Build Madness

Chapter 582: The 800,000 naval instructor is online! (seeking a monthly ticket)

Tiancheng Navy has a strict management system and discipline norms. Its members are mainly composed of members of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and merchants in offline physical stores, and they do not openly recruit.

With the expansion of Tiancheng's industry and the promotion of the SG series, the actual registered users on the special software platform for water posts have exceeded 10,000, with an average of 80 accounts per person.

As long as these people log in on time every day and complete the corresponding tasks, they can get at least 20 red notes every day on average.

In other words, Tian Cheng had to spend at least 200,000 every day as operating funds.

For ordinary Internet companies, it is obvious that they cannot afford to lose money, but for Tian Cheng, for 200,000, at most 20 shops will lose the rent.

And how many shops does Tiancheng have?

There are as many stores as there are actual registered users.

Moreover, water posts will increase click-through rate and reply volume, and popular posts represent popularity, which is equal to network publicity.

Anyone who wants to advertise on the Baixiaotong platform has to pay advertising fees.

Tiancheng's network department gets the advertising fee, and then takes part of it to pay the navy, and the rest is to earn...

So, what seems like a bad deal actually turns out to be...

Ge Xiaotian opened the background of the water post special software, took a look at last year's income, and suddenly discovered this nonsense, this department with only two hackers operating in shifts, in half a year, he earned more than 60 million yuan for himself!

Among them, the monthly subscription business of Nongfu Spring requires a one-year prepayment fee and 20 million red notes.

The other party took the fire post and used it to promote Siberia's "mineral water porter".

Open the post and take a look, my strong man is wearing a farmer's overalls, looking for water on foot in the snow nest...

The series of hundreds of pictures records the beauty of nature and how clear the mineral water under the ice of the stream is.

After that, it should be the thaw period last year, the summer scene.

The green hills are majestic, the sky is blue...

After that fall...

The number of views of the post is about 300 million, and the number of replies is nearly 50 million...

As for how the other party's business is doing, how can they spend so much money on advertising if they don't make money?

Then there is Lanling wine. The post records the brewing process, packaging and sales links, and online shopping channels...

The other party also has an annual subscription of 20 million.

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized.

No wonder the whole pigeon banquet was held in Tengzhou, and the leaders all drank the low-end Lanling wine...

It turned out to be on the grade!

In addition, the rest are small and medium-sized customers, involving all walks of life, with monthly subscriptions, seasonal subscriptions, and day-to-day subsidies for holidays.

After browsing it, Ge Xiaotian is a little proud, it seems that his operation methods are not bad!

In particular, the forum also has sticky posts and top advertising spaces operated by Baixiaotong Information Platform Service Company, etc. The rent for these types of forums is higher!

It's just that for the sake of page tidiness, the advertising space on both sides, and pop-up windows, etc., were rejected by him.

These things conflict with the purpose of the SG series and smart card, after all, the latter focuses on customer experience.

In fact, if you calculate carefully, the cheap electronic components worth hundreds of billions in the early stage can be regarded as returning to your own hands in the form of network services, but the process is relatively slow.

But...there will be more profits in the future!

"God, I really want to lose once!"

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but open the ERP background, check last year's financial statements, and benefit from the first quarter of this year.

Last year, the total revenue of Tiancheng's industrial chain was about 130 billion, and the tax payable was about 19.5 billion. After deducting rebates, subsidies, and discounts, the actual tax payable was 10.5 billion.

The money earned has been invested in various projects and invested in its subsidiaries, such as Nanhe Tianhao Group, Wangjing Tianbo Group, Xucheng Tiancheng Group, Xishan Tiancheng Construction...

In the first quarter of this year, the total revenue rose gratifyingly.

Just the cross-sea bridge and Zheng He's voyage to the West, which only took place at the beginning, surpassed last year's annual income.

At present, after deducting the 8 billion investment in water conservancy, the account balance is 76 billion, including the first phase of the cross-sea bridge, the retail of marine commodities, and the leasing of shops in Tiancheng Plaza this year.

Of course, Tiancheng has already separated, and this does not include Longtian Technology, Tianwei Catering, Tianle Tourism, Tianheng Automobile Trade... and several companies that run to Xishan to help the coal boss build a house, but only Tiancheng Headquarters Group's own income.

Ge Xiaotian always thought he was rich, but never thought he would be so rich.

Lighting a cigarette to calm down, I didn't bother to check Brother Hao's financial statements, but issued an order to summon the navy.

Almost at the same time, sailors who belonged to the night owl type came to report one after another.

"Good evening, President!"

"Good evening boss!"

"Good evening, Uncle Ge!"

"Wait, come back to me who called uncle, who are you?"

"I am my mother's son."


In an instant, the background chat room was full of joy.

However, Tiancheng's atmosphere has always been good, and all the sailors are aware of it. It is estimated that some shop owner didn't turn off the phone before going to bed, and his children secretly used it to play games.

"Report and go!"

"Don't make trouble, talk about business!"

The background has already sent a text message to his parents, Ge Xiaotian was concerned about the movement of Nanbangzi, and immediately got back to the topic.

For overseas construction, once the contract is signed, it is almost impossible to terminate the contract, after all, it involves the reputation of a country or region.

However, when Party A applies to the president of the home planet to terminate the cooperation on the grounds of unbearable 'upheavals', such as wars, natural disasters, and the collapse of the country, the chances of terminating the contract will increase significantly.

Huaxia once again encountered the North American blockade, and faced the most tense situation in the past ten years. Nan Bangzi was biased towards North America, and North America would definitely not be biased towards Tiancheng.

Therefore, the task of the navy has become very important.

How to do it?

There are three types of navy.

One is water post, do not make any remarks, just soy sauce party.

The second is civilized trolls. No matter what the other party says, they can always find black spots or pick out words to refute the other party, attract attention, and then guide the customer group to the employer.

The third is that a certain product is a true fan, magnifying the advantages of the employer's product, and explaining or covering up the shortcomings found by the fan, all for the benefit of the employer.

Strictly speaking, it seems that the water army can only play a role in product operation, but from another perspective, if you immerse yourself in a certain area's network, follow the temptation, guide the masses' thinking, and do what the behind-the-scenes wants to do, isn't it a bit chilly? millet?

Of course, Ge Xiaotian is a serious entrepreneur, and he will definitely not do things that violate morality and the legal system.

Instead, he intends to use the power of the Internet to correct Nan Bangzi's public perceptions, so that the other party can recognize the fact that they are behind, and see Tian Cheng's strength clearly.

It is not scary to be strong at all, if it is so strong that it is difficult to surpass, if it is so strong that it will make the Nanbangzi people despair, if it is so strong that it will make them feel ashamed, then this matter will have a turning point.

Ge Xiaotian turned on the mute function in the background chat room and turned on the voice mode.

"Our Tiancheng navy seems to be despised by netizens because of the nature of our work. I think some businesses even show 'I'm not a navy' to attract popularity."

"Then, today, I, Ge Xiaotian, the coach of the 800,000 navy, will lead everyone to rectify the name of the Tiancheng navy and make it the pride of the people!"

"The next thing we have to do is to use the strength of Tiancheng's construction to use the various forums in Baonan Bangzi."

"It looks difficult, but Tiancheng Construction is indeed very strong, there is no doubt about it, and it is also the key to victory!"

"First of all, after everyone gets the accounts of Nanbangzi's major forums, they will be divided into five batches according to the skills they are good at, whether they are trolls or real fans. Each batch has 2,000 people and 160,000 accounts."

"The first batch, bring Tiancheng's corporate promotional materials and enter the various forums of Nanbangzi. Don't promote Tiancheng, but take screenshots and leave messages to euphemistically express your admiration for Tiancheng's construction equipment and construction technology."

"The second batch, spray the first batch, spray vigorously, but don't spray to death, you must cooperate with the first batch of rebuttals, guide Nanbangzi netizens to go deep into the topic, and even join the discussion. Note, the second batch must be defeated, there is a reason defeat!"

"The third batch, when the first batch and the second batch have been brewing for a period of time, I will be responsible for posting and listing the Incheon Bridge project issued by the Tiancheng Planning Department. From the very beginning of construction, to the middle of the construction, and the huge changes until now, compared with similar overseas projects The project highlights the speed and quality standards of Tiancheng's construction, wash it hard, wash out the gap, and wash out Tiancheng's pride!"

"The fourth batch, the people in Nanbangzi are making troubles because they don't want Huaxia to undertake the construction. We want to list the reasons why Tiancheng is expensive, so as to fool me... No, let me release the speeches and opinions that I persuaded Nanbangzi's officials in batches. Let the Nanbangzi people see how many billions we can save them."

"The fifth group, from the perspective of netizens from Nanbangzi, lamented Tiancheng's strength, and used words and sentences such as self-ashamed, willing to be inferior, want to learn, apply for Tiancheng technical secondary school, etc., to suppress the other party's self-confidence, and then guide the other party's emotions, so that they Even if they don't worship Tian Cheng, let them have an irresistible thought of admiring Tian Cheng!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished talking about the "five steps", he explained each link in detail, and instructed this operation to obey the command, not to operate randomly, but to watch the reaction there, and start the next step...

This is not a clever method. In the future, overseas will use it countless times against China. This time it will be used against overseas, which can be regarded as an eye for an eye...

And a certain person was so eloquent until dawn that the ten thousand sailors were mesmerized by it.

The gag ends.

"It turns out that you can still play like this!"

"The president is really a great talent..."

"This night is an eye-opener!"

"Don't pay the tuition? The president's class has been fired to five million a class..."

"We are Tianren, it must be free..."

"Stop talking, I have to prepare materials, get familiar with the tasks, and then practice hand speed, and wait for the battle in the afternoon!"



Nanbangzi Forum.

"Get rid of Tian Cheng and protect Dahan!"

"Why should they be asked to build the Incheon Bridge, and pay ten times the construction cost? Demand severe punishment for the previous chairman!"

Shui Jun, "I went to the construction site today, and asked me weakly, what kind of ship is this? It looks so big. I searched for other construction groups on the home planet, and none of them have this kind of machinery."

Shui Jun: "Don't be so crooked, do you love Dahan?"

Sailor: "I love Dahan! However, let me explain, this is called a floating dock, unique to Tiancheng, and there is also an engineering island that looks like an island, the only one for the mother planet. It is said that North American LAD contractors have purchasing intentions, and Tiancheng offers five Billion Franklin."

Netizen Nan Bangzi: "True or fake? Five hundred billion? My God!"

Shui Jun: "Yeah, it's very dark, but this island seems to be able to buy 50 Incheon Bridges. If it is replaced by other construction groups, it seems to be able to buy 500 Incheon Bridges."

Netizen Nan Bangzi: "It's incredible!"

Sailor troll: "Those who posted the picture, get out of the forum, traitor, fuck your whole family!"

Shui Jun: "Why do you scold people? Do you have the quality?"

Netizen Nan Bangzi: "Yeah, how can you curse people?"

Shui Jun: "A weak question, what is this?"

Sailor: "It seems to be a bridge erecting machine..."

New netizen Nan Bangzi: "What are you talking about? Aren't you boycotting Tiancheng?"

Shui Jun: "That's right, boycott Tian Cheng and drive him away. By the way, do you know about bridge erecting machines?"

Netizen Nan Bangzi: "What is that?"

Sailor: "Look at the picture..."


KS Group ranks in the top three in Nanbangzi, which is naturally extraordinary.

The chairman of the company is behind bars. Although everyone is used to it, public relations must be done.

The public relations manager reversed the image of KS Group through the power of the Internet, and soon smelled something strange.

Immediately use Tiancheng's strength to prove the foresight of the chairman of the company, and disclose the gas pipeline project signed between the company and Tiancheng, showing the relationship between the two parties, rather than some ulterior transaction.

My own people started to help with the washing, and they also took out the 100 billion gas pipeline project to talk about the troubles. The number of people who really caused troubles gradually decreased, and the resistance encountered by the Tiancheng Navy was almost only left by its own trolls...

So much so that when the matter developed to the end, many Nanbangzi netizens joined the ranks of persuading the fight...


And the other side.

Seeing that the situation had evolved to this point, Ge Xiaotian was a little bit dumbfounded. Just about to order a retreat, the chairman of KS Group called.

"Mr. Ge, thank you for saving me!"


Who saved you?

"Mr. Ge, the PR manager has already told me that in order to come out with me, you hired a large number of dahan netizens to help me out. Although I know your real intention is to get the gas pipeline project, I am still moved..."


God damn it for the gas pipeline!

Half of the money for the cross-sea bridge is in hand, so who wants to start a project without money!

Ge Xiaotian was about to hang up the phone immediately...

At this time, I heard the key words from the other end of the phone:

"Mr. Ge, in order to express our gratitude, it happens that our KS Group wants to start a big business, which is similar to online shopping. I heard that you have an online shopping platform for delivery and rompers in Washima. Why don't we talk about cooperation?"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, and then changed his voice, "Oh, brother, in order to save you, I tried my best and tried my best..."

"Yes, yes, it has been the past week, and the Internet is still scolding. It can be seen that the seriousness of the matter is far greater than before. However, don't worry, with us on the cross-sea bridge project, nothing will go wrong. Our public relations department has obtained a new director Long support, including gas pipeline projects, no problem!"

'Who the hell wants a gas pipeline project that has no money! '

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "First of all, I would like to say sorry, I have a very important job in Huaxia Capital that needs to be dealt with urgently. Why don't you come to Huaxia next month to discuss online shopping projects and at the same time appreciate Tiancheng's industrial chain. Coincidentally, Sancha Cup finals are about to begin!"

"Extremely honored!"

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