Build Madness

Chapter 583 Black Book and Good Tea New Fuel Supply and Demand Contract

The chairman of KS Group has come out, but Ge Xiaotian's goal is not him. The "five-step" plan has just reached the second step, which is mutual spraying on the Internet.

It's a pity that now only my own family is left to spray my own...

However, burning so many brain cells to formulate a plan cannot be done halfway.

Ge Xiaotian ordered the whole army to proceed to the third step, which was to show Tian Cheng's strength.

And the fourth step, saving tens of billions of yuan by using Tiancheng to undertake the construction.

There is still a fifth step, to guide the mind, so that some Nanbangzi people have the idea of ​​admiring the Tiancheng mountain, and then mobilize them to travel to the Xingyue Bay industrial chain...

You know, summer is here!

Each of its industries is about to launch a new round of activities, such as Qinggang summer water rowing competition, Yancheng + Weicheng first summer horse race around the city, Weicheng International Kite Festival, Zhaoshi ancient boat sailing near Dongjiawan, Germany Chengqihe watermelon planting base self-planting and self-harvesting activities...

Boss Ge never forgot about making money.

Coincidentally, the Sancha Cup entered the final stage, and the Canal Development Zone opened the penultimate project: the zoo and botanical garden.

It's time for Ah Huang to play with his little brother!

Ge Xiaotian finished the call with the chairman of KS Group and checked the time.

March 25th, eight o'clock in the morning.

"What am I going to do?"

Daosi stood aside and said, "Boss, these few days, the domestic newspapers and media who follow Nan Bangzi to slander Tiancheng have been named and criticized by Huaxia Minbao. The biggest news in China now is that we have won the water conservancy project."

"Oh? I remember not inviting the media for an exclusive interview?"

"It's Mr. Yu. He invited the leader of Huaxia TV Station to set up a special column at ten o'clock in the morning and two o'clock in the afternoon to conduct live interviews and live broadcasts of water conservancy projects. You and Tiancheng have been praised by people from all walks of life. On the banks of the Grand Canal in the city, I will erect a merit monument or sculpture for you."

"Boss Yu is still reliable!"

2001 is not another time and space.

If it offends some people, it is really daring to drive the green clothes into the construction site, and the real knife and gun will stun him.

This is no joke.

That's why he ran to the capital in no time, and flirted with some old men.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Yu is also very caring and plays 'Ming' directly!

It is estimated that the old man definitely said: I see who dares to touch my little brother?

Ge Xiaotian smiled and waved his hands, "It's fine to erect a monument, I'm still young, maybe there will be big projects in the future."

Dao Si nodded, "Next, you will discuss cooperation with CNOOC. According to the plan, Lao Qian has already joined CNOOC and successfully served as the head of the business department."



Nanyun, the compound of the Kun Mansion.

Mr. Du, who was transferred from Qinggang to Nanyun, rose up instead of down, and became the leader of Kunfu.

However, at this moment, he and Li Wei were standing in front of the desk without daring to breathe, obeying the instructions.

Inside the desk, Nan Yun's index finger, with a red face and a big belly, squeezed a two-inch square high-end paper bag, and placed it in the window for careful observation in the sunlight.

"This, is it really the mother tree Dahongpao?"

Li Wei nodded hastily, "Yes, leader, Ge Xiaotian used it to entertain me and Shen Zhipeng, take a sip, the fragrance will remain on the lips and teeth, and the aftertaste will be endless."

"But I looked at it, why is it different from Dahongpao?"

"Maybe the mother tree Dahongpao is really different from Dahongpao."


"I drank it, I think so."

"Then make a pot!"

As Nanyun index finger said, he tore open the paper bag and saw the tea leaves that were similar to black tea inside. He couldn't help but nodded, "It looks quite similar." (Daoyi did secondary processing, he is a master of physical chemistry.)

Soon, the secretary washed the tea, made the tea, and served the tea...

Seeing this scene, Li Wei opened and closed her lips slightly, wanting to say that this is not the way to drink, but there is no tea art master here, so she had to hold back.

Nanyun Index Finger has lived in Nanyun for most of his life, and here is rich in tea. Naturally, he has studied black tea a lot, smelled it, tasted it...

Frowning tightly, "Strange!"

"Leader, how do you feel?"

"The tea should be aged. It's watery, mellow but not oily. It's a good tea! But the more like jasmine, and the similar to green tea, and it has a faint smell of black tea in your mouth. It's strange!"

Mr. Du saw that the two of them were talking, but they couldn't get in the conversation at all. He felt a little uncomfortable, so he took the opportunity to say: "Leader, maybe this is the uniqueness of the mother tree Dahongpao, which is called: tolerance is greatness!"

"Huh? Xiao Du's description is still in place!"

Nanyun Thumb took another sip, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, "Not to mention, it really has the effect of Dahongpao, or the best quality tea. It can regulate qi and calm the nerves, and refresh the whole body...Good tea! Good tea!"

"Then, leader, how many more grams shall I buy for you?"

"It's not easy to buy. The annual output of this tea is only half a catty. After removing the miscellaneous leaves, it can be processed at most a hundred grams. Most of them are given as gifts by the chairman to overseas friends, and the rest are used to entertain valuable foreign guests. There is no such ability."

Li Wei hesitated, "Leader, I see that there are more than 20 bags in Ge Xiaotian's drawer!"

"Huh? Where did he get so many?"

Mr. Du hurriedly said: "Leader, you should have received news recently that the kid went to the capital to meet Wan Lao, Zhu Lao, and the three general managers of the Haibu. , Mr. Wan is from East Lake, and he and Ge Zhenhua are comrades in arms. Ge Zhenhua is the cousin of Ge Xiaotian's great-grandfather, and Ge Xiaotian's great-grandfather is even more personal. It is said that he participated in the First World War in Europe and even fought devils..."

With that said, Mr. Du took out the original black book.

It's just that there are three words 'Fanwaipian' added to the name.

"What's this?"

"The descendants of the Ge family in the European region, I have entrusted relatives and friends to inquire about it. There is indeed a multinational employment organization run by Chinese people and Chinese descent, and they also do military business. It is said that they purchased Galala and Ka from Ice Bear. Qiusha, it's just that the other party is acting in a secretive way, and it wasn't until recently that she showed her clues."


Nanyun took a deep breath with his index finger, took the black book, opened the first page, read the story of Mrs. Ge's expedition to Europe, picked up the phone and dialed, "Hello? Check Ge Zhenqiang for me, it should be 188 Nine births...too long ago? No, it's a person, there should be a record...Have you found it? Gejia Village? Participated in the First World War? Fighted devils? Cousin is an old squad leader who crossed the river? Lived more than 120 years? Then I see!"

After hanging up the phone, Nanyun's index finger looked at the black book in a different way, "Where did you buy this book?"

"I don't know, it cost me more than 3,000 red notes, but there is another one, which is like a prophecy. Although some of the content is ridiculous, it did predict the development of Ge Xiaotian and Tian Cheng. The book, unfortunately, has been banned, and it is hard to find it on the market."

"Why banned?"

"It is said... that too many secrets of nature were revealed in it, and people from their planning department searched it. Even the author of this book has traveled far away."

"Capable! What's the author's name, can it be used by me?"

"President Yu's daughter."


Nan Yun's index finger almost spit out tea, "Forget it, Lao Yu is more ruthless than you and me... However, since her daughter can write this book, it is not difficult to see that there is his shadow behind her. Is this planning to recruit a son-in-law? "

"Ge Xiaotian has a fiancee."


Nan Yun's index finger smiled slightly, "This is the weakness!"

Mr. Du understood what it meant, swallowed his saliva, only felt his heart tremble and his legs went weak, but he still nodded.

"That's all for today, kid, let him dance for a few days first."


After President Du finished speaking, he walked out of the office with Li Wei.

Wait until you leave the compound.

Li Wei looked around, "Are you crazy? Do you dare to agree to this?"

"He's done!"

President Du's tone was very calm, but his hands trembled slightly, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, and said thoughtfully, "I'm afraid I have to change places again."

Li Wei suddenly realized, knowing that Mr. Du was planning to use the business as an excuse, took the opportunity to transfer away, and avoided the control of Nan Yun's index finger, "Where are you going?"

"A place without nature."



The outside world is turbulent, so Ge ​​Xiaotian naturally doesn't know.

At this time, he had already arrived in the Chaoyang area by tua, and stood under the CNOOC headquarters building together with several leaders who greeted him.

It is said to be a building, but it is actually just a six-story red brick structure with cement plastered joints and no tiles, which looks full of age.

"It reminds me of the supply and marketing cooperative in Sancha Township, except that there are bungalows over there."

"Mr. Ge, it was indeed a supply and marketing cooperative before."

"Times are developing, and some memories are destined to remain in photos."

Ge Xiaotian sighed, looking around the street with cars and people, and Gongti in the distance, "I am planning to build a commercial area in Wangjing. CNOOC has worked hard. I will donate a dedicated building and move there."

"Mr. Ge, I'm sorry, we..."

"Leader, I donated anyway. It's up to you whether to move or not. I don't care about other things. You should discuss it with other leaders and employees."

The director of CNOOC showed a wry smile, "I finally understand Mr. Yu's mood."

"Ha ha……"

Ge Xiaotian laughed, and walked into the building together with many smiling leaders.

When they came to the meeting room, the Tiancheng staff who were the first to enter had already prepared the special kit for Boss Ge.

The two sides have had many contacts before.

For example, CNOOC was unable to exploit CNOOC on a large scale, and instead sold chemical fertilizers, researched solar energy, and played with finance...

These businesses can be matched with Tiancheng Industries one by one.

Although Amur does not use chemical fertilizers, the thousands of Limin activity centers are good sales channels.

Solar energy, Tiancheng is also researching, relying on the monks, even the photoelectric components and graphene components are integrated into the electronic control equipment, it is completely possible to carry out multi-directional cooperation and communication with CNOOC.

Of course, there is no need to say more about finance. The president of Dongshan University of Finance and Economics is better at playing than Director Sun. He can use smart card funds to speculate in stocks and futures. In addition, other professors are in charge of accounting firm business, and he can also establish cooperation with CNOOC.

Therefore, when only the oil business is left, it is not unexpected to visit.

Even the leaders of CNOOC hope to win over Tiancheng, a rich eater.

Wait for everyone to be seated.

Ge Xiaotian proposed some good ideas for the existing cooperation between the two parties, such as solar energy going to the countryside, new energy dry toilets to transform biogas digesters, and adding chemical fertilizer plants...

Tian Cheng couldn't play with these things, but CNOOC could, and he could even get support.

After the chat, Ge Xiaotian switched the projection and showed the engineering island.

"Leaders, this is a new generation of deep-sea construction equipment imported and developed by Tiancheng Machinery Factory from Bingxiongqian Maoxiong No. 1 Machinery Factory."

"Looking at the appearance, it looks like a bear style, and the specific parameters are..."

"It has deep sea exploration, deep sea drilling, deep sea construction..."

"Based on this, Tiancheng spent five billion to develop electromagnetic drilling technology and manufactured a deep-sea percussion drill..."

Ge Xiaotian played the operation process of the pincer arm.

When the pliers hanging the steel cable clamp the steel casing, and the impact machine connected to the cable goes deep into the seawater and goes down a thousand meters...

The leaders of the audience couldn't help but straighten their backs.

When it reached 1,200 meters...

The leaders held their breath.

When it reached 1,500 meters...

The leaders took a deep breath.

When it reaches 2,000 meters...

The leaders all stood up.

When the steel casing is inserted into the seabed sand, the section of the impact machine shows the working principle...

The leaders were dumbfounded.

"Tiancheng has never been stingy in the research of high-end equipment. In order to study floating cranes, we have not hesitated to spend 5 billion to import 10,000 tons of floating crane equipment from the Netherlands and Italy. To build subways, we have spared no expense to spend 2 billion. Wajima introduced TBM shield machines and related technical personnel. In order to hone the bridge-building technology, we did not hesitate to spend 6 billion to develop our own gantry cranes and bridge-building machines...without exception, we have all succeeded!"

"The same is true for the deep-sea percussion drill I am showing to the leaders now!"

"And, we also have exclusive offshore platform construction technology."

Before the leaders came back to their senses, Ge Xiaotian switched the projection, showing the 3D animation transplanted from the GIS system to the simulator.

"Small and medium-sized platforms can be completed in ten days, and only need 6-1 billion red notes. Large and super-large platforms can be completed in half a month, and only need 6-9 billion red notes."

"It seems that there is no difference from the international quotation, but our natural speed is the priority, just like the Incheon Bridge, our construction period is only one-tenth of the international construction company, so there is ten times the cost budget."

"However, according to the construction standard provided by CNOOC, the construction period is one tenth of that of other construction companies, and the cost budget is the same as the normal price!"

"Think about it, leaders, time is money, shorten the time by nine tenths, how much sea oil can be extracted during this period? How much sales and profits can be created?"

The head of CNOOC has recovered from the shock of the deep-sea percussion drilling, "If it is true as what Mr. Ge said, our CNOOC will build platforms and install mining equipment in the deep sea in the future, and we can hand it over to Tiancheng."

The other leaders had no opinion and nodded one after another.

This is the benefit of a new business.

All for development, not so much intrigue and interest involvement.

Of course, if the taste changes later, Ge Xiaotian can still look for four barrels of oil, or five barrels of oil for cooperation.


The chief executive of CNOOC changed his voice, "Mr. Ge, now North America is tightening up, and we are unable to carry out deep-sea mining. I am afraid that our cooperation will..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Ge Xiaotian came out of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, "Last year, when an employee of my shipyard was wandering around the Chukotka Peninsula, he accidentally discovered oil on the seabed!"


The leaders of CNOOC have dull eyes, can you talk more?

Spotted oil on the ocean floor while wandering around?

Are your prospectors robots, or do they have clairvoyance? !

Ge Xiaotian also found this to be a bit ridiculous, "Don't get me wrong, it's time to explore for volcanic ash. Maybe the leaders don't know that Tiancheng has a series of special cement products. In order to find better clinker for research, the steps of Tiancheng's exploration personnel have already throughout Eastern Siberia and the Far East."

After speaking, let’s talk about the topic again.

"In the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, we have discovered oil reserves that are temporarily difficult to estimate."

"This is a good place. On the east side is the Chukotka Peninsula as a natural barrier, escorted by the Ice Bear Far East Fleet, on the south there is Dead Leaf Island and the Ice Bear Far East Vladivostok Fleet to blockade, on the west side is the mainland and the Amur Komsomolsk on the Black Dragon River City, sea, land and air base camp."

"After the discovery of oil, Tiancheng's office in Ice Bear reached a joint exploitation agreement with the Ministry of Ice Bear and the Siberia Petroleum Company."

"It's so easy. I believe the leaders understand the reason. The ice bear can't mine by itself, and it doesn't have the mining technology below a kilometer."


Ge Xiaotian said honestly: "Although we Tiancheng are capable of mining, we are worried that after the mining platform is built, Maozi will turn his face and deny anyone. After all, this is a project worth at least trillions of Franklin, and no one wants to share with others."

"Therefore, I hereby invite CNOOC to join the project as Tiancheng's agent, or to replace Tiancheng and cooperate with Ice Bear."

CNOOC leaders are not surprised that there is a large amount of CNOOC in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Siberia's oil reserves are estimated to be lower, and it is also the first in the home planet.

It's just that the temperature over there is too low to mine.

Yes, unminable, not hard to mine.

Gein drill won't go down!

Now that there is a big business coming to your door, Tian Cheng seems to have grasped the weakness of Ice Bear...

The director of CNOOC nodded, "I don't know how much Tiancheng quoted?"

"Money or not, it doesn't matter now."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he opened the map of the new energy supply station in Heilong Province, "Leaders should know that Tiancheng Machinery Factory has three major sectors. One is the R\u0026D and manufacturing of ordinary cars subcontracted to Daliu Machinery Factory, including the Sancha and Wuling series. The second is the research and development and manufacturing of new energy vehicles, including the Tianba Dongba tua series. The third is the agricultural machinery products in cooperation with Daliu Machinery Factory, including combine harvesters, multi-functional ground deflectors, multi-functional cotton pickers, and multi-functional land reclamation machines. And many special machinery for construction sites.”

"Tiancheng is currently working on a pilot project that benefits the country and the people, which is to develop agriculture in Northeast China, laying agricultural machinery, cars, and new energy sources."

"It is estimated that in the next three to five years, according to the progress of the project, the fuel demand for agricultural machinery in Heilong Province will exceed five million tons."

"Then, plus the 200,000 tons needed by Tiancheng's industrial chain and the demand for fuel oil of up to one million tons in the next two years, I wonder if CNOOC can supply it?"


The director of CNOOC frowned, "I'm afraid not. Our CNOOC's crude oil extraction volume is indeed very large, but we only keep one oil well now, and the output does not exceed one million tons."

"Too little!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't cooperate with CNOOC for these projects, I can only look for oil."


The director of CNOOC was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood that what Tian Cheng wanted was fuel oil supply.

Why take out so many good projects when there is no fuel supply?

I am afraid……

It's ready to trade the project for fuel!

Seeing someone tidy up the booth and prepare to evacuate...

The CNOOC director and several other leaders who had already acted quickly stopped him.

"Mr. Ge, the output is low. We can always find a way to bring it up. How about cooperation? Let's sit down and have a good chat. Coincidentally, at noon, I will prepare a banquet at... VIP Hotel."

"Leader, do you think I'm short of food? I'm worried about fuel. Looking at my projects, many of them have been stopped. Even water conservancy projects are under the pressure of Mr. Wan, and Mr. Yu agreed to use fuel. The steam engine of heavy oil..." (Wan Lao Guan Environmental Management and Huaxia Greening.)

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he sighed, "I'm in trouble!"


The director of CNOOC looked at the leaders present.

One of them gritted his teeth, "Purchase new refining equipment and build a large factory!"

"We don't have enough money!"

"Loans to superiors!"

After joining CNOOC as the head of the sales department, Lao Qian, who had never talked to Ge Xiaotian, slapped his head after waiting for everyone to discuss, "Actually, I have a good idea!"

"Huh?" Everyone didn't despise the boss of Dongshan Petrochemical...

Dongshan Petrochemical!

That's right, this is the regional general manager of Dongshan Petrochemical Co., the kind who worked until retirement.

The director of CNOOC reacted instantly, "Old Qian, what do you mean?"

"I can find a way to contact Dongshan Refinery under Sinopec. Let's bring them over. By the way, there are also Beihe and Nanhe. I am quite familiar with them!"

"It's hard to handle. If we do this, we will go to the opposite side with Petrochemical..."

Lao Qian shook his head, "Director, chairman, think about it, am I also grabbing oil and petrochemical jobs when I start CNOOC sales business? In fact, we have been competing for a long time, but we didn't have such a big order before... Now , Big business is coming, if we don’t take the opportunity to develop, I’m afraid we will be eliminated by the times, maybe tomorrow there will be Haihua, CNOOC and natural gas... What are we going to do then? Continue to sell chemical fertilizers? Continue to transform drought Toilet? Are we engaged in oil, or CNOOC! Isn’t this too embarrassing?”


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