Build Madness

Chapter 584 Super Big Order Shocking News

Ginger is still old and spicy!

Witnessing Lao Qian's performance, Ge Xiaotian almost applauded.

There are some things he can't say, and can't say.

For example, CNOOC does not sell fuel oil but sells fertilizers.

If he said it, it would be like exposing someone's scars and adding a handful of salt, and the two sides would definitely be deadlocked.

And Lao Qian said it as a senior executive of CNOOC. This is a complaint from his own people. Even if there are outsiders present, the leaders will only feel very sad and aggrieved...

"Mr. Ge, we need some time to prepare before talking about cooperation."

"no problem!"

Ge Xiaotian naturally knew that the other party was going to plan Huaxia Petrochemical's refinery in the north next, and it might even cause trouble to the chairman.

However, with Laoqian, the general manager of Dongshan Petrochemical who defected to CNOOC, he listed the shortcomings of petrochemical business in the north, which is enough to win the start.

At that time, CNOOC will come up with several major projects of Tiancheng, and it will not be a problem to win a big victory.


Jifu, the headquarters of Dongshan Petrochemical.

As a Huaxia-level enterprise, the internal personnel structure of Huaxia Petrochemical is not something that Chen Donghai can decide.

After Lao Qian resigned, affected by the severely shrinking market share, the new general manager has not yet been confirmed.

Therefore, Chen Donghai came to sit in charge in person.

It is a pity that one of the two big oil tigers in Dongshan has a close relationship with Huaxia Petroleum, and the other is desperate to shut down without petrochemicals.

In addition to the recent loss of 500 million yuan in Zaoshi Xincheng, which was led by Sinopec, for no reason, there has been some criticism of the chairman within the company.

The good thing is that having money can turn ghosts around, reducing some profits and giving more 'welfare', finally settled the matter.

But what surprised Chen Donghai was that the 'confidante girl' might be going in.

Without it, Mr. Du sent news that Nan Yun's index finger was going to attack Ge Laoer.

Although this action may not be beating and killing, but targeting his fiancée's property, Nan Yun's index finger itself is not clean...

The thief shouted "Catch the thief", with Ge Laoer's current reputation, the one who died must be Nanyun Index Finger.

Early in the morning, Chen Donghai sat at his desk, carefully studied the materials about Tian Cheng, and finally heaved a deep sigh.

"I really don't know if he discovered Ge Laoer's blackness, or if the ignorant is fearless..."

At this time, the secretary hurried into the office.

"Chairman, CNOOC has applied to the State-owned Assets and the Supreme Development and Reform Commission respectively, asking us to transfer the five major refineries in the north to Huaxia CNOOC. The reason is that our poor management has caused heavy losses to Huaxia's assets."

"Heh, they are looking for something to do when they have nothing to do. This year's fertilizer is sold out?"

Chen Donghai only took it as a joke.

After the reform of the two barrels of oil, it is no longer an iron rice bowl unit, but a joint-stock listed group.

It is mainly composed of multiple regions, multiple enterprises, and multiple industries. Although Huaxia State-owned Assets Controls, most of the shares have been dispersed to localities and the stock market.

Now that someone wants to rob a company, let’s not talk about whether the local government agrees or not. If he agrees with the state-owned assets, the result will be a sharp drop in shares, which will be a huge loss for shareholders and Huaxia.

Without waiting for the secretary to answer, Chen Donghai took out a card, "Huaxia Petrochemical sponsors Huaxia CNOOC's activity fund, 100,000 yuan, let them find a place to drink tea, don't think about autumn wind all day long."

"No, chairman, the other party is serious and has proposed a feasible plan."

"Are you kidding, do they have money? Still have oil? Leaving aside the stock market, even if they are given a refinery, what will they use to operate it? Will it be converted into a fertilizer plant?"

"Chairman, you should read the news. Recently, the Tiancheng Exploration Department discovered CNOOC in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, whose storage volume cannot be estimated for the time being. Tiancheng has mining technology and equipment below 1,000 meters, and has reached a cooperation agreement with Bingxiong and Siberia Petroleum Corporation. is estimated that Tian Cheng was worried about being tricked by Mao Zi, so he handed over the business to CNOOC."

Chen Donghai was slightly dazed, and quickly opened Huaxia News.

Sure enough, the headline was the news that a team led by CNOOC went to Siberia for negotiations...

The next one is that CNOOC visited and studied the three major projects of "Northeast Agricultural Mechanization", "Northeast New Energy Supply Station" and "Northeast Industrial Revival" created by Tiancheng with an investment of tens of billions, and reached a preliminary cooperation.

Next one...

Huaxia CNOOC announced that it won Tiancheng's five-year supply and demand order of 30 million tons of fuel oil...

Huaxia CNOOC announced that it will carry out in-depth cooperation with Tiancheng Solar Industry...

Huaxia CNOOC announced that Qian xx, the former general manager of Dongshan Petrochemical, will serve as the vice chairman of Huaxia CNOOC, responsible for the five-year plan of Huaxia CNOOC...

Huaxia CNOOC announced that Deputy Director Qian and Ding Hao, chairman of Tianhao Group, signed a five-year ten-million-ton fuel oil supply and demand contract, and CNOOC officially entered Nanhe...

Huaxia CNOOC announced that Deputy Director Qian and Mr. Li Hua of Huaxia Nanyang Development Group signed a five-year ten-million-ton fuel oil supply and demand contract, and CNOOC officially entered Beihe... (the richest man in Beijing)

Huaxia CNOOC announced that Deputy Director Qian and Xishan Coal Industry Chairman Mei xx signed a five-year oil supply and demand contract of tens of millions of tons of stewed tons, and CNOOC officially entered Xishan...

Huaxia CNOOC announced that Deputy Director Qian was appointed as the chairman of Huaxia CNOOC...

Huaxia CNOOC News, CNOOC Chairman, Wan Lao, and State-owned Assets Superintendent visited Huaxia Petroleum Headquarters. In the meeting, Wan Lao put forward the views of "common development" and "strengthening Huaxia's fuel oil market".

It is reported that Huaxia Petroleum subsequently opened businesses such as fertilizers and solar energy, and handed over Dongshan Petroleum and Natural Gas Yingcheng Refinery to Huaxia CNOOC...

According to news from Huaxia CNOOC, Chairman of CNOOC and Sun xx of Tiancheng Overseas Investment Group signed a construction project for a deep-sea oil production platform in the East China Sea, with a total investment of about 7.5 billion red notes... (Director Sun)

Huaxia CNOOC news...


Chen Donghai dragged the page, flipped through it for two hours, and finally, with shock in the circle, he murmured, "Why didn't you receive any news in advance?"

"Chairman, the screen suddenly swiped this morning. I'm afraid... CNOOC has already prepared."


Chen Donghai dropped the water glass directly, "Damn old money!"

"Then we?"

"What else? Go to a meeting!"


April 1st.

CNOOC Headquarters in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

CNOOC's executive, and Lao Qian, who was the chairman, once again welcomed someone into the door.

"Boss Ge's gifts are truly earth-shattering!"

"Common development, mutual promotion, and a win-win situation!"

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, but he was relieved in his heart.

In the past few days, the two sides have communicated frequently. In order to win this battle, they even alarmed the chairman of Huaxia.

After more than ten days of weighing the pros and cons, Lao Qian finally relied on the rhetoric he had discussed with him for a long time to convince the state-owned assets, the highest development and reform, and Tiancheng's contacts in Dongshan to convince the local leaders...

The process is very difficult. For example, first take the dilapidated refinery of Huaxia Petroleum as a pilot, and after Tiancheng rectifies, mass-produce a batch of high-quality fuel oil, which proves the strength of CNOOC's refining and chemical industry.

Then list the revenue ratio of Huaxia Petrochemical...

Huaxia Petrochemical has 100,000 employees, and last year it only had a profit of one billion yuan. On average, each employee earns 10,000 yuan a year, which is even worse than a township toy factory.

But CNOOC is different, with only 3,000 employees, mining, refining, sales, and after connecting with Tiancheng's mechanized construction and digital management, it can create a hundred times or even a thousand times the economic benefits of Huaxia Petrochemical.

Although this part of the income has to be compensated to Tiancheng together with the fuel oil supply and demand contract, in exchange for the fuel oil sector in the new energy supply station, but after five years, CNOOC's debts have been settled, and the future will be full of profits!

Coincidentally, the Olympic bid has entered the next stage, Huaxia is very hopeful to win 08, maybe CNOOC can also invest in a super stadium for Huaxia...

More importantly, this round of transactions did not cost Huaxia a penny, and also obtained a giant group that will soon surpass Huaxia Petrochemical.

If listed later...

The stamina is unimaginable!

And today, Ge Xiaotian came here to sign the last few contracts.


When entering the meeting room, a news that shocked the whole of China was broadcast on the news next to it.

"At 8:55 this morning, the EP-type reconnaissance plane of the North American Sea Department went deep into the southern waters of our country. The pilot Wang of the Air Ministry of my country was ordered to issue a warning...The North American reconnaissance plane suddenly turned and crashed into the J-type fighter of the Air Department of our country..."

"During this collision, the North American EP-type reconnaissance plane made an emergency landing at the special airport of the Ministry of the Sea of ​​my country..."


Huaxia in April is full of anger.

This is North America's second provocation against China since the bombing of the Southern Alliance envoys and consulates the year before last.

And North America's awarding of honors to the crew that caused the accident aroused protests from people all over China.

At the same time, the hacker war of 1999 was staged again...

This is an uncontrolled battle.

Ge Xiaotian, on the other hand, is holding the positioning wristband that Tiancheng employees must wear in offshore construction, standing on the balcony of CNOOC Building, and looking at the vast starry sky.

Those bright and deep eyes seemed to penetrate time and space.

"Remember the martyrs, don't forget the national humiliation, and pay tribute to the eternal 81192!"

"Huaxia, rise up!"

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