Build Madness

Chapter 579 Old Shen: Why are you going? Ge Xiaotian: Eat a big feast!

The first anniversary of this book is about to open, and there is an operating fund of 20,000 starting coins. Lao Niu entrusted the operation officer to hold an event to test the waters, called 'Ge Xiaotian in xx's heart'. After reviewing the details of the event, it will be distributed to the comment area. Readers are welcome to participate.

By the way, please ask for a monthly pass, please recommend, this week's grades are so dismal... please support.

The following is the text:


Eating is a very important thing in itself.

If you eat more and have more words, you will be more particular.

In order to make his strong men eat enough, Ge Xiaotian specially arranged for monks to conduct in-depth research and clinical trials on 'how to eat more'.

And for 'eating other people's buffet', list the following rules:

If you want to eat more, you should not be too hungry before eating, otherwise you will not be able to eat and it will hurt your stomach.

If you want to eat more, you should not be too tired before eating, otherwise your physiological function will decline, and you will feel drowsy after eating a little.

Self-service, no carbonated beverages, not even beer, if you want to drink, you can drink non-sparkling beverages such as herbal tea.

Before eating, be sure to eat some appetizers, such as relatively light soup, fruit, red wine...

After you start eating, you can’t eat the same food all the time, or just eat meat, you will get tired after three or two bites, and you will feel full. In fact, you are not full, so you need a combination of meat and vegetables.

When you eat, you should chew slowly, eat in a single-wheel buffet for a limited time, and digest while eating...

When taking the meal, vinegar and garlic should be added to the seasoning to ensure that it will not be greasy, and it will also increase gastric juice and promote digestion. Choose expensive, refined, time-consuming and labor-intensive things... In short, take less and take more, and you can walk around to digest. (Someone posted more for less in their cafeteria)

Another thing is to go to the toilet more, don’t stand when you can squat in it, if you squat, pat the top of your head more, wash your hands and dry them to maintain personal hygiene...

In addition, when you leave, you must order two more ice creams, and eat while walking...

"Have you heard all of them? If you hear it, deduct 1!"

Sitting at his desk, Ge Xiaotian is like an old village head holding a village meeting. Through the voice broadcast function of the employee version of the smart card, he repeats the regulations several times.

Finally, make sure all the employees have received it, Ge Xiaotian checks the time, it's eleven o'clock in the morning...

"Okay, the first batch of 5,000 people, take their seats, and according to the established plan, go to Zaoshi Old City, Tengzhou, Fucheng, Yancheng, Xucheng... Let's eat!"


the other side.

Dongshan Jianlian received support from Wei Changfeng, and the construction plan has been changed from the original "A-area pouring, B-area maintenance" to "AC two-area pouring, BD two-area maintenance", and the overall construction period has been greatly shortened.

And Shen Zhipeng secretly observed Tiancheng for more than two months, and through the research of the construction process, he calculated the opening date of Xingyue Bay, a new city in Zaoshi, around June 1st.

Therefore, Dongshan Jianlian also implemented three shifts and accelerated the construction progress of the first four areas again, hoping to finish it in mid-May, following Tiancheng's footsteps and launching sales promotion.

Time was running out, so Shen Zhipeng naturally didn't dare to relax.

On the morning of March 15th, after attending the launch event of Longtian Technology's new products, I rushed back to the construction site without even having lunch.

However, before Mi Erliu landed, he saw Tiancheng employees who had been busy all morning on the Xingyue Bay construction site put on all kinds of new clothes, and went straight to the pier happily...


Old Shen was a little confused, "What the hell is it on vacation?"

Immediately afterwards, he saw a certain unscrupulous dick like a sack, bouncing around the entrance of Tiancheng's command department dozens of times, clapping his hands on the top of his head, and jumping into the toilet...


When Mi Erliu landed, Lao Shen hurriedly greeted Wei Changfeng, who was standing on the second floor of the project management office, looking at the Tiancheng construction site, "Old Wei, what's going on over there?"

"I don't know. It was fine this morning, but just now, I made a noise like a frying pan, and it became like this!"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. You can contact the Seismological Bureau to ask about the situation... No, I have to go and have a look!"

After Shen Zhipeng finished speaking, he looked for a small four-wheeler and turned on the diesel engine alone without calling for help...

Tutu came to the northern end of the Ginza community, asked the workers to tear down a low wall, and then drove the small four-wheeler to the West Shuangzi Bridge and went straight to the Tiancheng Xingyuewan construction site.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, he happened to meet Ge Xiaotian who jumped out like a zombie after going to the toilet.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

"What's wrong?"

"Why did you stop working?"

"Take a day off!"

"Today is March 15, what's the holiday?"

'It's not a holiday, how can I go to your house for dinner? '

Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes, and suddenly remembered that the children of the first batch of strong men and peasant women in his family should have been born for three months.

Hundred-day banquet!

Hundred days!

Do it together today!

"Go to the banquet."


"You know, our Tiancheng corporate culture is very humane. Last year during the Spring Festival holiday, a large number of employees were pregnant with children. They were pregnant in October, and they were born around New Year's Day. It's just been 100 days since most of the couples were in Tiancheng. They just got together today. Lively and lively."


Old Shen suddenly realized, "A good thing is a good thing!"


"Same joy, same joy, I will also give a gift, not much, a family of one hundred..."

"One hundred for a family? It's a bit much..."

"Only one hundred, to me, not much!"

"No, I mean, there are too many children."


"Although there are not many twins, but there are many employees, and there are more pregnancies. More than 5,000 babies were born in one breath... The Dongshan Family Planning Office was alarmed."


"By the way, do you still pay for it? In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't. It's not your employee..."

"I, Old Shen, spit on a nail, and took it out!" Old Shen said, took out the check, brushed it out, tore it up, and waved it coolly, "500,000, what a big deal."

Ge Xiaotian took the check and carefully put it into the document bag. The first batch of 5,000 people, if there is a discount for booking the venue, the money will be enough for three rounds!

"thank you!"

"You're welcome……"

After filling up the big money, old Shen felt a little distressed after calming down. He seemed to see a small BMW plunged into the Panlong River in a trance, and half a million dollars was lost just like that. "Don't fool me with the happy event!"

"Can this be a joke? Later, I will send the group photo and Baitian photo to your Shenlong account!"

"Okay! Actually, I really like children too."

"Really? But it's right to think about it. When Shen Wen was young, your husband and wife were busy starting a business and didn't have time to accompany them. Now they want to accompany them, but the children have grown up, and they don't have the same feeling as before. Old Shen, since you are old The trumpet training is useless, how about practicing a trumpet and wanting a second child?"

"Coincidentally, I do have this idea!"

Old Shen clapped his palms, and took out a two-inch paper bag from his trouser pocket, "By the way, does the thing you endorsed work or not?"


Ge Xiaotian was quite happy at first, but when he saw himself with a funny face on his head, and the words Ge Aoao, his face immediately turned pale, "Go away, I won't eat this stuff at all!"

"Tsk tsk..."

After finding out what Tian Cheng was doing, Old Shen didn't say any more, curled his lips, and stepped into the small four-wheel that hadn't been turned off, "Let's go, I wish you and the staff, eat well, eat well, and eat deliciously!"

"Thank you!"


Fujizhou is a great place.

Located in the north of Zaoshi New City, it is the only way to Zoushi, Fucheng, Yancheng and Jishi in the north.

Tengzhou and Zaoshi Xincheng are 40 kilometers away, and it takes about 50 minutes to walk along the national road.

In 2001, it has been ten years since Tengzhou County was transformed into a city. Because it is a resource-based city, mainly coal mines, it has developed rapidly, and its per capita income can be regarded as the upper reaches of Dongshan.

However, considering the environment like severe smog, Tiancheng has not carried out the second phase plan of Dongshan Fifteen Cities here.

But developers, if they have money in their pockets, they must hoard land.

According to the instructions of the planning department, the director of the Tiancheng project in Tengzhou took tens of thousands of acres of construction land relying on the five benefiting activity centers in the towns below.

Although there is no plan for the time being, such a large piece of land cannot be left unused. The project manager of Tengzhou Tiancheng also contacted the township leaders in charge of operating the Limin Activity Center to raise meat pigeons here.

The leaders of Tengzhou University were a little disappointed at not being able to win Xingyue Bay, but seeing that the meat pigeon business has become more and more popular with Tianwei Catering, they hastily spent money on the land that has not yet been warmed up to increase investment in the industry.

Today, the reputation of Tengzhou Meat Pigeon has surpassed that of vegetable pancakes, and it has applied for an international brand. It is ready to wait for Huaxia to join the WTO and sell it overseas...

As a result, in order to protect the pigeon meat industry, the leaders of Tengzhou have begun to order the Tengzhou Coal Mine to rectify the sewage...

Of course, if the environment continues to deteriorate and hundreds of thousands of meat pigeons all die, Tian Cheng will also have a good talk with Tengzhou Coal Mine about sustainable development and compensation...

This is not touching porcelain, but fighting for Tiancheng's rights, otherwise how can we build a building and make a lot of money?

And when he heard the arrival of the big boss, the non-system guy promoted from the logistics department prepared the ingredients in advance and planned to make a whole pigeon feast.

Ge Xiaotian's enthusiasm was hard to quench, and he agreed to eat in the evening, and then went to Tengzhou Ginza Mall.

In the outbreak stage of resource-based cities, the per capita income has been greatly increased. Before the resources are exhausted, people who suddenly get high salaries are bound to develop excessive consumption habits.

Like buying, buying, buying...

Fujizhou Ginza Mall is one of the twenty-six city plans of Jifu Business Alliance. It is very popular in Fujizhou, where there is no concept of business circle.

Shops, supermarkets, and dining areas imitating Tiancheng snacks are all overcrowded.

At noon, the cafeteria has already received customers and cannot be reserved.

Fortunately, today is Thursday, which is not a holiday, and not many people came to eat the buffet that belongs to high-end consumption.

Hundreds of strong men suddenly flooded into the store, making the restaurant manager feel like an enemy.

Today is March 15th, and if something happens, it will be a lot of fun.

Dozens of waiters hula la blocked the door...

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to step forward, he suddenly caught a glimpse of his own photo posted on the glass window, as well as the advertisement saying "Ge Baiyi can say yes to eating", cursed the lazy old Shen, and quickly stepped aside, letting him A supervisor came forward to communicate.

The cafeteria can accommodate 380 people, and there are more than 70 tables of individual customers.

The first batch of 5,000 strong men came to Fujizhou with 500. There was no room for one round. Some strong men entered the venue, and some strong men went shopping...

Ge Xiaotian was worried that he would be recognized by the other party, so he informed Lao Shen to scare the snake away, so he went to the French windows on the third floor to observe the street scene of Tengzhou.

Not long after, employees from the Pigeon Factory came in with sixteen or seven babies who had just turned 100 days old.

Since Tiancheng Home has not yet been completed, it is impossible to collectively settle in Zaoshi Xincheng. The peasant woman who became a mother on New Year's Day still stays in the local department or Xiaoqingshan, but lives in the system university.

Ge Xiaotian has seen the child a long time ago, he is not a system member, nor has a map mark, he is a natural person.

But it may be affected by the system, or it may be grown up in the system university, everyone's eyes are bright, and they look smart.

Cultivate well, educate the red class, compulsory education, vocational technical secondary school, and further study in the enterprise. Twenty years later, they will definitely be Tiancheng's strongest new force.

"At that time, maybe I will go to explore the outer space with my son..."

Tiancheng is a personal business, and it will definitely be a family business in the future. Ge Xiaotian is full of expectations for this.

Tease the little dolls one by one, make them hug into the cafeteria, and start the celebration...

There are more than 5,000 babies, of course not all of them can be carried, they are just representatives. Later on March 20, the supervisors from all over the country will hold a unified event.


the other side.

Shen Zhipeng drove back to the construction site in a small four-wheeler, feeling that the thing under his buttocks was quite exciting. After playing for an hour, he just stepped into the Dongshan Jianlian Project Management Office.

As soon as he stepped through the gate, he saw Li Wei sitting in the lobby drinking tea.

"Mr. Li, why do you have time to come here today?"

"Mr. Shen, we made an appointment to develop to the south together and build a road together. After two months, you have repeatedly delayed, saying that the funds are insufficient. But now, the progress of your project has far surpassed ours. I am afraid that there will be another two months. Is it time to enter the promotional period?"

"Almost." Shen Zhipeng cheerfully opened his chair and sat down.

"The publicity is about to start, but there is no way to the community. How can customers view the house? Shen is always an old man in the industry. I want to ask for advice?"

"I don't dare to ask for advice."

Shen Zhipeng knew that with the progress of the project, many things could no longer be kept secret.

With the Datai Road Bridge in place, the viaduct will soon be built, and the northern wall near the Panlong River will be demolished at any time.

The Xiadaokou connects to the North Street of Ginza Community, and everyone can see its function.

Calculating the time, two months will fly by in the blink of an eye. By June 1st, Tiancheng Xingyue Bay and Ginza Community will open at the same time, plus the second phase of the two projects, it will be enough to absorb the first batch of 100,000 residents who moved to Zaoshi New City.

Overseas investment group?

To blame, I can only blame you for following Chen Donghai!

Shen Zhipeng lit a cigarette and signaled to the staff to bring the planning map of the Ginza community.

Li Wei thought that this guy really wanted to talk about his experience, so he quickly dragged the chair forward, intending to listen carefully.

It is estimated that Shen Zhipeng has taken too many brain-invigorating and kidney-tonifying pills recently, and when he smelled the light perfume, he subconsciously took a deep breath...

However, the smoke was so lingering that I almost choked on the cigarette in my hand...

Seeing his reaction, Li Wei didn't take it seriously, smiled slightly, and even took the initiative to lean forward again...

Shen Zhipeng thought to himself, sure enough, what Lao Ge said is correct, this woman is a tool, and immediately took the blueprint calmly, and put it between the two of them, "Mr. Li, I wonder if you have heard of the Berlin Wall?"

"Huh?" Li Wei's life experience was very complicated. She belonged to South Vietnamese war immigrants and had no formal education. She knew about Berlin, but she didn't know about this famous product after World War II.

The corner of Shen Zhipeng's mouth curled up, "That's a tie to separate the two worlds!"

"I also ask Mr. Shen to give you more guidance."

"My wall is the Berlin Wall."


"It's like a curtain, separating you and my industry."

Li Wei's smile froze, "Mr. Shen, don't be joking."

"Hehe, from this afternoon onwards, your engineering vehicles, transport vehicles, and construction personnel will not be able to pass by my construction site. I am afraid that you will have to find another way to connect to the west train station."

"Shen Zhipeng, what do you mean?" Li Wei seemed to understand something.

"The moment you and Chen Donghai walked into my old house and mentioned my father, we were destined to go to opposite sides."

Shen Zhipeng no longer looked like he was playing around with Ge Xiaotian, and his whole body was filled with the aura that a Dongshan super real estate tycoon should be. Sitting on the sofa, his eyes were burning, he leaned forward, and said softly: "Either you die, or I die!"


Li Wei had seen big scenes, but she was still intimidated by Lao Shen's aura, her lips were slightly parted, and she was speechless.

"see a visitor out!"

Shen Zhipeng won the next round, feeling secretly refreshed, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"President Shen, you are not afraid of Director Chen..."

"He? Don't remember the conversation in the old house? I was afraid of him?"

Shen Zhipeng paused, and said mockingly, "Besides, Chen Donghai doesn't know who you are offending, you should know!"


"I fought with Ge Xiaotian, but it was Zhou Yu's fight against Huang Gai. It was mutual consent. In fact, we have a very good friendship in private. We often sit down to chat and have a casual meal together."

Shen Zhipeng flicked the cigarette ash, "The last time I talked about you, do you know what he told me?"


"He's going to have a big adventure on Mount Everest. Boss Du and Chen Donghai both have jobs, so there's too much trouble, so he's going to take you with him."

Li Wei's complexion suddenly turned pale on the spot.

"Good luck!"

Shen Zhipeng suppressed his smile and waved off the guests again.

When Li Wei staggered away and watched the other party disappear behind the unblocked gate of the Berlin Wall, Shen Zhipeng was about to laugh...

The assistant stepped forward, "Boss!"

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Ge sent you a set of atlases for that discarded smart card through the Shenlong account."


Shen Zhipeng thought of Tiancheng's Hundred Days Banquet, "Let me have a look."

After a while, the smart card opens the picture browsing mode.

"Hey, what a cute little guy, this look, tsk tsk... hey? Wait, why is this background so familiar?"

"Boss, it seems to be... our cafeteria?!"



bang dang...

The barbecue master's hands trembled, he rubbed his exhausted arms, and slumped on the ground, "This is too delicious, I'm afraid it's not a monster? I can't roast anymore..."

Behind him, dozens of meat-cutting waiters were hiding in the back kitchen passage, some were standing, some were sitting, some were lying down...

In the direction of the front hall, there was another loud urging sound.

"Serve the food! Where are the people? Where are they going? Are you still in business?"

The manager of the restaurant held the walkie-talkie and ran to the back kitchen with expressions of disbelief, disbelief, am I still asleep, etc., "Baking!"

"Manager, I'm exhausted!"


From the front hall: "What's going on! Are you going to starve us to death, or are you planning to delay until meal time? Believe it or not, I'll call the 315 hotline?"

The restaurant manager quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Boss, there are a group of strong men who ate six times the cost of food and are still not full!"

"I'm on my way here, that's Ge Xiaotian's man, why didn't you inform me?"

"I didn't see him, and I don't know anyone from him..."


Not long after, Lao Shen led people into the Ginza.

When I came to the cafeteria, I saw a group of strong men holding barbecue forks, greeting their companions enthusiastically, cutting, dividing and grilling meat...

The whole set of movements is done in one go, making people wonder if they have been practiced...


Old Shen looked confused and looked at the restaurant manager who greeted him, "What's going on?"

"The barbecue master was exhausted, so they grilled it themselves..."


Shen Zhipeng took a deep breath, "It's okay, let them eat, it's probably the same as last time, improve the food."

"But, boss, I'm afraid we will be closed tonight. The ingredients we purchased yesterday are almost used up."

"Then go out of business!"


the next day.

Yesterday afternoon, Lao Shen received reports from cafeterias all over the place that they were all eaten up and suffered heavy losses. He was so angry that he couldn't sleep until early in the morning.

Half past eleven.

The phone rang.

Look at the number, the manager of the Fujizhou cafeteria.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, those strong men are here again!"

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