I can have a good chat with Wei Changfeng tomorrow. I'm not afraid to tell you that I made 80 billion overseas..."


Shen Zhipeng took a deep breath, but almost choked on the leek leaves near his mouth, and coughed violently, "You are so rich!"

"How about it, think about it? Sell it to me, and you will be a rich man from now on. I happened to buy a large sea-view house in Qinggang, and I will sell you a few sets at a 40% discount."

"Sorry, I'm so motivated right now that I don't want to retire."

"High morale? Tsk tsk, how did I hear that someone was ambitious to acquire eBay and was going to do online shopping, but was intercepted by North American eBay, and the bamboo basket was empty, and he was so angry that he fell seriously ill and stayed in the hospital for more than half a month. ?”

Shen Zhipeng knocked on the table angrily, "Who told you I was sick from anger? I cut my appendix!"

"Cut your appendix? Go to Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, I guarantee you can get out of bed and walk in one day!"

"Oh, I remember a little security guard named Qitiao ran to Tiancheng Square and pretended to be dead, and was sent to Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital by your ambulance. In the end, when that guy came out, he was so frightened that he went to the hospital every day for an examination... If I went to Qingshan Zhongzhong Hospital like him... Hospital, the ghost knows which part you cut me."


Ge Xiaotian opened his mouth, feeling that this was so unexplainable, and immediately repeated the old topic again, "Old Shen, I didn't come here today to make a joke. You should think carefully about the acquisition?"

"Just give up on that heart, even if I, Shen Zhipeng, become poor, I won't sell the company to you Ge Laoer!"

"All right!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, it seemed that he was going to fortify the wall and clear the field!

In addition, he calculated the number of Lao Shen's cafeterias in his mind, and felt that it should be able to accommodate the strong men in charge of the second phase of the county-level project of Dongshan Fifteen City.

No, I have to inform you that I can't eat the dinner at night, it must be at noon, otherwise there will be not enough food...

How about signing a private contract with Lao Shen?

Eat for a few days first, if the other party dares to close the door, you can continue to eat with a private contract...

Even if there is a lawsuit, Tian Cheng is not afraid.

Forget it, the strong wall clears the wilderness, the bankruptcy, and the new city of Xingyue Bay, under the three-dimensional attack, the old Shen don't jump off the building...

It doesn't matter if the other party goes bankrupt, if he dies, what will the higher-ups think of Ge Xiaotian?

Fighting a business war to kill a super entrepreneur?

And the other side.

After Shen Zhipeng refused to be acquired, seeing Ge Xiaotian's eyes rolling around, he always felt that this guy was holding back some bad water. After thinking for a while, he decided to divert his hatred, "Actually, I plan to talk to you these two days."


Shen Zhipeng didn't speak immediately, walked to the window, opened the half-closed curtain, and pointed to a large six-seven-story commercial building on the southeast side under the afterglow of the setting sun, "You should know an overseas investment agent named Li Wei. people."

Ge Xiaotian instantly understood what Lao Shen meant, "You mean, she talked to you about the Zaoshi New City project?"

"No, she was looking at Xingyue Bay, but later, you should have rejected her, and she found several developers such as Erhai Group, Luqi Real Estate, and Lu N Group. These half-built projects were transferred at super low prices."

"So, now Zaoshi New City, only you, me, her, three developers are left?"

"You can say that."


Ge Xiaotian also walked to the window, "Heaven has a way and she doesn't go, but there is no way to hell but she breaks in..."

"Why do I feel that there is something in your words?"

"Smart people don't talk dark words, I'll draw and draw on the planning map for you..."

Ge Xiaotian is not afraid that Lao Shen will know the consequences of the change of direction of the south gate of Dongshan Mountain. The foundation is completed and tall buildings are built side by side. This is a foregone conclusion.

And seeing the north-south direction, the two-way eight-lane lane that should have crossed my community was changed to an east-west direction at the boundary of Nansihu Xucheng, leading directly to the top of the south gate of Dongshan, becoming a viaduct...

Old Shen Jing dropped his teacup, "Damn it! No wonder you talked with Xue Da's leader about the project and said that you would give Damalu as a gift. So that's the idea?"

"No, I really wanted to donate roads and landmarks at the time, but when I was thinking about how to deal with you last night, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to my mind, and this idea came up."


Zaoshi new town planning must not be changed randomly.

But if a company is willing to donate an asphalt road worth 500 to 600 million, who would refuse?

Besides, someone disturbed the situation, Xue Da and the others must also feel very uncomfortable, and nine out of ten would agree to change the direction of the main road in the city.

As a result, Dongshan Jianlian's project in Zaoshi Xincheng will suffer from a catastrophe...

Of course, Dongshan Jianlian was introduced by the leader Xue Da and others, and they will definitely help solve the crisis, such as arranging an elevated crossing.

But the road is Tiancheng's project, where will the road crossing be repaired, it's like going to the Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to cut the appendix, who knows what the result will be.

Shen Zhipeng sat aside expressionlessly, thinking about countermeasures.

"Old Shen, the matter is actually very easy to solve. If you sell your business to me, you don't have to worry about anything."

Shen Zhipeng was silent for more than ten minutes, and finally shook his head, patted the table with his hands, and sighed...

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.

Right and wrong success or failure turned around empty.

Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns.

White-haired fishermen and woodcutters on the river, used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze.

A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet.

How many things in ancient and modern times are all jokes. "

After finishing the song, Shen Zhipeng looked at Ge Xiaotian: "Tonight, I'll treat you to a drink!"


This is so enlightening, or what?

Ge Xiaotian is a little confused...


After a while, it was still the reception room.

The old man who spread the pancakes was carried to Xingyue Bay by a strong man with a car, and continued to tinker with the charcoal briquettes before.

In the past six months, the old man no longer has to worry about whether his business is going well.

It is estimated that after the completion of the project, you can still buy a small apartment in Xingyue Bay, or you can buy a store with more than ten square meters...

If Zaoshi New City develops well, maybe twenty years later, the old man will also be an invisible rich man.

After vacating the reception room, Lao Shen informed Dongshan Jianlian canteen to order five side dishes, boiled peanuts, mustard cold lotus root, vinegar bean sprouts, sweet and sour kelp shreds, green onion mixed with pickled vegetables, and then brought a box of Lanling Two songs.

"Can you stop being so picky? You, a big boss worth tens of billions, invite me to be so vegetarian?"

"This is the artistic conception!" Lao Shen didn't take the cup, and directly took a bottle for each person.

"Are you planning to drink me to death and take the opportunity to resolve the crisis?"

"Isn't it just a road, I'll give you money, and you help me build a crossing."

"We are competitors."

"Yes, but there is a third party entering the game. As a Dongshan entrepreneur, why should we be consistent with the outside world?"

"Oh? Li Wei has a festival with you?"

"She doesn't, Chen Donghai does."

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, then suddenly realized, "About your father?"

"As soon as he arrived at the Shen family compound, I knew nothing good would happen. This morning, I hung up the old house."


Ge Xiaotian picked up the chopsticks and picked out a peanut, but his thoughts turned quickly.

As Lao Shen said, if Chen Donghai supports Li Wei's entry into Zaoshi New Town or Dongshan, it will not be a good thing for Tiancheng and the Jifu Chamber of Commerce.

Because Li Wei is not a serious entrepreneur at all, the factors behind it are very complicated.

However, to deal with the opponent, there is no need for Tiancheng and the Jifu Chamber of Commerce to unite, they just adjusted part of the operation plan and made a consensus to the outside world.

"What are you going to do?"


Shen Zhipeng sipped his white wine, babbled, "To tell you the truth, I am different from you. You are far-sighted, and you are still young, but I am almost fifty, and my son is not up to date. No matter how old I am, I am not like that." I am determined to go for thousands of miles, and now I just want to stay in Dongshan, keep a piece of foundation, as you said, to benefit a piece of land..."

Ge Xiaotian hadn't finished a sip of wine yet, he almost spit out when he heard these few words...

If it was Chen Feng, he would believe it!

That old guy has almost no desires except Wei Changfeng, he just wants to play in the world...

But Shen Zhipeng...

The Internet company founded by Zhong Xiaoxiao secretly acquired Eachnet, but it collapsed due to the intervention of eBay in North America.

Jifu Chamber of Commerce secretly supports Sanlian Home Appliances to enter Nanhe, buy a listed company that is about to go bankrupt, and intends to go public through a backdoor, but Longtian and Weihua intervene and fail.

Dongshan Jianlian purchased Chen Feng's commodity construction industry, reorganized more than a dozen departments, and has entered Beihe...

This is also the reason why Ge Xiaotian encouraged the little star Tongying, saying that Shuaibo will be in charge of the Beihe project next.

In addition, Lao Shen has joined forces with Wei Changfeng to plan to besiege Brother Hao's Tianhao Group in Nanhe.

To sum up, Lao Shen said something like this again...

This is using my master's tricks to fool me!

Ge Xiaotian nodded heavily, "Oh, old Shen, indeed, you are old and can't keep up with the times!"

"So, help me build an elevated crossing, and in the plan to encircle the city from the countryside, leave a way for my chamber of commerce to survive. From now on, you will take your Yangguan road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge. We will formally reach a settlement, and let me grow old." have something to rely on."


Fuck you!

Ge Xiaotian raised the wine bottle, touched the mouth of the bottle with Lao Shen, and took a sip of the old wine, "Then let's talk about the construction cost of the crossing."

"How many?"

"Five billion."

"So expensive?"

"The cost of the elevated road is there, 200-300 million yuan per kilometer. If you set up one or two entrances, you will have to adjust the whole line, and you will need to lay special roads and intersections below, plus soundproofing facilities, early warning facilities, and drainage facilities. , Lightning protection facilities... 500 million, friendship price, not cheating at all."

"Then the crossing must be built at the location I said."

"no problem."

"I bought all the fans, and I am not short of this money, but I need a professional team to conduct an accounting assessment."


Jinqiaoyinlu, the viaduct is a bridge, not a road.

Five hundred million and two crossings, it's a little expensive, but Tiancheng has overseas construction experience, super high technical level, and unique quality standards. Any professional organization will take these factors into consideration and overestimate it.

What's more, almost all those who built the viaduct were preparing for the Tiancheng Technical Secondary School...

This is Teacher Ge's project!

After discussing the intention to build the lower crossing, Ge Xiaotian also understood that Lao Shen could not really deal with Li Wei, the other party was just "talking to people, talking nonsense to hell, planning to fight between cranes and clams, and the fisherman will benefit".

Therefore, he didn't ask Lao Shen again how to deal with Li Wei, since both of them would be over anyway.

next crossing?

It's not that Tian Cheng has to build an elevated road, it's just to connect the twin bridges.

At that time, I will give old Shen Xiu an O-shaped viaduct that goes up and turns around, and then comes down again. Maybe it can become a local feature.

Five hundred million is enough.

Tiancheng contributed 500 million yuan to build the road, and Lao Shen contributed 500 million yuan to build the elevated road, and the two sides drew again.

Of course, a specific plan must be given, Yuanpandao, which city doesn't have it?

An extremely simple banquet ended soon, and Ge Xiaotian returned to his home construction site.

An hour after he left, Lao Shen dressed neatly and went to Erhai Engineering Department in the dark.

No, now this place has been taken over by Zaoshi Overseas Investment Group.

"President Shen, we meet again!"

In the hall, Li Wei got up to greet her.

Shen Zhipeng greeted him politely, and took out the road map drawn by Ge Xiaotian, "Mr. Li, what do you think?"

"This is?"

"You just took over, so you may not know that the route of Zaoshi New Town was donated by Tiancheng. If Tiancheng insists on changing the route, the leader Xue Da will definitely agree, but for us..."

"One more fix?"

"Build another one. I want to connect the national highway, railway station, and Weixian County on the west side... at least 500 million yuan, but I can't connect to Tiancheng Xingyue Bay. You must know that it was Tiancheng who settled in Zaoshi New City, so I decided to expand here. For investment, we want to share the supporting facilities of Xingyue Bay. If we don’t connect to Xingyue Bay, then our house price will definitely be cut by one-third.”

"So, Shen always intends to connect with Tian Cheng's elevated project?"

"Yes, so, before talking to Tian Cheng, let's say hello to Mr. Li. After all, the lower crossing is connected to our two projects. It's impossible for my family to pay the expenses, right?"


Above the south gate of Dongshan Mountain.

Ge Xiaotian was chewing gum, holding a long cylindrical night vision binoculars, and couldn't help sighing, "Sure enough, standing tall, you can see far!"

Dao Si was a little confused, "Boss, why did you find Shen Zhipeng this time?"

"Let's talk about the acquisition first. If we can't reach an agreement, then let's go to hell! The adjustment of the main road is a certainty, and the leader Xue Da will issue an announcement later. Li Wei broke in, which was a bit unexpected. Then he took out the elevated lower crossing that fooled Lao Shen. Old Shen is not stupid, the lower crossing connects the southern area, not only radiates Dongshan Jianlian's projects, but also other developers. Therefore, Lao Shen will definitely ask Li Wei for money, and then Considering the value of the community, those who give will definitely give it, but no matter how much you give, it is still money. When the elevated road is repaired, but the expected effect is not achieved, who do you think Li Wei will hate?"

"hate you."


Ge Xiaotian put away his chewing gum, "Old Shen wants us to fight Li Wei, but I want to beat them together, it's as simple as that."


"Actually, the main reason for this matter is that they have too high expectations for the supporting facilities of Xingyue Bay. Sometimes, only if they are willing to give up, can they gain something. If they put aside Xingyue Bay and work together to develop it, they will definitely not to where it is now.”

"Boss, I'm afraid... what you said last will come true!" Seng Si took off the earphones and played the recording.

Li Wei's voice came leisurely: "Mr. Shen, why do we have to rely on the Xingyue Bay supporting facilities? We can definitely drag Zaoshi Xincheng to the south... I have a deep understanding of Tiancheng, if we follow the surname Ge If you think about it, I’m afraid you’ll be cheated, why don’t you and I jointly build a road and develop together outside.”


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, and immediately smiled, "This woman is interesting!"

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