Build Madness

Chapter 576 Old Shen Xue is broken

Ge Xiaotian knew why that woman always had trouble with herself.

It was not because he refused Chen Donghai's cooperation with new energy, nor was it because the purchase of Qinggang land did not give Mr. Du corresponding benefits, but because Tiancheng's development has offended too many people.

For example, the shopping card that even Lao Shen gave up, this is a good gift.

For example, Tiancheng's industrial chain is self-contained. Once it enters a certain area, it will inevitably have an impact on the local 'interest groups'.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents, this is no joke.

So Tian Cheng took the route of big leadership, Shaobaitou, Xue Da, Fu Da, Mr. Yu, the vice chairman...

Just nod and I'll do it.

If it is ambiguous, then I withdraw.

Xucheng Xingyuewan, which was used for experiments, is now caught in a dilemma, which is a good negative teaching material.

However, Ge Xiaotian does not love Li Wei.

If the other party wanted to bring down Tian Cheng, he would definitely use some shady means, but he just liked this kind of 'good guy' who came to his door to bring him fame.

Maybe soon, Nanhe will have a large number of hope primary schools and nursing homes...

Wait until the end of the year, the primary and secondary school sports meeting...

Tut tut!

That scene!

Ge Xiaotian held the night vision binoculars and looked at Li Wei's little face. The more he looked, the more he looked like the golden egg in his dream!

Come on, kid...

As for the construction of elevated crossings.

He, Ge Xiaotian, never fights uncertain battles.

Since he dared to fool the smart old Shen, he naturally had to come up with a condition that the other party couldn't give up.

Dongshan Jianlian can repair roads.

If you donate money, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce can also donate.

But what about the subway?

Tian Cheng affiliated the subway company with the Jishi municipal government. Although he did not publicize it, it is a giant with a registered capital of 50 billion. As a native of Dongshan, Lao Shen also participated in the corporate ceremony at that time, so it is impossible not to know about it thing.

Although the subway route is from Jishi to Jinxiuchuan, but it can get the approval, and the subway is tailor-made for the Xingyuewan industrial chain. Old Shen will definitely know that there is also a subway in Xingyuewan, Zaoshi New City.

This is the main reason why Lao Shen agreed to spend 500 million yuan to build the crossing on the spot.

The community built by Dongshan Jianlian entrusted by the Jifu Chamber of Commerce belongs to the Ginza commercial system. As long as the subway is connected, it will connect to Xingyue Bay in Jishi, Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, Daqingshan Development Zone, other industries in Tiancheng, Jinxiuchuan University City, and even It can also be connected to the Jifu Ginza system, let alone 500 million, and 500 million can be earned back.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian monitored through the satellite phone, heard Li Wei's words, and felt that Lao Shen would definitely remind him about the subway when he went to find him.

However, Lao Shen actually agreed to Li Wei's proposal...

Shen Zhipeng: "Mr. Li is worthy of being the big celebrity in front of Mr. Chen. He has a flexible mind. Look at me, I'm so confused!"

Li Wei: "Boss Shen has fought against the sky too many times. He is in the middle of the game and doesn't know the game. It's just because of his desire for profit and loss."

Shen Zhipeng: "Haha, close your eyes and look around, turn around and take a look at the game. Mr. Li, you have been taught!"

Li Wei: "Then let's adjust the community planning, extend south together, stay away from Tiancheng, and build our own system?"

Shen Zhipeng: "Excellent!"

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"


After hearing the conversation between the two, Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, immediately put away the binoculars, and went straight to his construction site.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Old Shen came to visit.

"Brother Ge!"

"Mr. Shen, it's already eleven o'clock in the evening, why haven't you rested yet?"

"Oh, after Brother Ge left, I sat alone in the office thinking hard, and felt that the crossing must be repaired!"

"Yes, once the subway is connected, 500 million yuan, I am afraid that it can be earned back only by the appreciation of real estate."

Shen Zhipeng's eyes flashed, and his face showed a look that was so true, he waved to the two financial staff who followed behind, "Then we've settled this matter?"

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "I wonder if Boss Shen knows the project I stopped overseas?"

"Incheon Bridge?"

"Yeah, more than 20 kilometers, and it will be done in six months. How fast do you think it is?"

"Haha, it seems that Dongshan Jianlian still needs to learn more from Brother Ge. Next year, all of them will apply for vocational technical secondary schools and learn the technology of building viaducts!"


What the hell are you going to retire for?

Ge Xiaotian secretly complained, and spread out the drawings related to the south gate of Dongshan, "Old Shen, my speed is paramount. Even if Nanbangzi paid 60% of the project fee for the first phase, the two crossings of yours are only two kilometers away. , as long as the work is started, it can be done in half a month, and the 500 million must be paid in one lump sum."

"That's it..."

Shen Zhipeng nodded slightly, pondered for a while, "It must be built according to the location designated by our side."

"As long as Leader Xue nods, there will be no problem."

"Also, the subway project in Zaoshi New City cannot be publicized within half a year!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian laughed suddenly.

This old man is indeed a vengeful master.

Over there, Chen Donghai threatened his father's old background, and this guy is now taking revenge on Li Wei!

Fooling the other party to run south, he is determined to connect with Tiancheng Xingyue Bay...

I'm afraid that at that time, this old guy will build a 'Berlin Wall' to completely cut off the connection with Li Wei's industry, and separate the other party in the wilderness, with no real road.

Why doesn't Li Wei know about the subway project?

It is possible that during that time, because Mr. Du transferred Nanyun far away, the other party went with him.

It's also possible that the other party was busy serving Chen Donghai and didn't pay attention to Dongshan's changes. Otherwise, why did he go to the capital and set up an overseas investment group?

There is also a possibility that Li Wei, relying on his connections, won the Zaoshi New City project, which can make a lot of money, at a low price from Erhai, Luqi Real Estate, and Lu N Group. Can those developers have no complaints?

Stumble in the dark!

in addition.

Those who have attained the Way will be helped a lot, but those who have lost the Way will be helped less...

Old Shen's play is wonderful!

I am afraid that Dongshan Jianlian will get a lot of benefits by helping those developers vent their anger, and even acquire those developers who were frightened by Li Wei, and strengthen their own strength again...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian smiled even wider, "Okay, no problem, there is not much movement about the subway repair, and I will publicize it to the outside world when it is repaired!"

"This should be included in the agreement. Once everyone knows about it, I am afraid that the project of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce in Zaoshi New City will suffer at least 3...5 billion losses!"

'Are you looking at the young master's money or something? '

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "Subway, let alone Jishi, even many folks and elders in Dongshan know that although there is no plan for Zaoshi, it is inevitable that some people will imagine it. I can only guarantee that our company will not promote it."

"Not only your company, but also holding groups, angel investment companies... In short, all commercial industries related to you cannot be publicized."

"You are quite cautious."

"No way, you kid is not a thing..."

"Who are you scolding?"

"That's all I'm saying... Fuck it, why don't you... beat him up!"


The next day, the third day of the Lunar New Year.

As soon as it was dawn, Ge Xiaotian was awakened by the noise outside the dormitory.

Opening the curtains and taking a look, countless employees flocked to the construction site of Xingyue Bay, and quickly dismantled the straw mats and canvas that had been laid to protect the foundation years ago.

Several large mixing plants in the distance started up one after another, and truckloads of concrete were dumped on four wheels and sent to the departments in need.

The machinery department is laying conveyor belts and small cranes, and there are harsh noises of cutting and grinding steel bars from the large warehouse next to it.

After peeping for a long time, Ge Xiaotian put down the curtains, picked up the toiletries under the bed and walked out of the dormitory door.

At this time, Seng Si, who was in charge of communication, handed over the phone.

"Boss, Horton called and heard that you were still asleep, so he didn't say anything else."

"Oh? Is this old guy short of people?"

Ge Xiaotian stepped into the public bathroom, brushed his teeth, and called Horton, "What's the matter, old Huo?"

"Thank God, we are fortunate that we did not continue to sail to the West! Calculate the schedule, if we sail to the West, we have almost arrived at Sange's territory by now. In the early hours of this morning, there was an eight-magnitude earthquake and a super tsunami there. No matter how awesome we are, we probably won't be able to survive. , your master is really amazing!"


Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, and suspended his voyage because Zheng He's fleet was sold out, so what did he have to do with the master.

However, since the other party thinks so, he can't deny it. After all, when the monks boasted, they didn't even make a draft, and even forgot it afterwards.

"Old Huo, the master's ability is more than that. Observing the sky, curing all kinds of diseases, can prolong life... Do you want to come?"

"That's what I meant by calling, you two! To show respect, I'll invite you in person!"

"Then there's no need. It's such a troublesome trip. I'll arrange for them to go on the road tonight."

"Mr. Ge, don't treat Master badly, no matter how much the travel expenses are, I will reimburse them all!"

"It's easy to say!"

Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication, and immediately contacted Daoyi of the Aerospace Center, "Send Sengqi and Sengba to Huo Dun Group in North America, and tell them not to raise wages in the early stage, and then talk about treatment after I am fooled and lame."

"I know the boss, we monks never live on the basic salary!"



After washing up, Ge Xiaotian changed into his work clothes, grabbed two hot old-stove pancakes from the cafeteria, drank soy milk and came to the construction site.

The planning of Xingyue Bay, a new town in Zaoshi City, was completed long before the disposal of the graves covered by old trees.

The first phase covers an area of ​​2,000 mu, with a total of six areas, each of which has a crescent-shaped layout, with an average of four rows of buildings in each area, about twenty buildings.

At the end, which is the seventh area, there are ninety-six mountain-view villas and sixty palace-style villas arranged according to the directions.

The former belongs to the hardcover room equipped with Tianwei butler, and the latter belongs to the smart home equipped with Huo Dun security.

The floor heights of the first six districts increase correspondingly with the rising platform base going north, with the lowest being 16 floors and the highest being 36 cities. This is to obtain the highest lighting rate.

The community as a whole is similar to a theme park, focusing on wetlands, and the green area occupies half of the total area of ​​the community. (See Chapter 385 True Star Moon Bay for details)

Before the holiday, the engineering department blew up half of the mountain, and relied on earth and rocks transported from other areas to complete the backfilling of all the foundations of Xingyue Bay.

Therefore, the main work of various departments is to build buildings.

Three floors at a time, after busy work, transfer to the foothills on the north side, and build a corridor around the mountain and the top of the mountain.

Generally speaking, it takes about 6 months for the building to be erected by an ordinary construction team for the 15th floor, 6-10 months for the 15th-20th floor, and about 1 year for the 20-30th floor.

As for the slow ones, either the funds are not enough, or the weather is bad, or the boss wants to run away...

Tiancheng's construction is definitely not an ordinary construction team. Even if the 40% efficiency bonus of the fourth-level town center is removed, the construction period can be shortened by one-third only by relying on self-developed special cement and self-developed prefabricated partition walls.

In addition, since its development, Tiancheng has not only used the pouring method to build buildings, but also added the "prefabricated construction technology" that Ge Xiaotian recalled for a long time and restored through market drawings.

For example, a six-story building is to be built.

The bottom three floors are poured, and the upper three floors use prefabricated exterior wall panels, interior wall panels, laminated panels, balconies, air-conditioning panels, stair panels, prefabricated beams, prefabricated columns, etc., through welding, bolt connection, post-cast concrete overall connection, etc. Craft, form a whole.

This construction method was born in the 17th century. In the last century, Dasanjian was built in the rural areas of Huaxia, but only part of the roofing technology was used.

Now Ge Xiaotian relies on the system's perfect and improved prefabricated construction technology, which is similar to another time travel time, advanced, scientific, environmentally friendly, and fast, which is Tiancheng's unique patent.

If it is said that it takes 10 months for an external construction team to build a 20-story building, and 6 months for Tiancheng to use pouring technology, then if it uses prefabricated construction technology and removes the 20-day foundation construction, the overall completion will only take 2 months.

If the 40% efficiency bonus is included, this will be an astonishing speed of infrastructure construction.

However, there are no special circumstances, so you can't play like that.

(It’s not illusory, nor sci-fi, it’s good for you: prefabricated buildings, this is the future trend, and I read in the book review section that it’s too fake to build a community in half a year. I’m afraid few people know that the 16-story high-rise community in the industry, The fastest speed is two months, mainly due to the three major factors of audit, funds, and weather. The speed of infrastructure construction has never been slow, such as concrete solidification and maintenance of stability in various parts. Now there are corresponding equipment to speed up.)

In addition to prefabricated construction technology, Tiancheng also has steel structure construction technology.

Steel structures are not only used to build factories, stations, and airports, but also commercial housing.

At present, Tiancheng has increased the lifespan of steel-concrete commercial housing to 70 years.

If we continue to improve the construction process and strengthen the research and development of new steel materials, it will not be a problem to build a steel-concrete building with a lifespan of one hundred years.

It is a pity that Huaxia steel production has not yet exploded this year, and the price remains high. Steel-concrete structures can only be used to build buildings with three floors or less, such as septic tanks, garbage stations, and commercial areas adjacent to the street.

The technologies used to build Xingyue Bay, a new city in Zaoshi, are:

22-storey building, pouring below 16 storeys, prefabricated construction above 17 storeys.

36-storey building, pouring below 25 storeys, prefabricated construction above 26 storeys.

To Tiancheng, there is no difference between the two constructions, and the quality is also equal.

However, if the outside world adopts prefabricated construction technology, there is no standardized design, no information management, no digital statistics, no simulation prediction, no full inspection records from production to assembly, the estimated quality is comparable to that of temporary prefabricated houses.

However, prefabricated construction technology is the main construction method adopted by Tiancheng Industrial Chain in the future.

In the future, it is no longer limited to prefabricated walls, prefabricated panels, etc., but also includes prefabricated toilets, prefabricated kitchens, prefabricated stairs, prefabricated study rooms, building box buildings, or skeleton box buildings.

To put it bluntly, it's like building blocks.

The technical difficulty must be the connection of various parts, the overall earthquake resistance, and the sound insulation of each area.

At this stage, Tiancheng does not need box-type buildings for the time being, but if the housing prices skyrocket one day, Tiancheng can find barren mountains and wild mountains, and rely on Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and Xingyuewan Industrial Chain to build new towns with low housing prices at lightning speed, attracting people who cannot afford it. People who own the house, develop their own industry.

As for whether it will become a ghost town...

That depends on his boss Ge's ability.

In fact, Tiancheng still has a technology that is being conquered: 3D printing.

What it prints is not paper, or small items, but houses.

Before crossing, Huaxia-level construction workers already possessed this technology, but private enterprises did not, so Ge ​​Xiaotian didn't understand.

Now it's just a project, let's study it slowly, and wait until the stars and seas are opened... Maybe it can be used.


At the construction site today, the main task of each department is to check the basis of maintenance before the holiday.

The task is not very heavy, familiarize yourself with the construction environment, discuss and discuss the construction process, coordinate the logistics and transportation routes among various departments, and then arrange shifts on duty, and the whole morning has passed.

Lunch time.

Leader Xue Da, who was at home on vacation, led a few small followers, wearing uniform blue hats, and found Ge Xiaotian who was exchanging construction experience with the heads of various departments.

"Great talent!"

"Leader, why are you here, and you didn't say hello in advance!"

"Haha, it's a holiday, come and walk around!"

Leader Xue looked around, "Is this the full-scale start of work?"

"Yeah, everything that needs to be prepared is ready, and we're done in one go. We're going to face Xu Cheng's mess."

"Hey, I also communicated with that side, but unfortunately, cross-province..."

"Understood, understood, did the leader eat?"

"I came here just to eat."

"Haha, sit down, Director Sun, call a few people, help me make a few copies..."

Leader Xue waved his hand and picked up the dinner plate in the cupboard by the wall, "No need, regular customer!"

"Hey, I don't even know!"

After some busy work, everyone found a quiet place to sit down.

"Leader, how do you feel about the diversion plan I proposed last night?"

"If you follow my advice, it will definitely not work, but the road was donated by you Tiancheng. If it is good for development, I have no objection."

"There are definitely benefits. It will drive the overall efficiency of the industrial chain and increase the attractiveness to residents in the old city!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and picked up the blueprint, "In addition, in order to speed up the development of Zaoshi New City, Tiancheng decided to start it now. It was originally scheduled for the second phase, and the subway will be built at the end of the year."


Leader Xue Da was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed joy, "Good thing!"

"However, our Tiancheng Xingyue Bay needs a long-distance bus station, which is not in the community, but five miles to the east."

"Then go to your Tiancheng home experiment area."

"One south and one north, without disturbing, the newly established main road, and the above-ground track built along the dam of the Panlong River, all go there."

Leader Xue looked carefully at the drawings, "What's going on with this elevated road?"

"To be determined, it's just a circular path at the moment."

"The long-distance bus station belongs to the old plan. I need to take it back and negotiate with the leaders of development reform and urban construction."

"no problem."


the other side.

After lunch, Shen Zhipeng, with panda eyes on his face, swaggered along the edge of the Dongshan Jianlian construction site.

I don't know whether to observe or to relax...

Coincidentally, Li Wei was ready to go out with a small bag.

Seeing his birdlike appearance, he was immediately startled, "Mr. Shen, what is this?"

"Bah, bad luck! That guy surnamed Ge is not a joke, just because I refused to build an elevated crossing, that guy rolled up his sleeves and started doing it."

"What a savage!"

"Well, that's what I said to the bottom of my heart!"

Seeing that old Shen was deeply convinced, Li Wei couldn't help thinking about Mr. Du's incident, "Mr. Shen, it seems that we must implement the plan to develop south as soon as possible, and stay away from that barbarian!"

"No, I'm currently inspecting the land, adjusting the plan, and developing south!"

Lao Shen carefully looked at the wasteland adjacent to the overseas investment group industry on the south side, and for some reason he thought of the 'Berlin Wall'...

Seeing his serious expression, Li Wei secretly clenched her fists, "I didn't expect to get an ally so soon, Ge Xiaotian is not very good..."

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