Build Madness

Chapter 580 Ge Xiaotian's Tea When the Subway Project is in progress (Please subscribe, please

Shen Zhipeng suffered from insomnia by Ge Xiaotian.

And Li Wei suffered from insomnia and discomfort from being treated by Shen Zhipeng.

There is only one road from Zaoshi New City to Zaoshi Railway Station on the west side, which is the cinder road that Ge Xiaotian asked Xue Da's leader for.

Although this road was almost crushed into a ravine by construction machinery and transport vehicles, and Tiancheng also abandoned it and changed it to waterway transportation, it is the only logistics channel for Dongshan Jianlian and Overseas Investment Group.

Moreover, with the opening of several nearby expressways, the cinder road connects to the national highway, then connects to the Huaxia United Cement Plant in Yimeng Mountain, and connects the material markets of Jishi, Jifu, Xucheng, etc., and its role becomes more and more important.

Originally, this road extended from the west side, first to the south side of the Dongshan Jianlian construction site, and then to the south side of the overseas investment group construction site. No one thought that someone would cut off the road.

But some time ago, she and Shen Zhipeng agreed to develop southward together, so that the cinder road left in place passed through the middle of the Dongshan Jianlian construction site.

Shen Zhipeng suddenly set up a wall, not to mention the transport vehicles of the overseas investment group, even the employees living in the dormitory area to the west had to go around seven or eight miles to reach the construction site.

Fix another one?

It's not impossible, but without Dongshan Jianlian's help, it will pay out of pocket on behalf of overseas investment groups.

In addition, the transportation of building materials is easy to say, just build a temporary road, but to connect the community, considering the future development, it is definitely not possible to build cinder roads, otherwise how to attract buyers?

Originally, these matters should be referred to the Zaoshi New City Municipal Government, but when they settled in the new city project, the leader Xue Da only promised a first-class road for Zaoshi New City to connect the national highway near the west railway station and the old city of Zaoshi.

However, this main road in the new city was handed over to Dataai Road Bridge because of Tian Cheng's donation.

Based on the current relationship between the two parties, Tian Cheng would only give access to his competitors unless he was stupid.

Li Wei tossed and turned until the early morning, closed her eyes and opened them, and woke up again at noon.

Sitting on the bedside and discussing on the phone with Chen Donghai for a long time, finally got up to wash and put on makeup.

She wants to talk to that black dick!

Although the two parties are in a competitive relationship, Director Chen said that if certain conditions are offered, things will always turn around...


In fact, Ge Xiaotian also suffered from insomnia last night.

Maybe the whole pigeon feast was too much, or maybe he laughed at Lao Shen's annoyed look, or maybe he chatted with Fat Xiu for too long, and fell asleep until noon.

"Boss, Shen Zhipeng is here."

"Just say I'm back home."

Ge Xiaotian edited a joke that he couldn't send to Li Xiuxiu because he fell asleep last night:

"Last winter, two North Americans traveled to Neobras. They strayed into the wild forest by mistake and were chased by a black bear. As a result, they accidentally knocked over Maozi's tent on the way to escape. The drunk Maozi would definitely not buy it, so they chased It was a brutal beating when we went up, and afterward, the other guys asked how the North Americans were fighting, and the guy said: The first two North Americans are really weak, but the one in the leather at the back is pretty good..."

"Hahaha, is this true?"

"you guess?"

"I'm going on a trip to Neobras!"

"Alright, take the five little pink pigs to get familiar with them, and build the shops needed for ancient cultural products by the way."

"Aren't you going?"

"It's too cold..."


"No, I'm too busy."

"Didn't you say that the Zaoshi New City project will be completed soon after it enters the prefabricated construction stage?"

"Yeah, it can be almost a month in advance, and it is expected to open during the May Day holiday. However, I want to repair the subway. Even if it can't be completed this year, I still have to make some prototypes. Otherwise, how can I attract customers?"

"All right……"

After chatting for a few words, Ge Xiaotian got up to wash up, and the person in charge of the engineering headquarters ran over again, "Boss, Shen Zhipeng hasn't left yet."

"Isn't it just to eat a few meals from him, as for it!"

Is it a question of how many meals to eat?

The supervisor opened his mouth and quickly suppressed his thoughts.

There are too many living examples, such as Takamatsu.

The chairman of Tianyu has been in Africa for more than half a year, and some people even suspected that his boss had forgotten about it.

He doesn't want to be forgotten on Mount Everest, or on a polar fish farm...

"Boss, should I persuade him to leave?"

"Forget it, it just so happens that I want to talk to him about the Xucheng project."

Wei Changfeng defected to the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, intending to use Lao Shen to expand the Dongshan market. If Tiancheng gave Lao Shen some benefits, such as selling Lao Shen a piece of land near Xingyue Bay in Xucheng that his family bought early, and allowing Lao Shen to rely on Tiancheng's supporting facilities for development Ginza, this is equivalent to taking the soldiers of the Modu Chamber of Commerce and attacking the city of the Modu Chamber of Commerce.

And the bigger Lao Shen's stall is, the more difficult it is to turn over funds. When Tiancheng enters the prefabricated construction, it will completely leave the Jifu Business Alliance in terms of progress. The first phase of existing houses, the second phase of pre-sale, and the first batch of moving to Zaoshi New City residents, the old Shen house may not be sold.

It is expected that the investment will not even be able to return the capital, and the capital chain of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce will be broken...

For super enterprises, a broken capital chain means countless troubles, such as bank loans.

In order to solve the crisis, Lao Shen reluctantly cut his flesh and began to sell assets...

The other one is that Xingyue Bay in Xucheng was stumbled by the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, and there are no supporting facilities at all there.

Of course, Boss Ge needs to find an excuse to convince Lao Shen that there is no problem there.


After Ge Xiaotian washed up, he rushed to Tiancheng headquarters.

Walking to the door, I saw Li Wei getting off the off-road pickup from a distance.

"Mr. Li? Are you running to me for lunch?"

"Mr. Ge, we meet again!" Li Wei was much more enthusiastic this time than before.

With a smile on his face, Ge Xiaotian shook hands with the other party generously, "Please come inside!"

Shen Zhipeng was sitting in the hall drinking tea, and when he saw the two of them walking in, he seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness that happened with Li Wei yesterday, and teased, "No wonder I just got up now, it turns out... the sun is so hot! Tsk tsk... Ge Laoer, the fortune is not shallow Yo!"

"screw you!"

Ge Xiaotian casually grabbed a magazine and threw it over, "President Li, please sit down, you can choose to ignore this old thing!"

Seeing the two of them fighting, Li Wei secretly thought that it was true, and immediately showed a pitiful expression, and complained: "Both of you are seniors in the industry, since the relationship is so good, why bother to play tricks and bully me, a weak woman."


Ge Xiaotian smiled freely.

My family knows about my family affairs, and if the relationship between the two parties is good, just ask Shen Zhipeng.

Immediately change the topic:

"President Li, what do you want for lunch?"

"Mr. Ge is free, I have a small appetite."

"Okay then, master please!"

As soon as the words fell, five strong men rushed into the hall carrying pancakes from the stove and the old man who spread the pancakes.

Li Wei: "..."

"In other words, the craftsmanship of the old man is really good. It is the best vegetable pancake I have eaten in recent years!" Shen Zhipeng praised sincerely.

Ge Xiaotian ignored this product, but opened the drawer, unpacked it to become the tea leaves customized by his boss, "Come, come, try my top-notch mother tree Dahongpao!"

"Oh? Good guy, as expected of Ge Erhei, even the military took over. Last year, hundreds of thousands of a gram, this year, Dahongpao is available at a price!" Shen Zhipeng was a little surprised.

The same is true for Li Wei, "Mr. Ge is very energetic!"

Seng Si appeared on the stage, picked up the tea set, and began to show his unique skills.

Clean your hands, arrange utensils, iron cups and warm pots, Ma Long enters the palace, wash tea and brew, spring breeze blows face, seal pots and divide cups, return jade liquid to pots, divide pots, and serve tea!

The whole set of movements is dazzling and completed in one go.

Old Shen: "..."

Li Wei: "..."

"Drink!" Ge Xiaotian picked up the tea bowl, smelling the fragrance and drinking the tea.

Oddly enough, although the smell of jasmine is very weak, it is still that bad smell.

Could it be...

The mother tree Dahongpao, is it true?

Old Shen saw that the master had real skills, so he held up the tea bowl with very solemn hands, smelled it, tasted it, and said, "Good tea!"

Li Wei took a sip and narrowed her eyes slightly, "Yes, this is a cup of high-quality tea with charm, culture, art and life!"

Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, took another sip, nodded, "Good tea, good tea!"

"Mr. Ge, I see that you still have a few copies of the mother tree Dahongpao in your drawer. I wonder if you can part with them?" Li Wei asked affectionately after thanking Seng Si for serving tea again.

"It's not easy..."

Halfway through Ge Xiaotian's speech, he leisurely saw Seng Si's frantic eye contact, which seemed to mean: sell! All sold!

? ? ?

When did my family become so awesome?

Even the mother tree Dahongpao is not limited?

"Mr. Ge, I will buy it. Last year, it was 211,000 grams. This year, there is no market. I will pay 500,000 yuan for two grams."

"One pack, one gram, two packs, that's fine!"

Although Ge Xiaotian didn't understand where his family got the mother tree Dahongpao, he didn't like to drink it at all.

As for entertaining the leaders, the leaders bring their own tea, such as Mr. Yu, Mr. Zhu, and the vice chairman.

Therefore, the mother tree Dahongpao is basically useless except for mold.

(At the beginning, the owner of the teahouse only took two grams, all of which were used in the first banquet hosted by Jiusuo. And Ge Xiaotian's mother tree, actually a low-quality jasmine flower, but after Daoyi and others knew about it, they took the initiative to suppress it. Continue to fool his own boss. And Ge Xiaotian has never drank the mother tree Dahongpao in two time and space, and was repeatedly confirmed by others that this is good tea. .)

Paying the money and delivering the goods, two grams of the mother tree Dahongpao sold for a high price of one million.

Of course, Ge Xiaotian still lost money, because after the military department took over the mother tree, the outside world has fired up to 2 million per gram.

Why did Li Wei buy it?

It must be a gift, such as Nagumo Index Finger, and many big bosses who didn't show up.

sin sin!

Ge Xiaotian put away the bank card and signaled to Seng Si to issue an invoice...


No, he believed it was true!

The same is true for Li Wei and Shen Zhipeng who are tasting tea.

It is estimated that the person who received the gift is also the same...

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to talk about something else, he suddenly saw Shen Zhipeng's hand reaching for the drawer, and quickly stopped him, "Go away!"

"Don't be so stingy, give me a bag!"

"take money!"



After a while.

Remove the tea set and serve pancakes.

While blowing hot air, Ge Xiaotian looked at the gentle and polite Li Wei, "Mr. Li, I don't know if I'm here today, what do you want to talk about?"

The latter glanced at Shen Zhipeng, "Mr. Ge and Mr. Shen have such a good relationship, don't you know why I'm here?"

The relationship between Ge Xiaotian and Shen Zhipeng is as short as biubiubiu, but he knows about the Berlin Wall, "Way?"

"Mr. Ge, Director Chen is willing to sign a one-year fuel oil supply and demand contract with Tiancheng at the purchase price last year, and also hopes that Mr. Ge can connect the main road of the new city donated by Mr. Ge to the area of ​​​​the overseas investment group."

Hearing this, Shen Zhipeng gnawed on vegetable pancakes and felt bad.

It doesn't cost much to build a road, and it costs 200 million yuan. The reason why he spent 500 million yuan to build the highway crossing is mainly to connect the subway project and block Li Wei's back road.

Now that Li Wei found Ge Xiaotian, if the latter agreed, wouldn't his plan come to naught?

However, Ge Xiaotian's next answer made Shen Zhipeng heave a sigh of relief.

"Sorry Mr. Li, I'm not interested in fuel supply and demand contracts."

"Your projects in various places are all running out of fuel..."

"Don't worry Mr. Li, I have a solution."

Li Wei sighed, she had to build the dark road by herself, first build a temporary road for transportation, then wait for the main road to be repaired at Datai Road Bridge, and then pave the asphalt road connecting the former.

But in this way, we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey...

At this time, Ge Xiaotian suddenly stood up and raised his pants.

"Mr. Li, I have a big baby, I wonder if you want to see it?"

Seeing his movements, Li Wei glanced at Shen Zhipeng who was sitting next to him, blushing pretty, "Mr. Ge, can we go tonight?"


Ge Xiaotian was in a daze, so he went to see the TBM shield machine at night?

Although the underground is dark and there is no difference between day and night, but at the beginning of the project, the TBM shield machine has not yet fully penetrated the ground, so it is more shocking to see during the day than at night.

Shen Zhipeng was worried about his plan and didn't pay attention to what the two of them were talking about.

Seeing that Ge Xiaotian was in a daze, Li Wei grabbed the small bag and walked out, "I'll go back and get ready."


Just looking at the TBM shield machine, are you ready for a ball?

take a photo of?

"Ahem, Mr. Li, it's okay, no need to prepare, let's go there now."


Ge Xiaotian picked up his hard hat, put on his rubber boots, and asked someone to deliver a small set of armor, "Let's go."

Li Wei seemed to understand something, her face turned redder.

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Shen Zhipeng quickly caught up, "Why are you going?"

"Look at the big baby!"


Old Shen didn't think about it, but he knew that the Tiancheng construction site was full of treasures, otherwise he wouldn't be running here every day.

Moreover, he really learned a lot of small methods that are convenient for construction.

For example, the brick formwork is put on the tower crane, one stack at a time, no need for workers to operate, forklift delivery, tower crane self-unloading, as long as you have seen it, you can build it when you go back.

For example, bulk cement transport vehicles do not need to be manually transported, and can be directly blown in with a pipe or into a mixing station, which is far more convenient, safer, and more environmentally friendly than bagged cement, and can save woven bags...

Now when he heard that Ge Laoer was going to reveal his baby again, Shen Zhipeng ran out like a girl, more active than Li Wei.


With Li Wei around, Ge Xiaotian couldn't talk about the Xucheng project with Lao Shen, but with Lao Shen around, it was much easier to fool Li Wei.

After all, an enemy's enemy is a friend...

its not right!

Shen Zhipeng's enemies are me and Li Wei.

My enemies are Shen Zhipeng and Li Wei.

Li Wei's enemies are me and Shen Zhipeng...

Hey, how about playing Three Kingdoms?

Ge Xiaotian looked back at the two people who were not talking, and felt quite interesting.

While driving around the western foot of the northern mountain range, Li Wei saw the huge gantry crane and the tunnel tiles placed on both sides of the road for maintenance, and her expression changed instantly.

"Mr. Ge, this... is this the subway?"

"Mr. Li is so knowledgeable that he even knows about tunnel tiles."

"No, Mr. Ge, are you building the subway here?" Li Wei's voice was out of tune.

Ge Xiaotian pressed his right hand in vain, signaling the other party to sit still, "It's just building a subway, it's not a big deal."

Shen Zhipeng was not surprised at all when he knew about the subway, but rather worried about his plan to block the overseas investment group community.

Judging by Ge Laoer's intentions, it seems that he intends to sell it to Li Wei to drive down the crossing...

'Then my 500 million, and the cost of building the Berlin Wall, isn't it a waste? '

"It's better to let go of the grievances temporarily and unite with Li Wei, and each contribute half of the funds to build the crossing together!" '

'So...what the hell, Ge Laoer actually wants to earn two copies of 500 million! '

Almost at the same time, Li Wei also understood this truth, and looked at Shen Zhipeng suddenly, "Aren't you two on the same team?"

"Who is with him!" Lao Shen now even wants to strangle Ge Xiaotian to death.

"and you……"



Ge Xiaotian coughed, and hugged Shen Zhipeng, who was sitting in the back row of the off-road vehicle, fiercely, "Mr. Li, we are on the same team!"

"Go away! The contract for the elevated crossing is void!"

"Old Shen, when you signed the contract, you were worried that I would cheat you. The requirements and precautions you put forward were extremely harsh, and you listed various liquidated damages, with a total of one billion yuan. This is a mutual responsibility system. If I breach the contract, I will pay for it. Money, if you breach the contract, you will also have to pay the liquidated damages for the project caused by Tiancheng’s responsibility, which is also one billion.”

Shen Zhipeng froze for a moment, then thought of something, and looked at Li Wei, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, your two families can share an elevated crossing, but the two twin bridges are mine. The viaduct is on the south bank of the Panlong River, but the subway is on the north bank of the Panlong River, which is five miles away from your two communities. ... You said, if public transport is banned, motor vehicles are even prohibited from going on the bridge, or... the bridge requires money and a loan, how can the loan be repaid? How about handing it over to the Zaoshi Road Administration for a bridge toll? This is not illegal!"

"Ge Lao Er, your heart is really dark!"

"Ming people don't talk dark words, I just let you two, one family go to the crossing, the subway is mine, and you can pay for it if you want to use it!"


Old Shen laughed angrily, "That's direct enough!"

During the discussion, the pickup entered the subway construction site and slowly stopped.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Li Wei jumped out of the car in a hurry, worried that Chi Yu would be hurt.

However, before he could stand still, facing the fierce eyes of a large group of strong men, the word "Mount Everest" popped out in his mind, and he hurried into the car like a frightened rabbit.

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

Shen Zhipeng: "..."

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Li, whether it's a repair, liquidated damages, or a lawsuit, let's settle this matter today." Ge Xiaotian knew that Li Wei smoked, so he didn't shy away from it. He lit one, rubbed his thumb with his index finger, Indicating that the two of them are slipping.

"Mr. Ge, I need to make a call." Li Wei was just the spokesperson and could not make the decision at all.

"Well, think about it, this is the subway. Currently, a single line is under construction, and it will take a year to open, but if two lines are constructed, or more points are constructed... the speed will be faster!"

Ge Xiaotian pushed open the car door and stepped onto the subway construction site.

Before Li Wei got out of the car to make a phone call, she watched him leave, facing the back seat, and said with a wry smile: "Boss Shen, why bother?"

Shen Zhipeng was already planning to tear Li Wei's face apart, so he coldly snorted and got out of the car, "Take care of yourself first, we're not done with this matter!"


Repairing the subway is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive.

It's not just because the machinery is expensive, the rails are expensive, the equipment is expensive, the locomotives are expensive, but also the construction.

The TBM shield machine is simply described as a pencil with an eraser.

The pencil sinks into the foundation pit and lies horizontally in the soil, while the rubber rotates in front, first grinding the soil along the tunnel route, then squeezing two-thirds of the dregs around the tunnel, and then squeezing one-third of the dregs The soil is transported to the ground through the internal conveyor belt.

Of course, if it is a rock formation, it may need to be transported out completely, and if it is soft soil, I am afraid that the soil layer will have to be reshaped.

The eraser at the tip of the pencil needs to stop every thirty centimeters, or thirty-five centimeters, and rely on the tiles transported to the inside to build an O-shaped pipe for the just squeezed soil.

The distance of 30 centimeters or 35 centimeters, counting the construction of the channel, the whole process takes an hour.

In addition, there are waterproof, anti-seepage, inspection, debugging...

Plus preliminary exploration, surveying and mapping, technical analysis, construction plan discussion...

This caused the cost of a single-kilometer tunnel to remain high. Even if Tiancheng relied on the system, it would still need to invest 50 million yuan per kilometer.

Of course, this is extremely cheap compared to the three to four hundred million yuan in a metropolis, or more than a billion or so in a big city.

With such a huge investment, Ge Xiaotian felt a little unreasonable not to ask Lao Shen and Li Wei for money.

After inspecting the inside of the shield machine and chatting with five underground workers, Ge Xiaotian climbed out of the foundation pit and found the Wajima Shinkansen technical team.

The other party has already trained 200 underground engineering technicians and track engineering technicians for Tiancheng, and the next batch will be 500 electrical engineering technicians.

Well, very comprehensive.

There were not so many people, but who let us have ninjas?

Just make a phone call, and soon someone will help you find it, go through formal procedures, and arrange for the required technicians to fly directly to Jifu...

"Mr. Ge, when can we go home?"

"Fix it and go home!"

Ge Xiaotian contacted his vocational technical secondary school, this year's enrollment is about to start, why not set up another set of subjects about subway construction and subway operation...


March 17th.

Although Li Wei asked Xue Da's leader to come forward to negotiate, also invited Chen Donghai, and even Nanyun Index Finger called Ge Xiaotian himself, but facing Tian Cheng's dominance, Li Wei finally took away the same elevated crossing contract as Shen Zhipeng.

This also represents the end of the three struggles.

The next time, I'm afraid it will be the opening.

Due to Lao Shen's anger, he couldn't talk about the Xucheng project for the time being.

Ge Xiaotian took out a wall calendar to count the days, and contacted Comrade Ge Feng and his second uncle respectively.

My family has roots in Heilong Province, and the renovation plan of township gas stations is progressing rapidly.

But in the other two provinces, because there was no logistical support, the talks were fast, but the construction was very slow.

Ge Xiaotian thought for a long time, contacted Comrade Ge Feng's financial department, got the report and the information of hundreds of new energy supply stations in Heilong Province, and decided to go to the capital to get the fuel as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Zaoshi Xincheng will also turn off the flames...

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